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Everything posted by ked239

  1. curious how many of the poz guys on here had noticable symptoms in the immediate period after they converted? how severe were they? and what was the lag period between the infection and the acute infection symptoms? have seen different information about it online, but it's obviously all generalised, be interesting to hear some first hand experiences
  2. meth would help you take anything, plenty of things larger than a fist as well probably lol nah, fisting can and often is done without chems, although it would probably be easier to take a fist first couple times with the help of a chem or two, but certainly not necessary, just patience and lube are required for a new comer to fisting
  3. Just like to defend the honour of the younger bottom gentlemen, I'm only 23, I'm always on time for a sesh, my ass will be spotlessly clean, will strip in the corridor if you're that eager to get going and absolutely LOVE laying on my back and getting drilled ruthlessly Of course there's plenty of younger guys who aren't like me, but there's also plenty of older guys who are much the same, think it's more a matter of experience, not age, as experience certainly isn't always the same as age
  4. that is pretty amazing, converting someone like a med student/doctor/nurse, who mainstream people would argue should "know better", seems to me to be like the pinacle of pozzing
  5. I'm gonna have to go with Jay and Alan, the 2nd and 3rd guys ever to fuck me. The first guy to fuck me fucked me raw as well, but he was the same age as me, Jay and Alan were both about a decade older and for an impressionable 16 year old, that was a big deal. Also, shortly after them, I had a very temporary attempt at condoms, gave up very swiftly, don't know if I would have though had it not been for those two guys. I lost contact with Jay, Alan I see around and about online now and again and we keep meaning to arrange another meet (7 years after the last one), but never quite seems to happen so far unfortunately.
  6. i guess it depends what the symbol is suppose to represent kodiakCub, if the neg barebacker symbol is saying i'm a barebacker who's currently neg and want to get converted, then i guess that would work (would have to be based on a partial biohaz symbol i would guess - upgrade it to full biohaz once poz) however, if it's saying i'm neg, i'm a barebacker, but i serosort and don't want to convert, then i don't think it would work - it's like attaching a neon sign to your head for every stealther to gravitate to you, cos they know you'll take it raw already
  7. I have to say I'm pretty militant when it comes to this, if they won't even consider the idea of bareback when talking online, I won't consider meeting them. My main aim for a meet is getting fucked raw, I feel cheated if it doesn't include that and not prepared to risk wasting my time on a guy who talks the talk. There was one guy that will always stand out to me as a little surreal. Early morning meet up before university lectures. He came over to my halls, fucked me bareback (had convinced him online to go for it), then after he'd shot his load in me and was getting dressed, he started to lecture me on the dangers of bareback and all that, needless to say I told him to get the fuck out of my halls lol
  8. I think it would be very tough for sure, the south of Britain, around where I live, is very densely populated, although most of the individual places themselves are rather small, sometimes means you have to travel an hour for a decent fuck, but at least the ability to do it is there. Agree with thomas12, I lived in Manchester (2.7million) for 2 years and spend a lot of time in London (8.2million) and I know I'm a big city guy and am definitely aiming to return to a big city soon, preferably London
  9. Also, I guess I also have the fortune of living in a country where I don't need to be concerned about medical insurance, I know the state will pay for my treatment when it becomes necessary. It's definitely the right attitude to assume everyone's positive, I tend to ask, partly because I find taking poz cum hot - it's a win win situation, if he's neg, I can say so am I, let's bareback and if he's poz, I can say I'm neg but totally fine with taking poz loads, let's bareback hehe
  10. It's true that I can't be as honest with my friends as I'd like to be, glossing over some details, but that doesn't necessarily mean you can't talk about it to anyone. I've just got home from an all night session with a poz couple in an open relationship. I gotta say, seeing the connection they have, but also their recognition that sex is only a part of a relationship and that sex with a friend or a stranger is very different to sex with a partner was terribly refreshing and filled me with a lot of confidence, realising that there are plenty of people out there with the same attitudes as me. As it was an all nighter, there was obviously down time and we got to chatting a lot during those breaks, and we talked about different sexual meets, some recent, some distant memories and that is worth remembering, a good meet (when it's not just a fuck and go) includes a bit of a chat, bout the usual stuff and about sexual stuff as well, at least that's my opinion, I enjoy those meets a lot more than meets that are solely focused on sex for the entire 12 hours or something.
  11. it sounds like a cool idea, but I guess I'm a bit of a traditionalist and if I were gonna get a biohaz tattoo, I would get the standard COSHH symbol done
  12. It's a tricky balance, there's living your life and destroying your life, I often wonder whether I'm sometimes going too far too fast, I'm only 23 after all, and I recognise that compared to other gay guys my age, I tend to leave them way behind sexually, not all, some are worse than me, but not many lol. It certainly is refreshing how honest and candid people are on this site, especially you guys who admit to being unsure about it all, as I feel if I had been in your position, I may unnecessarily feel the need to put forward a front. At the same time, I'm very proud of the sexual experiences I've had, I talk honestly about it with my mates (although I do tend to omit the bb part - don't really want to encourage unnecessarily criticism after all) and most are actually jealous that I am confident enough to sleep with who I want, when I want and bugger the consequences. I enjoy my life, I love my life. When that inevitable positive result comes back, I honestly cannot say how I will react to it, but I know that 20/30 years down the line, I can look at my teenage years and 20s and say, yes, I lived then, I did what I want, when I want. We only get one life, you may as well live it to the maximum. I remember a friend of mine quoting Hunter S. Thompson "Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaminign "Wow! What a ride!"" and frankly, I couldn't agree with that more
  13. I tend to find I have more in common with guys a bit older than me, although I rarely go for guys older than mid-40s, being 23 myself, I do just find that a little uncomfortably close to my dad's age, unless of course they're a fit 40-odd year old, then I'm totally down with it. Sexual experience does not link up with age at all in my experience, I've been with about 100 guys now, and many guys substantially older than me haven't been with even a quarter of that. I do find guys in their 30s/40s tend to be much more respectful and actually good for a bit of a chat, rather than just a fuck n go, which is personally not massively my style. I mostly go for a half-way house though of the late 20s/early 30s myself, older enough (from my perspective) to give added maturity on the whole, but still young enough for me to have a lot in common with them
  14. I think in part it depends on the circumstances, you aren't going to immediately judge the attractiveness of a guy in a club based on his cock size However, I think a great arse will grab more attention from all guys, in part because a great arse is likely to be attached to a great body
  15. lol, that's actually quite brilliant and so definitely true
  16. To be honest, I tend to find people being not "gay-friendly" a thing of the past, or at the minimum that everyone is accepting of it, even if they'd rather ignore it, but then I'm in the UK and I'm sure things vary from country to country Fag hag to me tends to mean women who are more often than not a gay man's friend not because of his personality but because he's gay, so oddly enough I tend to avoid those sorta women
  17. it's happened in the past now, i usually avoid it now by saying something like you into bb or condoms? never use the word safe though, think that implies i prefer it "safe", if a guy replies condoms only, i say fair enough, then get a little cold until they lose interest, doesn't take long, and i've avoided those irritating preachers, who i can't help but get into an argument with - refuse to let myself lose an argument ever, so the preaching can go on a very long time if i don't avoid it from the outset
  18. well, i'm currently still negative (how long that will last is anyone's guess lol), currently single, i have had bfs in the past, they've always been negative as well, although i think that's more coincidence than anything else or possibly because most of the poz guys i've met are only interested in my arse
  19. If I *had* to choose, I guess I would probably go for face normally as well, but in practical purposes, it's a happy medium on the whole, I wouldn't go for a guy who's facial features were good, but he's really very large, just as I wouldn't go for a muscle mary with a face that looks like it's gone through a meat grinder!
  20. Well, after that first time, I did go a while before taking my next knowingly poz load, the big thing that relaxed me about the whole thing was when I got a negative result 3 months after, also researching what a positive result would mean for me, chatting to positive guys about their experiences of it. that would be my other big bit of advice - you can never have too much information, the more you know about what it's like to live with hiv, the more clearly you can decide whether the better sex is worth it, I came down on the "yes, it's worth it" side of the fence, but I'm sure other people given the same information would decide to carry on playing it safe. The worst position to be in, in my opinion, is those people who bareback only when drunk or on chems or are in self-denial thinking they can make sure they only bareback with negative guys, cos they will probably end up positive eventually and wouldn't have emotionally or intellectually prepared themselves for that positive result.
  21. a new step sexually is always a big deal, I remember the first time I took a poz load knowingly, getting the train to his place was absolutely terrifying and i almost got out and turned back at every stop before his, but he was a really nice guy, we had a lot of fun (I possibly drank a little too much to ease the nerves lol) and we've met up a couple times since then. My next "big deal" is taking a detectable load knowingly, I've had the opportunities and wimped out of it before, however on Friday will meet a guy (hopefully) and that'll be my first detectable load. Sexual stuff, and I guess life in general, is about taking as many little steps as possible, to avoid the uncomfortable, lurching big steps. There is a world of difference between something being a fantasy that'll stay a fantasy and a fantasy you want to do, whether taking poz cum is a fantasy you want to do is something only you can answer, but if it is something you want to do, go for it with your mate, he's perfect for it as it would probably be a much less scary step than with a random guy
  22. hmmmm took my first cock when i was 15, absolutely killed me, took a few here and there over the next few years, got easier with time, but still tended to hurt every time, wasn't really until i went to university at 18 that i really got into the flow, never really felt the need to use toys personally, my hole got trained on raw cocks and only raw cocks
  23. Certainly couldn't say for certain, syph is native to the the americas so a partial reason could always simply be geographic isolation, a much lower number of europeans sleep with americans than americans sleep with americans every year (obviously), so the disease stays relatively focused in the americas It seems very possible that rigorous screening in the UK also reduced cases to a background level by the 1990s (less than 300 cases a year nationwide), but since then there has apparently been a bit of an outbreak which started in 1997 and spread to London by 2001, but still low numbers, i.e. 1900 cases in London between 2001 and 2004 in a city of 8.2 million Found the data here: http://www.eurosurveillance.org/ViewArticle.aspx?ArticleId=497
  24. It's at times like these I'm glad I'm in the UK, where there's hardly any syph at all, our big thing is chlamydia (1 in 8 sexually active 16-25 year olds apparently have it at any one time), which I can't say particularly concerns me - get tested every 3 months (ish) and usually come back negative for everything, few times I've returned with something, they've been simple, low difficulty to treat STIs
  25. That's all pretty solid advice as far as I can see, only things I would add are that doctors wouldn't just be unlikely to refuse treatment, they're unable to refuse treatment, so you don't have to worry about that and all STI treatment is free in the UK, from a simple case of chlamydia right up to HIV. Also, the 10 years estimate is what is usually given as an example of the average life expectancy of someone who receives no treatment at all for HIV, as said above, life expectancy with treatment is near to normal, although there are other factors such as your response to the virus, how healthy you are generally, how resistant your strain is etc etc But whether you should bb or not is something only you can decide, there certainly are risks, but you also gain a lot in sexual pleasure, so it's whether you want to take the risk. If you're not sure, then sticking to condoms at least till you're clearer in your mind is probably a good call
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