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  1. Checking in to say I had the surgery about 10 days ago. First week was really tough - a combination of working out what pain meds worked (one gave me a killer headache) and an unfortunate sneeze causing a lot of bleeding and probably set me back. My right buttock is still sore when I stand around, but I'm feeling generally pretty good at this point - probably ready to get running again in a day or two. Not sure when I'll start getting fucked, but it's starting to feel like the light at the end of the tunnel may be in sight. Whether it's actually let the fissure totally heal is up in the air - I don't feel anything, but it could certainly be because I've been distracted by the other problems in the area. Looking forward to seeing how well it works - I'm feeling hopeful, which is quite novel after all this time. Now that I'm feeling a bit better I'm horny as hell and can't wait to start getting bred again.
  2. Thanks for the replies, guys. Frustratingly, it seems that in the last couple weeks the fissure has been joined by a hemorrhoid. Got an appointment with the doc to ask for surgery and will probably ask him to take care of both in one go - will report in after. I'm not getting five-a-day, but I do try to get at lest a few servings of fruits and veg, whole grains etc throughout the day. Also take Metamucil when I get up and before going to bed. If I had to report on the impact of my diet, I'd say that it's less painful when my diet is better, but I'm not seeing any indication that it's going to lead to the fissure healing permanently.
  3. Where's the best sauna for old men in London? I tried Portsea a couple of times but very few old guys there and none of them wanted to fuck raw.
  4. New poster, longtime lurker. There's a lot of very experienced bottoms here, so it seems like a promising source of advice. I've always had one spot on my ass that would occasionally hurt for a couple days after sex. In the beginning it was very rare (it happened the first time I ever got penetrated, and once or twice otherwise), but a few years ago it started to become more common until every time I bottomed, I regretted it for a couple of days. Around this same problem, I had some digestive problems, which resulted in a lot of extra pain and bleeding (the bleeding was brand new and distressing!). During this period my doctor diagnosed me with a fissure and did a few botox injections in the area, to little benefit. Now it seems we're at the point where surgery is the next step. It has a small risk of long term complications, so I'm a bit nervous about taking that risk as I've started to lose hope that I'll ever be in bottoming shape again. Has anyone ever gone through a similar ordeal, and how did it turn out? What was recovery like - how long did it take, did you have to do any self-stretching, etc? I'm so frustrated that I'm now on prep, and can't go all in on taking it raw.
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