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Everything posted by Monorchid

  1. Just thought I'd say... That's all
  2. Just got in from my local cruise club. It was underwear night. There was a really hot half-asian guy - salt and pepper hair, jockstrap, nice bulge. We skirted round each other a bit until I watched him fucking a blonde twink and figured he was done. I sat watching the porn for a while, looking for any cock swallow. Then he was standing at the end of the sofa. He turned towards me and I licked my lips. He was obviously hard in his jock and I slid off the sofa to kneel. He stepped forward and pressed his bulge into my face. His musk and the scent of the arse he just fucked got me high. As I rubbed my face and head over him he pulled his cock out and slapped it on my forehead. I licked and sucked over his balls and up his shaft to take him in my mouth. I tasted cock and lube and arse and swallowed him as deep as I could. He grew to about 6.5" in my mouth and as he sat down I pushed further on to him to choke on his length. I sucked and swallowed and choked on him for maybe 20 minutes. He was getting harder in my throat. I wanted to make him cum. He stroked my head, "You're going to get it." All I could do with his cock in my throat was moan my assent. I pumped my throat over him, licking the head when I pulled off before driving back on him. He started rocking into my throat and I drove down as hard as I could. Squeezing his head in my throat as I stared, pleading, into his eyes. And he came. He bucked up deeper into my throat then pulled away, but I pushed back down. His spunk was coming out my nose by the time he stopped bucking into my throat. I nursed him until he pushed me away. I can still smell him on me.
  3. My partner and I are very much into vintage underwear. Not only as a sexual kink, but for daily wear, too. I'm talking 1950s longjohns and undershirts, proper Y-fronts, and the likes. We are both fairly turned off by tight underwear of any kind. What are your thoughts and feelings about underwear?
  4. Bravo! Encore! 😜
  5. My first porn was a book - I don't remember the title, but the title and cover made it seem like a few friends going camping by the river with some sex thrown in... Well, there were four guys on a camping trip by a river, but the sex was definitely the main thing and more graphic than I'd been expecting as a mid-teenager - three tops and one bottom, with plenty of watersports thrown in. Back in the 1980s, gay video porn was simply not available to me, so it was all books... I eventually graduated to The Brig, so you can imagine where my fantasies (fulfilled and unfulfilled) go...
  6. Two votes... We need to hear about The Darkness to give balance to your world. Apex has already been softened by having the Angel Strain, but he can still be 'evil'. He can even fall in love - there is no guarantee love is going to be a Good Thing, after all...
  7. There are occasional nights in clubs here in London where you can wear a wrist band like that, but it's often voluntary rather than compulsory.
  8. @PozTalkAuthor you are spot on there.
  9. I think they really don't know themselves, they just see some undefined threat to their perceived superiority. It's the current incarnation of I'm Alright Jack. Quite how having feelings for my common man is something to be denigrated is beyond me.
  10. Indeed, the British Broadcasting Corporation transmits radio. Maybe some big black cocks work there but that's beside the point. "White Liberals" didn't know what the term meant when white right wing extremists thew it at us as an insult (isn't that the whole point of Viking's question?) We have had to learn, and it's been a hard lesson at times. Flippant sexualising of a serious discussion simply makes it harder. Or should I say 'more difficult ' in case 'harder' brings out more innuendo? 🤔 (MODERATORS: I hope you take the humour in my response.)
  11. I do like a man who can learn and improve himself.
  12. I think it's referring to the book's author, not you...
  13. If you can access it, there is a very good BBC Radio 4 short series about the origins and development of the word and the ideas it's associated with. [think before following links] https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/brand/m001jc1l?partner=uk.co.bbc&origin=share-mobile In general, to my mind, being woke is being aware of the fundamental injustice faced by too many people. It is used pejoratively in much the same way as Political Correctness (gone mad) was in the 1990s - a shorthand to dismiss any idea which challenges someone (who doesn't want to) to have even a base level of compassion for anyone who they see as Other or somehow lesser.
  14. Great writing - would love to take you in my cheating arse
  15. Bring him along to the naked night at The Lord Clyde in Deptford, I'll breed him, and he can breed me too if he's allowed...
  16. Oh, I want it to hurt - either as top or bottom. My partner has 7 inches, fully tattooed with a large (sometimes double) PA. The times he takes me fast and dry are always the best, even if I'm wrecked for a week after.
  17. Would be best straight from the source 😜
  18. Once he’d composed himself, I excused myself to grab some snacks and more beers. When I came back, he was sat leafing through a ‘male art photography’ book. He slammed it closed as soon as he saw me, “Err… Sorry, John…” “No need to be sorry. Look at anything you want,” I said, putting the tray of snacks and cans on the side table. I sat next to him, “Did you like the pictures in that book?” “Well… They’re good pictures… But, erm… Do men really do those things?” I knew exactly what he was asking – the images in the book went rapidly from nudes, to shots of oral, anal and rimming – but gave him a hammy confused look. “Like… Do you let men put their wi… cock in your mouth? Do they lick your bottom?” His cock twitched a little with each thought and his eyes betrayed him. I gave him my best matter-of-fact look, “Well, yes, Dan. I suck cock, fuck and rim arse, and vice versa.” He stared at me in what seemed like awed disbelief, unconsciously licking his lips and fingering his shaft. “Does it upset you, me talking like that?” He shook his head a little bashfully, mumbling some kind of catechism under his breath. “Look, you can get dressed and go home whenever you like. I won’t be offended.” “Oh, no, Mr… John. I just don’t know how to talk about this.” His eyes kept flicking down to my hard-on, which was now glistening with precum, but nowhere near what he was producing. It was literally running down his shaft. “That’s OK. Let’s have some snacks and just chat.” And so we did. I steered the conversation to his college plans while we ate and he became more relaxed and talkative. After food, We started on our second beer and I lit another spliff. After he’d had a couple of tokes, he started to get a little agitated again, “Erm…” he seemed to choke on his words. “Just say whatever you want. You won’t shock me, and I won’t mock you for getting it wrong.” “It’s just…” I fixed his eyes with mine, reaching out to run the back of my hand over his chest and belly until gently gripping his shaft. “You can tell me to stop anytime.” He grunted his assent. I released his cock to start stroking his thighs and tickling his balls. I knew I had to take it easy or he’d blow his load in moments and who knows how he’d react to that if I hadn’t got him relaxed again. I moved in closer to whisper, “I’m glad you aren’t wearing body spray. Men smell much better when they’re natural.” Then I kissed his neck, down to his shoulder and across his chest, flicking my tongue over his nipples. Each touch elicited a light moan, and I could feel him relaxing with each new sensation. By now, he was lying back on the beanbag and I gently lifted his left arm, taking a deep hit of him before kissing then licking his pit. “Oohhh!…” His cock pulsed against my belly and his head fell back. I lapped at his sweat, covering my face in his scent, until I felt his hand on the back of my head. He inexpertly guided me across to his other pit, and I made sure to graze my chin stubble across his nipples on the way. After a few minutes savouring him, I pulled away a little and moved in to kiss him. He tensed at first, not knowing what to do, but soon enough opened to me and we exchanged a deep kiss. Now he was relaxed in the zone he was a natural. I broke the kiss and looked deep into his eyes, “I’m going to suck your cock, now. OK?” His eyes widened and glinted. He just nodded. I kissed my way down his chest, over his belly to his leg and that wonderful crease between his thigh and ballsack. I lapped all around his thighs and balls, taking each into my mouth as I passed. Then licked up the length of his shaft until I could get my tongue into the lake of precum crowning over his foreskin. Then licking under the ʼskin, over the head, pushing his ʼskin back, and taking the knob in my mouth. I slowly took him further into my mouth, giving the full tongue treatment over his head and shaft, until I had him poking at my throat. Not wanting to spook him, I started pulling back, only to repeat the process, and again, and again… A little further each time. Is it wrong that hearing him mumble his catechism made me crave his cock even more? It wasn’t too long before I had my chin pressed hard against his balls, and I flexed my throat around him before pulling back to dive back down again. His muttering was getting more earnest – I took it as a sign he was going to cum – and he grabbed my head and yanked me off him. He was staring down at me looking worried, “You… You’ve got to stop… I… I’m… I think I’m going to pee.” The thought seemed to horrify him. I smiled at him, “You’re not going to pee, Dan. Don’t worry.” I went straight down on him again, his hands still on my head, and started long-sucking and tonguing his shaft while stroking his balls which had nearly disappeared back inside. It took maybe 20 seconds before, “AARRGGHH!” and he started shaking bodily, his hands falling from my head as the first spurt of cum splashed from his head between my lips to the back of my throat. The force of the jet made me cough, and his cock twitched so strongly he popped out of my mouth. The second spurt hit me square in the face. A third fountained into the air to splatter over both of us. His cock slapped his belly as the fourth laid a trail from his face to his navel. I lifted his cock, taking his fifth jet on my face before getting my mouth round him. Ready for the sixth pulse, I used it to lube him into my throat, taking jets seven and eight before pulling back to taste nine and ten before sitting up to look at him. He was still juddering, as if fitting, breathlessly reciting, and pumping cum onto his belly. There were four or five weaker spurts before his cock started slackening and the last of his load oozed from the tip. He was lying out, head back eyes close, mouth open. An almost angelic look of satisfaction on his face.
  19. Thanks for the support, guys - I'm at my partner's for a few days but there'll be an update soon, I promise...
  20. Cheers for the follow m8y 😁

  21. This will be a 'slow burn'... Stick with me here... “Hey, Mr. Smith!” I turned from loading my van to see Dan, the neighbour lad from 2 doors down. He’d evidently been working out in their garage and was now shirtless in the garden, showing off his defined torso. Dan is recently turned 18, and although I know his parents well enough their strongly religious lifestyle inevitably led to a cordial distance between us. I’d noticed over the past year or so, and especially since his birthday party earlier this month, Dan increasingly showing off his developing body. Last summer he’d exercised in the garden wearing only shorts, and now it was spring he was doing his warm-up and cool-down outside similarly dressed. It was impossible not to notice – the fences are low and my home office has a view of all the close-by gardens. I have to admit, I’d watched a few times last summer, even though he was definitely Forbidden Fruit. He’s about 5’9” and rapidly losing his puppy-fat to muscle. His short, curly strawberry-blond hair and ice-blue eyes gave away his parent’s Nordic origins. “Hi, Dan! You’ve been working out again, I see.” “Yeah, gotta keep it up if I’m going to get on the gym team at college.” “Well, looks like you’re doing well.” As much as I wanted to leap the fences and ravish this innocent beauty, I needed to get on before the dump closed. “Good luck with getting on the team.” I turned back to my task at hand, but a few moments later Dan appeared at the back gate, “Do you need a hand with that?” Thankfully, he’d put a t-shirt on. “Erm… Won’t your parents be worried?” It was a gambit – he and his younger brother and sister were cosseted by their parents, especially the mother, and I genuinely worried about their reaction to him talking to me like this. Across two garden fences is one thing, but face to face…? “They’ve taken Tom and Sarah to our grandparents’.” He picked up a box and loaded in into the van where I was stood. I stowed it, and we finished the job in double time. Dan was looking a bit edgy on the way back from the dump. The atmosphere in the cab, filled with sweat and musk, was a getting tensely electric. “Erm… Mr Smith…” “I think you can call me ‘John’ now. Or do you want me to call you ‘Mr. Olsen’?” I looked at him and raised my brows. “OK… John… Can I ask you something?” “Anything… But I might not answer.” I winked at him and he smiled. “Your tattoos… Didn’t they hurt?” Maybe I should explain – I’m heavily inked. In fact, the only part of me not tattooed is my face. “Not really. And anyway, it only lasts a few hours at a time.” “Oh… How many do you have?” “Well,” we’d got back at my garden and I hopped out to open the gates, “that depends how you count them, I suppose. I’d say one, but it wasn’t all done at the same time.” He took a while to think that through while I parked up in the garden. “Can I have a closer look?” “Well, I suppose so. Do you want to come in for a drink? To say ‘thanks’ for your help.” We headed in and I grabbed some cans of coke before leading him to the den. “There’s just one thing…” I regretted saying that immediately, “but I suppose we can overlook that… Make yourself at home.” He flopped onto the large, leather covered bean bag and hauled his t-shirt off. I say across from him on the low sofa and started hauling my boots off. “What thing?” he asked. “Well, usually this is a naked house.” He looked at me quizzically, so I elaborated, “Most of the time, I don’t wear any clothes at home.” “Oh, that’s cool.” He proceeded to kick off his running shoes and strip the tight shorts off. I hesitated, but stripped myself – after all, he wanted to see ALL my tattoos. I couldn’t help but notice when his semi-hard cock bobbed out of his shorts. He had a well proportioned, uncut piece – it would probably rival my own uncut, fat 8-1/2”-er. After a few moments, we were sat again facing each other, only a few feet apart. He was trying (without much success) to hide his manhood. I pulled a joint out of a box on the side table, then thought, “You don’t mind?” I wiggled to spliff. “It’s your house, Mr. Smith.” “So it it, Mr. Olsen.” I gave him a pouty smile and lit the smoke. “Sorry… John. Er… So how long did all those take?” He was staring, wide eyed, but having difficulty avoiding my cock which was, unsurprisingly, slowly waking up. “From the start? Twenty years. But since I decided to get fully covered… I’ve been going every few weeks for the last year and a half. There’s some details left to fill in but I’m almost finished.” “Wow… Can… Can I feel one?” “Of course.” He was clearly conflicted, but the twitch in his cock when he asked, and again when I agreed gave him away. When he didn’t move, I moved forward and knelt in front of him, taking his hand (the one not trying to cover his growing erection) and moving it to my chest. He pulled away briefly when he made contact, then raised his hand again and traced over some the lines. “I thought they’d be like… I dunno… Scars…?” he stroked more of my chest until his hand was flat against my skin. “Well, I’ve got a couple like that, but it’s a different technique. They cut the design into your skin and rub the pigment in. That DOES hurt. But mostly it’s needles which don’t really hurt at all.” I turned to show him the two welted designs on my shoulder blades, and he ran his fingers over them. Both hands, this time. When I turned back to him, he carried on feeling my chest and arms with both hands and I could clearly see his almost fully hard cock standing proud. There was a glistening pool of precum in the well made by his foreskin. For my part, I was losing the fight with my own hard-on as his hands traced the tattoos down my belly. “Shit! You’ve got tattoos on your willy… And what’s that…?” he was staring at the metal ball visible where my foreskin opened. I was wearing my PA-keeper – a short curved bar with a ball just on the slit and one still hidden by my foreskin where the piercing came out next to my frenum. “It’s a piercing called a Prince Albert.” You can touch it, if you want. He stared for a while before slowly reaching with an index finger. My cock twitched when he finally touched the metal and he flinched away, sitting back hard on the beanbag. I thought for a moment, then said, “Can I touch you?” He looked at me askance so I continued, “You’ve been feeling my chest… Do you mind if I feel yours? You’ve been working so hard on your muscle definition.” That definitely seemed to shift his thoughts and he relaxed, smiling and nodding at me. I reached out with one hand and stroked his developing pectorals and abdominals, ignoring the fact his cock brushed on the back of my hand. “Keep your routine up and you’re going to have a great body.” I withdrew and sat back, but still on the floor in front of him. I reached behind and relit the joint from the ashtray, taking a deep draw and idly letting the exhaled smoke drift in his direction. “Mum would go through the roof if she knew I was here.” “Well, I’m not going to tell her. Look, anything you say or do here is just between us. I don’t judge, or tell people how to act. Be yourself, or who you want to be, I don’t care.” I drained my coke and dropped the spliff in the ashtray before heading to the kitchen. When I returned with two cans of beer, Dan was gingerly puffing on the smoke, coughing a little but not too much and as soon as he saw me, he threw it in the ashtray. I offered him the beer saying with a smile, “I won’t tell if you don’t.” We sat in silence while I finished the spliff and he sipped slowly at his beer. He’d either forgotten about his erection, or simply given up trying to hide. I never make an effort to hide mine, and he could hardly keep his eyes off it. “What is the tattoo on your willy?” I couldn’t help laughing, and he coloured almost beetroot. “Sorry… I haven’t heard it called a willy since I was a kid.” “Wha… What should I call it?” “Whatever you like. I say ‘cock’ or ‘dick’, or any number of other names. But why don’t you take a closer look and see what the design is for yourself…” The pool of precum overflowed his foreskin as he leant forward. The little bit of spliff and beer had clearly softened his inhibitions as he reached out and ran a finger along my shaft. “Are they tadpoles?” I grinned at that – there’s a stream of tattooed sperm flowing over my scrotum and up the length of my cock. “Well, not really. They’re sperm, but they look similar in a tattoo.” He had his fingers around my shaft so I figured I could touch him and reached down to scoop up the leaking precum. He didn’t seem to notice, he was fixated on my cock and its tattoos. He suddenly looked up at me, pinning my gaze with those eyes of his, “I… Errmm… I never touched another man’s willy… Uh... Cock… Before… I only touch mine to wee… But sometimes I wake up all wet…” He looked seriously worried and embarrassed and it seemed like he was crying when he dropped his head. I lifted his head and drew him close into a hug. He threw his arms around me and held tight, shaking as he sobbed into my shoulder. I just held him – he was having some kind of revelation, and I reckon I knew exactly what it was.
  22. Cheers for the follow 🐷

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