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Everything posted by imDanielle2

  1. Just read again for the second time.... Damn, sign me up! 😉
  2. Been gone for a little while and this is a HOT story to come back too... Thank you for sharing... Huggs
  3. Now that is a party that I would love to be part of... It covers several of the things I love and also still want to do... Thank you for sharing.
  4. It's always one step forward and then 10 steps back with these clowns.. I know it ruffles some feathers but until you experience not being able to get real health care for several years in a row and then have to walk away from a 120K a year job like I eventually had to do recently because of health reasons. With no help to remedy health issues for so long, you do not understand what BS like this does to people who are trying to make an honest living and get by like most everyone else... Discrimination and hate are a very real thing right now and it seems to get worse by the hour with no one even trying to fix anything!
  5. [think before following links] https://news.yahoo.com/trump-news-live-president-says-073130204.html
  6. Standing at the edge of the cliff, gazing thoughtlessly down into the septic tank of my soul... High heels and lip-stick, watching the snow-bunnies dance in my head while doing cocaine enemas. I beg the Whore-Goddess to reward me with a steady supply of powder and hard bare sex for dead presidents to spend on my best friend Tina and more silicone injections to please whoever i'm calling Daddy at the moment as he and his friends use all my holes and shoving crystals in all my holes... When the party is over I look down at my 36E tits, fishnets, and thigh high boots and try to remember how I got here and where it will end. Then, in a cold sweat, I jerk myself up off my bed and think... FUCK, what an awesome dream! Reach over and grab the glass pipe and put the torch flame to it and blow an amazing cloud signaling it is time for this slut to get my ass into my leather skirt and halter top and hit the bars to find tonight's party favors!
  7. I hope everyone is able to snuggle up with someone while all of this lockdown stuff is going on... Unfortunately, at the moment I am kinda un-attached so it is just me laying in bed watching Snowman oh hulu and letting Tina keep me company tonight... Bored and poking around a little "lurking" on things around here also... I am sure the toys will end up here with me pretty soon....Tina always does that to me If you haven't seen Snowman yet, its a series from F/X telling their version on the crack epidemic during the 80's and how it began .. I am just about done with series three and it is pretty good. Sucks is that is where it cuts off and will have to wait for series 4 later this year ... But after watching this .. I am wanting to be a snowbunny ... LOL
  8. So lucky.. Great story
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