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About SpectreAgent

  • Birthday 04/02/1962

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    Versatile Bottom

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  1. Yes. I’ve heard some horror stories. Being “knobbed and robbed” was quite common in Manchester. I guess I was lucky.
  2. Funnily enough, I never experienced theft. But I have to admit it was always a consideration.
  3. When I lived in Manchester and had my own place near the city centre, being able to host was better than having a 13” cock…
  4. It’s the bloody trains on a Sunday from here that’s usually the problem.
  5. I really must visit again soon.
  6. “Any hole’s a goal” is very common - at least in the UK.
  7. One of my best mates identifies as 100% straight. I once asked if he’d ever had sex with a guy and he answered “‘Course I have.” His look suggested I was mad for even asking.
  8. Those are very good points. I think sometimes guys don’t take these things into consideration when commenting on, or complaining about, an issue.
  9. Try to book one of the rooms with a sling. You pay extra, but… 😈
  10. The PA (Prince Albert) is really good.
  11. That sounds interesting. I should revisit. Glad it was a hit.
  12. We must have the same friend in common… 😜
  13. It’s a town in the north of England. Many find it vulgar, and common, with no class whatsoever and sleazy with a capital S. Personally, I love it for its sheer unashamed tawdriness. There’s nowhere quite like Blackpool. I think the hotel the OP stayed at was the notorious Trades, which has been a sex hotel for decades. I first stayed there in the 90s and that place was wild. The last time I stayed there, I felt it had definitely passed its peak, particularly as there’s now a much better hotel round the corner (the Prince Albert). Maybe it’s picked up again - I haven’t been there since the pandemic.
  14. Mention of the Basement Sauna brings back many depraved but happy memories…
  15. I’m not surprised. You are one hell of a fit guy.
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