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Everything posted by barebro

  1. "is bareback becoming standard?" alwayshasbeen.png
  2. I'm going to be visiting Alberta this weekend and wondering how is Goliath's bath house? I might go Saturday or Sunday, would love to hear reports from dudes who've been. I see there's one in Edmonton as well but their website definitely gives the impression that it is explicitly a bi place so probably won't go.
  3. They're just guys, ask if they wanna fuck. If you're into drugs you can get high with them and hang out.
  4. I love them both, and they can be great ways to be degraded in a dom/sub scene, but they can also both be part of mutual piggy play (pissing/spitting on each other, not just one way).
  5. I sometimes dab some of my own piss behind my ears if I'm going out, like it was my cologne. I don't think I'd buy a product like this as I can just make my own.
  6. Horny kinky chub visiting PDX need to know where the best cruising spots are for guy like me. Anyone here in PDX. WE COULD at least chat about what this city has
  7. They have a bathroom where you can attach a hose which you buy at front desk (cheap)
  8. Check this out: [think before following links] https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1987/08/24/is-there-safe-sex-in-the-80s/720a660d-00b6-470c-b773-66eba883ba2d It's an article from 1987 from when they didn't even know if kissing could spread HIV. It's great at giving a glimpse into what it was like back then, and I think it's a great read for those of us too young to really remember. Whether you're a chaser/gifter, on PrEP, or use condoms - this is a great way to get a sense of perspective.
  9. I have a strong socks & sneaker fetish but not a foot fetish, is that weird? I like my sox/sneaks rank!
  10. Hey man, how you been?

  11. fuck yes man! your gono pics are some of the hottest pics i ever seen!


    what's it like having it for 4 months? does it get easier to tolerate the burn and itch? does that sexy looking dick pus smell?  so is iit easy to give it away without them knowing?  also the video u posted was gone i really hope u post it again soon.  also maybe u could try wearring the same white boxerbriefs or jockstrap every day and see how nasty that crotch stain gets!


    anyway just wanted to say you're an inspiration!  someday i'll ooze gobs of disease from my dick 24/7

    1. michaelcross


      I'totally agree with you, This dude is by new obsession.lol

    2. funkmeup


      Itching and burn I like it when it sears as I cum and pump AIDS loads out - so I grin as it happens.

      I just embrace the putrid stains on underwear, and try to remember to refresh just before a fuck... I've had 3 guys notice the pus and freak / end it.  BUT there's been dozens that got it and had no idea.

      Happy gono + AIDS to them!

      Gono 26.07.17.JPG

    3. funkmeup


      @michaelcross You can stalk my bug body and cheerleader for my demise!!!! ;)

  12. Anyone? I'm considering national guard
  13. Fuck stud want ur highly toxic venom breeding me so bad! U get around? Might be in Chicago next month also maybe Seattle or maybe u can visit. No one seems able to convert me!

  14. Still desperate enough for hepc you'd fly out here? Do it pig! Will be worth it

  15. Fuck yah man admire your attitude and how sick you are (literally) would love to take your venom deep inside, wanna be as diseased as possible so i can spread too. Have hepc but somehow no HIV despite blood slams. Would love to let u try and kill me with bodily fluids!  May travel there this year, hopefully.  Really stoked to infect teens and yng, love forced and stealth. You are a role model to sick per vs like me!" Hope u get your syph dude, i want that bad too, all bugs reallyi

    1. LuciferSubFagPig


      Thanx, though see to run into all talk and no action a lot. Seems you don't have a BBrt profile with the profile name listed. Still have an account?

  16. Stoked that I am probably poz (and hepc poz) makes me feel so fucking badass being toxic can't wait for confirmation. LOOKING FOR ALL OTHER STDS TOO!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. arizona69


      The best confirmation is to fuck a neg and see if he infects.

    3. barebackboy23


      Hot! I'd love to take your hep c!

    4. luvitraw


      very hot man! I'd love to give you my syph and take all bugs

  17. hey stud where in montana are you? i'm in great falls area. love swapping loads and spreading bugs with other dirty bb guys - hmu!

  18. Do you like Less Than Jake? :)

  19. Where are the areas where they camp?
  20. hey stud you have any idea if youre poz yet? i think i probably got it in the past week or so and if not will get it in the next 2 weeks, for sure. so i will be shooting toxic wads pretty soon! its gonna be so hot to get to spread it next. how is your bugchasing going bro?

  21. hope to meet up with you when i'm in seattle here soon. id breed your ass and there's lots of kink and perv stuff i bet we would enjoy

    1. hot4ualways


      i'm so sorry i never saw your comment til now. ever coming back to seattle?

  22. Fuck you are a hot poz boy! That's great that you're spreading your toxic seed to yng neg boys

    1. gonolover


      I agree, I'd love to receive the Gift from you!

  23. you're in montana? i'm in butte

  24. dude hopefully i can make it out to denver sometime, would love to get bred full of your toxic jizz. or maybe you can make it to montana?

  25. fuck man i wanna swap loads with you and get all your bugs HOT

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