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Everything posted by Lily95

  1. If you were in sutherlin oregon id love to be bred by you
  2. It's up to my master to choose how im choked bit every way possible is how i love it
  3. I wish i could be trained and sold
  4. I would say never say no to any cocks. Yes ues yes. Let everyone breed me raw always
  5. Wish you were down south a bit more. Im southern Oregon
  6. Wish i could be too but hope you get what you want
  7. Only 6 for me been down bad
  8. if you were in oregon id be your fuckslut in an instant
  9. level 6 for sure no loads tuned away
  10. oh you can go waaaaaay lower for sure.
  11. i was 12 im almost 29 now so ive have a long time and it still messes with relationships
  12. yes i have been raped multiple times i have a hard time being in any relationship because of it
  13. i neef help someones hacking me from here and ruining my life

  14. sutherlin oregon 541-580-9348
  15. wish i could be like that too
  16. honestly it most likely is not you. you look great and i just think they just dont want to be the one to start up a conversation. i have had similar experiences but mine is when i try to meet they ghost me. i know im not good looking to most but i try
  17. i cant go into details but yeah my first time is why im a bare pig but if i told you why might make people feel nad for me. but still im glad i am who i am
  18. i just gag and choke before he pulls out then open my mouth to show him than swallow like milk
  19. it is very unlikely you will get hiv but there are some people with drug resistant hiv which can still infect you even if you are on prep. but for the most part that i have read most likely not. better to be safe than to risk though so I'd talk to a professional before doing anything risky
  20. lets just say like corpse husband sings choke me like you hate me
  21. is it weird i want to be like this?
  22. i believe the top gets choice how to fuck a bottoms throat.
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