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Everything posted by Lily95

  1. i neef help someones hacking me from here and ruining my life

  2. wish i could be like that too
  3. honestly it most likely is not you. you look great and i just think they just dont want to be the one to start up a conversation. i have had similar experiences but mine is when i try to meet they ghost me. i know im not good looking to most but i try
  4. i cant go into details but yeah my first time is why im a bare pig but if i told you why might make people feel nad for me. but still im glad i am who i am
  5. i just gag and choke before he pulls out then open my mouth to show him than swallow like milk
  6. it is very unlikely you will get hiv but there are some people with drug resistant hiv which can still infect you even if you are on prep. but for the most part that i have read most likely not. better to be safe than to risk though so I'd talk to a professional before doing anything risky
  7. lets just say like corpse husband sings choke me like you hate me
  8. is it weird i want to be like this?
  9. if you are a faggot id say nah not gay.
  10. i posted here awhile back about my experience and opening up about it helped me feel relief even though i didn't go into detail about my experience it let me push a weight off my back i was carrying for years. sometimes it helps to open up and sometimes it hurts. i still am me and my past made me who i am today. i wouldnt change the world and hopefully i can stay being me and love myself more. like o said in an older post o was raped at 12 never got help. i feared for my life i learned more about myself too. i found out i liked guys and i found out i wanted to be a girl. i even became a kind caring person and love to make people smile. i protect others from pain and torment like what i went through but im still mentally scarred from it. it will always be a part of me amd who i am. the only thing set in stone is the past. the future is still molded from today. this thread helped me understand myself more too. i hope that this may help others in the future and that everyone lives well
  11. you will find yours some day. i found mine out recently. im a feline with succubus wings
  12. my first experience i was very young and i was forced. so it did hurt because i wasnt ready nor did i want to do it. but once i was 18 i had sex and it didnt hurt i just felt super full and was breathing heavy.
  13. hopefully soon ill get to feel this way
  14. just so you know that's not true for all republicans. yes there are some but not all. just like there are some democrats who are that way too but not a lot. it isnt that those states hate lgbt people. there are a lot of people who are saying they are like us just because they think it is the new cool thing to be something even if they arent. i had some stuff happen to me with some people pretending they were gay then turning out they werent and just said they were to be "cool". it was upsetting and really hurt because i thought i could finally be myself and then they said no you're weird. so yeah some people are rude but not all are
  15. honestly as long as you save the messages and the fact he lied you will be fine. just got to be safe and save all encounters which is what i do so that i can prove my Innocence. i had a similar thing happen and he didnt block me on there so i took pictures of his conversation and sent it to grindr. the guy was actually 20 but lied to the police trying to get me arrested for something i didnt do and so i showed them the proof. hes facing criminal charges for what he did
  16. same thats why i ignore those ones. yeah grindr is a hot or miss app and can be very annoying and not worth it at times
  17. honestly sometimes i get nervous on grindr and so i tell the people i meet they got to make me go out with them to fuck me even if i dont show up they just need to go to my home and pick me up
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