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Everything posted by rock-cock-jock

  1. There's a topic called, "About Bi-Sexuality ... Are you?" in the straight/bi forums that provides some insight why they have gay sex. Some as you've said are interested in only the cock, not the guy it's attached to or any other reason
  2. Yes, quite a few times and quite a few successes. First off, before even considering popping the question, you need to do your research and understand his mindset. If you stalk his feed and find a comment or post suggesting he hates gays, that's a pretty clear signal dont go any further. Look for stuff that's overtly sexual and oriented toward casual sex, drugs, tats, maybe escapism or maybe a more deviant or more blue collar general feel imo. The approach obviously depends on the guy and how close friends you guys are. If just acquaintances, better to text and frame it properly. Something like, "Hey man. Sorry if this comes across as weird but I think you're fucking hot man! Listen, I know the deal but if you ever need a way to just get off on the dl, just hmu alright and we'll figure something out" That's it. That's all you need. You may get ghosted or avoided but it's basically a dice roll at that point. I prefer text because a lot of guys have a knee jerk reflex to just instantly say no before the question is even fully asked. Also, send the text late at night when he's alone. An in-person question takes more effort and depends on your dynamic. I suggest getting him drunk, keeping it casual and dont be weird.
  3. Yeah man I totally agree and I've thought about this as well. It depends on how you define 'spirituality'. Rather than any sort of mysticism, you could interpret it as a 'search for meaning' on a deep, personal level (as you mentioned, a sense of intrinsic worth). Since people can find meaning in all sorts of things, all sorts of things can be spiritual. Even for an atheist like me then, spirituality could be apparent as principles like: relying on only evidence and logic to discern what is 'true' and 'real' in my world or 'an understanding of self and perception through a deterministic lens'. yeah dude I've noticed this for some straight guys too. Cock fixation is definitely a thing
  4. @poztwinksrhot Yes, that's a very fair criticism and I can relate to your comment alot. Indeed, you're right, many gay guys myself included, would consider their overall past experiences with a church and the people there to be overwhelmingly positive and there would be great variation across experiences and impact and such depending on culture etc etc. But to be clear, these individual experiences are more of a micro level characteristic. My criticisms of religion are really how its design and influence have played out on a macro scale affecting so many people's choices and perspectives to such an extent that it shapes public perception and public policy based on its framework and not necessarily for the better but also to do shitty things like undermine the personhood of the entirety of the gay demographic. All I'm saying is given that religion has such a tremendous effect on a population's mentality, even if it may not be apparent on an individual level, why isn't it at least regulated or controlled to some extent? The national curriculum of Canada undergoes many rounds or review and rewriting and updating based on constantly updating research with the students' best interest in mind. If you can consider it to be a similar enough concept of shaping how a population thinks, then the same level of assiduousness should have been applied to all learning outcomes from the church , including all the more dangerous, nonsensical ones, like maybe the one demonizing homosexuality.But also others, like maybe all the divisive mechanisms such as the bizarre 'us (people of god)vs them' (sinners of god) dynamic used in the crusades and other religious wars that made it easier to hate other ppl. Or maybe just stop undermining established scientific paradigms like evolution without any evidenciary basis. Ok, am not gonna rant about this anymore. It doesn't even have much to do with the straight guy fetish topic at all.
  5. No worries, I was just casually curious. We can drop the topic
  6. So, I kinda have a suspicion as of late that google, and maybe other search engines, have kinda recently been working behind the scenes to make a stricter quality filter when searching porn vids or trying to view content on the more edgier side of the spectrum. Has anyone else noticed this? and is there something that can be done to stop this filter? Aside from the 'explicit results filter' which has a clear toggle in settings, there's nothing related to any of the quality content filters mentioned here: [think before following links] https://transparencyreport.google.com/?hl=en ok, so first off, im not searching for anything illegal - what I'm kinda into searching is: s atanic h ypno s piral bate goon type vids/comps (I'm not s atanic or anything - I actually dont believe in any sort of deity, but the comps are hot and jerk-worthy.) Searching has def seemed more prohibiitive and I've noticed more and more of these vids have progressively been deleted. Am I imagining things? Should I just give up and settle for tamer porn?
  7. So yeah, this is gonna be a strong religion rant. I believe wholeheartedly that religion is overwhelmingly the greatest cause of mental trauma, inclusive of all its related negative effects, in the gay community, and possibly some in the straight spectrum as well ever. Taking just Christianity alone, the long term macro effects of fucking up young gay kids' minds are easily visible and predictable just looking at the direct cause and effect on a psychological level. Basically, the general approach most places use for religion has been to just thoughtlessly accept and encourage whole-heartedly the large scale spread of a flawed, completely non evidence-based framework that implements multiple cult-related psychological tools to do several incredibly impactful things in the way people view themselves and society, namely 1) dictate correct accepted behaviors and values for living life 2) significantly influencing an entire society's moral compass 3) creates a system of rules in the way an individual attributes purpose and meaning to their lives (using completely bogus concepts such as the soul and heaven and hell). And tbh if things just stopped there and at a limited degree, religion could be useful for keeping society somewhat orderly, though at the cost of deeply undermining all the individuals' understanding of reality and also undermining their rational thinking with shitty concepts like faith. But no, here's the rub, after dictating such a foundational and integrative basis of viewing the world in each young Christian kid, it then tosses in targeted attacks at the gay community: With the concept of 'sin' it directly tries to shift the perceived cause of homosexuality from what is really a biologically derived heritable trait (or rather a series of quantitative traits to be exact; with limited environmental modifiers) to a sanctionable social behavior that makes the individual the culprit of a condemnable set of behaviours of which he had no choice (because gayness is an inherited biological trait) and in additionfor further spite also saw fit to attach a range of descriptors such as "impure" "ungodly" "unnatural" that poisons the individuals' self identity. If you are a Christian kid brainwashed to believe that religion is the most important thing and must follow its rules and that then discovers he is gay, I feel like you don't need to be a rocket scientist to foresee the road of shame, lowered self worth, depression, dissociation from reality ergo substantial mental trauma. There's a bias that people assume that just because Christianity, and religions in general, are based on morally good values like truth, charity, righteousness etc that the entirety of its effects on a society must also be 'good', and it's sacredly protected from criticism but that's ridiculous. Religion has always been used as a social control tool and the fact that we're still allowing it without any regulation to brainwash significant portions of a population to a completely warped view of reality using several arbitrary guidelines that have not been empirically tested as well as a framework riddled with concepts not based in reality is quite frankly the greatest injustice that we have done and perpetuated for ages to a population's mental health. Honestly, if I had a kid that I suspected may be gay I'd keep him far away from religion. Poisoning a person's view of himself and how he can fit into the world around him may not be something he's even aware of at the time but you don't need to think hard to realize that it can compromise a huge chunk of the rest of his life Fuck religion. Humanity is honestly better off without it, especially if you're gay fyi [think before following links] https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Cassady-Pitt/publication/327043826_Shaping_Attitudes_About_Homosexuality_The_Role_of_Religion_and_Cultural_Context/links/5b74d65592851ca65063c61a/Shaping-Attitudes-About-Homosexuality-The-Role-of-Religion-and-Cultural-Context.pdf
  8. Nope, straight guys dont know the first thing about douching and university ones have the shittiest diets (pun intended). But even if mud is inevitable, it's still fucking hot. Love love love straight man ass. I'll eat it out all day every day no hesitation. But then again, I'm a pig and not really huge stickler for requiring my bottoms to douche. Bred my Alberta farmboy fuckbud twice Saturday night and once Sunday morning completely natural. Was awesome, minimal mess and the spontaneity of it was awesome
  9. haha, the devil is in the details man! 😈 It's not about the label or his mentality or where he's positioned exactly on a fluid sexuality scale, speaking strictly on what turns me on, it's simply the act. All those 'straight behaviors' that he's picked up subconsciously ( the look, the walk, the speech, the clothes, etc) those are all purely sufficient to satisfy my fetish. He could very well be gay or a ftm or whatever but as long as he can act out all the right cues legit enough, it's enough to trigger my fetish button. As least for me it is. It's honestly the same thing for any other fetish - eg gerontophilia: based on elderly phenotypes; uniform fetish: purely a clothing related cue; poz chasing: a bit trickier but maybe the biohazard/scorpion tattoo is a cue that plays into the intensity of the fantasy? maybe? So yeah, my point is that it doesn't need to be objectively based in reality, it's just simply perceiving the right cues that triggers a fetish if that makes sense.
  10. Are you still attracted to the same type of guy or has your type changed? If not a particular physical feature, is there anything else that you tend to go for? Has your minimum threshold for agreeing to fuck a guy changed? What do you think is the main force behind your current standards?
  11. Man, that's such a hot concept. I think rather than it being 'purpose' as an attractive factor, it's more like a perceived placement on a male social hierarchy (hierarchy of value as you said). Strangely though, even though I understand the concept of taking a successful man's seed, for me after reflecting on it, maybe it's because I'm wired differently, but generally I actually am more turned on by the reverse. I think I get off more typically speaking on the 'dominating' sensation of topping and breeding a 'successful' straight guy, or even just arranging things into a sexual situation of my design, the more 'alpha' and straightlaced and closeted he is, the more it turns me on. In trying to psychoanalyze myself to understand where this comes from, maybe it is a perceived hierarchy thing. Although I'm doing alright for myself casual sex-wise, I think assessing myself objectively, I'm probably a 5 or 6 out of 10 on an attractiveness scale - not hideous or hot really, but passably fuckable with bonus points based on context and personality. I'm also not at all submissive personality-wise and my liking for bottoming is not linked to an inner craving for that dom-sub dynamic that I think many if not most bottoms tap into. The way I see it is that there are two worlds - the normal everyday world based on the conscious mind (including things like ranking people based on attractiveness, success etc and treating them as such) and then there's the deeper darker world of sex based on our more primal urges (that's more raw and organic and can completely disrupt the rules of the conscious world). So, whether it's because 'successful straight dude' is drunk or high or has low self esteem or is inexperienced or whatever, I def get off on this mental aspect of having him submit - especially if he's face down ass up taking my cock and I don't need to give a shit what kind of facial expression I have on atm. I'm not even one of those guys that go extreme with the humiliation/bullying/cruelty aspect (maybe I'm too Canadian) but there's definitely a connection between social status and how a certain dynamic plays out in some sex scenarios. I think @Phallarchist your model is probably more pure to the straight guy fetish, but I think that, such as with me, there's an element of control here and there's something about 'fucking up the hierarchy' that's a legit turn on that's also part of the fetish. That's why I think @Dubconforlife is really talented at this niche. Aside from just good writing skills, he really gets the power dynamic right (though dialed up for the sake of hot erotica pacing) as well as the appeal of 'fucking up the hierarchy'. If you haven't already, go check out his stories. Having said all that, although @Phallarchist your model is hot, I wouldn't internalize it and I'd probably just try it out as roleplay occasionally and then drop it once the sex is done. I feel like internalizing something like that is a recipe for an inferiority complex which, given that I'm always stressed out and chronically anxious, is the last thing I wanna deal with in my normal life
  12. Oh, didn't realize it was a thing. That's awesome, thanks man. Oh never suffered from acne have you? 🙄 must be nice. Dunno, maybe find a friend who does and just pay him? It was cheap, like under 10 bucks for a 3 month supply
  13. You're smoking hot man!! 😈

  14. @TwinkChaserSlut yeah, I love his content. As an anon porn connoisseur, he is my favorite. Everything from that perfect camera angle, great video quality, raw sex sounds and just the fuck ton of cum everywhere, it's so well done. If I ever did a uk trip, that would be my perfect vacation! Fuck all the tourist destinations, I'll do all my 'sight-seeing' ass up face down blindfolded and full of British man cum lol Honestly curious if anyone on this site has been on one of his vids.
  15. Ok, so first off, I'm not a medical doctor and I'm not recommending anything. Antibiotic resistance is also a thing and reckless use of antibiotics is not advisable. Having said that, I've been using minocycline (100mg per day; 3 month prescription) for adult acne and I strongly suspect it's been keeping me clean of garden variety bacterial STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis) just based on probability of population prevalence and number of times I've had sex. I looked it up and oral minocycline at that dose is actually an effective treatment for all three of those bacterial sti's, even syphilis (though only early and like a 2 week period). I'm also on prep and would have caught these every 3 months anyways when I have to renew but I kinda like the idea that I'm not picking these up and spreading them in the interim. The minocycline has a good safety profile and I have to be on them anyway for acne. I just thought I'd mention an observation. Again, not recommending anything but def an unexpected benefit.
  16. Perhaps I wrongly assumed that fantasizing over straight guys was a universally shared experience for gay guys growing up? Because alot of these posts criticizing the straight guy fetish don't quite seem to get the appeal or have somehow lost the ability to relate on a personal level with this fetish. I think for me, it was because I grew up closeted in a small town with an extremely homophobic mindset (murdering exposed gay guys was a very real thing in this neighbourhood) so no sexual outlet and anything gay was kept secret and just pure fantasy. The internet for porn wasn't really an option either so all of my jerk off fantasies were guys I saw on a regular basis like friends from school, friends of my dad, my sister's boyfriend, the gardener, etc and maybe because my young hyperfocusing developing brain was also making a template for attraction, it pulled in all sorts of social cues like how straight guys banter in a group, or how they look when they're trying to impress a girl, of the kind of calm gravitas a mature husband has with his wife. Perhaps this is the basis for my fetish, not at all due to some label or some arbitrary assessment of his cumulative sexual experiences or whatever, but simply that some cues, physical, social or whatever, trigger an image in my head that turns me on. In that regard, is it really a misplaced fantasy? As if to say we had control over what our fantasies are - maybe control over acting on our fantasies, sure, but fantasy is in and of itself borne of the subconscious and trying to attribute fault to such is inconsequential. As for the argument that all this is meaningless and fucking any and all guys is the correct perspective, well, just because you might be an omnivore, does that stop you from having favorite dishes? For that matter, having a fetish isn't something one should be ashamed of having because it's intimately personal and not consciously chosen, any more so than what we find attractive. So, variety is the spice of life and having a straight guy fetish doesn't preclude any other exclusivity (unless you have evidence to suggest so?), nor should it be considered a top-down label-based social construct - the essence of it is simply a set of cues like any other fetish that turn you on.
  17. An "always clean" diet relies on lots of fiber (a fiber supplement is convenient such as Pure for men or psyllium husk/flax capsules etc), avoiding high fat processed foods, lots of water and for me avoiding coffee. It's pretty sustainable and relatively healthy for your digestive system. There are limits to it on its own but it makes douching way easier. I really think that overhosing of your bumhole for a prolonged period isn't good for you though. Who knows what constant stripping of your rectal mucosa can lead to? Probably constant itching of your hole because you've picked up an infection down there and/or hemorrhoid pain from irritating the lining.
  18. @MuscledHorse I agree somewhat with many things you said. First, that sex and promiscuity are natural human behaviors. I'm sex positive as well and agree that sex is something to be enjoyed not demonized. Yes, evolutionary biology suggests that humans likely originally had a promiscuous dynamic back in hunter-gatherer days. It's not until population increased and social units became more focused that constraints on sex became a behavior. However, it's notable that all modern and historic cultures, even primitive aboriginals outside civilization, have some form of sexual constraint behavior (as opposed to demonization of homosexuality which is very variable) which suggests a more universal bottom-up pressure outside of culture, religion etc. As for reasons, who knows?fear of sti's? Social control? Nonetheless, considering the distinction between genetically predisposed unrestrained sex and socially-imposed constraint, who knows what other physiological function is affected by limiting sex? who knows how society could have developed if demonization of promiscuity/homosexuality weren't a thing? Maybe there'd be less loneliness and depression in the world or maybe just better communication in general, dunno. Second, sex is not love but it's certainly not unrelated to what many people perceive love is. Repeated sexual encounters, particularly ejaculation and the few minutes post-coitus, via primarily dopaime, serotonin and oxytocin transmission, leads to the habit-forming neuronal association of pleasure and comfort with the other partner and context, in many the same ways as to how drug addiction occurs. So yeah, many times when we think we're in love, it just means that we've become a dependent addict (withdrawal=why breakups are so hard). It's not unreasonable then that jealousy occurs from a fear of loss, so if I did enter that kind of open relationship there would need to be clear rules like capping repetitions, no cuddling etc. that absolutely could not be broken. I like to think that real love has a social component though that also plays a part and may also be why some couples choose monogamy to focus on developing that form of deeper meaning for their relationship. Otherwise, will there still be love if your sex drive vanishes from dysfunction/old age? Also, can asexual couples fall in love? I'd like to think so at least, in some form or another.
  19. Hahaha, if only! If that was part of the curriculum, I would be an A+ student in that class! Honestly though, douching is not that tedious once you kinda get used to how your bumhole operates. A douching nozzle that connects to the shower that I got off amazon has literally been the best investment of my life. Also, by sustaining a mostly clean diet without coffee and healthy regular bowel movements, the terminal anal cavity is fairly clean and you can make do with maybe a 6 incher or less (nothing too aggressive) with virtually no mess. Really though, the urban design of the human body makes no sense to me - why is the entertainment district placed in the same area as the landfill? So inconvenient. Still, the fact that there are some drama queens out there that act like it's the end of the world in the case of a shitty accident just seems beyond alarmist. Even though the smell canbe a bit stinky, poop is mostly just water and degraded organic matter, nothing crazy. To anyone who has had to change a baby's diapers regularly, this kind of thing is just basically a trivial chore that you just need to deal with and get done, honestly not a big deal. Besides, it seems obvious to me that every single guy who has eventually came to realize that the noble art of buttfucking will comprise a core part of his future life, must realize that at some point or another, shit can and will happen. So it shouldn't exactly be a surprise when it does. Regarding douching or going natural. I think it's context dependent. For your standard planned hookup, there's time to prepare and no one likes to leave a smelly first impression so a clean bum is a standard expectation. In a long term relationship it's different (at least for me), after a while, things become complacent and less high-maintenance. The spontaneity of things like waking up in the morning together with a nice, unplanned fuck to start the day is worth it. Douching is still done for practical reasons periodically when able to but not nearly as rigidly expected for a casual enounter. There are other scenarios where douching isn't an expectation because of practicality such as if you're going camping ( the real type not the suburbanized version). Of if you've ever had a straight friend that spontaneously wanted to try anal one night, you can bet for sure that he's never even heard the word 'douching' before. Would the threat of poo stop you in that situation? Cuz I know for sure when given the very exciting prospect of popping my straight bud's ass cherry, I didn't hesitate at all even knowing that a mess would certainly happen. Of course, a little mess did happen but I had spread up a towel on the bed and it didn't detract at all from what was an incredibly fun and memorable experience.
  20. I completely disagree. I have no problem at all if I get pubes in my mouth even if I'm blowing a guy with a Hagrid-level full on bush . Even if a guy hypothetically has hair everywhere, back, neck, butt, whatever, it's honestly not a big deal and even moreso, I'm turned on because the texture, pattern, details etc. are all a feast for the eyes, made available only because at that moment, you're specially privy of being able to see this guy naked and they're characteristic of him and his body in a very natural state. I honestly think that if you really are in tune with your attraction for a guy, you have an instinctual push to see/touch/taste his body as it's presented in a raw, natural, completely unmodified state. If his hair grosses you out, perhaps you might be imposing your own artificial biases on your attraction for this guy and you might be drawn more to an image than a real person. Really though, robust body hair growth is associated with high androgen levels, a healthy cardiovascular system and healthy skin function. Those all sounds pretty darn sexy to me.
  21. Yes, this is also a huge concern for me. I might be fine with being in an open relationship with a guy that had a similar perspective on sex and I think the core sort of rationale would be that a love-based relationship is separate and apart from just physical sex. I could see it being a little unstable but maybe working out. Some guys can and do make it work after all. But, it really depends on what outcomes you want from a relationship I think and compromising with what's feasible-what exactly has been sacrificed is what leaves me uneasy. So, I'd be lying if I said that I'd be on board 100% and that there wasn't some part of me that wished I could have approached it normally with a great guy and done it properly. What I don't like about a compromise is that it avoids the root problem, namely that cumdumping is a manifestation of our brain's dysfunctional risk-reward system, namely a bad feedback loop of consistent prompts for increasing hits of dopamine (same way a porn addiction pushes you toward increasingly perverted porn topics as it progressively lessens your d2 receptors). I don't think entering and developing a normal relationship would be quite the same as compared to if entered with a healthy risk-reward system, simply because we would perceive the world differently and especially be insensitive to key moments that need you to feel something at the time. Can you really be sure that things like the first kiss will be as emotionally charged and meaningful as it should be? Or will you just feel more of a depression-related monotone caused by overstimulation? I think it's also possible for your brain to do unintended albeit unfortunate things like falling into a sexual mental pattern you might have used with previous casual partners, such as after having sex a few times then lose interest because of the lack of novelty. I mean, you could certainly fake your way through it with enough planning and effort but that's not really doing it properly is it? I may be overthinking this but atm my mindset is that if I decide on doing a relationship properly, I think it makes more sense to first commit to going cold turkey on my fucked up sex lifestyle for a few weeks and give my brain a chance to reset to normal which I think would be difficult but doable.
  22. Love hair on a guy, for either top or bottom. Nothing better than the feel of a nice thick set of man pubes pressed against your bum after full insertion. I'm fine with trimmed but shaved cock is honestly a bit of turn off, not that I'll refuse it, but it's more like thinking, 'oh what a shame, could have been so much more enjoyable.'
  23. A bit of a nerdier answer. I think it's the initial pain/discomfort of that first penetration. Pain is known to cause immediate peripheral vasoconstriction. So, to counter that, immediate counter-measures could be: 1) to use a pde5 inhibitor like viagra/cialis to maintain bloodflow there 2) minimize pain in the butthole by prior stretching/lube/slow entry. 3) At mild intoxicating levels alcohol triggers vasodilation immediately but at higher levels it vasoconstricts (so don't get too drunk) 4) Poppers is a popular vasodilator that also relaxes the ass muscles thereby reducing chance of pain.However, I've found that depending on the type/formulation, it can make you go soft if you have too much 5) turn up the thermostat. Hotter temperatures favor vasodilation and colder temperatures favor vasoconstriction. Yes, the hotter it is the better your boner is Or for a more lifestyle approach to more favor peripheral vasodilation in a more prolonged sustainable way, you could try: 6) regular moderate-vigorous exercise effectively boosts peripheral bloodflow and strengthens cardiac muscles 7) see a doctor to treat any blood pressure dysfunction. Blood pressure regulation and vasodilation are competing systems 8 ) cut out stimulants (yes, including coffee). They are vasoconstrictors and also can cause relevant nutrient depletions if used excessively for a prolonged time period 9) maybe you are deficient in a nutrient involved in endothelial function. This list isn't exhaustive but I've included the more common deficiencies, such as: a) choline; which is metabolized to acetylcholine and competes with norepinephrine at adrenergic sites in your cock epithelial cells (acetylcholine vasodilates, norepinephrine vasoconstricts). Norepinephrine can also be induced by stress, anxiety, depression, various drugs. b) nitrates; nitric oxide is the main signalling molecule for vasodilation. Eat veggies or a supplement (eg L-citrulline) for supply, antioxidants to maintain its stability and dont use mouthwash excessively - your oral microbiome is important in the biosynthesis process c) vitamin d (especially in northern latitudes) - deficiency linked to high blood pressure d) magnesium - deficiency linked to high blood pressure
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