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Everything posted by rock-cock-jock

  1. hmm, alright, I'll try out kik and see. I've never has good experiences with kik though tbh - my impression before I deleted was mostly: extreme closet cases, bunch of catfish, pedophiles and pic collectors. Damn, maybe you're just really lucky, or you got the thiccest most inviting badonkadonk ever or something. I think for me, there was only once irl (excluding online) that I thought a straight guy was taking the initiative to start something and it wasn't even direct but just kinda alot of graphic innuendo (but some terms were dropped that were more on the gay side of pornhub than the straigth side) moreso than the normal university bromance banter while drunk sort of thing back in the day. But I didn't act on it, mainly because I generally am overcautious and tend to overthink things and I got the impression that there was a sort of weird psychological power move component(which some guys do get off on but I've never really understood) that I wasn't completely comfortable with. Maybe it's just my style or my being a bit of a control freak, but I prefer low key chill arrangements that's based more on mutual trust rather than a power dynamic. Very well said.Totally agree with you. I feel like North American society has over the years imposed a very narrow and kinda unfair standard of expected traits and norms on straight guys if they want to consider themselves as a healthy successful sexual man. As you said, the expectation of hypermasculinity is a core component, whether it be bio things like height, muscles, cock size, etc, or learned behaviors/cues like tone of voice, swag, posture, etc. Although androgenic secondary sex traits are I think generally major determinants of attraction in both homo and hetero worlds, I feel like in the gay world there's quite a bit more wiggle room for whatever reason in deciding the minimal fuckability threshold and is not as tightly correlative with androgenicity. whereby in the straight world, maybe perhaps because of the differences in partner number in that girls are expected to choose fewer partners (did you know that the avg # of sex partners/lifetime in the straight world is only 7? appalling right?), I think the constraints of their attraction standards are somehow more impactful? or maybe it's various other influences like media and such that reinforce a certain type of image to strive towards? So, I think the consequence of this is that straight guys further down the spectrum that fall out of this image are not only starved of sex but they may also have competing psychological influences to this image such as a desire for submission, tenderness, sensitivity, warmth or an appreciation of beauty (which tend to be associated as feminine psycho-social influences) which in turn may collectively encourage some to homo curiousity? This is pure speculation. By the way, we gay guys don't fully escape the effects of this image. Even outside the dating circle, I think there's a subconscious bias that links this image with arbitrary things like perceived capability in the workplace or authority in a group setting or trustworthiness to strangers. So interesting to hear confirmation that my suspected tattoo connection could be legit. Maybe the tattoo/alcohol/drugs/casual sex represents a certain mindset? Like one that searches across deviant or edgy behavior to satisfy/escape something? dunno. I wonder what other patterns laid out in plain sight we could be missing
  2. @LustofalltradesYou should absolutely just go for it! Sometimes our inner overperfectionist is the biggest challenge rather just being bold and going for it. I'm a never-ending reader of everything - if text was like food, then I would be the literary equivalent of Jabba the Hutt. Horror/thriller/sci-fi are also definite favorites as well - have you considered blending the dynamics or world of horror/thriller/sci fi with your sex stories rather than keeping them separate? I feel like it'd be more efficient for your brain rather than compartmentalizing it and the components of those genres could fit in really well with a fast-paced sex story (without going all gore and getting in mod trouble). Nonetheless, looking forward to reading whatever you go with! If you're on squirt, you may want to post it there as well and get the 30 day free membership.
  3. @ErosWired haha I think you need a larger sample size to make a better assessment. Man, duffle bag guy reminds me of a type of person here in rural Alberta so much, life full of drama, the world is against them and nothing is ever their fault. However, I feel like there are always gonna be difficult people and a hard line position isn't always practical, so in the pursuit of cock as #1 priority, you may have to flex some 'people skills' every now and then. I bet hypothetically in this scenario, duffle bag guy would have responded better to a negotiation whereby even if he declined which would have implied for him to leave, he would accept it more because it was his choice, rather than forcing his hand. @Lustofalltrades Man, I love how graphic your commentary is. Have you thought about writing a sex story and posting it here? I bet it'd be hot. I think though that if you ever decide to actualize that particular fantasy, just some humble advice from a chronic risk chaser, don't just yolo it and assume reality will play out like porn. Some people can be monstrously cruel, things can happen unexpectedly and tons of things can go wrong in that scenario. So yeah, research thoroughly before, get advice and at least leave yourself a safety margin if shit hits the fan.
  4. @ErosWired Fine, I'll admit it. I was definitely sexually objectifying homeless guys, though not really in the sense of seeing them as a 'lower' or 'undesirable' class. I do try to be a good, empathetic person generally speaking so I'll have to mull this over in my head a bit. It's hard to verbalize the turn on, but for me, being a cumdump is not just about the physical dick-butt-cum aspect (though i like that alot), there's a mental component almost like getting a feel for the person (even with very few cues like smell, voice and hairy legs etc) and his story and his essence and just having a kind of primal experiential thing of being used temporarily, a side bit to his story, and the idea of his cum inside, like collecting a sample of that story. I know this sounds super weird but this is my best attempt to verbalize how fucked up I am. Therefore, for homeless guys, in my head, it'd be like sampling a set of experiences that could be more..gritty? risky? ..different, yeah different for sure as even the novelty on its own makes it appealing. @hntnholeHaha, I have family down there. So who knows, next family wedding/funeral/whatever, you may find me sluttin it up down there some day
  5. Generally speaking, naked for the standard hookup if there's a bed. But, it's a huge turn on for me with fucking/being fucked by a guy that has a work outfit/uniform on. Favorites have been construction work gear, lawyer-type business suit, FedEx uniform, scrubs and pilot uniform. Would love to hook up with a cop or military guy but unfortunately hasn't happened yet.
  6. @hntnhole Yeah man, even putting aside my own tendency to be shy, I think this is more a cultural thing. Canadians in general are I think a bit more reserved than Americans. I just can't picture that scene panning out unless the situation kinda lent itself toward that kind of thing or the bottom gave prior encouragement or maybe if it was a university crowd or were fans after a hockey game or something. Otherwise, I think the majority would mostly just kinda be chill, possibly up for it, but still mostly reserved. @ErosWired I have zero problem with that - that argument works to my favor after all 😆. Oh fuck that sounds kinda hot. Geez man, I think you just pushed my 'let's see how much more fucked up and slutty you can get.' button. I mean, I think it's happened by accident already but not yet intentionally. Quite a bit more challenging to set up for an anon scenario tbh....but challenge accepted! 😉
  7. Fair enough. I definitely don't understand the dynamics of group breeding. Tried it once, felt awkward and never did it again (well, with the lights on in any case). But I'm kinda visualizing like a Fraternity X bro vibe - is that on the right track? I mean, yeah it's fine to do that if you're feeling it but my advice was more in regards to trying to empathize with OP's situation. He seems to be new to the anon scenario and I figure that at the moment, he would like most people be a little nervous, unsure of things and would be trying to make sense of what's going on. Not everyone might have your self confidence in initiating that kind of thing. I know for sure I don't, especially in front of a stranger that I had unexpectedly walked in on who I could barely see in the dark. Maybe if it was someone I knew beforehand and we had a good vibe going, I'd be down for that kind of cameraderie maybe? Who knows, I'll try it one day. But I still suggest my original advice, which is to focus on what OP is comfortable doing. He shouldn't have to feel pressured to engage in any kind of activity, especially if he's new to everything. He may choose to do differently when he's more experienced and more confident if he wants to but ultimately his priority there is to fuck and breed (and that's pretty much the bottom's priority as well) so therefore find the most comfortable situation where he can do that.
  8. Growing up, I think every single gay guy fantasizes about straight cock, and likely gave some semi-serious thought to various strategies that could make that happen (at least I did). Unfortunately, in many cultures, there's a huge stigma against straight guys doing gay shit with kind of a social penalty of being labelled as weak, less masculine, weird, etc. So, there's definitely a challenge in the social logistics to bringing em over to the gay side. Now, there might be some naive skeptics reading this thinking "What rubbish! Straight guys cant go gay. it's a hard wired piece of neurophysiology, part of their identity. Straight guys aren't attracted to gay guys nor do they fantasize about gay sex or gay kinks. They only like women, it's futile to even bother and that's that." Well, let me tell you something, you're HUGELY mistaken. Yes, I'm quite certain that a quite substantial chunk of the straight male population, at least in North America, have over the years come to dibble dabble in the homo pot. Yes, definitely and more than you’d expect. I’ve been hosting anon hotel pump and dumps for quite a number of years across NA and I’d estimate a consistent 30+% of my respondent demographic to identify as straight, and often married (usually dad types in their 40s to 50s). I’ve also had quite a few straight male friends over the years that were ok with me giving them a blowjob from time to time when I suggested it, some even did anal. It’s a different dynamic of course- no intimacy or those kinds of emotions and more of a sexual convenience type thing, and some even have weird ideas about kissing (too intimate or something?) or eye contact while you're sucking them off. Most of my blow buddies (this was during university) were most comfortable getting blown in the dark, usually late at night after beer (and sometimes 420) with me taking the initiative. Having said that, a few years later, I had two separate straight regular fuckbuds (at different timepoints)that were not only ok going bareback top AND bottom but also progressively got into kissing and body contact and all that stuff. Still straight, no lovey dovey type feelings (unfortunately, because I had heavy crushes for both) but were open to more hardcore stuff. I will mention (mods, please don't kick topic into backroom for this) that one of the fuckbuds had a coke addiction and he mentioned that the first couple months we met up, it was always and only prompted from being high. Strangely though, midway, he was able to stop his coke addiction and yet we were still fuckbuds for a couple more months until I had to leave town. Over the years, this has kinda become a fetish of mine (not in a creepy way) of making friends with certain straight guys and seeing if they would be up for a blowjob (damn, it really does sound creepy when I write it down). Some types of guys tend to be more amenable than others and I think half the battle is being able to read their disposition before popping a suggestion. This is pure speculation on my part and it doesn't always work out at all but some traits that I think kind of stand out to me are 1) the guy is comfortable with the concept of casual sex and has experience with it, the sketchier the approach (doublelist, any sort of online forum/chatroom, hookup apps) the better. Sometimes there's just a kind of a vibe that the guy is very sexually open to whatever. 2) Tattoos - I have no idea if there's a connection tbh but more often than not, the ones that say yes for me have a tattoo. 3) They experienced gay stuff when they were younger, either sexually abused by a male relative or jerked off with friends, whatever. I have a straight suck-bud here in Calgary that had the former happen to him and when I asked him about it, he said yeah even though he's straight somehow there's an association between the details of his abuse and being sexually turned on. He doesn't think of it as reliving the abuse though but rather he said that it's an enjoyable experience and it's his own way of having a degree of control over things. I don't really understand his description tbh but childhood experience as a predictor makes sense because they've basically already crossed that first psychological hurdle of trying homo fun 4) Alcohol (420 etc) - I don't know if alcoholism is a trait or if the alcohol is simply a tool to lower inhibitions or if being drunk gives them the excuse to go for it, I'm not sure, but I think it's something worth keeping in mind. Overall, I personally think that there is a continuous spectrum across male straightness the same way there is a spectrum across gayness/queerness. I also think that the huge cultural stigma against straight guys trying gay stuff has become less prohibitive for whatever reason. In any case, the moral of the story is that there's a solid portion of the straight male population out there that's open to indulging any residual straight fetish you may have lingering from your teen years. Don't be pushy or weird or creepy about this, especially in public, but for a select few, under the right circumstances, with the right social navigation, that cock can be all yours!
  9. @Lustofalltrades Man, you shouldn't ever have to feel rushed or pressured as a top in an anon scenario. The setup is basically tailor made for the overcautious discrete guy that wants to just shoot his load into a nice hole without any consequences. At any point you feel uncomfortable, just stop and msg the btm and tell him you need some time. Trust me, that bottom wants your fucking load man and will be overwhelmingly cooperative. If you need him to find a way for you around reception, prop a side door open or whatever, that bottom will get it done, with 100% efficiency. Yes, the veteran cumdumps will opt for the parking lot accessible motels and streamline the process but really, as a top, why limit your options? Suppose there's an ad by a newbie that has the biggest beefiest hairiest muscle butt you can possibly imagine (my preference, no idea what yours is) are you just gonna not try it out because of reception? Fuck reception. Worst case scenario is that they stare at you in a judgy manner. Big deal. Besides, if you're that worried about an unexpected social encounter, put on a cap some shades and your mask and tada! instant disguise. Regarding social protocol in the room if another top is there already, I'm gonna disagree with the other comments and advise you to just do whatever the fuck you wanna do. You're under absolutely no obligation to do any kind of small talk, or engage in a 3some all of a sudden or wait in line or do any kind of weird top cheerleading or whatever. If you wanna fuck and don't care if he's there, just go for it. Prefer a 1 on1? Then go wait outside and come fuck after. Honestly, the best part about anon is that you can completely bypass the entire social component and head directly toward the dick-in-butt part. Just go for it man. After you're done the first time, you'll be, like, this is no big deal, that was so convenient.
  10. Man, thanks for the thoughtful answer. Much more than I expected having posted such a boring topic in a hardcore bb sex forum. I'll consider seeing someone professional and not taking it so lightly but not until I do my own research and understand things well enough on my own; it's just how I do things. But honestly, in general I'm doing pretty well man, not just coping. At least in the very niche, protected field of academia, I'd consider myself doing pretty well in my day to day life. When it comes to relationships and sex, yeah, I do consider myself a little fucked up there and may need extra help for that. Alot of the ways I screwed up relationships in the past make a lot more sense now in the lens of ADHD, namely the hyperfocus in the beginning followed by mostly apathy after a while. I also kinda worry that I've gone too far down the rabbit hole of perverted shit that my brain can't go back to appreciating the small things of building a relationship. Whatever, one step at a time. Man, it's so interesting hearing about your own dopamine experience. That's something I had looked into on my own journey as well. You may want to be careful about over-committing to a hypothesis though. You're assuming a lack of dopamine levels but that might not be the case. It's not like we have a lab test that's feasibly accessible to the public to verify for sure. There are also other factors that affect dopaminergic transmission such as the dopamine receptors (which may get downregulated from prolonged dopamine exposure) or perhaps complete loss of the dopaminergic neurons (such as in Parkinson's; have you had a weird walking gait lately?). This isn't my field of expereince by the way, just my opinion of what I've read previously. So, the consequences of wrongly assuming low dopamine would be that if you for example start taking l-dopa or l-tyrosine (precursors for dopamine), they probably wont do shit. Depression especially is so multifactorial that it could encompass anything from excessive inflammation, an infection, a nutrient deficiency, physical head trauma etc etc which are separate from the dopamine system. Testosterone levels also rapidly fall with age (I'm not griefing you on your age, just constructive commentary), even guys in their 40s, and low levels of testosterone are strongly linked to depression (maybe get your T levels checked and if low, consider testosterone replacement therapy? it's a thing nowadays) Understood on the meth. No worries but dude, no more mention of that. You're gonna get us kicked to the backroom
  11. @sundevil5Dang, those are all the same for me too man! I agree totally on it being a journey. I've always known my thought process was different but kinda just chalked it up to 'ah well, that's just how I am, deal with it'. I kinda have a different perspective now in that I think about my body as more like a machine and that certain mental experiences like motivation, depression, emotions, focus, calm, etc boil down to physiological signals rather than some sort of abstract offshoot of my identity (less self recrimination that way). Probably not ideal in terms of living in the moment but in terms of lessening subjective bias and making better decisions, especially regarding self-improvement, that's where I am atm. @ErosWired My ADHD realization was pretty recent- like just a few weeks ago. I was originally looking through quora and reddit for how people manage chronic anxiety and I stumbled on an ADHD post where the op's experience was basically exactly mine and there was a pic of ADHD traits (attached) and I was like, dang, that's me. I followed up and did the WHO ADHD self assessment and yup, sure enough, pretty consistent. So, I'm still doing my research atm and figuring things out and I haven't seen a doctor, gotten diagnosed or discussed meds. Honestly, maybe my ADHD is mild or something in certain respects but I'm ok with not doing meds and just doing some minor lifestyle changes - I've figured out my own way of doing and processing things and with the exception of relationships, I'm doing alright for myself. The point of the post though was not really to bitch about my newfound condition, it was because I really do think that the healthiness (or lack thereof) of one's dopaminergic (mainly, but inclusive of other related) system (eg impairment by ADHD) is directly tied to the likelihood of many risky behaviors (such as on this site). I think this is a thing even for ppl without ADHD eg NoFap, dopamine fasting in silicon valley etc. Honestly, sometimes am a bit scared of my consistent tendency to seek out and try increasingly depraved and perverted shit. Obviously I'm not condemning these behaviors - I've been wayyy too much of a piggy slut over the years to even attempt that kind of self righteousness. But, I think a better understanding of the brain stuff that causes all this shit would at least lead to better self control. I dunno, I'm still trying to understand things @drscorpio Understood. There's some relevance because the ADHD med adderall is structurally and functionally very similar to t. But, I don't want to push this topic to the backroom. No more mentions of party drugs
  12. Thanks for all the positive feedback guys! I know for sure I made a ton of mistakes the first few times when I was still figuring things out. Some mistakes that comes to mind are: 1) once I forgot to pack my phone charger. Phone ran out of juice because grindr (and all the other gps dating apps/sites) burns battery life like crazy . So ended up having to get dressed and head out for like 40 min searching for a replacement charger that cost like $50, a duplicate that I'll basically never use again 2) picked a hotel based on star quality and looks rather sex-logistics. Yeah, the tops came and went and the room was great and comfy and luxurious...until about 9pm when I realized this shitty high star prissy hotel imposes a curfew and locks the main door. Yeah, nothing kills the anon vibe like having to get dressed, come down to the lobby, open up for the top, make awkward small talk in the elevator while you try not to die of cringe and a bit of self-doubt thinking this guy is so weird maybe I shouldn't doing this after all. He ended up having a great cock and knew how to top like a pro. But all that crap could have been completely avoided had I opted for the more ratchet motel with parking lot access and no fucking curfews. 3) forgot to monitor the door latch (before I figured out how to duct tape it down) and the last top locked it on his way out. The next top came and saw the door locked, I guess they must have been reluctant to knock or something and then left. After sending an email, he thought upon seeing the door was locked that the whole thing was a fabrication and yeah that was it. He was in his 30s, 6' 190 (i dont remember exactly but something like that) white brown-haired hairy slight dad bod-muscularish , a body that I could see working in construction or something similarly manual labor-sexy and a fucking god like cock. The amount of regret I felt will haunt me for the rest of my life.
  13. I recently found out that I have ADHD and it definitely explains my deep dive into risky sex behaviors, namely: - reduced impulse control, (oh this might be why I'm a slut) -dopamine-seeking behaviors like hypersexuality, - connection with depression and chronic anxiety - self esteem, risky and self destructive behaviors - trouble with relationships I've started doing various strategies like l-theanine supplements, deep belly breathing and daily exercise and I feel like I'm calmer, less stressed and more in control of my sluttiness. I still love sex but I feel a more grounded approach to it. Also, it strangely alters the effects t has on me when I smoke occasionally. Anyone else here dealing with ADHD and does it affect your sex life? How do you guys manage it?
  14. Are these still happening?
  15. Just looking for a reliable, decent looking bottom (or vers) that can host and who is always willing to take my load on the regular(anon or normal, whichever). Nothing fancy or kinky, just a no strings basic fuck n go. Ideally you're free either daytime, afternoons or early evenings. Just a convenient fuckbud type arrangement Me: fit, decent looking 6.5" 5'9 160 neg on prep
  16. Hey guys. I’ve been lurking on this site for some time now but only until recently I feel like I’ve become more confident and comfortable with being a hypersexual guy. I feel like society has demonized gay bareback sex so much that it’s difficult to figure out stuff without guilt or fear. I for one rationalize things as you only live once so you might as well as go for it, provided you’ve given it enough thought, are doing it responsibly and are not hurting other people. This is my sexual moral baseline. Just a normal down to earth guy that loves sex. PhD in microbiology so kinda have a more nerdy approach to how I perceive sex, drugs, interactions, etc. . 34, 5'9 160lbs, athletic build 6.5" vers If you live in Calgary or are visiting and can host, and would like to hook up, msg or email me! Great to meet you guys~
  17. Easily face down ass up. This is standard unless the top requests otherwise. One of the major parts of the anon scenario is to minimize face to face contact. Just speculation, but the various reasons why a top might usually prefer this include: - he is seeking complete discretion (because married, in a relationship, straight, religious, etc etc). If you're face down, you cant ID him - the mere act of seeing a face triggers various neurotransmitters primed for social interaction. This can immediately make things awkward if the top just wants to fuck. This is legit a problem for some guys with social anxiety, on the autism spectrum or for whatever reason get a little stressed out by talking - Faces can be a boner killer. You don't even have to be ugly. Facial hair is a turn off for a ton of straight guys. Also facial features like race, age, skin quality, acne, blemishes, degree of masculinity, etc all triggers that subconscious part of our brain that assess attractiveness or various prejudices. Even though the top showed up under the premise of anon, there's no guarantee he will follow through if he suddenly feels a bit of disgust. - Some tops prefer to see you as non-human, just an ass to fuck. For me this is the case. I just want to get off and get out usually because I have somewhere else to be or I couldnt find a grindr hookup. Occasionally if the btm makes an effort to clench and he feels good (some guys just get it), I'll msg afterward with a compliment and request for repeat but very rarely.
  18. Thanks for the kind comments man! If you ever visit Calgary hmu!

    1. fskn


      I will take you up on that one day. How handy that Air Canada is advertising more and more connections through Calgary! 😏

      Please hit me up if ever you are in the San Francisco Bay Area.

  19. @sexaddictionbb on twitter/Justforfans, Basically a UK muscle cumdump that gets bred anon by a ton of guys. Amazing vids - high def and mostly shot at that perfect low angle, He should be given an award for his contributions to the cumdump cummunity!
  20. For me, the appeal has always been 90% mental and 10% physical. In terms of direct physical pleasure, for me, prostate stimulation has always just been meh, nothing amazing. During my younger years, bottoming was mostly just a painful and uncomfortable thing that I'd put up with in order to have sex.It was only until my ass muscles finally adjusted after seemingly forever that I started appreciating the fullness and warmth of a cock inside on a strictly physical sensation level.Topping is easily more directly physically pleasurable for me but a less mentally intense experience. The mental part of things has changed as I got older. When I was younger, it was definitely more getting off on a submissive thing and the idea of having a hot guy be inside me and probably influenced by adolescent things like insecurities, raging hormones, coming to terms with being gay, weird ideas of body image etc. I think I got off more on certain cues like the top's facial expressions, the movement of muscles as he fucks and other weird minor things like that. As I got older, I became less keen on being submissive and more enjoyed the connection aspect of being intimately close to a guy. With anal not really hurting anymore, I think the mental appeal is more on visualizing the top's cock as it moves inside and being more in tune with the intimacy of the experience (if that makes sense?). Having said that, occasionally I'm lucky enough to hook up with guys that radiate mega level testosterone from their pores and that kinda primal unbridled masculine kind of fucking is so mentally intense that it takes me way back in some ways to the mindset when I was younger.
  21. I’ve been doing anon pump and dump scenarios periodically over the last 10 years across mostly Canada and occasionally the US as both a top and bottom and I thought that I’d draft a guide document for anyone thinking of organizing it to be a cumdump bottom for the first time. Hope this helps and let me know if I’ve forgotten anything. Checklist of main things to pack (not exhaustive): Change of clothes Lube (I prefer vaseline as the main lubricator- cheap and will keep your hole operational the entire night and in addition, a small sized silicone lube placed on the bed where the top can spot it in low lighting. I prefer small sizes because I’ve had a top be way too excessive with the lube. Totally wasteful and messy) Condoms (obviously not our preference but I’ve found having it explicitly stated as an option in your ad raises your response rate substantially. You can always request them to cum on your hole afterwards or get the load out of the used condom afterwards. I’ve had some hot straight guys that will only do safe. Best not to restrict your options imo) Jockstraps (I bring spares because when one is soaked with cum and cold and clammy it’s a bit uncomfortable) Poppers (make sure the tops dont steal it afterward. I like the european ones that have the evaporation resistant caps so the poppers stay strong and avoids spillage which has happened to me before due to clumsiness and not being able to see) glasses/ contact case and solution (hotel rooms are dry and my eyes dry out after a couple fucks) Blindfold (the first few times I did it I cheated and used a see through blindfold (amazon) because I was scared that something would happen. But now I do it properly using a cheapie I think I got from dollar store - more of an immersive experience and I think the really paranoid discrete ones are more comfortable with a heightened level of anonymity. This is optional for some people depending on their comfort level I think. I don’t recommend going for any kinky mask or gear or hood etc without clearing it with your respondent first. I remember showing up as an anon top to a hotel room and the btm was decked out in gear. I would normally be ok with it but was just surprised and kinda pissed that he didnt at least give me a heads up. Laptop and hdmi cord (if you plan to play porn as an ambience. Personally when topping I’ve found the porn volume to be distracting if too loud and was a little nervous the neighbors would hear. Also you might not want to pull out anything too kinky. Alot of the respondents are straight and/or new to gay sex. They’re delicate - don’t weird em out before you get their load) Water (stay hydrated. Try to avoid eating though and absolutely no coffee unless you want to spend another 45 min douching) Phone charger Anything you need for comfort or to keep you entertained during your downtime when you’re waiting for the next guy Any cosmetic or bathroom items that you might need Duck tape (I use this to keep the door from locking. More sustainable than using the door latch which I’ve found some tops reset) Cap, optional (I like the sporty look.. Plus added bonus of keeping the tops from grabbing your hair if they make you suck their dick) Mouthwash (some guys will surprise you with unexpected kissing and cuddling so best have good breath in preparation for that. I personally love it when blindfolded - really heightens the experience without having the person’s attractiveness bias your state of mind.) Bottle douche or small plastic bottle of water Plastic bag (to put all your gross stuff in when you’re done) Any party drugs that you might use, a cumdump session is a good time for them (I guess kinda controversial but it makes it funner. Dont go overboard as you still want to retain the ability to react if the top starts to do sketchy shit like try and steal from you or be overly rough or something. I’ve never had any major problems like stealing etc. but I’ve had one guy be overly rough with a thick 8 incher - honestly not cool at all even with poppers and makes subsequent fucks less enjoyable and less accessible as the muscles tighten up. Since then it’s something that I keep in mind. Honestly, having a clear mind is much more enjoyable for me in my experience than say getting drunk before doing it. One of the cool things about anon is your heightened sense of awareness as you hear the top open the door, hear his belt buckle and his zip and feeling his body warmth before feeling his cock. It’s fun) Tips: Location is very important - don’t just choose a hotel/motel carelessly. I think tops are more likely to travel to you if it’s close by so pick somewhere densely populated. One time I picked a hotel that was right beside a truck stop rest area and got a good bit of trucker loads. Certain hotels have put in curfews due to covid where you need your room key to enter the front entrance. This sucks but is generally restricted to 3.5/4+ star hotels. A huge chunk of your respondents are discrete and some of them are next level paranoid. I’ve had guys cancel because the room location required that they pass through the lobby as opposed to being accessible from the parking lot. I personally use super 8 or travelodge if the location is ok because of parking lot access, price and I think they are less likely to react if they notice guys showing up . I’ve found the best rates to be on hotwire. I don't think it's a good idea to use your home as an anon pump n dump location. Although you're saving money, I think you risk theft of your possessions and revealing your identity to someone you may know or who may use this information against you. Not worth it. Call ahead (like the morning of) and request early check in. If they have clean rooms most will be ok with it. I’ve gotten in as early as 10 am (normal check in is 3pm) before. The more time you have the more loads you can get. Scheduling has never kinda worked for me. I think a reasonable standard allotment would be a 30 min interval. Most guys cum quick- like 5 min or less. I’ve found that being open about possible overlaps is preferable than having them be surprised. Remember, some of them are delicate - they will flee at the first sign of something not going according to plan. Douching needs to be done exhaustively until the juices run clear. Remember that you’re planning to get fucked for a long time frame so make sure you do it properly. I use a hose attachment that connects to my shower fixture( you can find it on amazon). Unfortunately, most hotels’ shower fixture can’t attach to it so you need a separate bottle douche or if you’re ghetto like me use a bottle of water (thin plastic is easier). Try to watch your diet the day before - keep it minimal and no coffee and no fatty foods. Avoid eating during your cumdump hours Obviously use a throwaway email account. Protect your identity and dont have your name anywhere. If you’re doing this locally, use a different grindr account. The last thing you want to do is hurt your normal hookup chances because the guys in your area now know you’re into anon cumdumping. In fact, it might be better to just head out of town and slut it up where no one knows you or could somehow recognize you. Most guys will be fine but a small set of guys will be troublesome. Occasionally you may come across tops that takes a wayyy too long a time to cum (imo 1hr+ cuz they want to edge and didnt bring it up beforehand is unacceptable), or that try to hang around and watch without asking (yes, very creepy), or that just can’t get it up at all (it happens, no judgement, but sucks from a sex point of view), or that completely ditch the concept of a pump n dump and start doing everything from massages to small talk to whatever (breeding is #1 priority!). This point might be controversial because I think some bottoms might take submissiveness to the extreme and just allow the top to do whatever but I feel like this approach can definitely screw up your plans for the day. The way I approach these scenarios is to be polite but clearly communicate that I’m not comfortable with this or that and if things really cant get back on track, then I suggest that maybe things arent working well today and maybe we should just call it off or take a break or something. Don’t be judgemental or critical - it might not be their fault or they didn’t understand the scenario or something. Be mindful that you are after all in a room alone with a stranger. Be kind but communicate clearly if you’re uncomfortable. Secure your valuables. Ideally the room has a safe. If it doesn’t, might be better to keep your wallet etc in the car than risk the chance of being exposed to theft. Keep any stuff that needs to be in the room hidden to minimize temptation. Just in case Example Ad template: Obviously, your ad is super important. Your goal is to maximize the number of loads you can get and you want to communicate your expectations as clearly as possible. Definitely include a picture as it will hugely affect your response rate. Spend some time to try and get a good butt shot that hopefully will pass through doublelist and locanto’s restrictions. I personally like natural lighting and an angle that makes your butt look as big as possible.I have no idea what their criteria is. I’ve had some butt pics pass but be rejected in a later ad and vice versa. Remember to renew your ads and repost them on the day. The majority of my respondent demographic has always been guys in their 40s to 50s, some married. So imo it makes sense to renew after standard work hours when they’re likely to be home and have free time. Make sure that all your stats and details are correct. I think many guys when browsing will be suspicious of fake ads so try and aim to be clear so there is no misunderstanding. Craigslist was by far the best platform for this kind of thing but y’know rip. I use squirt message boards, doublelist, locanto, bbrt and grindr. Takes some micromanaging but the more you can distribute your ad the higher the rate will be. Though understandably you may have preferences on the kinds of guys you want showing up, consider that 1) you wont see them anyways, you’ll just feel their dick if they stick to the standard pump n dump expectation 2) the majority of guys wont show up so you might not want to be too picky. I personally still request basic stats (though most will send in the first email) just because it’s nice to visualize when getting fucked by him and helps me kinda keep track of my fucks for the day. A template of one I used this past weekend is below. Other examples can be found in the cumdump poppers trainer video (google it). I posted an initial one 2 weeks before the date I was kinda aiming for to get an idea if anyone would be interested before committing to booking and setting a date. I then edited it the Friday of the weekend to include the date and location and either refreshed it or just posted a new ad. I got a decent response rate but I think there’s room for improvement. Just my speculation but I think certain key words in your ad might help or hinder you depending on the culture of your area eg cumdump, loads, pump n dump. Calgary kinda sucks for this kind of thing anyway. My largest response rate has been in Seattle so far. Pride week especially in whatever city is also a great time. Most guys regardless of city will not follow through, maybe 10-20% on an average session will legit show up. Saturdays or public holidays are good days to set up — Hoping to organize an anonymous pump and dump scenario at my hotel room. Me: <insert your stats> Scenario: The door will be left propped open. When you come in, the room will be dark and quiet and I'll be naked ass up face down blindfolded and in a jockstrap. Lube and condoms (optional) will be to the side of the bed. Pull your cock out, use my ass to bust a load, then zip up and head out. No strings, no complications, no bs. Just straightforward easy and convenient fucking. Completely discrete. I haven't set a date or location yet - just trying to get an idea if anyone would be interested. Serious only. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. — Overall, if you’re new to anon fun and thinking of trying it, I say take the plunge and go for it. It’s a different experience from a normal hookup and one major advantage is that a surprising number of hot (based on cock/body pic and when I used to cheat with my blindfold) straight/bi (unconfirmed) discrete guys will show up for this. It definitely helps though to do a bit of planning or think some things through beforehand.
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