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About BugBoyEric

  • Birthday 12/20/2002

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Jupiter, FL
  • Interests
    Sex, servitude, cum, piss and so much more :)
  • Role
  • Background
    Some sub experience, one anon hookup (cool)
  • Porn Experience
    ;) open
  • Looking For
    Now that the worst of Covid is behind us, learning to be a better sub slut for Alpha's. Rules: Anal is first base even for quickies and and anon, the other bases are up to you. Condoms aren't a thing. Your cock deserves to be worshipped. No pullouts. If it makes you hard, nothing is taboo. Must host. Hit me up if you're in the West Palm/Ft. Lauderdale area. W1cker fuckboyeric

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  • Website URL
    twitter @Yes2Hiv

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  1. I'm interested in your profile, I emailed you. Can you check my profile also if you're interested? Please let me know, okay?

    1. BugBoyEric


      Hi, thanks.  Let me know if you're ever in the area.

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