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Everything posted by fuckholedc

  1. Went to Crew Club Oct 13. This was the first visit in a year or two. I actually went because I haven't been fucked since Easter in Berlin and my ass needed a work out. But for me the Crew Club can be sketchy on getting dick. Crew Club has gotten very dark - most of the light is toned way down in the small cubicle areas. They also added plastic opaque hanging strips room dividers at the end of the three small cubicle hallways (why?). Arrived later than I wanted - ~ 1:40 AM. Got a small cubicle - 63 - and got ass up at the end of the tiny couch/bench. It was so dark that I had trouble finding things when I needed. Also the monitor in the room had been disabled (set dark and I couldn't find a way to recover it). I had been intending to take some pics for X and another social media site but that couldn't happen because it was so dark. But my ass was visible. A few guys felt up my ass walking by. Then the first guy put his dick up my ass although he had some difficulty (my ass is very tight) and kept slipping out. He moved my ass around and we found a good position, kept pumping and blew his junk up my ass after a while. He was a happy guy. Got ass up back on the bench. Shortly after a guy with a big dick slowly worked his way up my ass. I had to take several hits of poppers just on working his dick in my ass. Then he started stroking his dick in an out of my hole gently before beginning real pounding. I loved his dick slamming into my hole but I still need to get fucked like this more to really get used to it. For most guys I can get fucked without poppers and mostly use them because I like them. But to take bigger dick I have to use poppers. I had to use them for this guy. Still, I was able to push my ass back and fuck him back. Esp. toward the end I could meet his deep strokes with my ass. He shoot his load up my ass and was almost laughing (really). Another happy customer. Got ass up again. Some other guys felt up my ass and more felt up my hole. Then a Latino/Hispanic guy who I have been running into for a long time at Crew Club mounted my ass and began pounding away. My hole usually resists his dick a little at first but when he's in every stroke feels like heaven, kind of like music in my ass. There's no way I can describe it. His fucking is the opposite of pain, it's a kind a super-stimulating positive physical feeling in my ass which I only feel getting fucked. I feel this with everyone but it's not constant with everyone else. With this guy it's constant. He chose to not cum in my ass as he had just gotten to Crew Club and promised to find me later. He did in fact fuck me two more times and came in my ass at least once. I moved from rm 63 to a larger captain's room, rm 5. The next guy I remember had a very long but somewhat thinnish dick. He didn't get totally erect but was able to work his dick in my hole and I was able to fuck him back when he wasn't pounding. We fucked for a while and he like to talk. I don't think that he came in my ass but he also came back and fucked me more. I renewed (it was 7:30 am) but everything became quite until after 11:30 am. Two more guys fucked me and loaded me up. These two were switching up fucking me - the first guy had trouble getting in my hole but the second guy, a large, muscular, hairy man possibly in his 50's, was totally erect and had a big dick. He pounded away forcing me to inhale poppers from his thrusts and came in my ass. Then the first guy mounted me and fucked away until he came. The the large man returned and pounded away some more until he shot his load up my hole a second time. There was one guy before those two who couldn't get his dick in my tight hole. I didn't like that so I got my purple 9 or 10 inch dildo, inhaled poppers deeply and worked my hole for about an hour. This wasn't the first time I had used this dildo but I went hard and it loosened my hole enough. Basically I will have to do this before every fuck session and include it rather than smaller dildos when getting fucked. At least 7 loads and at least 10 fucks. I need to turn all those fucks into cum shooting up my ass. Can't get to Berlin this weekend but am off to Dallas to be a good fuckhole.
  2. I will be going to Cumunion Express and then the Cumunion party later in the evening on October 18. Hope to get bred by everyone here (and there)! I'll let you know how it went.
  3. The next BioHazardMen's Party is in 7 days, Saturday, 2024-10-19, at Connection Club in Berlin. You will probably need tickets in advance. During Easter they were not selling tickets at the door. As a result the Easter party was not packed ass to ass although there were still a lot of people there. Unfortunately I have to miss this one as I have something that I absolutely have to show up for on October 22.
  4. Club Philly does exactly this although the sling is a foot or so forward of the bed itself, which takes up half the room.
  5. Who is this guy? He started doing X/Twitter-ish Gay-bro porn a few years ago and may have gotten into some studio clips more recently. Thanks!
  6. Is DoxyPep available everywhere in the US now? My Gay doctor has not mentioned it to me but he works for a very restrictive health care conglomerate.
  7. The republicans have set themselves for a victory, possibly a landslide victory. Racism on their part is meaningless because it is excused by most of their supporters. Trump's and Vance's rhetoric accurately appeals to their followers. The fact that Vance is Anglo is meaningless for the majority of non-white Trumpsters. What is meaningful, at least in part, is homophobia, which seems to be rolled into their security issues since security is a codeword for immigration but it also reflects some homophobia on the part of non-white Trumpsters who have spoken to me.
  8. Hubert Humphrey, 1968. And he was more or less treated as a kind of incumbent which worked against him (he didn't apparently even get the brownie points for the massive civil rights laws that LBJ had pushed through - he just got the negative points from the racists and also the anti-war movement - and they should have given him points for civil rights and the war on poverty but they didn't), he just got the negatives.
  9. Look - D's are generally not progressive (admittedly there are some progressive D's but not that many). At the same time, relatively few of the progressive/liberal non-voters would vote for the Green Party. Why? They have been convinced that their vote would either be diluted because the Green Party doesn't have much support and the US system for presidential races aren't democratic (because of the Electoral College system which basically creates a closed two-poled system, even if that is not true theoretically) or they think their vote won't count at all. Green voters are not D voters no matter how much the D Party whines and cries and demands and threatens. But there really are D voters who actually don't go and vote. One of the reasons is that some of these voters are racial minorities and have seen little to no progress on civil liberties in recent years (like the last 24-30 years or more). The D party really needs to address the concerns of these groups (basically the main groups within this are African-Americans, esp. Southern African-Americans and Hispanic Americans, many of whom are increasingly conservative and are going over to the R party and who have permitted the history of direct racial and ethnic discrimination to be forgotten. Then a third, much less populated group are Asian Americans who are historically culturally conservative but often liberal wrt community and some health care issues.) Then the D party has spent most of the Biden years by ignoring the issues of the progressives who identify D for social justice reasons, esp. those motivated by ecological concerns. These people were told to sit down and shut up. Another group mostly unaddressed by the D's are Gay men and Trans people, except of course in June. But there will be NO warning from a major D politician that a second Trump WH will certainly mean a resumption of genocide by the R party as ALL HIV/AIDS medication is once again removed from insurance and can only be bought on the pharmaceutical market or simply withdrawn from availability. And that will be followed by at least a partial recriminalization of Gay men and some Trans people just for being Gay/Trans (Bi men might also fall into this group). I'll wait but basically almost no D politician will address this this election cycle - although the D party might remind Gay men about the massive steps forward wrt AIDS pharmaceutical availability and cost reduction under the Biden WH (with the Trump people also highlighting some of the same progress under Trump's first admin while not discussing the general plans of the R party to relabel Gay and Trans people as sub-human again). The D party needs to take off the gloves and really address issues if it wants to avoid an R WH in 2025.
  10. It's been renamed NYM4M. Events: [think before following links] https://nym4mclub.com/
  11. Looks like Kaden Hylls to me (AKA LetsEatCakeXx on OF/X). The attribution to Dan Saxon is because he is also in the clip.
  12. I'm an American from Germany who also came out in Europe (Germany, Switzerland, France and the Netherlands) when living back in Germany. Germans are very cliquish. And many times these clique boundaries are inviolable. This can also happen in the US but Americans are often not as cliquish (and anyway, there's really no comparison between German and American cliquishness). As noted, there can be a lot of anti-Americanism. It helps (or can help) if you speak German - usually even if you speak passable German with an American accent (from observation - I've seen Americans I don't know with obvious accents with German friends at clubs over my lifetime - usually they acted very outgoing [which is a German stereotype of Americans]) however - this can also go the other way, at least in Berlin and sometimes in some other cities. If you are living in Europe, generally Cologne is an exception to this in Germany as it is a more accepting place overall (but it can also be quite reserved overall wrt fucking). Parties in Berlin are choice and depending on the party and the venue there is an attempt to make them exclusive at various levels. The good news is that you were able to get in to a party (even though you can get into many parties in Berlin). My last party experience in Berlin was April - Easter weekend. It was okay but not great (compared to previous recent experiences). But in Berlin especially sexual chemistry can sometimes change totally because you run into people who at least in that moment are attracted to you for some reason (this happened in Boiler on a disappointing afternoon and then I suddenly got fucked 5 times more or less one after another). So also maybe you weren't other people's choice of the moment at that party. As I said, Germans can be quite cliquish which also includes this thing that they can be looking at that event for a kind of narrow stereotype of body and image. If you are going to stay in Germany or visit with some regular expectation of sex then you'll need to "hit the gym." This doesn't mean literally, btw. You can add some regular biking or rucking (hiking with weights) that will build some muscle as well as get some cardio. But certainly not all Gay Germans hit the gym but overall a lot more tend to walk than Americans do so there is this background of minor physical activity from birth. Also remember that German Gay men tend to like a stereotype of kind of thin men (schlank) or a kind of muscular but not usually too muscular guy (like a triathlete ideally if they go for "muscular"), or more rarely more muscular on the side of light bodybuilding, or bearish guys (usually kind of lightly bearish), or an obvious pig or piggish guy (for some guys, but this is more a clothing affectation at least to start with, then if it is real and you're in the right place you will be swamped).
  13. I remember Le Bunker from long ago. At the time it was too much for me although I danced there and someone would take me home by the end of the night (specifically they pursued me). I think I didn't go to xkboys when I was last in Paris because I thought it was literally for twinks and I had had some disappointing experiences in a couple of other fuck places. Anyway, it's on my list for next time. But sorry to hear that guys were ass up for dick and the other guys were just jacking off. But Paris can be just like that too.
  14. WOW! I'm surprised to hear about the condoms. Maybe I just ignored them? Yep, saw some guys fucking there ... I didn't think about that ... although I do remember seeing some guys fucking in the tv area from time to time also ...
  15. Well, I also had mixed luck at IDM. There can be multiple reasons for this but mostly guys are in a line to fuck a small number of asses that are basically stars there. Beyond that there is also other fucking going on, virtually all of it bareback. When I went to IDM I was visiting Paris for a month but in that time didn't get to that many places. I mostly visited IDM because I would almost definitely get fucked there everytime I went (only didn't get fucked there once). IDM isn't that big although it does have, what, 4 floors. But most of the fucking is on the second floor. On Sunday afternoons it tends to be wall to wall dick, but not wall to wall ass. So it is packed with tops but they are picky, more picky than other days. Given that their sort of not really dark room is really packed much of the time, with 5-7 asses getting fucked on the two padded platforms (although usually it's 1-2 asses from that group with dick continuously up their ass and the other 3-5 getting dicked sometimes). Also a couple of star asses set themselves up at the end of the hall on the left hand side - those spaces are basically smallish open fuck booths. Still more than one French regular there explicitly called IDM Sundays a "sexual paradise" (a French North African heritage guy I was walking by said exactly that and a couple of other guys also said that at other times). There was almost a line out the door on the last Sunday I was there.
  16. I don't know, but Best Cumdump Hotels suggests: Sublim by Sweet Inn - although an access code is needed and also Xavier Blanchot - Hotel La Louisiane
  17. Especially Sundays IDM Sauna @ 4 Rue du Faubourg Montmartre You can also get poppers @ IEM - Le Marais, 16 rue Sainte-Croix de la Bretonnerie,
  18. IAFD says that he seems to have stopped porn in 2013: [think before following links] https://www.iafd.com/person.rme/id=7da637e9-fd38-41ac-bb2a-bc5a4df5db41
  19. I was in LA August 2023 - I went to Slammer on a Friday or Saturday night (can't remember which). It was moderately busy, a few people told me I looked hot, but few people fucked me, although I did get fucked at least 3 times, maybe more. Then I met a guy who fucked me in one of the large booths there - I was wearing a mask since I don't like how I look (I don't like how my face looks). He asked me to take the mask off after fucking me and said I was very handsome - so I was his cup of tea. He was a former athlete, slightly taller than me (maybe an inch or more taller actually, so 6'2, 6'3), muscular, guy, and said he had noticed me but though I was "stand-offish" because I was clearly just trying to get fucked (people have told me this before - so some people go to a total fuck joint for an emotional connection). We spent the rest of the night together. So you never know what's going to happen.
  20. I'll be in Berlin 27.3 - 1.4 - going to biohazardmen and hope to get into lab.oratory. Staying at Novum Hotel Aldea Berlin Centrum - this is listed as a cumdump hotel on the cumdump hotels site. I just found the website for the fetish part of the weekend: [think before following links] https://blf.de/
  21. 18 at the BioHazardMen's Party last year in Berlin. 15 there the year before. This is pretty light weight for that party.
  22. Researchers identify novel factor in HIV transmission [think before following links] https://medicalxpress.com/news/2024-01-factor-hiv-transmission.html
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  23. "How do I douche?" - Youtube video, Dr. Tyler Hendricks [think before following links] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TkY5I96gyE
  24. Please remind me what it was called. I whored out there a couple of times and the first time I was a cumdump was there.
  25. Certainly both parties have essentially the same conservative politics for the most part. Biden is certainly not Trump but he is also incapable of criticizing failed US policies (esp. ecological policies) and effectively leading to something like a progressive future.
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