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Everything posted by fuckholedc

  1. Haven't been to PS in a while. Which "two great bathhouse-type spaces" are you thinking of?
  2. Be a whore but only get beaten and degraded if YOU agree to it (it's not for me but I did do edgy mindfuck and some mild S&M with one particular boyfriend). Rape - depends on what you mean. I certainly want as much dick up my ass as possible, but not against my will (some dick is too big for me). Make the decisions that are right for you.
  3. Rusbel_s3x [think before following links] https://onlyfans.com/rusbel_s3x is also pretty good - several videos are orgies from Bogata, Columbia.
  4. I really like twinks. However Gunnar Gates, 26 yr old pigboy-bear, is one of the best I have seen so far: [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://onlyfans.com/gunnar_gates His stuff is breeding, sometimes in groups, more often 1 on 1 or a threesome, but no mention of pozcum. Overall it's more a NY Seed kind of vibe (in fact at least two of his videos are for NY Seed).
  5. [think before following links] https://onlyfans.com/cumdumplittle Little Asian Cumdump on OnlyFans. Filmed by his boyfriend. However he has not posted new material since late August, 2022.
  6. R0 (the reproductive number, the average number of new cases that arise from a single currently infectious person) estimated to be 1.29. Therefore it should be (somewhat easily) stoppable. (Original COVID was about 3, measles is 16-18). [think before following links] https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.07.26.22278042v1
  7. Yeah, it can take a little time to warm people up at Sauna Nieuwezijds. It depends, hit and miss like everywhere. For me it was more hit.
  8. Really? Has this begun to happen?
  9. This source says as long as 15 days. [think before following links] https://sf.gov/information/monkeypox-faq
  10. Encephalitis = brain inflamation
  11. Ultimately two doses but currently many health providers are focusing on one dose for now and pushing the second dose down the road by several months or up to two years (the recommendation of the Bavarian Nordic manufacturer of Jynneos) because there is a shortage of vaccine. I have read that some providers are exploring the possibility that people > 50 might only receive one single vaccine as a booster. This will vary by country. The US and the UK stopped smallpox vaccination in 1972 and 1971 respectively. Germany OTOH stopped in 1976 and East Germany stopped in 1980. So in Germany the issue would be that people in their early 40's could in fact have some protection from the smallpox vaccine.
  12. No. This is not a SIR or variation model (I'm not modeling the dynamics of the outbreak itself with this). This is just taking the cumulative cases and fitting it to an exponential function (in this case a power function). That is *WRONG* but an adequate/even good estimate for the first stage of the epidemic (before the cases peak). A better estimate for this would be to induce a logistic function *BUT* that should only really be done when it is clear that the epidemic is really peaking (COVID showed us that our behavior created 6 separate peaks so far so we shouldn't jump the gun just because it looks like an epidemic is over). I have seen that people are not provided math tools to help protect themselves during epidemics (apparently even intelligent people [Fauci for example] think that math models are too much for people). Nonetheless I have seen even doctors who should know better make serious math errors over time and unfortunately many Gay men made serious errors wrt AIDS transmission and risk in public forums in the past.
  13. I induced a basic exponential function for monkeypox data from Germany (I cannot find historical data for Berlin itself) without the wild assumptions I had made prior to my trip to Montreal. Currently most of the monkeypox cases are occurring in Berlin but this will change if the outbreak isn't contained so currently this function is basically a Berlin function. The function is not bad and may indicate that inoculations and other measures are in fact having an effect. The question will be is that is sufficient. So the function is y = 0.5381741*x^2.000014 where x is days since May 19, 2022 (May 19 is day 1). This indicates that in two weeks cumulative monkeypox cases will be 3798 which would be an additional 1258. These new cases are currently locked in because the incubation period is approx. 2 weeks. The current doubling period is approx. 27 days and appears to be getting longer. If this holds up *AND* if the doubling period continues to lengthen then the outbreak will be corralled in Germany.
  14. [think before following links] https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abk1688 Generally this strain is estimated to proceed to full-blown AIDS in two years.
  15. Pretty much proves my usual statement that the USA is a complete fuck-up country (which doctors are increasingly saying themselves wrt deficits in the organization of public health) Monkeypox outbreak in U.S. is bigger than the CDC reports. Testing is 'abysmal' June 25, 2022 [think before following links] https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/06/25/1107416457/monkeypox-outbreak-in-us
  16. San Francisco declares an emergency to help the city deal with monkeypox spread [think before following links] https://www.npr.org/2022/07/28/1114381260/san-francisco-monkeypox-emergency
  17. A doctor in Nigeria tried to warn the world that monkeypox had become a global threat [think before following links] https://www.npr.org/2022/07/28/1114183886/a-doctor-in-nigeria-tried-to-warn-the-world-that-monkeypox-had-become-a-global-t
  18. Additionally 10% of people who contract monkeypox have been admitted to the hospital for pain management (Sweden is reporting 15% for pain management). [think before following links] https://zeenews.india.com/world/monkeypox-virus-outbreak-over-18000-cases-globally-most-in-europe-who-asks-at-risk-men-to-reduce-number-of-sexual-partners-2490287.html
  19. Looks like WHO and other reporting agencies are making a difference between monkeypox year to date and the specific current outbreak which started as a "separate" (distinguishable) health phenomenon circa May, 2022. [think before following links] https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2022-DON392
  20. A guy I was with in Montreal mentioned that a week or two after his monkeypox inoculation, the inoculation site got hard and swelled up a bit and was a bit sore. I'm one week in and haven't experienced anything (but usually don't have the reactions to inoculations that lots of people report).
  21. There have actually been 5 deaths attributed to the current monkeypox outbreak in the West (and 70, likely an undercount, in Africa): - well actually this report is saying that the five deaths *WERE IN FACT* in African countries. Perhaps I have been misreading .... [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2022/07/who-14000-monkeypox-cases-worldwide-5-deaths#:~:text=A global outbreak of monkeypox,been reported in African nations.
  22. There's a period where people get a rash that they might not even notice. They are contagious at that point, well before the development of vesicles. Some people only get the rash.
  23. There used to be a few masters in DC like that but the couple I knew of left. DC really should have it's own *ACTIVE* cumdump network but the flip side to DC itself is that many/most people want to hide their piggyness (really, really hide it) so it has been difficult to get much organized publicly. There could still be actual whore stables in DC but they aren't public about it.
  24. Hepatitis B. I just got chlamydia for the first time after the BiohazardMens Party in Berlin in April. I've been amazingly lucky that I've had very few STD's.
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