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Everything posted by fuckholedc

  1. Here's a link to this article: I Have Monkeypox — Here's What It's Like And What You Should Know This is my experience, but it boils down to this: This shit sucks and you don’t want it. by Matt Ford [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.buzzfeed.com/mattford/i-have-monkeypox-my-symptoms-so-far?ref=bftwbuzzfeed&utm_source=dynamic&utm_campaign=bftwbuzzfeed
  2. So one way this is instructive is the revelation that there are two major different kinds (clades) of monkeypox. The one in this case study is the West African one which has a mortality rate < 3% (and is mostly children and immune compromised individuals [which may or may not mean older people]):
  3. I was surprised to find out that monkeypox is presenting in a way different than classical cases. The lesions look quite different. As it turns out there have been numerous medical papers on monkeypox outbreaks in the West since at least 2006. Here is a recent case reported in the New England Journal of Medicine - a Gay man presents with monkeypox following sex in "southeastern Canada". If you have not seen medical pictures with lesions then this link might be unsettling: [think before following links] https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMcpc2201244 The case study is very instructive.
  4. No source thus far has released any report of the number of people infected. One source from 6/13/22 said that 1 person had been infected ; other sources said "a handful". The source that said 1 person had been infected from IML specifically said that the # of cases in Chicago at that point was 7, which was an increase of 5 cases from a pervious period. However another more recent source said that Chicago now has 13 cases of monkeypox. Therefore the number of people likely infected at IML <= 7 (the 1 person reported to have been infected at IML + the increase in cases afterward). This will be inaccurate esp. as the incubation period of monkeypox can be two weeks (a Dutch study shows that the mean incubation period is 8.5 days) so more cases might roll in. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.metroweekly.com/2022/06/monkeypox-infections-linked-to-lgbtq-leather-event-in-chicago/ [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/supp_info/health-protection/get-the-facts-monkeypox.html " If you do not feel well or have an unusual rash or sores, take a break from sex and going out to bars, gyms, clubs, and other events." <= *EXACTLY* the same kind of ridiculous data free doltish, imbecilic messaging from 1981 ... where is the data? The past 41 years have proven that data analysis across a wide spectrum of society is needed to robustly address public health issues.
  5. That is the efficacy rate published for new vaccinations. They never seem to have updated the rate because smallpox was wiped out. There have been questions about the efficacy of the vaccine over 50+ years.
  6. Over all Germany this is called Christopher Street Day (CSD) and is on July 23, 2022 in Berlin. Pride month is being celebrated for the first time ever from June 28 (Stonewall Day) until July 24. Here is the website for Berlin: (I didn't see an English icon for the language, I'm sure Google Translate will do a good job but let me know if you need help on something): [think before following links] https://csd-berlin.de/
  7. Twink begs for pozzing [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/boy-begs-for-pozzing/
  8. Oly on my fuck bench - usually titled Pozzing Oly - a classic - the sound in this is really clear - [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/oly-on-my-fuck-bench/
  9. Oly sling fuck [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/oly-bare-sling-fuck/
  10. Oly gets bred (didn't know about this one) [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/oly-takes-a-bare-load/
  11. Sub_Dane makes another appearance - breeding a guy [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/skinny-lad-breeds-older-mate/
  12. A video originally produced for/by BarebackCity - subDane gets used - yummy - [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/twink-slave-gets-pozzed/
  13. Oly in the sling [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/poz-poppers-sling-fuck/
  14. The guy getting fucked is Oly (Olly) from "Pozzing Oly" . There is also another clip of the same guys fucking him, [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/two-dads-use-younger/
  15. STI panels came back + for anal chlamydia. Absolutely no symptoms. My doctor has apparently not seen the results yet because he hasn't emailed me. The treatment looks like 7 days or so of one of two antibiotics. I definitely got this in Berlin over Easter since I wasn't getting fucked much before and I haven't gotten fucked after (really tied up in work + monkeypox scare).
  16. The next BiohazardMen Party is coming up on August 12th. It will be at UnterTage (Underground), Mehringdamm 32. This is apparently run by the owners of Boiler Sauna. [think before following links] https://www.roomdivision.com/untertage-berlin/
  17. "Monkeypox outbreaks tied to sex at 2 raves in Europe" But the article does not list the events and the events are also not named in the linked European CDC pages/documents. They are just mentioned as two raves in Spain and Belgium. [think before following links] https://www.livescience.com/monkeypox-spread-through-sex
  18. From Kaiser Health: [think before following links] https://khn.org/morning-breakout/monkeypox-spreading-mostly-through-sex-who/ "The CDC issued an update that alerted gay and bisexual men that monkeypox is primarily spreading through sex." But a direct link to a CDC document is not in the article.
  19. From CNN: [think before following links] https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/23/health/monkeypox-lgbtq/index.html
  20. My Gay doctor has usually cited CDC recommendations to me that my MeglaHealthCorp organization "has" to follow, so I'm not sure that they have an entirely free hand in some of this.
  21. Gay stripper is usually a temporary job that some (in some places, a lot) Gay (and bi and hetero) men go through in major Gay and or Metrosexual cities. It is often a very positive and liberative experience (but not always - some people develop addictive or compulsive behaviors).
  22. So a more palatable word for most people born and raised in the USA would be "authoritarian" rather than "fascist" and the justification that the USA was an explicitly authoritarian country is it's history + Wilhelm Reich and "The Mass Psychology of Fascism" wherein Reich details the essential role that sexual repression plays in the rise of authoritarianism as a political force. This is reinforced by more recent analyses of the psychology of authoritarianism.
  23. The US was explicitly a fascist nation by any reasonable measure until 2003 with the overturning of Bowers v. Hardwick. You have only been moving *FROM* a fascist path for 19 years but there are numerous signs that the heterosexual fascists (mostly encamped in the R party) want to take the country back (the obsessive "grooming" issue is only one such sign - in fact American heterosexuals tried to groom every Gay man who has lived within it's borders during their lifetime by aggressively projecting their heterosexual ideal as the only valid sexual option).
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