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Everything posted by DallasPozzible

  1. Ah, thanks. Noticed it a bunch of times. Usually “thAt” - but also “hArd” and “strAngers”. So I thought there might have been some coded meaning. Since it wasn’t chem fiction though, nothing made sense.
  2. Such a hot story! Thanks! Can someone tell me what the capitalized A is for in words like thAt?
  3. Planning to go tomorrow night in Dallas. Website says condoms and lube provided. Asked a friend and he said lube is water based, so I’ll take my own.
  4. Reporting today that Johnson’s financial disclosures since he took office in 2016 claim that Johnson and wife have no bank account containing more than $1000 and no assets is a bit unbelievable. What is he hiding? [think before following links] https://www.msn.com/en-ca/money/topstories/very-unusual-financial-disclosures-reveal-mike-johnson-does-not-have-a-bank-account-or-investments/ar-AA1je0il
  5. On what basis do you make this claim? Everything I see in his past indicates he will be a disaster. Especially for LGBT and non-Christians. And he has no leadership experience to draw on.
  6. Level 6 until ‘85. Level 1 from then until I got on PrEP about 8 years ago. Level 6 since then. Added DoxyPEP last month.
  7. I have a high-quality - expensive - medigap policy. It has been terrific. Haven’t had any long-term hospital stays but I pay absolutely no co-pay or deductible on any doctor, specialist, or ER visit. (I believe it’s Plan H and is no longer available to new Medicare enrollees.) The only thing I’ve encountered is that Medicare doesn’t approve lab testing for syphillis. Seems very weird to me. But I go to a free provider for PrEP and they do all testing for free as well. OTOH, Part D Medicare for prescription drug coverage is just horrible.
  8. This is link is likely listed elsewhere. But @teralex was asking about Czech glory holes in another discussion. I believe this is the original video of Czech glory holes. Definitely worth a watch! [think before following links] https://www.xvideos.com/video58353583/euro_gay_gloryhole_club
  9. @teralexI found a link to what I believe is the original video. Don’t think I can post it here. But I’ll post it in the Bareback Porn section on the Xvideos post.
  10. Nope. But they should be everywhere. The original video of the Czech glory holes is not to be missed!
  11. I’m not sure those things move the Overton window. But I’m definitely not an expert.
  12. So after further consideration and a bit of reading…. [think before following links] https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/26/us/politics/overton-window-democrats.html?(Behind paywall. DM me if you want gift article link.) “The key is that shifts begin with the public. Mr. Overton argued that the role of organizations like his own was not to lobby politicians to support policies outside the window, but to convince voters that policies outside the window should be in it. If they are successful, an idea derided as unthinkable can become so inevitable that it’s hard to believe it was ever otherwise.” [Perhaps a valid example would be the Harry and Louise commercials run against HRC’s health care proposal.] [Overton’s associate explained after Overton’s death] “‘Public officials cannot enact any policy they please like they’re ordering dessert from a menu,” Mr. Lehman said in an interview. “They have to choose from among policies that are politically acceptable at the time. And we believe the Overton window defines that range of ideas.’” [think before following links] https://time.com/4446348/welfare-reform-20-years/#lnih3x1ysplmjbbi7em “A TIME/CNN survey in 1994 found that 81% of respondents wanted “fundamental reform” to the welfare system, and a slightly higher percentage believed that the system already in place discouraged needy people from finding work.” So wasn’t Clinton triangulating so that he could position himself firmly within the Overton window to get re-elected? In the face of a large Republican congressional opposition, and to co-opt a Dole campaign issue, he signed legislation revamping welfare. As a committed liberal, I didn’t like it. It didn’t change my opinion of policy but it seemed a necessary sacrifice to keep most of liberal agenda intact.
  13. Thanks, @BootmanLA. I definitely see that with the Clinton examples you cite. I’ll have to think about the rest of it for a while.
  14. This sounds either really fantastic or really horrible.
  15. I would like to read the entire analysis of how Clinton and Obama moved the Overton window to the right because it doesn’t sound plausible in the least. Moral Majority, Reagan, Gingrich/Contract with America, BushJr., and Trump were all dramatic pulls to the right.
  16. Agree that crazy is subjective. In the context of the current congressional circus, crazy goes way beyond just having out-of-the-mainstream political beliefs. To me, crazy here would be legislators that do everything possible to make sure that governing is impossible. Legislators that are opposed to legislating. Clinton was in favor of full participation of gays in military. His embrace of DADT was a political compromise. And though it came to be recognized as a vile policy, it was probably an essential step forward toward LGBT equality. Sinema and Manchin aren’t crazy. But I’d venture to say that along with Menendez, they are horribly corrupt.
  17. You may be right. Can you name a crazy Dem? Because it’s eluding me.
  18. @JimInWisc I don’t mean to misinterpret what you said. But I don’t know of any extreme crazies in Dem caucus. Since we don’t want extreme crazies, I guess there’s no shortage even if we have zero.
  19. Sorry, this seems like obligatory false equivalence. Specifically which Dems do you think are crazy on par with the extremist Republicans?
  20. Looks like even Club Dallas is no longer a bathhouse. Guess I need to go see the bats.
  21. Agree strongly with most of the OP. It’s critical that we engage on local and state levels. I don’t agree that it’s always easy to figure out who the best choice is. In Dallas, our local/county elections are nonpartisan, and some campaigns are well practiced in obscuring the candidate’s real positions. That’s especially true in school board elections. Before voting, I always check the endorsements of Stonewall Democrats of Dallas and generally follow their recommendations. If you live in an urban area, you can likely find an LBGTQ or other progressive organization that screens candidates and can inform your choices. Straight-ticket voting isn’t same as down-ballot voting though. Straight ticket refers to voting straight down the ballot for all nominees of the same party. In most jurisdictions, that means straight-ticket voting is irrelevant in primary elections. In general elections, I always vote a Democratic straight ticket. I understand the appeal of voting for person not party, I just think it’s a fool’s errand given our political system and the current political climate.
  22. Chronic Hep B, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and then crabs multiple times. I have antibodies for Hep A and Hep C but never got sick from them. I picked up HSV1 by kissing a girl onstage during college theatre production, so that’s the only one I still (rarely) deal with by taking valcyclovir.
  23. Blindfolded blond twink gets plowed. Gorgeous. Surely, it’s been linked already, but one of best I’ve seen. [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/62185/daddy-fucking-blindfolded-slutty/
  24. Good grief. That maybe happened a couple of times. Not a difficult read at all. Appreciate the effort author put into writing.
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