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  • Birthday 07/09/1963

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Southern england
  • Interests
    BLOOD SSlamming raw rough no fukking limitSS SSex
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    SADISSTIC TWISSTED NAZI AIDS BLOOD SSlamming pig give//take raw rough SSex live in full NAZI RUBBER live to get more STD AIDS BLOOD got no fukking limitSS
  • Porn Experience
    getting gang raped by NAZI AIDS pigS
  • Looking For
    SADISSTIC TWISSTED BLOOD SSlamming pigS to Swap all STD AIDS BLOODS love getting BLOOD CHEM PISS FUKKED got no fukking limitSS get thiSS NAZI AIDS pig wasted on chemS then do what you want make me your whore

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  1. Want your toxic aryan load sir! Want ur ubernensch cock in my neg jew hole

  2. I want you to poz fill my jockstrapped brohole. 


  3. sadism chems and bloodslamming rule!

  4. SSIR, I am privileged to serve YOU.




      SSieg heil get your KKKunt here then

    2. txpozsluT


      Yes SSIR, in October 

  5. SSir, I am YOUR SSlave and properTy, YOUR AIDS STD whore.

     I worship YOU.

  6. BLOOD SSlamming NAZI wantS all StrainS of Syph GORO

    1. Poz2play


      Interested in getting the same.

    2. SSmokeSS
  7. looking for BLOOD SSlamming AIDS pigS

    1. toad2


      want what you have

  8. Looking for more AIDS M88

    1. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


      let's rise our pride, bruder!

      wanna ge down ogether with you into utter depravity, no limits, sleazy, slam fucking. like to slam then fuck hard. BLOOD SSLAMMING and deathfucking each others strains of new Hiv strains, Ressistant strains. Long intense Fisting and working our holes into pulp to ensure our bugs and the blood dripping into our cunts is absorbed rapidly for effective Breeding.

    2. toad2


      want this so much

    3. pozboy


      and get all the boys we can infected in week-long meth orgies

  9. Love to share our toxic aryan DNA juice and see it being pumped into each other's veins knowing we are joined together and both wanting to spread our special toxic brotherly love around

    1. Poz2play


      Would love to spread our strains.

  10. You are evil and depraved. You take me over, use and abuse me , fuck my my, body, whatever is left of this corrupted soul you will destroy it through the work the devil. I will get cam and on skype so we can communicate. can be there in one month.

  11. you are a true devil. cant wait to get filled with loths of toxic spunk.

  12. fuck yes i want your hot aids seed in me cum and gift with your aids

  13. letSS SShare Filth and AIDS NAZI SSEED

  14. fukking want to breed you up

  15. i want you.... REALLLY bad

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