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Posts posted by PozBearWI

  1. @BlindRawFucker1 honest I would be frustrated.  But as the years go by my vision is beginning to fail me; at least in one eye.  Of course right now I have a choice, but I've often shut my eyes during sex play as it helped me focus on other sensations.  And yet there are so many things I see and appreciate; and it's gonna suck as my vision deteriorates.  

    When I am ultra sensitive; and I believe it happens to most of us at least from time to time; it never helps me.  Not to say I haven't had my times behaving as an utter ass hat.  But I only wind up making myself feel crappier.  

    Hearing is my weakest sense and unaided I often can't hear what a guy I am fucking with is saying.  I might as well have "WHAT?" stamped on my forehead!  🙂  

    Bottom line as I see it; is to find everything, not just one thing, but all of it that we have reason for gratitude.  And keep appreciating all that we can.  And when my inner asshat does come out (and that fucker does sadly) I am quick to apologize.


  2. 34 minutes ago, norefusal said:

    i wish i could have this attitude. 

    santa etc are blips on the radar screen, not quite as optional as big foot or lock nessy but not heavily pushed imho

    god however is the abusive cult i was born into and even after leaving, continue to be hounded and harassed by its members. 

    the fucking Allito douchbags aren't flying flags about the tooth fairy. they are using god as an excuse to control our lives, our bodies, our freedoms 

    Because we are letting them.  We can't afford not to push back hard in our right to think for ourselves on things pertaining to our life and bodies; to the extent we don't intrude on anyone else'.

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  3. Perhaps said differently; 40 and 50 years ago we didn't have the web.  Hell most didn't even have computers....  We had bars where people like us tended to meet.  For me the main one was local in my small town; and every few weeks I would meet a trick for more fun at my house.  I had to drive an hour to the city to find gay bars.  And it was in gay bars then we could talk about stuff we do now here on BZ.  For me this is the best replacement for that.  Bigger world, and unfortunately we don't get to hear each other, or see the expression on each others faces (much less lust over that bulge in your pants).  But BZ is pretty good nonetheless.  

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  4. There are soft trainer dildoes available online.  The ones I bought has one thinner one which is a great starter. The thicker one has a hole in the center so one can work on relaxing their breathing with a throat full.  

    The first one just gets past the depth fears.  One learns nothing bad is going to happen; just relax into it.  Once you can reliably swallow that one and not panic; move to the thicker one.  Practice breathing with that thickness in your throat; and then relax so you don't need to breathe with it in your throat.  That'll get you a sense of your natural breathing rhythm.  

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  5. Where I to get a tattoo; it would be the now classic Intel Inside logo but words would be "HIV Inside".  

    I agree with everyone else; any symbol, once it becomes "a symbol" is never secret; at least not for long.  And tattoo's are forever (for the most part).  Honestly a bit of extended eye contact is still the best way.  

  6. 14 hours ago, BirminghamBB said:

    I find it ironic that many of the people who are dunking on Trump being a "convict" now would also for anybody else be the first to say "don't judge someone by their past/society should be more accepting of ex-cons/some things shouldn't be criminalised/some records should be spent". 

    I expect to see crickets and tumbleweed when Hunter Biden goes down for far worse stuff very soon. Frankly people who hate on Trump have gotten collectively to the point whereby they've forgotten why they chose to hate him, and what that hate was meant to achieve, if anything at all. 


    p.s. Not an American, so miss me with all the name-calling about me being a MAGA-tard or something. Underestimate international support for Trump by the plebs at all your perils, and say what you want about him but he's the FIRST president ever since Reagan for whom the world actually held a degree of respect and FEAR for as POTUS. 

    And that's a very good thing. Because it is better to be feared than be supposedly loved, but only in the way an old grandpa is in a hospice home. 

    Right wing authortarian social bent is clearly on the uspwing world wide.  

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  7. 1 hour ago, Scanbu said:

    I wonder if I can work in a cat fight between two women in an art studio... probably not a good idea

    OY!!!!  Maybe done in shorthand one line story "It's been done"  

    @Scanbu none of us really need to direct you.  You've plenty of authoring moxxie going on.  However you take your stories, I'll read them and enjoy them.  


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  8. Cripes.  Taking offense because a person chose one word or another to describe me is just a waste of my time.  The 1970's were, I believe, only survivable if we developed a thick skin over names and words, epithets.  Which isn't to say words don't have meaning.  But meaning changes quite a bit when context changes; so quick to anger isn't usually helpful.  

    A rose, by any other name....  

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  9. One of the naturally resistant as well; for me heterozygous (one of two potential mutations present).  My highest viral load was a touch over 7,000.  It dropped to less than 900 in nine weeks.  Around 600 ten weeks later.  Not undetectable but level of still clearly attenuated virus.  No known transmissions at this level of virus.  

    We've oversimplified to the general public the U=U mantra.  And on balance it is excellent in destigmatizing being HIV Poz.  Undetectable though has actually been around test sensitivity and not "zero virus per ml of blood".  When the early studies were first ratified the best viral load test stopped below 200 copies per ml.  

    ARVs are essentially disrupting the supply chain of the HIV factory within every one of us poz guys.  Take them away and the factories go into production again.  There really is no way to measure the VL of every individual who has been the infection source for another.  In the partner studies; the number was considerably higher than "undetectable".  But "lowest we can measure" (eg: undetectable) is easy to say.  And remember.  

    • Like 1
  10. 7 hours ago, ellentonboy said:

    I don't know how many of our posters have access to advertisements being put out by Floridian Rick Scott.   Interesting, (and scary) is that every year (or almost) he has tried to promote agendas that would eliminate Social Security and Medicare.   A few years back that ideology  was quickly squashed, and I have heard Trump say he would never eliminate Social Security.

    What fascinates me is that Scott is using this "prevent socialism" being taught in our schools, as if teachers saying there are dangers with programs that assist millions of Floridians.   You can almost read the writing on the wall.  Scott has said he wants to eventually moonlight (is that the term?)  these programs, though I wonder if his constituents understand exactly what that means.  This is Florida, "heaven's waiting room". But many wait quite along time before their number is called.  Both my parents lived to be in their 90s, that is a long time to receive Social Security and Medicare.  I just hope people wake the hell up and realize what Scott is trying to do here.

    The term is likely "sunset".  

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  11. While I think the man deserves jail time; hell there are stronger punishments handed out to traitors post WWII.  But, better to let this record stand.  Now, if all four trials ever happen; and if all four are guilty verdicts; I think we've no choice but life in prison.  We wouldn't be the first country to have to jail a former leader.  


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  12. Certainly the LGBT.... movement is political.  Of course it is; gaining rights to exist as a human is one of the core political agendas.  Casting other humans as having no right to exist exists today and throughout human history.  BUT the right to exist at least used to be common to both parties here.  Hell @topblkmale knows this first hand....  🙂  Not fretting "you've done it now" I hope...

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