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Everything posted by RealCute

  1. Exactly what I thought...
  2. Thanks for the info guys Sounds like I should not have any problems accessing the site.
  3. I am visiting Fort Lauderdale Apr 10 to 13 from 🇨🇦 but do not use a VPN will this site work? I have read about some issues but not sure one way or the other.
  4. Okay you can't just leave us hanging like that.... And so?
  5. While now that is great timing .
  6. Thanks I was able to figure the link out.
  7. Hey we'll be in Fort Lauderdale April 10th to 13th what fun events are occurring during that time. 321 Slammers sounds like fun what else should I check out.
  8. Swallow or better yet in my hole.
  9. Hey added me to the group's @Justdoitnowokay
  10. As a verse guy I love fucking a preloaded hole for all the reasons others have mentioned above love adding my load. As a bottom I find most guys prefer a pre loaded hole but that's not always the case besides someone has to be the first.
  11. Every visit to the bath house now is a cumunion is it not?... as for STIs get on doxy prep it's made a huge difference for me definitely works since using doxy prep I've been bug free for a long time.
  12. Oh hell yes, yes, yes anywhere any time lets get a snowball going.
  13. He'll yes love to rim and get rimmed it's such a turn on. Fuck for a while rim for a while and repeat. Gets me so horny...
  14. Love, ATM I spend a lot of time cleaning out and really enjoy the taste an texture of a cock which has just cummed in my ass. If I could rim my own ass I would do that as well. last night at the baths 10 plus cocks fucked me they all where cleaned up after.
  15. I understand the 20 L of water as well in fact I'm sure it's more than that sometimes. It takes me a long time to be spotlessly clean. I find I have to start sometime in the morning do some cleaning take a break and then do some more. Once I am cleaned out I'm definitely clean this may sound crazy but I actually weigh myself before I start and after I think I'm done if I weigh more or the same there's still more work to do.
  16. Just because you have a foot injury doesn't mean you can't get horny I say go for it I don't think a foot affects your ass or cock does it? 😝
  17. Aside from all the reasons given above I noticed I would get super gassy after douching and play. What I found out was happening was the diverter valve on the douching wand was actually picking up air and injecting air and water. I accidentally found this out one day when I was filling a bucket of water using the douching hose and notice a lot of air bubbles after the bucket had water in it. A new o-ring in that diverter valve and I'm not nearly as gassy as I used to be so perhaps other people are having the same issue.
  18. Blackout night at the baths great night bred by at least eight guys and swallowed just as many loads. love the dark room and the fuck benches. This little slut was backing up to every cock he could find not sure how many actually had in me but I went home sloppy and loose. Could have had more but damn there was a lot of guys that didn't fuck what a shame or this little piggy would have had more loads.
  19. I have no idea of how many loads I have taken but it was 8 last night and just as many guys sucked off. Love black out night at the baths.
  20. Dark rooms are great last night was blackout night at the bath I'll get on the fuck benches, sling, glory holes lost track of how many cocks were in me but at least eight loads and probably just as many down my throat. Love sucking until the dude is nice and hard and then backing up onto his cock and then clean him off after he's done.
  21. Love, love rimming gets me so hard and love to be rimmed. If I'm playing with someone and I want to get rock hard all I have to do is think about rimming them. just typing this is getting me hard.
  22. Love a blindfold at the baths in the dark room or room taking Anonymous loads and then walking around later not having a clue who fucked me it always brings a smile to my face and a nice sloppy hole.
  23. Where ever they like but my preference is in order.... is my ass, mouth, face, on my cock I just want the load. Knock everything up a notch my ass then fletch it and snowballing back to me.
  24. Dam where do I find these glory holes?
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