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Everything posted by RealCute

  1. Update: Yes it's confirmed MPOX they are nasty little buggies. I hope I recover soon.
  2. They do look like pic E. My lab results should be back in a few days. What ever I have is a real pain in the ass, literally and figuratively.
  3. The way it feels it's like my butt in on fire 🔥 it could be a long and sore couple of weeks. Ouch..
  4. There is a lot of knowledge on this site wondering what your opinion on this might be. So last weekend was a good weekend until about 3 days afterwards and then there was a bit of a pain and then more. Yes I will be setting up an appointment with the doctor but in the meantime what might this be. The little white spots are inflicting a lot of pain.
  5. Figured I would get the definition What are pejorative words? A pejorative or a slur is a word or a grammatical form which expresses a negative or disrespectful connotation, a low opinion of someone or something, or a lack of respect for someone or something. It is also used to express criticism, hostility, or disregard.
  6. Also noted on Android phone, screen does not always update correctly. Top of screen gets scrambled.
  7. This is a good diagram..
  8. This sounds like a bit of mind over matter. It sounds like you have an issue with swallowing the size of pill. So start with something smaller so that your mind doesn't get stuck up on swallowing a pill perhaps start by swallowing a tick tac or small candy. Slowly work your way up to a larger size perhaps swallow small peas. Then take a piece of bread the soft part and roll a section into a small ball and learn to swallow that. Eventually you can switch over to the real pill cuz your mind won't be stuck on the fact that you're swallowing the pill. On a daily basis when you're eating you swallow items much bigger than the size of the pill is but you don't think about it so you just do it so train yourself to do that with a thing called a pill.
  9. I think gay men are way more consensus of health matters. Look at the number of bi men we have all played with they are going to move this to the general population. The 20 and under's are going to spread Mpox like a wild fire cuz they are invincibility. It's just a matter of time until the general population catches up to where we (gay) men are now.
  10. Mpox fact sheets who, what, when, where. [think before following links] https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/monkeypox
  11. CDC Mpox case counts and locations [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/response/2022/us-map.html Types of vax and who should get which type. [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/considerations-for-monkeypox-vaccination.html
  12. Info about the spreading of Monkey POX, from brothers who have been battling infection. [think before following links] https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna36789
  13. One thing I dislike about photo's that expired in just a few seconds is sometimes I try to discreetly look at it but for various reasons have to flip the phone back over so nobody else can see it. When the coast is clear again photos gone so I never actually get to see it. Other times I look at the photo but either don't have my glasses or have my glasses on and want to change that ... Then photo disappears before I get a good look. So if you're going to set a timeout give me at least 60 Seconds
  14. In the not fucking section: The Basket Weaver, these are the guys that go to the baths and do nothing but look for something better than what is standing in front if them and end up doing nothing but, while, Basket Weaving.
  15. You should do it.... Your pic, your ass, you should get the fucks. Not to mention the ad post is going to probably be a deleted at the last minute leaving the guys fucked but not in a good way.
  16. The reviews for the previous HM in PDX seemed good for both mares and stallions. I was hoping to get a group of 🇨🇦 boys in the mix but that did not work out as I was planning sadly. Maybe next time I hope. I figured a red hooded 🇨🇦 flag would have drawn a few stallions..
  17. Looks great 👍. They did lose their socks, dude on the left has a nicer bubble butt. 😍
  18. At the bath in my city the public sling (which is not in a rented room) is in a hallway area which is part of a landing for the stairs. It might as well be under a spot light too. It never seems to be used. I will jump into at times but 99% percent of the guys will just walk past. I will connect with some in my room and get fucked and sometimes say " want to fuck me in the sling if the door to the room has been opened while playing. This will often result in getting fucked in the sling. (I like people watching 👀) The "watchers" will watch but typically no new fuckers. (I think the baths puts the sling in the location they have to reduce the wear and tear.)
  19. As a naturally smooth and almost hairless guy I appreciate guys with hair in all the right places. Love treasure trails 😃
  20. Say "what" no tiaras that changes everything I have been under a false impression. 😆
  21. I am trying so hard to get the title of "Too Slutty" so far I have not reached the target my work continues.
  22. Google Atlantis Events the web page will list current and upcoming cruises. Note the cruises sell out early.. First to go are the most expensive suites then the least expensive cabins. The alumni members get first choice of locations cabins, then they are released to general public aka new guests. Link below [think before following links] [think before following links] https://atlantisevents.com/ (I have no assocation to Atlantis Events other than purchasing cruise's from them)
  23. Of course what happens on the ship stays on the ship... But been there done that 😃
  24. Depending on ship there may be some chairs, lounge chairs which are part of the cabins in the area. It is a darker area on the top levels of the ship's but no slings etc.
  25. I am surprised you have not got any responses. I did visit the location about 5 years ago so my info is very dated however. They did have a sling area, dark room etc, room and a nice area which was outdoors with several areas to play. Several large padded bed and play space. The pool was a nice feature as well along with sauna/wet area. The time I went was mid day on a weekday so not many people but I would think a weekend would be nice with the outdoor play space and pool. They have rooms and lockers of course.
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