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Status Replies posted by hntnhole

  1. BAck online- only took ATT 6 days to fix their line where a squirrel chewed it. Hi everyone !

    1. hntnhole


      Typical ... but Comcast sometimes isn't any better.  

      Welcum back !!

  2. The security of online apps.  I recently had a situation where an individual, who I declined to meet, told me he could find out my location as well as my address.  So my question is to the Breeding Zone members, just how safe are our IP addresses, when it comes to online apps?  Has anyone had any problems?  Have you had people you said a firm "NO" to showed up your door step?  I think this is a logical and practical question....

    1. hntnhole


      Actually, this is an important issue, particularly given the political situation.  I don't want the Ashamed Boys showing up in my driveway !!!  

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. New Site ???   Does this mean that Breeding Zone is going away ???  Will we have to learn how to make all the doo-dads work all over again?  Will all the BZ content still show up on the new site?  

    Not that it's all that pressing - if you would be kind enough to answer some of this whenever you get around to it - I know you're busy with other more important stuff.  


    1. hntnhole


      Well, thanks for the reply, and the reassurance.  Not being terribly interested in how all this electronic stuff works, I never bothered to learn.  It took me some time to get BZ somewhat navigable in my mind.

      I really enjoy the site, and you helped me figure out how to avoid the stuff I have no interest in, so thanks for that too.

      Best ....

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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