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About cockfun69

  • Birthday 01/01/1971

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Kent, UK
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Cute sleazy fetish whore. Love groups, darkrooms, woods, dungeon, sauna, slings.
    Friendly and swimmer. Fully vers and prefer to flip-flop fuck, though rarely achieved.
    Boots, leather, nip dads a plus. Also love black breeders.
  • Looking For
    Similar guys. Prefer non smokers and fit-ish rather than fat.
    Older guys fine. NOT looking for chem scenes or total bottoms.

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  1. Yes the btms usually chime in from all round the world asking if someone who's taken recent loads can send the top(s) thousands of miles to their ass 😄 I know this isn't an exam Q but it usually pays to read first and make a relevant response 😎
  2. I could resize
  3. And vers? Life is never simple. I have had 'tops' fuck me then ask if I'm always btm. They can't wait to ride me after!
  4. Need to get blindfold for bare scenes in 2025 [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/6015/blindfold-white-slut-used-by-2two-black-top-s/
  5. [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/28942/bareback-sling-gangbang/
  6. Think he lived in Berlin before porn no doubt enjoying the sleazy and leather backrooms. So his accent is very mixed.
  7. Called LORDOSIS if you google ..
  8. I love sling porn 😛 Plus a mirror above if I'm btm 😎
  9. Sounds like German at the end from the overseer
  10. AFAIK PreP meds use part of full HIV treatment. (There was a ton of research done and trials on this.) Full HIV treatment is a combination of meds (though they may be in a single pill like Atripla.)
  11. [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/twink-in-sling-fucked-raw-by-at-least-five-dudes/
  12. I tend to be one of the later guys to cum
  13. 😮 more to do with saline?
  14. Typically head south in winter but there is fun (and culture) to be had if you take lots of winter layers and prepare for snow
  15. Usually a bad idea to let work slide into the sheets though
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