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Everything posted by barebackbro

  1. This seems to be the legislation: [think before following links] https://content.legislation.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/bills/591338bi1.pdf. The relevant bit starts on page 10 of the PDF. It's hard to get your head around, but it will change the Crimes Act. The news sources are all reporting that parliament has passed the legislation. It isn't the law yet. That will happen later on, according to the media reports [think before following links] https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/aug/31/victoria-passes-laws-banning-stealthing-and-requiring-affirmative-consent. Don't rely on my summary though!
  2. Hi guys. As you might have seen, there are new laws in Victoria requiring affirmative consent and prohibiting stealthing. I posted about it in General Discussion: [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/75231-new-affirmative-consent-anti-stealthing-laws-in-australia-in-victoria/#comment-798455 Love you to hear what you think!
  3. My Australian state, Victoria, has passed new laws regulating sex. Melbourne is the big city in Victoria. There is a summary here: [think before following links] https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-08-31/victorian-sexual-assault-laws-changing-affirmative-consent/101383450. (It's from our very reliable and independent government-funded news service, so it should be accurate.) The two main changes are: putting 'the onus on the accused person to confirm they have received consent, rather than scrutinising the behaviour of the victim-survivor' (that is, introducing a requirement for affirmative consent); and outlawing stealthing. Obviously, this is handy for anyone visiting Melbourne, but it raises some interesting questions. I'd love to hear what people around the world think! 1. On affirmative consent, would a law like this change your behaviour? How would affirmative consent work in a dark room or for a guy bent over in a steam room? 2. What do you think of the anti-stealthing law? These topics have come up before, but it's nice to have a concrete example. I'll post a link to the legislation if I can find it!
  4. When you really get off on piss play, the thought of it makes you so hard -- and pissing in that state is a real art form 😉
  5. This bit is so true. No one should make any decisions - about whether to cheat, whether to tell your partner, or whether to forgive a cheater - without accepting this.
  6. Australia is generally good. Sydney is great and Melbourne is awesome. Almost no condoms, plenty of hot, kinky guys and more than enough hung tops. I promise I'm not just saying that because I want to breed @1999bottom, although ...
  7. The Department of Health has a great website about Monkeypox and where vaccinations are available: [think before following links] https://www.health.vic.gov.au/infectious-diseases/monkeypox. The only problem is the vaccine is hard to get. Several of the Melbourne clinics, and maybe all of them, have run out. More vaccines will be available some time in September. I hope this information might help people who've missed it. Let us all know if you have any tips!
  8. @hornyson!
  9. I'm sure we all know of bathhouses and cruise clubs that went broke and closed during the pandemic. What about the ones that remain? Is your local as busy as it was in 2019? Or busier, because there's less competition? Or are people shunning sex venues where you are? Let us know what your local scene is like. Maybe it'll help us plan some sex holidays!
  10. I love how transgressive it is to bend over for another bloke to root me in the arse. I'd never give that up and there is zero chance I'd give up my cock. All the same, I'd love a week or two with a pussy and a stream of straight guys!
  11. I hope you both had a good time! Thanks for the typo in the headline. I don't know why, but it cracked me up 🙂
  12. Hi @leatherpunk16. I'm very sorry to hear this. I'm sure all members will be. I hope this thread hasn't been too difficult.
  13. I'm not a local, but I've always had fun at Steamworks. It's a strange, fun place. The only way I can describe it is as a sauna inside a circus tent. Enjoy those hot WA men!
  14. Now you're teasing us!
  15. I’d be happy to contribute a few, especially if he’s wearing that t-shirt!
  16. This is so off-topic, but am I the only who got hard thinking of @Blkmuscbreeder and @KylerIsTrash fucking?
  17. Plenty of guys have mentioned Club 80 recently. I thought it might be good to have a thread where we can all discuss the things we miss most, our best fucks there, how we might re-create it now ... Go for it!
  18. A familiar problem! The cross-body bag sounds way too big. As everyone else has suggested, you need an unobtrusive solution. I think an ankle pouch is best, but you probably need to try a few options to see what suits you.
  19. What I wouldn’t give for another night on the fuck bench at Nüd!
  20. I've never smoked. Sometimes, it's hot to see a young guy rebelling by smoking. What follows is never so good: the smell, the dry mouth and skin ... But cigar smokers are another story completely. If he's even vaguely hot and smoking a cigar, I'm bending over.
  21. When I top, I'll usually try to hit his prostate at least some of the time, to see how much he likes it. It's usually easiest when the bottom is on his back or in a sling -- but it'll differ depending on both parties' anatomy!
  22. There was a recent thread about bottoms' favourite fucking positions. I like the distinction between fucking and taking a load. I prefer taking loads from behind. I feel sluttier that way, whether it's standing up in a public toilet or ass up in a dark room.
  23. Congratulations, @viking8x6 and @a6uldeve84u!
  24. Over the years, I've unexpectedly seen a couple of friends at saunas. We handled it well. On the night, we pretended not to recognise one another. We never mentioned it later. The friendships continued just as they were before. (The only problem is that one of them is seriously hot and I wish either one of us had been willing to risk making a move!)
  25. I think they actually used to! But April is a good time to visit, because Wet turns 21 then. There are some discounts and a competition: [think before following links] https://wetonwellington.com.au/birthday-celebration/. We all need to support the saunas after what must have been two very tough years.
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