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[Neg2Poz] The problem with Breeding Zone


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Sorry for this little detour off of my blog's chosen subject matter, but when I see someone in the bareback community abusing their power, well, I feel they need to be called out on it.

I'm a fan of the Raw Top's blog & his forum. I will admit that. It's what got me back into barebacking again after practicing abstinence for about eight years. However, lately, I find it to be that he is abusing his power in the community and I just think that is plain out wrong!

1.) First off, he is running a forum with Breeding Zone. He is not there to agree with or disagree with people's opinions. That's not the purpose of a forum! A forum is supposed to be a free exchange of thought between people. The only moderation that should come into play is if people are posting illegal material or they are posting material irrelevant to the site.

Someone voiced an opinion on the Bareback Porn Forum about not being happy in their dealings with a bareback porn studio. A customer, in my opinion, has every right to do this. What happened was RawTop put himself in the middle of a dispute between a customer & a business. This should have been strictly between the two parties, but by getting in the middle of it all, Rawtop allowed Raw Fuck Club & himself to go about talking about a customer in a negative way on a public forum. I thought it was really unprofessional on his part and said so.

2.) We had different opinions on what constitutes stealthing and what doesn't. I stated my opinions in a way that expressed my thought on the subject. I never resorted to putting down anyone or name calling. Again, the purpose of a forum is the exchange of ideas, even if you disagree with them.

3.) I got banned from the site for not agreeing with his opinion even though I conducted myself in a professional manner. Here's the message he sent me:

Constantly argumentative: I'm tired of you being so argumentative. There's a really good spirit on this site - people get along remarkably well, but you just don't fit in here - you're constantly finding fault. I'm tired of it. Go away...

4.) So I disagree with someone on two topics, so that makes it so I should be banned? What happened to our first amendment right to free speech? For someone that preaches tolerance, he certainly has none unless you absolutely 100% agree with his opinions. And who is he to say who's opinion is right or wrong? It's supposed to be a forum where people exchange their opinions after all! Stop censoring people!

Sorry for ranting! I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled programming now! I just thought that someone who is going about abusing his power needed to be called out on it. In the future, I hope he conducts himself in a more professional manner. I hope he is more fair minded. I hope he refrains from getting in the middle of a discussion that he has no business being a part of to begin with. And most importantly, I hope he stops trying to censor people simply because he doesn't agree with them.



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For the record - Neg2Poz was banned for being repeatedly and consistently disagreeable. Yes, there were two issues that were the proverbial straws that broke the camel's back, but my opinion of him had been going south for a while. And one of the two issues involved getting involved in an unjustified fight with one of this site's biggest sponsors who happens to also be one of my best friends. People who start talking shit about my friends and sponsors will get banned.

[in case you're wondering, the incident involved a member who got a promo email from Raw Fuck Club offering 50% off. He followed the link, but chose the full-price plan rather than the 50% off plan. He contacted customer service and asked for a full refund. Since he had already watched 45 minutes of video they just gave him the difference in price between the full price plan and the discount plan. Then he comes here an publicly accuses them with fraud. Neg2Poz started defending the guy who picked the fight. They both got banned when the situation was clarified and they continued to say it was fraud (when it clearly wasn't).]

It was not the first time Neg2Poz was banned either - he was banned early on for spamming the site. This site does not belong to him, he has no "free speech" here. I own the site and I set the rules. If you can't live by those rules you need to go elsewhere.

You guys are pretty good with each other. And I'm fine with someone having a bad day - god knows I have them. But, like it or not, I have to police what goes on here. If I feel the site will be better without someone, then I ban them. My site, my rules...

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I think it was obvious why you banned him. Especially when someone starts posting stuff about sponsers that just doesn't jive. I was actually more surprised when I saw that this post was even on your site - though it is one of those things where the guy makes it obvious how out of line he is the more you read. I think that shows more than anything to users that you aren't being unreasonable.

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Very well-said rawTOP. This is a private site, very well-run and not subject to outside regulations. As Inception said, it was obvious why they were banned. This is an excellent site. Thanks for providing it rawTOP and for maintaining the integrity of what Breedingzone is about.

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