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Negs: Do you strictly want neg fucks, or is poz ok?

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  JizzDumpWI said:
PrEP lets neg guys enjoy bare sex and still remain neg at least at the same rate as condom sex. So the fellows here who are attempting to serosort and "want to stay neg" really ought to contact their local STD clinic, or local Infection Disease doc and explore it for themselves. It makes it substantially less risky for the poz guy who would like to stay OFF meds for a long as possible, to do so and still fuck the PrEP guys.

It's an option, but it's pricey. Every one's insurance won't cover it, and even if it does it's still lots of money. If it were free or cheap, I'd think it'd be a great choice. But since it is so expensive, a lot of men won't be able to go that route. Even then, that doesn't deal with the other STDs you can get. So in the end I think guys just need to ask about the other guy's status and accept the potential risk, use a condom, or get used to handjobs.


For negative guys interested in how effective only taking loads from guys who say they're neg is, or how effective PrEP is, you might be interested in looking at some of the number crunching I do here.

Bottom line: The more promiscuous you are, the more likely you are to get HIV. Serosorting and PrEP help modify the risk, but sex with lots of random guys is the really big factor in figuring out your odds of infection.

  • 4 years later...

I know I have have had POZ loads in me in the past, I take all loads. I had one guy tell me that he was POZ before he fucked me and my heart was beating with anticipation as he fucked me and filled me up with toxic cum.



I am negative and really don't care about the tops status as long as I have their hard cock fucking my tight hole and leaving their dna deep in my hole.  I NEVER refuse a hard cock or cum, NEVER use condoms and will spread my legs for ANYONE!!  You can keep your status to yourself, tell me before, tell me during or tell me after ... I really don't care if you have HIV, AIDS or any other bugs ... i'll still spread my legs and let you fuck me silly!!


I`m neg. not on prep. I am totally fine taking a poz load. At a bathhouse I will not ask status. If the top wants to tell me ok but I don`t need to know. I do think it would be really exciting to take a known poz HVL too. I would meet a guy that I knew was poz and not on meds. for a breeding session. I know what can happen. If it does I deal with it.


Neg here and I never refuse anyone who wants to fuck me and gladly take every cum load!  Status is never asked.


I'm neg, I have taken undetectable loads and neg loads, however I want to take only POZ loads. I don't refuse any loads!!


I only serosort for undetectable or PrEPster play partners if I am playing bare. Positive or negative, as such, does not matter so much to me.

From the perspective of avoiding HIV, selecting for partners who are negative seems at best futile, at worst dangerous. The large majority of HIV transmissions come from people who believe themselves negative, often in the first months after their seroconversion before they themselves know. Trying to pick only negative partners if one is trying to avoid contracting HIV while playing bare seems like exactly the sort of thing that would endanger one's safety.


I must admit my conversion party was one of the hottest things I have ever experienced and taking each of the men involved knowing they were poz was so freeing me from the previous constraints on my life. Now I am poz I don't care, I just love all seed, it is where I get my sustenance from.

Guest totalbottomrr

I am still neg, but not neg friendly I love poz cum, I will only fuck bb with poz guys,  it is so sexy to know a toxic poz guy has put his toxic baby's in me. 

Guest btchbyl


dont ask dont tell

although i have knowingly taken poz undetect.


I'm neg and wish to stay neg. I dont understand the desire to ruin you health chasing bugs.  Yes the idea of being able to accept all cocks would be awesome but . It's not worth the health problems and cost financially. 

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