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Guys w/a PA??


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Wait till it doesn't hurt when you piss. That's when it's healed properly. It's mutual protection because a PA infection isn't much fun (I've had to take a friend to A&E with an infected PA - silly bugger wasn't washing it properly, and it's something that can happen anyway). I haven't had mine in for a year now and do I miss it! I'm on a calcium supplement because of kidney damage and had to remove the PA every couple of weeks to get rid of the limescale* that had built up. Before leaving for a party I forgot to put it back in and of course we got snowed in for a week, which is long enough for the piercing to close. Keep meaning to get the hole stretched so I can have my old dick back...

How rough you can go is something that varies from dick to dick, basically depending on the depth of the piercing. Pain is your friend: if it hurts you're stressing it too much.

*an overnight soak in white vinegar is usually enough to remove limescale, but as I demonstrate above the piercing closes fast, but not permanently - I can still get a darning needle through mine.

Edited by bearbandit
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Once the piercing is established it actually stays pretty open. I can take mine out for months and it will only have gone down a size (e.g. 2ga instead of 0ga).

I got mine January 5th, 1996 on the one year anniversary of my lover's death (not sure why I commemorated in that way, but I did). I was in a rebound relationship at the time and Valentines Day came and I wanted to fuck the guy I was seeing (the guy who got me addicted to bareback sex). So I took out the piercing to fuck and then couldn't get it back in after we were done. I left it out for a year or so and then noticed a small drop of piss where the piercing used to be. I went to the piercing shop and they gave me tapers that I used religiously to reopen the hole. So even when you think a PA has closed, it may still be open - even if just slightly.

But to answer your question, yes, the PA can be rough on the guy who wears it. I usually take it out to fuck. Even when I have it hang out of my jockstrap on jockstrap night at the Eagle it can get sore from all the guys playing with it. So treat it with respect and be sensitive to it's limits.

As far as cleaning, piss is sterile to your own body so every time you piss you're cleaning your PA. But I noticed that when I got up to 0ga crusties (from precum) could form on the ring and irritate the piercing. So it's important to keep the ring clean and smooth.

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It seems to vary from dick to dick - I had a 4mm ring in for years and after a couple of years out it took a lot of porn and poppers to get a 2mm ring in. This time I can't even get the 2mm ring in, hence the pencilled-in trip to the piercers. Even after a year I still piss out of both holes. The limescale buildup can be a problem if you have a high calcium diet or live in a hard water area and also depends on kidney function: John had constant limescale problems when I had none. Mine only started when kidney damage meant I was pissing away calcium I should have been re-absorbing.

As for your romantic gesture, rawTOP, I did something similar: when John and I both had our PA's stretched I used our original PA rings as the tit rings I still wear today, though I'm damned if I know which was whose...

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Keep in mind too that once you have a PA it's harder to aim piss accurately. Partner/Sir has a PA and he always has to sit down to pee unless he's at a troff. Otherwise it would spill everywhere. There are other small minor things too even like taking off your underwear. If you pull it down to fast or it get caught I've been told it hurts like a mother fucker.

As for fucking guys there are bottoms out there that would take your PA even with little lube. But some you might have to have more patience with and go slow. I've known tops that have lost out on a night of fucking bottoms because the bottoms in the area were (for some reason) afraid of PAs. Congratulations on it though, my dick is sensitive enough being uncut I'll probably never get one. But always admire them. I love how the piss dribbles get on the ring sometimes too when sucking PA cock.

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I have had mine since 1996 and have stretched it up to 7mm (0g?). Have now got a captured ball and I make sure that it's cleaned before I go out fucking. I never take it out to fuck. Pissing at times can be interesting, but I find that if I put the ball over the bottom hole all generally goes well.

It's a piercing that heals quickly and is probably the most erotic of all piercings.

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I have had my PA now for 15 years. Once healed the hole will not close. I can go months not wearing it and it slides right back in. You'll get used to pissing with it. I have no issue using a urnal. As for fucking, sometime it's fun and sometimes not. You can always remove it. I think you'll like it. I do.

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Back in my early 20ies I was in the punk scene and had almost every piercing which one could imagine.

All of them are gone now, except the PA. Well, I hardly wear it any more, but the hole is still there.

But back then I fucked a lot of girls with the PA on. Some liked it, others hated it and some were so scared that they wouldn't even let me close to them with the ring inside my dick. Only once a girl insisted in me putting the ring back in for a second hookup.

I'm bottom only with men, so don't know what it's like to fuck a guy with the ring on, but with girls it made me always slow down a bit. And unfortunately I never got fucked by a pierced guy yet. Would love to experience that.

I wonder how a PA can be done on an uncut cock, and how it works together with that hood of foreskin.

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Guys I have my PA piercing for nearly 12years now and have stretched up to 12mm but find wearing a 8mm ring the most comfortable for day to day wear. I love it and never take it out.

Note I was given this tip by another guy with a PA, when pissing at a urinal. Just turn your cock so that the hole point upwards towards yourself. I am doing it the last ten years and it works well.

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Well, I can say I don't regret it one bit, and I am amazed at how quick it healed, my ears and my nips didn't heal near as quick. Can't wait to stretch it and put a bigger ring. But patience is a must here don't wanna tear my cock. Already bought the rings though ;)

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