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Chia seeds. Nature's buttgrease. Great bottom food.

Guest PozGoat

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I am about to take my first serving of these, put them in my protein shake.

It says 15g (two dessert spoons)

How many servings a day are you taking? With what? is 15g enough?

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If anybody is in the Atlanta area, the Dekalb Farmers Market on Ponce sells them for $6.99/lb.

I just got a soup-bowl sized tub of them for only four bucks.

They were out of white chia, so that's the price on Paraguayan black chia. Not sure what the difference might be...

I suppose now I need to figure out HOW to eat them... dumping them into a glass of water just made a giant mess, lol.

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Guest PozGoat

Oink! Pigs love chia LOL! I haven't been able to reply for awhile but this thread sure has taken off, in a good way. Thanks to everyone for their replies. Good to see that others are feeling results from eating chia. I just has my ass scoped by my doc and he said my colon looks like a brand new one has been installed. No diverticulitis.(unhealthy pockets where shitballs form in the walls of the colon, making enema cleanouts a neverending brownfest)

If you are a bottom that has great difficulty getting your ass clean, if it keeps pushing out brown after repeated enema attempts, you likely have a case of diverticulitus which causes small pockets to form in the colon wall. Shitballs accumulate in the pockets. Enemas and dildoing can keep knocking these loose and that's likely why you keep getting brown. It can make enemas a frustrating long and painful exp.

Diets that are high in quality fibers and beneficial plant mucus/muculoids are colon healers.

My colon is proof. I've seen the scope, my doc recorded it on vid. Pink and clean as a whistle. Looks like the inside of a pink garden hose. Clean.

Eat chia seeds. They make us healthier people. Also, I recommend a good quality psyllium husk fiber powder as well. I take about 5X the dosage each day of psylium husk, throughout the day. 1 teaspoon is 1 dose. I take the psylium and chia, along with my high fiber, vegan diet. This strategy has not only restore my colon's health and detoxed both my colon and body, it also makes enema cleanouts a simple breeze. I take a dump. Its always solid and clean. I hardly even need to wipe LOL. I do a quick fleet enema bottle squirt up my butt which always comes out clean.

That's it for my cleanouts. What used to take 2 hours now takes minutes. When some other 43 years old are being diagnosed with diverticulitis or worse, colon cancer, my colon looks pink and brand new. So, a bonus effect of this strategy is improved health. EZ enemas and better health.

Many have asked about black vs white chia. Makes no difference. They are virtually the same in nutrition, fiber, mucus etc. There's really no difference.

How much chia seed do I eat each day? I'm 6'0" muscular/lean 190lbs. I try to eat 4 tablespoons a day but don't always hit that mark.

Ways to eat or take chia..

1 serving = 1 tablespoon = 15g

add 1-2 tbsp to 8-16oz water/juice. Best to allow it to sit for at least 15 minutes to allow the chia to turn into a gel.

add 1-2 tbsp to a fruit/veg smoothie or to your juice if you do veg juicing.

sprinkle 1-2 tbsp over a green salad. Chia adds a pop/crunch to salad, like sesame. They're a nice salad garnish.

add to yogurt


I make various herbal teas for health and detox benefits. Cold teas are a perfect vehicle for chia. I add chia to kombucha tea, red hibiscus tea, green, herbe mate. Really any cold tea is good for adding chia. EZ way to drink to better health and a clean ass.

I prefer to keep my chia raw. That is why I add it to cold teas or raw juices and salads etc. I think that raw protects the chia's natural mucus, rather than cooking it. The mucus is the part that makes it so cleansing to the colon. So in my opinion, it's important to eat chia raw. Or at least take some of it raw. Chia seeds are also great hot soup thickeners and has other uses in cooking as well.

For ass/colon cleansing, I prefer to keep the chia raw. Just make sure to always drink plenty of water with chia to fully activate the mucus.

In fact, read the earlier replies in this thread. Others have made some great suggestions on how they are eating them. Drinks, yogurt etc.

Chia seeds can also be ground in a coffee bean grinder or a blender. The powder can be eaten or added to salads, juices or it can be encapsulated in blank pill capsules which can be ordered online or bought from some health food stores.

Again, a HUGE thanks to everyone for their replies and experiences with chia. To our healthy colons and clean asses!


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Okay, forgive the graphics. I've been taking 2 tblspns of chia seeds each night for 4 days. It honestly left me with a rather 'not-nearly-empty' feeling after daily dumps. Today I cleaned out and, oh my, quite the unsightly mess. ("I haven't eaten THAT in weeks!")

I'm *hoping* this was just the result of some upper-intestinal cleansing. Anybody on a chia seed regimen that can back me up with this assumption? Or am I just doing it wrong?

Cumunion Atlanta is tonite, so I was really hoping for better results than what I've seen so far. I guess the real test will be with tonite's clean-out...

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Just a question from a nervous bottom ( I ask my tops at least 3 or 4 times during a fist session of an hour or so if everything is clean) Do the chia seeds cause any excess gas , either initially or as an ongoing effect? I have been doing a CVS ( US pharmacy) probiotic that has turned my chute into tornado alley when I do it daily- I slowed it to every other day and the farts have slowed up greatly. I just sort of do not want to be a "wind machine" , especially in the sling or at work

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been taking these now for a while. I've noticed that I seem to be having larger bowel movements. Not really noticed the benefits of the 'butt grease' yet. Not really had a proper clean out yet though

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I bought some at a local organic green grocer a couple of weeks ago - began taking them in teaspoon full size add ins to orange juice or to my yogurt- but after starting on a Thursday, I got home from work Sunday night feeling bloated and uncomfortable- about 5 minutes after getting home I had almost a food poisoning ( flash backs of my Berlin trip in November) explosive runs, then a fever set in and major headache- halfway through the night naseau hit and everything from the previous day came up undigested- next morning I called off work and slept most of the day- and still I was runny and it had a lot of chia seeds in the runs. After a 24 hr period it cleared and I was in great shape for the fist fest this past weekend- but I have held off going back to trying the chia until the fist weekend was over- just in case the gut issues were chia related , and not some 24 hr bug

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I've been using chia seeds for nearly four weeks already. They just have them at the market here, €9 for 800g :). Been taking 1 tablespoon a day, just like that or in yoghurt or in sandwiches. I always drink lots of fluids so no problem there. Did notice that my bowel movements have grown larger, heavier (they used to float, now they often disappear on their own in the toilet!) and more regular. Not feeling much cleaner though. Last Wednesday I was planning to go to the sexshop, so I started a few days before to take two tablespoons rather than one, just to try. Did not notice much change though.

But when I went to clean my hole on Wednesday, I was flabbergasted! I'm always rather clean, and don't need much more than 15 minutes to get ready down there. This time though, it took me only five minutes! It was clean nearly immediately! Tried a bit more water to be sure, but it was all coming back clear, however much I was pushing! It also stayed completely clean for the whole day! I'm impressed!

So now I'm back at one tablespoon a day. If it stays that way, it's really a wonderfood! :grin:

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  • 2 months later...

Chia seeds have been a part of my plant-based diet for a very long time. I don't go a day with ingesting chia seeds. They're a complete protein, very high in calcium and many other minerals. Hemp seeds are magical as well.

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