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Son's Best friend is on Grindr and he's in my guest room.

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  FatFuckPigMA said:
Be his friend and teach him not give out his full name on a public web site.
I see people who use thier first and last name for thier email and then post it publicly on hookup sites and other sites they might not want potential employers knowing about but when you use things like your name in your email address that is easily connected. It sucks but employers are looking potential job candidates up online to get an idea of who they are. Have a Grindr profile come up might not be a problem for some but in certain careers it would be frowned upon.

That's tough, but I'd fuck him. When I was young, I wished a hot older guy would break me in. It'll be an experience for you both.

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Compliment him on his pic. Let's him know you saw it and liked it. Yeah, it's a bit flirty, but as long as you're completely cool with it, he will be too. Whether he then takes the next step after that is up to him.


If you saw his Grindr listing then you can be sure he saw your page days before you did!

He could be jacking off thinking about you, listening in the shower, smelling your towels..

Or he could be after a lad his own age? If there's no tension/hints I would leave him alone.

Your son would prob never forgive you for shagging his best friend or spoiling their holiday?

  seaguy said:
I see people who use thier first and last name for thier email and then post it publicly on hookup sites and other sites they might not want potential employers knowing about but when you use things like your name in your email address that is easily connected. It sucks but employers are looking potential job candidates up online to get an idea of who they are. Have a Grindr profile come up might not be a problem for some but in certain careers it would be frowned upon.

He only used his first name, John. I don't where the idea he used his full name came from.

  JamesL100 said:
If you saw his Grindr listing then you can be sure he saw your page days before you did!

He could be jacking off thinking about you, listening in the shower, smelling your towels..

Or he could be after a lad his own age? If there's no tension/hints I would leave him alone.

Your son would prob never forgive you for shagging his best friend or spoiling their holiday?

I'm just glad I was on my "mr nice guy" profile and not one of my usual slutty profiles. This whole incident does have me wondering how long will it be before one of my kids friends, or one of their professors, or co-workers, or someone they know recognizes me as Tiger Milner, online whore. When they were in high school I could control who and what they knew and where exposed to. Now they are adults and it's out of my hands. It's bound to happen. I've got to figure out how I'm gonna handle that when it does happen.

In the meantime, my son and his friend are enjoying a week in the keys this week with a few other friends. From the looks of their facebook posts, a good time is being had.


Some dicks are simply off limits in my opinion. This sounds it might be one of them. :) Aren't there enough others to choose from? LOL

And as it would not be an anonymous encounter, you'd have to play safe or disclose. That would be a tish awkward, no?

The age of the guy is also a factor. If he's a teenager, then I vote definitely no. If he's in his early 20s, then maybe. If he is in his late 20s, fuck him. Hehe.


I'm always one for getting all the facts before I make a decision (and especially when offering advice).

I'm assuming your son knows you are gay, but what are the chances that your son knows about your website or escapades? The more he knows or might know, the higher the chance that any of that information might have 'slipped' to his friend.

Can we assume your son is straight? Completely straight? Flexible? Curious? Probably not something you want to answer directly on this forum, but it may be a clue to some of the underlying potential in your son's friendship with this guy. As well as his likelihood of what information he might have already shared with his friend, and how he might be affected if information ever got back that you connected with him (physically or on grindr)

I think most of us are automatically assuming that the friend is gay. Being on grindr is NOT 100% proof of this. He may be bi, flexible, curious, or potentially even using the site to scope out 'fags'. Kids today see orientation in a much different way than we ever did, so it's hard to tell their motivations just because of what sites they frequent. Given that his photo was taken in your house, it is entirely possible that he heard you were gay and just decided to be curious if it were true on a spur of the moment.

Is he hot enough? Forget the situation, is the guy hot enough that you'd even consider making a move on him? Is he even a top?

  Deaner said:
We've all had experiences where we run into someone we know from a non-sexual situation in a sexual environment. Personally, I've found that NOT acknowledging it actually makes it more awkward than simply breaking the ice and moving on.
I haven't but I have had straight buddies discover I loved cock. We don't talk about it even though I think they want to.
  Deaner said:
I'm always one for getting all the facts before I make a decision (and especially when offering advice).

I'm assuming your son knows you are gay, but what are the chances that your son knows about your website or escapades? The more he knows or might know, the higher the chance that any of that information might have 'slipped' to his friend.

Deaner, I like how you always get to the heart of the matter. You actually asked several good questions and quite a few guys wrote to me privately with similar ones so I am going to address them here as there seems to be curiosity. I have never written about my kids on here for obvious reasons, but this thread gives me legitimate reason to do so. First, I live an openly gay life with my kids and in my community. So yes they know I'm gay and so do their friends. It's no secret and it's no big deal. Most of their friends think it is cool. (My kids also know I am poz, they know I am undetectable and what that means, they know I am on meds and that I am healthy, but they no nothing about my sexual habits). No, they do not know about my blog, my xtube page, my videos, stories or any of my internet escapades (that I am aware of). My daughter recently discovered my Tiger Milner Gmail account when she borrowed my laptop to check her email while hers was uploading something. When she went to log on to Gmail, up pops my face with the name Tiger Milner asking If I wanted to log in. She asked what that was all about. I told her it was my Heisenberg (a reference to Breaking Bad). I then grinned and said "Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answers to". She said "Good answer". I then told her it was a name I was using for art I was experimenting with that I didn't want to put my real name on. (Not a lie). That was that. (I think).

I believe my son is totally straight. Judging from the sounds that come from his room when he is banging chicks, he's a stud. Since he broke up with his girlfriend last month he has gotten a new piece of ass every other day. He's a little hottie. He is adopted so he looks nothing like me. He is biracial. Looks a lot like Micheal Jackson before all the surgeries. He has a $million smile. Actually it cost me $10K and it was a great investment.

The best friend is definitely 100% gay. I confirmed it discretely through my daughter who knew him in high school. My son knows him from Banana Republic. They used to hang out as a trio, my son, his girlfriend, and his gay friend, but now the girl friend is out of the picture it is just the two guys still hanging. Yes, he is hot. Seeing him in a wet swim suit all the time lately has made me wet. But, my role as a dad would out weigh my need for sex. Rephrase: I would never make a move on him. I might not say no to him if he made a move, I mean the rejection might be devasting right? lol.

Now, what would I do if I ran into him in a sex club or bath house? Bend over probably. It is hot to think I could be some kids gay version of Mrs Robinson.

  TigerMilner said:

I believe my son is totally straight. Judging from the sounds that come from his room when he is banging chicks, he's a stud. Since he broke up with his girlfriend last month he has gotten a new piece of ass every other day. He's a little hottie. He is adopted so he looks nothing like me. He is biracial. Looks a lot like Micheal Jackson before all the surgeries. He has a $million smile. Actually it cost me $10K and it was a great investment.

I really want to say show pics of son!, but yeah I know thats wrong, lol.

  wood said:
I really want to say show pics of son!, but yeah I know thats wrong, lol.

Believe me, the proud dad in me would love to show you his pics, but not on this site. I draw the line. lol.


I've been thinking alot about whether or not there have been any crossovers between my real life and my online personae that could affect my kids, unintentional or not since Deaner asked about what they know of my escapades. The only thing I can come up with other than the Gmail account slip up is that they know TopDawg from xtube. Of course they don't know him as TopDawg from xtube but they know him by his real name and that we date. He and I live two hours apart and so we have to travel to see each other. When he comes to see me, it means coming to my house, which means he has met my kids. And btw, he is great with them. If we lived closer together, he and I could be an item. He's husband material. A very classy guy, he refuses to have sex in my house with them at home. I do cringe to think of them ever seeing my videos and especially to think of them recognizing he and I together in three of them. But at least he's hot. lol. And they do like him. Other than that, I have kept the two worlds completely separate. And I plan to keep them that way.

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