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Trying New Things - Part Ii Of Abel Bodied Boy


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***Posting this for my friend DenVERScub****

Here's a recap if you missed what happened in Abel Bodied Boy Part 1 (which can be found in straight/bi fiction). Abel (aka Abe) had been happily cruising through life unnoticed in the average range of looks, skills, smarts and drive until he got a summer job at the local pool. When the new boss, Mike, came in and imposed strict rules and ideals for the employees, Abe decided to take on the challenge. This didn't sit well with his best friend and next-door neighbor, Will, who quit the pool and expected his buddy to do the same. While Abe and Mike worked together to make Abe a better athlete, academic and all-around awesome dude, Will was getting closer to Lane, a mutual friend and the only girl Abe had eyes for. Once the school year began, Abe was too heart-sick to be around Will and Lane, who'd begun dating, so he threw himself into school and swim team, turning into an A student and captain of the team. Now that Mike had moved across the country to take a job as a University Athletic Coach, Abe is feeling lonely, but not for long. Will and Lane break up and a few days later Lane texts Abe and asks him to come over. After a long night of sex, Abe is finally achieving what he (never knew he) always wanted. Now he wonders if he has pushed away his friend permanently by sleeping with Lane, and what his life is becoming. That brings us to now...
Any doubts Abel had about his status with Lane were immediately quashed when he got on the bus to head to school Monday morning. He'd been riding by himself for awhile now, since Will had been driving Lane and himself to and from school ever since the previous Christmas, when he received a used compact that used to belong to his grandmother. It was no where near as cool as the rides some of Abe's teammates drove, many of them coming from wealthy families, but any car in high school was a step up from having to ride the big yellow loser mobile. That's why Abe was stunned to see Lane sitting in the back, in the same row where she used to hang with him and Will B.C. (before coupling). Once she saw him walking towards her, Lane scooted over, smiled and patted the space next to her. Whispering to Abe about how hot the other night was, and how badly she wanted him now, it wasn't long before they were slumped down in the seat, making out while Abe slid his hand up her skirt and fingered her. Reality came crashing back when they reached the next stop and 15 more kids piled on the bus, causing them to separate quickly.
Once at school, they waited until everyone else was almost off the bus before sneaking a kiss and heading in opposite directions to their respective classes. While his homeroom teacher droned on about some upcoming college application deadlines, Abe filled the empty margins of the handout with sketches dirty depicting Lane in various states of undress and all sorts of positions. His ridged cock was leaking gallons of precum into his boxer-briefs, and he was glad he had followed Mike's lead and switched to the tighter undies when the bell rang and he realized he was going to have to get up and head to his next class, hard or not. Carrying his gym bag in front of his crotch to help conceal any bulges that could still be seen, Abe worked his way towards his Math class, but stopped short when Will was waiting for him outside the classroom. Nowhere to run, and too late to hide, Abe swallowed his pride and made his way over to Will, expecting to get his face pummeled. Imagine his shock when Will told him it was HIS idea to end things with Lane, so that he could start dating the hot bi-goth chick who worked at the video game store he frequented. The two friends fell back into old rhythms as Will convinced Abe to ditch the rest of their morning classes so he could regale his buddy with tales of tail

Abe's cheeks flushed hot and he shrugged his usual shrug. Mike's comment made it clear that he knew Abe was new to drug use, but he'd phrased it to make it easy for Abe to ask for help later. As Mike showed Abe the basement, Abe admired the coach for his ability to make him feel like a friend and a student, without ever making him feel stupid or naïve. He also admired the large open floor plan of the finished basement, covered in floor to ceiling wood paneling and orange shag carpeting, he wasn't at all surprised to hear that this house had once been the campus headquarters for a student organization and the basement was their original rec-room. At the end of the basement, Mike had set up his old weight bench and punching bag, while at the other end he mounted a huge tv in front of two beat up leather couches that Abe recognized from Mike's old college digs. Down towards the tv end sat a simple wood bar with a stone slab across it, looking totally thrown together if not for the sink sunken into the stone. Hitting a switch behind the bar, some red light bulbs turned on over the basement, and once Abe turned off the flourescents, it looked totally 70s, making them both laugh.

"What's in there?" Abe asked, pointing to a door under the stairs.

"Take a look." Mike said while mixing the two of them some cocktails behind the bar. When the door opened, Abe reached in for a light switch and was blinded for a moment, before realizing the switch was a dimmer, and adjusting the beam. This was probably a guest room according to any real estate agent that listed it, but really it was just a glorified closet that led to a dinky bathroom with a sink, urinal and toilet. Mike had tried to make it cooler than it was by putting some more run down couches in there and a coffee table in the center. The room was small enough that the two couches filled two of the walls, a love seat and the bathroom door filled the third and the door to the main room and another, smaller flat screen tv was all that fit between them on the fourth. Abe made a joke about it being a dungeon and mike responded that "coaches keep their dungeons on campus," which got a laugh from both of them.

As Chris and his friend Dirk arrived, Abe took his cocktail from the bar and informed them he was just gonna run upstairs and change. His slacks and button down shirt he'd worn to dinner were too dressy, but he wasn't comfortable enough to follow Mike's lead when he stripped off his oxford and khakis, leaving him in just a pair of basketball shorts and a jockstrap. Upstairs in "his" room, he agonized over what to wear and stripped down to his jock while he pondered whether to go with board shorts and a tee shirt or a wife beater and mesh bball shorts. He jumped when the door flew open and Chris came over to him holding a shot glass. Abe reached for the nearest shorts and tried to pull them on quickly while Chris checked him out and insisted there was no need to put anything on for his sake. Once he'd gotten the bball shorts on, he asked why the shot Chris was handing him was half full.

"It's not booze," Chris laughed. "It's ghb bro. Trust me, this is all you'll want."

The two boys clinked shot glasses and downed it, Chris following his with a chug from his own drink. The god-awful soapy taste of the stuff in the glass made Abe wish he had thought to do the same, before he made a face and dashed to his glass to gulp down as much as it took to clear his palette (aka all of it). Chris laughed and apologized for not warning him, but Abe tried to play it cool. While Abe slipped the t-shirt over his head, Chris asked if he could try on the speedo that lay on the floor. Shrugging as always, he thought the college boy was joking until he whipped his sweats down to his ankles, followed by his boxers, and stepped out of them, leaving him in only a baggy t-shirt with the university crest. When he pulled the speedo up his legs, Abe got a good view of Chris' hefty cut, hairless package as he put it into the small spandex pouch. When he looked up Chris was looking right at him, but didn't seemed phased to have the boy check out his junk.

"I shave it to make it look bigger," He said while checking himself out in the floor to ceiling mirrors on the gym/guest room wall. "Makes all the bitches drool when it is this smooth. You mind if I wear this under my shorts? The college team wears the full spandex body suits so I never wear speedos anymore. I wanna show Dirk later, it is guaranteed to make him shit a brick when he sees me in these."

Chris pulled up his boxers and sweats before Abe could react, which was probably good since Abe was starting to feel tipsy. Drunk on one drink? He wondered if he was turning into a light weight before remembering that he'd just taken a dose of ghb with Chris, who was heading downstairs, and telling him to hurry up. It took a minute for Abe to slip on his flip flops and spray some body spray, before he turned and followed the tall swimmer jock down the stairs.

Back in the basement, Mike introduced Abe to Asst. coach Keirnan West who everyone knew as "Westy" and Asst. coach Cody Edwards, better known as Eddie. Both men were wearing university polos and khaki shorts, making Abe wish he was a) not as drunk as he felt, and still wearing his outfit from dinner. Still both guys were busy taking shots and trading a joint between them, so Abe didn't feel too weird until Mike told everyone to call him "Abel." Abe raised an eyebrow at his buddy, so Mike leaned over to him and said quietly "when they ask, tell them it's like willing and abel."

Abe smirked and let Mike take his glass to the bar, motioning for him to follow. When they stopped, Mike pointed out that he was only giving coke this time, since the ghb they'd both (apparently) taken was likely to react badly with liquor. Turning to group and asking who wanted to watch a video, Mike got a rousing response before reaching under the bar and pulling out a remote. Pointing it at the huge ass tv on the wall, he powered it up, set the audio to some punk radio station, then switched the video input to 'AV1' and disappeared back behind the bar. Leaning past the edge of the stone counter, Abe watched as Mike put an unmarked dvd into a dvd player and pressed play. As he rose back up, he motioned for Abe to look back at the tv, where the loading symbol suddenly transformed into a porn menu with the title "Gangbang Party Girl 4" before fading away to the beginning credits. Eyes popping from his head. Abe leaned against the bar as the five other guys converged on the old sofas, took seats and passed the joint around while the film started.

"Gonna join us," asked Dirk, Chris' friend, who was easily 6'4", slim, white, covered in tattoos, had a buzz cut and wore a wife beater, board shorts, dog tags and tennis shoes. "Or gonna jerk off in the corner?"

Everybody laughed as Abe made his way to join them on the couch, finding a spot between Dirk and Westy, who was sweating lightly. The movie turned out to be less of a focal point and more just background ambiance while the guys talk, smoked the joint and played some hands of poker. With nothing to bet, they got bored with that real quick, and Abe wondered what it was they were waiting for. As if waiting for him to ask, Chris produced a response in the form of a text message on his phone.

"Aw shit," Chris said, reading from his small screen. "The girls can't come. Some lame excuse about early flights tomorrow or some shit. Guess we might as well get started without them."

With that announcement, Dirk produced another joint and lit it. So far Abe, or Abel as the guys were calling him, had avoided having to take a hit, but now everyone was refocused on the passing of the joint, so he was stuck. Either he took a hit or passed and made himself known as the 'pot-pussy,' a term he'd heard some of his swim teammates use about another guy who passed. Hoping to look cool, Abel took the joint, put it to his lips and pulled, lightly at first, then harder and harder until his lungs were full. Breathing out slowly, he felt like his throat was on fire, but he kept the smoke flow in control, except for one small cough towards the end. Glancing to the other couch while he passed the joint to Westy, he saw Chris and Eddie make faces of approval, and Mike even shot him a wink. After the joint made a few more rounds, Abel was feeling no pain...until someone said the joint was gone.

"Is that all you brought?" he asked, uncaring as to how it sounded. All the other guys laughed, and Dirk reached over the back of the couch and pulled a knapsack up to his lap.

"Nah man," He said, pulling a cloth zipper bag about the size of a cucumber from the bottom compartment on the sack. "but this shit isn't free."

"I got Abel since he bought the booze," Mike chimed in as everyone began pulling cash from their pockets. Truthfully he hadn't bought anything on this trip, but he didn't correct Mike when he pulled four 20 dollar bills from his back pocket and tossed them into a rapidly growing pile. It was a good thing too, since Abel's wallet was upstairs, and all that they'd find inside it were some crumpled receipts, a tattered two dollar bill and a debit card he had yet to activate. That way he wasn't tempted to use his hard-earned college money for something like...oh say buying drugs.

"Thanks for the drinks man," Eddie added, slapping Abel on the back before adding 40 of his own. By now there had to be $200 dollars on the table, and Abel wondered what they were buying, when Dirk unzipped the little cloth pouch and produced a plastic bag about half the size of a dollar, filled to bursting with small pinkish crystals. The guys each seemed impressed, saying things like "sweet man," and "hot stash," so Abel threw in a "nice" for good measure.

"Got a pipe for this shit Coach?" Dirk asked Mike, who indicated the door under the stairs. Suddenly all the guys were standing up and moving to the tiny room with the coffee table, so Abel followed suit. Through the door it was even warmer than the rest of the basement, and Abel wondered how this could be, since the air conditioning had never let his room get above 70 degrees so far on the trip. Not the only one to feel it, Eddie peeled off his shirt, followed by Chris and Westy, until on Dirk in his wife beater and Abel in his tee still seemed "fully clothed."

"I'll join if you do," Dirk said quietly to Abel as he stepped past him and went to sit on the other end of the second couch. Shrugging once again, Abel stripped off his tee and watched as Dirk finished the trend. The tattooed drug dealer might have been slim but his chest was ripped, with the most defined twelve pack Abel had ever seen. Trying not to stare, he moved his gaze to the man next to Dirk and discovered why they called the asst. coach westy. Fuzzy from the nape of his neck down his wide firm pecs and over his pumped abs, Westy's hair was as curly as the dog of the same name. On his other side sat Chris, who was just the opposite, hairless, toned and trimmed, a happy medium between Dirk's rippling slim body and Abel's built but still cut chest. Unable to stop himself, Abel took a look at Eddie who sat on his left and checked out the trim waist, covered in a light dusting of black straight hair, leading to two dinner plate sized pecs, also dusted in black fuzz, spreading out to smooth, broad shoulders and giant biceps. On his right was Mike, the epitome of manliness, beefy and broad as Abel remembered him. Surrounded by testosterone, Abel felt safe and strangely, slightly horny.

Putting that out of his mind, Abel watched Mike, who was reaching into a compartment underneath the coffee table, and coming up with a butane torch and a glass pipe unlike any Abel had ever seen. Dirk loaded the pink crystals into the pipe, filing it with quite a few, before taking the lighter and holding it to the bottom of the glass. Intrigued, Abel leaned forward to watch as Dirk lit the bowl and melted the crystals into a pool of liquid that slowly became smoke, white and pure. Putting the end of the pipe to his lips, he slowly inhaled and rocked the bowl back and forth with one hand, while holding the flame under it with the other. The smoke swirled furiously until Dirk could take in no more, at which point he released the trigger on the torch, letting it turn off, held the torch and bowl out to Mike and exhaled the biggest cloud Abel had ever seem anyone exhale. It was so big, he forgot to act cool, and said "wow."

Realizing in horror what he'd just done, he glanced across to Dirk, who just smiled and said "Damn right, wow."

Watching again with more controlled intrigue, Abel concentrated on what Mike was doing as he too lit the torch, turned the pool into smoke and took a huge hit from the pipe. Another massive cloud emerged and Abel began to worry that he was about to make a fool of himself. There to save the day, as he had so many times before, was Mike.

"I know you haven't don't meth this way before," Mike explained, subtly implying that Abel had done it in other forms. "So can I light it for you and show you how to hit it?"

"Sure, thank Mike." Abel said, nonchalant and aloof as could be. He listened as Mike explained how to heat the bowl without burning the crystals, torching them until they melted then rolling the bowl back and forth until the smoke began to billow, before finally putting it to Abel's lips and telling him to inhale slowly. Closing his eyes, Abel began to suck in the smoke and had to stifle his surprise when he discovered it was nothing like the weed they'd passed around out in the big room. This hit was so much cleaner and softer that he almost didn't think he was getting any, except that Mike and the other guys were saying encouraging statements. Once he was full of smoke, his instinct was to hold it in like the weed, but Mike told him to exhale immediately, so he opened his eyes and pushed the smoke out, proud to see a cloud almost as big as Mike or Dirk's. Towards the end of the hit, he suddenly felt it catch in his throat and began to cough like a lung cancer patient with emphazema. Some of the guys laughed for a second, but Chris was quick to tell him something that made Abel feel better.

"Coughing during a big hit gets you high faster," the college swimmer interjected. "I hope I can cough like that when I take a hit."

Somehow, during the explanation, Abel missed the fact that Dirk was loading another bowl, so there was another one for him to hit only a few moments after he'd passed the first on to Eddie. By the time he had it melted and rolling correctly, the other guys had all hit the first one and were cheering him on for his first solo hit. Inhaling again, he tried to get another huge hit but it was only about 3/4 of the first hit once he finished. Still everyone else seemed impressed, so he took some pride in the next one. At this point, Abel started to feel wired, like he'd been drinking red bull for hours and just finished a work out while jerking off. His cock was stiff, but no one else seemed to notice since they were all seated. As the six guys passed around the 2 bowls, Abel forgot about being nervous and came to discover just how amazing meth was.

"Shit, that's one hard dick." Westy said, making Abel look over and almost jump in to defend himself, when he realized he wasn't the owner of the hard on Westy was referring to.

"Yeah Sorry dude," Mike said, standing up and thrusting out his crotch, showing his huge hard on as it tried to escape his jock and bball shorts. "Tina and porn always make me hard."

"Me too," Chris chimed in. "You just can't tell cause I'm wearing...this!"

Suddenly he ripped down his sweats and boxers and his big, bald cock could be seen twisted sideways under the the flimsy spandex of Abel's speedos." Everyone laughed like crazy as the dick head twitched and worked its way along the top seam until finally it was too much and it popped out, eliciting more laughter and making Abel's cock pulse and dribble precum into his jock.

"Fuck C-dawg," Dirk shouted, while laughing hysterically. "Where'd you get the banana hammock?!?!?"

"From Abel." Chris responded, before pulling down the waist band and tucking it beneath his balls and doing a little dance that made it slap up against his abs over and over. Every dissolved back into laughter, finally gaining control as Chris tucked his hard on back into Abel's suit. "So Abel, why do they call you Abel anyway?"

"Cause I'm usually willing," Abel proudly responded before picking up the pipe. "and I'm always Abel."

Laughter exploded again, finally calming enough for Mike to suggest they bring the pipes and the tina and head back out into the main room. One by one Abel thought each of them had come out until he was sitting on the couch smoking and felt the urge to take a piss. As he walked over to the closet, he realized that Dirk, Eddie and Mike had all come out of the room as promised, but Chris and Westy were nowhere in sight. A renewed urge to pee hit him at that second, so he dismissed the inquiry from his mind, and dashed into the little room, where he stopped just short of the bathroom, held in place by the sight beyond the door.

Through the crack in the door, Abel had a perfect view as Chris fed his 8 inch cut dick to Westy, who was sitting on the toilet, playing with his own, respectable, 7 cut inches. His reddish brown curls were not limited to his chest, but also surrounded his pink dick and covered his hefty man balls. The mirror gave Abel a nice view of the hand that wasn't manipulating Westy's own cock, as it was pushing its way between Chris' tight cheeks, finally hitting the target and driving a finger two knuckles deep into the hole. Chris stifled a scream at the invasion and tried to push himself up and off, but Chris' muscular arm flew from his cock to around the college boy's waist, holding him still as he inserted a second finger and began to drive them in and out, harder and harder.

Abel stepped back a little into the shadows while Chris whispered for Westy to stop between moaning how hot the asst. coach's throat and tongue were. Before long the whispers devolved into grunts and eventually Abel could tell Chris was getting close. Westy pulled off for only one second and informed the boy that "you can cum down my throat if you want, but you know what that means."

Apparently Chris was okay with whatever it meant, as he grabbed Westy's head and rammed his hard cock back down the 20-something coach's throat before squealing quietly "take my load!"

Reaching into his own jock, Abel stroked his cock absent mindedly as Chris' balls contracted, no doubt emptying into the other man's gullet. Moments passed before the smooth suckee finally relaxed and was released by the hairy sucker, who slowly removed his fat fingers from the smooth bubble butt. Abel's dick was harder than he'd ever felt as he watched the two men get dressed, this time with Westy wearing the speedo under his tighty whiteys and khaki shorts.

"Just remember," Westy said as he zipped up. "I swallowed, so later I get a shot at that ass. That was the deal."

"We'll see," Chris said, justifiably afraid of getting cornholed by the hairy beast.

"No, we had a deal boy," Westy said, using his massive arms to maneuver the college swimmer until he was pressed between the man and the sink. "Either you let me fuck you later, or I take that ass now, whether you want me to or not."

Chris shook his head yes as Westy pressed his hard on against the boy's boxer covered hole.

"Good," Westy said, returning to straightening up. "Leave the shorts off, I got some pre cum on them."

Abel panicked, realizing Westy was about to discover him. Diving over to the door, he whipped it open and stood behind it as the furry coach went out, followed momentarily by the boy he just threatened to rape. Waiting a moment before stepping out, Abel's cock was still hard and now it was leaking copiously onto his abs, tucked up under his jockstrap waistband, reaching almost to his belly button. Shutting the door softly, he turned around and almost shit himself to see Mike sitting on the couch, loading another bowl.

"So you caught the Chris and Westy show," Mike said, with no more emotion than if he'd been discussing a baseball game. "what did you think?"

End of Part II

Part III coming soon!


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Here's a recap if you missed what happened in Abel Bodied Boy Part 1 (which can be found in general bareback fiction). Abel (aka Abe) had been happily cruising through life unnoticed in the average range of looks, skills, smarts and drive until he got a summer job at the local pool. When the new boss, Mike, came in and imposed strict rules and ideals for the employees, Abe decided to take on the challenge. This didn't sit well with his best friend and next-door neighbor, Will, who quit the pool and expected his buddy to do the same. While Abe and Mike worked together to make Abe a better athlete, academic and all-around awesome dude, Will was getting closer to Lane, a mutual friend and the only girl Abe had eyes for. Once the school year began, Abe was too heart-sick to be around Will and Lane, who'd begun dating, so he threw himself into school and swim team, turning into an A student and captain of the team. Now that Mike had moved across the country to take a job as a University Athletic Coach, Abe is feeling lonely, but not for long. Will and Lane break up and a few days later Lane texts Abe and asks him to come over. After a long night of sex, Abe is finally achieving what he (never knew he) always wanted. Now he wonders if he has pushed away his friend permanently by sleeping with Lane, and what his life is becoming. That brings us to now...
Any doubts Abel had about his status with Lane were immediately quashed when he got on the bus to head to school Monday morning. He'd been riding by himself for awhile now, since Will had been driving Lane and himself to and from school ever since the previous Christmas, when he received a used compact that used to belong to his grandmother. It was no where near as cool as the rides some of Abe's teammates drove, many of them coming from wealthy families, but any car in high school was a step up from having to ride the big yellow loser mobile. That's why Abe was stunned to see Lane sitting in the back, in the same row where she used to hang with him and Will B.C. (before coupling). Once she saw him walking towards her, Lane scooted over, smiled and patted the space next to her. Whispering to Abe about how hot the other night was, and how badly she wanted him now, it wasn't long before they were slumped down in the seat, making out while Abe slid his hand up her skirt and fingered her. Reality came crashing back when they reached the next stop and 15 more kids piled on the bus, causing them to separate quickly.
Once at school, they waited until everyone else was almost off the bus before sneaking a kiss and heading in opposite directions to their respective classes. While his homeroom teacher droned on about some upcoming college application deadlines, Abe filled the empty margins of the handout with sketches dirty depicting Lane in various states of undress and all sorts of positions. His ridged cock was leaking gallons of precum into his boxer-briefs, and he was glad he had followed Mike's lead and switched to the tighter undies when the bell rang and he realized he was going to have to get up and head to his next class, hard or not. Carrying his gym bag in front of his crotch to help conceal any bulges that could still be seen, Abe worked his way towards his Math class, but stopped short when Will was waiting for him outside the classroom. Nowhere to run, and too late to hide, Abe swallowed his pride and made his way over to Will, expecting to get his face pummeled. Imagine his shock when Will told him it was HIS idea to end things with Lane, so that he could start dating the hot bi-goth chick who worked at the video game store he frequented. The two friends fell back into old rhythms as Will convinced Abe to ditch the rest of their morning classes so he could regale his buddy with tales of tail

Fourteen tacos later, Abe and Will were walking back to campus when Will got quiet and asked if Abe could forgive him for disappearing on him the way he had. Too guilty to say anything, Abe just shrugged the way he always did, and Will laughed and pulled him into a hug. As they rounded the last corner before entering the back door by the pool, Abe couldn't stand it anymore and blurted out "I'm in love with Lane."
"I know bro," Will said after a few seconds of awkward silence. "I figured it out a few weeks after I got together with her when you stopped coming over or hanging out with either of us. If you want to get with her, I'm okay with it."
"Seriously?" Abe sounded younger than he had in two years, hope and disbelief combining to create a painfully juvenile tone to his voice.
"You're my best friend man," Will added, putting an arm around his buddy as they walked into the dark back hallway. "I'd be a dick to stand in the way of Looooove. But you should know, she will probably say no man. She's not really into the whole 'muscle jock' popular crew thing you got going on these days."
"Thanks for the warning man," Abe said while elbowing his buddy for making fun of his feelings. "but I think I'll give it a shot anyway."
By the end of the week, Abe and Lane were officially dating, and Will and Abe's friendship was back to normal. Abe never questioned Lane about which one of them had ended their relationship, he was just happy to have both his friends back in his life, not to mention the added perks that came with the new dimension of Lane's friendship. His only hesitancy came when his first swim meet arrived and he knew that Lane was finally going to have to hang with his teammates and their girlfriends. Just as she had before, Lane proved to be his perfect match, getting along great with the girlfriends of the guys on the team, even offering to drive the carpool the next time they were gonna head to an away meet to cheer them on. In a couple more weeks, Abe began to notice Lane adapting more and more to fit in with the in crowd.
Lane's previous standard appearance consisted of disheveled long hair, holy jeans, ironic t-shirts, tons of rings and bracelets, flats and the occasional long skirt or sweater, but now she was rarely seen in public without high heels, fitted skirts, tight blouses, and maybe a watch and necklace. Even her classic brown curls were trimmed, styled and highlighted. By Christmas, Abe and Lane were one of the most popular couples in the school, due to his athletic success and her new clique of gal pals. They were invited to every party and always arrived just late enough, stayed just long enough and left early enough to ensure the perfect appearance and reputation. Rich and his mom were so happy to see him succeeding in school, activities and relationships, they surprised him with a pre-owned truck, which he and Lane christened the "tsunami" during a hot session in the bed of the truck that very night. Abe fell harder and harder for Lane with each passing day, never straying or even flirting with any other girls, even after their nights together started becoming further and further apart and their sex became more and more routine.
At first they were going at it like bunnies, trying various positions and acts whenever they could get some privacy. Once Lane's transformation started, the sex became more adventurous, including new locales and risks. Some of their wilder exploits included Lane riding Abe in the back of a bus heading back from a meet, Abe eating Lane out in the middle of a movie theatre, Lane sucking Abe off under the blanket on a ski trip with five other couples in the dark room, Abe taking Lane from behind while hot tubbing only feet from a couple friends at his coach's house, and even a night of playing in the same bed as the co-captain of the swim team and his girl. As the swim season wore down to a close, Lane had begged off from a lot of possible hook-ups, and Abe figured it was just because they'd been together for awhile and had begun cooling off. Still, he felt pretty frustrated when they went away with some other couples over a four day weekend and they only had sex twice during the entire trip, and only when Lane was drunk.
With the deadline coming to decide where they would be matriculating after graduation, Abe was hoping to convince Lane to pick the University where Mike was now a coach, since they'd both been accepted and he'd been offered a scholarship. With records and first place wins in most of his events at the state swimming championships, Abe decided that night was the perfect night to ask Lane to go with him to college, and maybe even get pre-engaged (until he could afford a nice enough ring).
Pulling over before they reached the congratulatory party, Abe took a deep breath and turned to Lane, who was complaining that they were going to be late. Swallowing the fear in his throat, he took her hand and turned off the engine. Before she could tell him to forget any ideas he had about quickies in the truck, he cut her off.
"Lane," His voice quivered as he said the name of the only girl he'd ever loved. "I can't imagine what my life would be like without you. Everything I've achieved tonight and over the past year has been due to your support and love. I know I've told you I want to go to school where Mike is teaching, but more than that...I want to be with you. I want us to be together for the rest of our lives, and that means going to the same school. So I need to know if you will go to ----------- University with me, or not?"
"No Abel," Lane said after a moment of tense silence. "I already decided to go somewhere else."
"O...k..." Abe answered, confused and off balance. Still he wasn't giving up. "Where do you want us to go?"
"I want to go to Penn State Abel," Lane looked down and her voice got quieter as she added "but I want to go...by myself."
Abe sat in a state of shock as Lane explained that she was just coming into her own and didn't want to go to college with him. She was happy and popular finally and wanted to explore what else she could do, without having to worry about a boyfriend waiting at home. By the time she was finished she'd made it perfectly clear that while she cared for Abe, she saw their relationship as having an expiration date, excluding the possibility of going to school together, in the same area, or even trying to make it work long distance. Still, she made it clear that she planned to stay with him until after graduation, especially since she thought they had a good chance of winning prom king and queen.
Heartbroken and numb, Abe drove to the party and wandered through the crowds of well-wishers and back-slappers in a haze. On the ride home he drove in silence as Lane chattered nervously about plans for spring break and the upcoming formal dances. When he pulled into her driveway, he was too upset to do anything as Lane leaned over and sucked him off right there in front of her house. Much like every other teen boy on the planet, Abe's cock betrayed him and got hard for her talented tongue, finishing with a large load of cum which she jerked out of his dick as it shot onto her tits and the steering wheel. Kissing him on the cheek, Abe could tell she was reassured of his loyalty to her as she slid out and went inside.
Driving his truck down the cul-de-sac, he wiped the cum from the wheel onto his thumb and pointer finger and sucked them clean before putting away his cock and bursting into tears. Crying himself dry, he looked up almost an hour later as Will's car pulled into the next drive over. Needing a friend, Abe went to get out and go talk to his buddy, until he saw a figure moving down the sidewalk. Concealed in darkness, he watched his 'girlfriend' appear next to his best bud's car and start chatting. His fist clenched when he saw Will lean in and kiss Lane, even going so far as to push her top up to gain access to breasts. Before he could get a handle on what was happening, Will had Lane pushed against the side of his crappy car, her skirt hiked up as his pants came down and he entered her. Furious but frozen to his seat, Abe watched his two best friends for the last decade as they betrayed him. Unsure whether to scream or run over and murder them both, he jumped when his phone buzzed with a message from Mike asking how the meet went. A lightbulb went off in that second, and Abe turned on the video camera on his phone, zooming in on his puny neighbor's 7 inch dick as he pulled it out of Lane's bush covered pussy, before spinning her around, bending her over the hood and entering her from behind. Tears returned to his eyes as he captures another 4 minutes of Will's ass pumping Lane's twat before pressing hard against her as he, presumably unloaded inside her. Waiting for them to sneak away, Abe watched the video again, wondering what to do with it. With no one else to talk to, Abe sent the video to Mike with the caption 'BFF and GF betray me. What should I do?' before quietly making his way into his house and up to his room. Tired and over-wrought, he passed out without reading Mike's response: "I took care of it."
Around noon the next day Abe woke up and wondered if the entire night had been a dream, so he reached for his phone to check for the video and found something else entirely. Hundreds of texts and calls had been missed while he was asleep, all of them expressing doubt, disbelief and disdain for the horrible thing Lane had done to Abe the night before. Without knowing how anyone knew, he read a few dozen messages before one of them mentioned a video link on facebook. Eyes widening, Abe dashed over to his laptop and opened his facebook page, scrolling through similar messages and posts until he found one from another guy on his swim team that said only "Bitch betrays best dude in school with his best bud" and had a link to video. Clicking the link, Abe's jaw dropped as the video he'd recorded came to life in front of him. Had he posted it and forgotten? Neither his phone or computer seemed to think so, but then how...Mike. Pulling his phone over to him, he dialed his friend as he read the dozens of comments from half the kids at their school.
"Guess you finally woke up," Mike spoke calmly. Trying to form questions in his head about how, why and what had made Mike post it, Abe was unable to complete any before Mike would jump in with an answer. Once he saw the video Abe sent him the night before, he got so mad that he sent it to a couple of the other guys on the swim team and told them to go over today and kick Will's ass, since Abe was too nice to ever try it. Instead one of the guys decided to make the retribution more equal and posted it online, planning to send it to Will and Lane's parents, but forgetting to make the link private. Some girl who had a crush on Abe saw it before he could take it down and shared it with all of her facebook friends, one of whom reposted it, ensuring that it was now online forever. Mark apologized and asked if Abe was alright, but the teen was still too numb to be sure. All he knew was it would be hell going anywhere for the next few days with everyone pitying him and asking him questions.
"I think I know what will make you feel better and allow you to avoid the pity party," Mike replied, a hint of mischief in his voice. "Why don't you skip the three day week leading into your spring break, hop a plane, and come check out the campus! If money's a problem you can use my frequent flyer miles and crash at my place. I know you wanted to wait to decide until you found out where Lane was going, but I figure that is no longer the case. Besides getting away from the drama, this will give me a chance to convince you to come here next year, what do you say?"
His clothes were filing his duffle bag halfway through the request and Mike assured him he'd find a flight out sometime in the next twelve hours. Hanging up, Abe finished tossing a random assortment of clothing in the bag and jotted down a note to his mom explaining (without going into detail) that he and Lane had broken up and he was going to visit Mike for spring break to start moving on. All set and ready, he dashed down the stairs and almost ran into Lane who was crying, leaning against his driver's side door. Aching to comfort her, he paused before announcing himself by clearing his throat and tossing his bag past her into the bed of the truck. As their eyes met, he could see she was devastated and he desperately wanted to run over and hold her until it was all better, until she opened her mouth.
"I know it looks bad," she sniffled as she spoke. "but I swear that video was made before we got together. I would never hurt you like that, and I think we can fix this if we tell everyone we're still together on Monday."
"Lane....how..." Abe looked at the girl he had planned to be with for the rest of his life and watched her lie so convincingly that he almost believed her. He should have been livid, but all he felt was a dawning of clarity. Slowly he began to giggle as he realized that Lane had never really loved him in the first place. The chuckles grew into a full scale laughing fit when he saw that Will really had broken up with her to play the field, and she was only using Abe to get over him, until it opened a door to popularity. Her face was a mix of horror and anxiety watching Abe laugh like a man possessed when the pieces fell into place and he figured out that she was nothing more than a groupie who took advantage of him. Finally she got fed up and shouted at him to tell her what was so funny.
"I honestly thought you were going to apologize." Abe smiled and motioned for her to get out of his way. When she wouldn't. he simply walked around and slid in the truck cab from the passenger's side. "I thought you had some explanation that might make me forgive your for using me as nothing more than some stepping stool to the a-list. Tell everyone whatever the hell you want, but I made that video, and finally I can see what you are, and I'm pretty sure everyone else does too. Sorry it got out, but good luck on becoming prom queen. We're through."
Flying standby sucks, especially after a big break up, but Abe forgot the entire ordeal as he walked out of the sliding glass doors and saw his blonde, buff buddy pulling up to the curb in his awesome convertible. They shared a hug that lasted longer than might have been kosher in any other situation, but both men were too relieved to be together to care. On their way back to campus, Mike explained that his new job came with lots of perks, the most recent being a huge bonus after he helped lead three of their teams to national championships, and recruited two nationally ranked athletes.
"Three," he added, turning to Abe. "once I get you to sign on this week."
The drive was pretty long, but the friends were in no hurry and talked most of the way. When they pulled onto school grounds, the sun had set hours ago, and the lamps gave the college a mystical gold glow. It was everything Mike had described plus all Abe imagined and more. Driving around the edge of the campus, Abe's head whipped around like a kid on his first trip to the zoo, eager to see each amazing aspect of the tour as Mike talked about it. Too soon, they were pulling into a neighborhood off campus and into the garage attached to a nice two story house. The wonder returned to the younger man's eyes while they toured the simple two bedroom house, walking from the garage, into the kitchen, across the dining room, through the living room, up the stairs and peeking into the master bedroom before being shown the guest room/gym and attached bath. Sitting on the bed, Abe fought to keep his eyes open but Mike could see the boy was exhausted from his trip and recent ordeal. He wished him sweet dreams and walked down the hall to his room, while Abe stripped out of his shirt, shorts and undies and passed out in only his socks.
For the next two days, Mike paired Abe with one of the guys from the university swim team and had the two of them go everywhere together. Classes, work-outs and swim practice were almost as fun for Abe as the visits to the dorms, dining halls and events in the evenings. It turned out that this week was also a short one for the college, with midterms wrapping up and athletics taking time off for spring break. Since Mike was also teaching some kinesiology classes while coaching, Abe was glad that Chris was able to show him around and keep him company. By the time Abe got back to Mike's house each night, both of them had eaten dinner separately, and they decided to spend the evenings working out in Abe's bedroom/the gym. Both men had worked out at the campus athletic center during the day, but Abe, like his host/mentor, liked to finish each day with some exercise before bed. They sat shirtless and pumped iron with each other while shooting the shit and it seemed like no time had passed since they'd done the same thing over Abe's garage. When Abe showered each night, he found himself stroking his stiff dick to images of the two of them pumping iron next to one another, but never continued to orgasm. He didn't question what about the memory made him hard, he just blamed it on being a horny teen naked in the shower, and happening to think about how good he felt with his buddy.
When Thursday arrived, Mike was all done with testing so he offered to hang out with Abe, since Chris had two midterms that day. The morning began with a run around the stadium, followed by a swim in one of the three Olympic sized pools on campus, then lunch at a local burger joint, before heading to a pudding wrestling match put on by two of the frat houses in the afternoon, and finishing with a work out at the gym and dinner at a dive bar across the street. Walking back to Mike's house, the coach asked Abe what he wanted to do that night, and Abe shrugged like always, which elicited a headlock from the older of the two.
"Okay, Uncle, UNCLE!" Abe laughed as they separated, and thought for a second before coming up with a reply. "Alright Mr. important coach guy, I want to get drunk, get wild, and get laid at a party."
"Damn man, not sure if we can," Mike replied, obviously let down that he couldn't provide for his bud. "Since campus closes over the break, most of the kids head home once midterms are over. All the housing is empty so the only people left are the few grad students, faculty and a random student or two who finds a motel or a couch to crash on before catching a flight out."
"Shit Mike, seriously?" Abe was disappointed about the lack of entertainment, since he finally felt up to scoring some pussy. "Not a single party we can check out?"
"Hold on," Mike whipped out his phone and started texting. While Abe checked out a hot girl who was jogging past, Mike's phone started to explode and Abe's hope's raised that someone had an idea of where to go for booze, tunes and boobs. "Turns out Chris is still in town, was planning on staying with a friend at his apartment. Hmmm, it's not my best plan, but if you're down we could have Chris, his buddy and some of the assistant coaches come to my place and party."
"I dunno man, sounds like a sausage fest," Abe lamented. "And what about some booze?"
"I got tons back at my place in the basement," Mike assured him. "and Chris says his buddy Dirk has some goodies, if you want to get high."
With all the opportunities that had come his way over the past two years, Abe had never taken any that involved drugs. During the athletic season he and the other guys were subject to random piss tests so they never smoked or snorted anything between late October and early April, and the rest of the time he always begged off or passed the joint along when it came his way. That night, as they made their way up Mike's front walk, the blonde muscle god seemed so non-chalant about it that Abe couldn't help but feel his first ever pang of immaturity next to him. His mind didn't even get a chance to object before his mouth wrote a check he wasn't sure he could cash.
"I'm up for trying anything tonight," Abe regretted his choice of words, hoping Mike wouldn't put it together that he just admitted to being a drug virgin. "Tell Dirk to bring whatever he can and head over."
"Done," Mike texted as he spoke. "I'll send out word to all the peeps I know who'll be down and have them head over here. Once I know who's coming, I'll know if we'll need to try Dirk's stuff in the gym for privacy. Either way just watch what I do with anything you're unsure how to use. If you're like me, it is easy to forget how to do this stuff between sessions."

Abe's cheeks flushed hot and he shrugged his usual shrug. Mike's comment made it clear that he knew Abe was new to drug use, but he'd phrased it to make it easy for Abe to ask for help later. As Mike showed Abe the basement, Abe admired the coach for his ability to make him feel like a friend and a student, without ever making him feel stupid or naïve. He also admired the large open floor plan of the finished basement, covered in floor to ceiling wood paneling and orange shag carpeting, he wasn't at all surprised to hear that this house had once been the campus headquarters for a student organization and the basement was their original rec-room. At the end of the basement, Mike had set up his old weight bench and punching bag, while at the other end he mounted a huge tv in front of two beat up leather couches that Abe recognized from Mike's old college digs. Down towards the tv end sat a simple wood bar with a stone slab across it, looking totally thrown together if not for the sink sunken into the stone. Hitting a switch behind the bar, some red light bulbs turned on over the basement, and once Abe turned off the flourescents, it looked totally 70s, making them both laugh.

"What's in there?" Abe asked, pointing to a door under the stairs.

"Take a look." Mike said while mixing the two of them some cocktails behind the bar. When the door opened, Abe reached in for a light switch and was blinded for a moment, before realizing the switch was a dimmer, and adjusting the beam. This was probably a guest room according to any real estate agent that listed it, but really it was just a glorified closet that led to a dinky bathroom with a sink, urinal and toilet. Mike had tried to make it cooler than it was by putting some more run down couches in there and a coffee table in the center. The room was small enough that the two couches filled two of the walls, a love seat and the bathroom door filled the third and the door to the main room and another, smaller flat screen tv was all that fit between them on the fourth. Abe made a joke about it being a dungeon and mike responded that "coaches keep their dungeons on campus," which got a laugh from both of them.

As Chris and his friend Dirk arrived, Abe took his cocktail from the bar and informed them he was just gonna run upstairs and change. His slacks and button down shirt he'd worn to dinner were too dressy, but he wasn't comfortable enough to follow Mike's lead when he stripped off his oxford and khakis, leaving him in just a pair of basketball shorts and a jockstrap. Upstairs in "his" room, he agonized over what to wear and stripped down to his jock while he pondered whether to go with board shorts and a tee shirt or a wife beater and mesh bball shorts. He jumped when the door flew open and Chris came over to him holding a shot glass. Abe reached for the nearest shorts and tried to pull them on quickly while Chris checked him out and insisted there was no need to put anything on for his sake. Once he'd gotten the bball shorts on, he asked why the shot Chris was handing him was half full.

"It's not booze," Chris laughed. "It's ghb bro. Trust me, this is all you'll want."

The two boys clinked shot glasses and downed it, Chris following his with a chug from his own drink. The god-awful soapy taste of the stuff in the glass made Abe wish he had thought to do the same, before he made a face and dashed to his glass to gulp down as much as it took to clear his palette (aka all of it). Chris laughed and apologized for not warning him, but Abe tried to play it cool. While Abe slipped the t-shirt over his head, Chris asked if he could try on the speedo that lay on the floor. Shrugging as always, he thought the college boy was joking until he whipped his sweats down to his ankles, followed by his boxers, and stepped out of them, leaving him in only a baggy t-shirt with the university crest. When he pulled the speedo up his legs, Abe got a good view of Chris' hefty cut, hairless package as he put it into the small spandex pouch. When he looked up Chris was looking right at him, but didn't seemed phased to have the boy check out his junk.

"I shave it to make it look bigger," He said while checking himself out in the floor to ceiling mirrors on the gym/guest room wall. "Makes all the bitches drool when it is this smooth. You mind if I wear this under my shorts? The college team wears the full spandex body suits so I never wear speedos anymore. I wanna show Dirk later, it is guaranteed to make him shit a brick when he sees me in these."

Chris pulled up his boxers and sweats before Abe could react, which was probably good since Abe was starting to feel tipsy. Drunk on one drink? He wondered if he was turning into a light weight before remembering that he'd just taken a dose of ghb with Chris, who was heading downstairs, and telling him to hurry up. It took a minute for Abe to slip on his flip flops and spray some body spray, before he turned and followed the tall swimmer jock down the stairs.

Back in the basement, Mike introduced Abe to Asst. coach Keirnan West who everyone knew as "Westy" and Asst. coach Cody Edwards, better known as Eddie. Both men were wearing university polos and khaki shorts, making Abe wish he was a) not as drunk as he felt, and still wearing his outfit from dinner. Still both guys were busy taking shots and trading a joint between them, so Abe didn't feel too weird until Mike told everyone to call him "Abel." Abe raised an eyebrow at his buddy, so Mike leaned over to him and said quietly "when they ask, tell them it's like willing and abel."

Abe smirked and let Mike take his glass to the bar, motioning for him to follow. When they stopped, Mike pointed out that he was only giving coke this time, since the ghb they'd both (apparently) taken was likely to react badly with liquor. Turning to group and asking who wanted to watch a video, Mike got a rousing response before reaching under the bar and pulling out a remote. Pointing it at the huge ass tv on the wall, he powered it up, set the audio to some punk radio station, then switched the video input to 'AV1' and disappeared back behind the bar. Leaning past the edge of the stone counter, Abe watched as Mike put an unmarked dvd into a dvd player and pressed play. As he rose back up, he motioned for Abe to look back at the tv, where the loading symbol suddenly transformed into a porn menu with the title "Gangbang Party Girl 4" before fading away to the beginning credits. Eyes popping from his head. Abe leaned against the bar as the five other guys converged on the old sofas, took seats and passed the joint around while the film started.

"Gonna join us," asked Dirk, Chris' friend, who was easily 6'4", slim, white, covered in tattoos, had a buzz cut and wore a wife beater, board shorts, dog tags and tennis shoes. "Or gonna jerk off in the corner?"

Everybody laughed as Abe made his way to join them on the couch, finding a spot between Dirk and Westy, who was sweating lightly. The movie turned out to be less of a focal point and more just background ambiance while the guys talk, smoked the joint and played some hands of poker. With nothing to bet, they got bored with that real quick, and Abe wondered what it was they were waiting for. As if waiting for him to ask, Chris produced a response in the form of a text message on his phone.

"Aw shit," Chris said, reading from his small screen. "The girls can't come. Some lame excuse about early flights tomorrow or some shit. Guess we might as well get started without them."

With that announcement, Dirk produced another joint and lit it. So far Abe, or Abel as the guys were calling him, had avoided having to take a hit, but now everyone was refocused on the passing of the joint, so he was stuck. Either he took a hit or passed and made himself known as the 'pot-pussy,' a term he'd heard some of his swim teammates use about another guy who passed. Hoping to look cool, Abel took the joint, put it to his lips and pulled, lightly at first, then harder and harder until his lungs were full. Breathing out slowly, he felt like his throat was on fire, but he kept the smoke flow in control, except for one small cough towards the end. Glancing to the other couch while he passed the joint to Westy, he saw Chris and Eddie make faces of approval, and Mike even shot him a wink. After the joint made a few more rounds, Abel was feeling no pain...until someone said the joint was gone.

"Is that all you brought?" he asked, uncaring as to how it sounded. All the other guys laughed, and Dirk reached over the back of the couch and pulled a knapsack up to his lap.

"Nah man," He said, pulling a cloth zipper bag about the size of a cucumber from the bottom compartment on the sack. "but this shit isn't free."

"I got Abel since he bought the booze," Mike chimed in as everyone began pulling cash from their pockets. Truthfully he hadn't bought anything on this trip, but he didn't correct Mike when he pulled four 20 dollar bills from his back pocket and tossed them into a rapidly growing pile. It was a good thing too, since Abel's wallet was upstairs, and all that they'd find inside it were some crumpled receipts, a tattered two dollar bill and a debit card he had yet to activate. That way he wasn't tempted to use his hard-earned college money for something like...oh say buying drugs.

"Thanks for the drinks man," Eddie added, slapping Abel on the back before adding 40 of his own. By now there had to be $200 dollars on the table, and Abel wondered what they were buying, when Dirk unzipped the little cloth pouch and produced a plastic bag about half the size of a dollar, filled to bursting with small pinkish crystals. The guys each seemed impressed, saying things like "sweet man," and "hot stash," so Abel threw in a "nice" for good measure.

"Got a pipe for this shit Coach?" Dirk asked Mike, who indicated the door under the stairs. Suddenly all the guys were standing up and moving to the tiny room with the coffee table, so Abel followed suit. Through the door it was even warmer than the rest of the basement, and Abel wondered how this could be, since the air conditioning had never let his room get above 70 degrees so far on the trip. Not the only one to feel it, Eddie peeled off his shirt, followed by Chris and Westy, until on Dirk in his wife beater and Abel in his tee still seemed "fully clothed."

"I'll join if you do," Dirk said quietly to Abel as he stepped past him and went to sit on the other end of the second couch. Shrugging once again, Abel stripped off his tee and watched as Dirk finished the trend. The tattooed drug dealer might have been slim but his chest was ripped, with the most defined twelve pack Abel had ever seen. Trying not to stare, he moved his gaze to the man next to Dirk and discovered why they called the asst. coach westy. Fuzzy from the nape of his neck down his wide firm pecs and over his pumped abs, Westy's hair was as curly as the dog of the same name. On his other side sat Chris, who was just the opposite, hairless, toned and trimmed, a happy medium between Dirk's rippling slim body and Abel's built but still cut chest. Unable to stop himself, Abel took a look at Eddie who sat on his left and checked out the trim waist, covered in a light dusting of black straight hair, leading to two dinner plate sized pecs, also dusted in black fuzz, spreading out to smooth, broad shoulders and giant biceps. On his right was Mike, the epitome of manliness, beefy and broad as Abel remembered him. Surrounded by testosterone, Abel felt safe and strangely, slightly horny.

Putting that out of his mind, Abel watched Mike, who was reaching into a compartment underneath the coffee table, and coming up with a butane torch and a glass pipe unlike any Abel had ever seen. Dirk loaded the pink crystals into the pipe, filing it with quite a few, before taking the lighter and holding it to the bottom of the glass. Intrigued, Abel leaned forward to watch as Dirk lit the bowl and melted the crystals into a pool of liquid that slowly became smoke, white and pure. Putting the end of the pipe to his lips, he slowly inhaled and rocked the bowl back and forth with one hand, while holding the flame under it with the other. The smoke swirled furiously until Dirk could take in no more, at which point he released the trigger on the torch, letting it turn off, held the torch and bowl out to Mike and exhaled the biggest cloud Abel had ever seem anyone exhale. It was so big, he forgot to act cool, and said "wow."

Realizing in horror what he'd just done, he glanced across to Dirk, who just smiled and said "Damn right, wow."

Watching again with more controlled intrigue, Abel concentrated on what Mike was doing as he too lit the torch, turned the pool into smoke and took a huge hit from the pipe. Another massive cloud emerged and Abel began to worry that he was about to make a fool of himself. There to save the day, as he had so many times before, was Mike.

"I know you haven't don't meth this way before," Mike explained, subtly implying that Abel had done it in other forms. "So can I light it for you and show you how to hit it?"

"Sure, thank Mike." Abel said, nonchalant and aloof as could be. He listened as Mike explained how to heat the bowl without burning the crystals, torching them until they melted then rolling the bowl back and forth until the smoke began to billow, before finally putting it to Abel's lips and telling him to inhale slowly. Closing his eyes, Abel began to suck in the smoke and had to stifle his surprise when he discovered it was nothing like the weed they'd passed around out in the big room. This hit was so much cleaner and softer that he almost didn't think he was getting any, except that Mike and the other guys were saying encouraging statements. Once he was full of smoke, his instinct was to hold it in like the weed, but Mike told him to exhale immediately, so he opened his eyes and pushed the smoke out, proud to see a cloud almost as big as Mike or Dirk's. Towards the end of the hit, he suddenly felt it catch in his throat and began to cough like a lung cancer patient with emphazema. Some of the guys laughed for a second, but Chris was quick to tell him something that made Abel feel better.

"Coughing during a big hit gets you high faster," the college swimmer interjected. "I hope I can cough like that when I take a hit."

Somehow, during the explanation, Abel missed the fact that Dirk was loading another bowl, so there was another one for him to hit only a few moments after he'd passed the first on to Eddie. By the time he had it melted and rolling correctly, the other guys had all hit the first one and were cheering him on for his first solo hit. Inhaling again, he tried to get another huge hit but it was only about 3/4 of the first hit once he finished. Still everyone else seemed impressed, so he took some pride in the next one. At this point, Abel started to feel wired, like he'd been drinking red bull for hours and just finished a work out while jerking off. His cock was stiff, but no one else seemed to notice since they were all seated. As the six guys passed around the 2 bowls, Abel forgot about being nervous and came to discover just how amazing meth was.

"Shit, that's one hard dick." Westy said, making Abel look over and almost jump in to defend himself, when he realized he wasn't the owner of the hard on Westy was referring to.

"Yeah Sorry dude," Mike said, standing up and thrusting out his crotch, showing his huge hard on as it tried to escape his jock and bball shorts. "Tina and porn always make me hard."

"Me too," Chris chimed in. "You just can't tell cause I'm wearing...this!"

Suddenly he ripped down his sweats and boxers and his big, bald cock could be seen twisted sideways under the the flimsy spandex of Abel's speedos." Everyone laughed like crazy as the dick head twitched and worked its way along the top seam until finally it was too much and it popped out, eliciting more laughter and making Abel's cock pulse and dribble precum into his jock.

"Fuck C-dawg," Dirk shouted, while laughing hysterically. "Where'd you get the banana hammock?!?!?"

"From Abel." Chris responded, before pulling down the waist band and tucking it beneath his balls and doing a little dance that made it slap up against his abs over and over. Every dissolved back into laughter, finally gaining control as Chris tucked his hard on back into Abel's suit. "So Abel, why do they call you Abel anyway?"

"Cause I'm usually willing," Abel proudly responded before picking up the pipe. "and I'm always Abel."

Laughter exploded again, finally calming enough for Mike to suggest they bring the pipes and the tina and head back out into the main room. One by one Abel thought each of them had come out until he was sitting on the couch smoking and felt the urge to take a piss. As he walked over to the closet, he realized that Dirk, Eddie and Mike had all come out of the room as promised, but Chris and Westy were nowhere in sight. A renewed urge to pee hit him at that second, so he dismissed the inquiry from his mind, and dashed into the little room, where he stopped just short of the bathroom, held in place by the sight beyond the door.

Through the crack in the door, Abel had a perfect view as Chris fed his 8 inch cut dick to Westy, who was sitting on the toilet, playing with his own, respectable, 7 cut inches. His reddish brown curls were not limited to his chest, but also surrounded his pink dick and covered his hefty man balls. The mirror gave Abel a nice view of the hand that wasn't manipulating Westy's own cock, as it was pushing its way between Chris' tight cheeks, finally hitting the target and driving a finger two knuckles deep into the hole. Chris stifled a scream at the invasion and tried to push himself up and off, but Chris' muscular arm flew from his cock to around the college boy's waist, holding him still as he inserted a second finger and began to drive them in and out, harder and harder.

Abel stepped back a little into the shadows while Chris whispered for Westy to stop between moaning how hot the asst. coach's throat and tongue were. Before long the whispers devolved into grunts and eventually Abel could tell Chris was getting close. Westy pulled off for only one second and informed the boy that "you can cum down my throat if you want, but you know what that means."

Apparently Chris was okay with whatever it meant, as he grabbed Westy's head and rammed his hard cock back down the 20-something coach's throat before squealing quietly "take my load!"

Reaching into his own jock, Abel stroked his cock absent mindedly as Chris' balls contracted, no doubt emptying into the other man's gullet. Moments passed before the smooth suckee finally relaxed and was released by the hairy sucker, who slowly removed his fat fingers from the smooth bubble butt. Abel's dick was harder than he'd ever felt as he watched the two men get dressed, this time with Westy wearing the speedo under his tighty whiteys and khaki shorts.

"Just remember," Westy said as he zipped up. "I swallowed, so later I get a shot at that ass. That was the deal."

"We'll see," Chris said, justifiably afraid of getting cornholed by the hairy beast.

"No, we had a deal boy," Westy said, using his massive arms to maneuver the college swimmer until he was pressed between the man and the sink. "Either you let me fuck you later, or I take that ass now, whether you want me to or not."

Chris shook his head yes as Westy pressed his hard on against the boy's boxer covered hole.

"Good," Westy said, returning to straightening up. "Leave the shorts off, I got some pre cum on them."

Abel panicked, realizing Westy was about to discover him. Diving over to the door, he whipped it open and stood behind it as the furry coach went out, followed momentarily by the boy he just threatened to rape. Waiting a moment before stepping out, Abel's cock was still hard and now it was leaking copiously onto his abs, tucked up under his jockstrap waistband, reaching almost to his belly button. Shutting the door softly, he turned around and almost shit himself to see Mike sitting on the couch, loading another bowl.

"So you caught the Chris and Westy show," Mike said, with no more emotion than if he'd been discussing a baseball game. "what did you think?"

End of Part II

Part III coming soon!
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