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Death Order

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Chapter Five


    Confused, I stood there on the street. Lost in a different time. I replayed each of the three events in my head, wondering what the hell got into me. The honk of a car horn brought me back to reality. Not six feet from me was a cab. It wasn't until I got in when I realized it was the driver who had delivered me to this place. Before words could be spoken, he held up his right wrist. Across the wrist was the raised symbol - the whole symbol. 


    “I have so many questions..” I blurted out


    “For which I can not answer, this is your path, mine was different” he replied.


    Disappointed, I flopped back in the seat. I was tired, but I wanted more. 


    “Show me your hole” the drive said


    Without question, I turned, dropped my shorts to my ankles, knelt in the seat and spread my crack. Cum was still leaking and I was sure that my hole was a little puffy. I rubbed my finger on my hole, giving my cabbie a little show. I could see a bit of his reflection in the rear view mirror. His tongue was circling his lips and I knew I was turning him on. I pushed my hardening cock back between my legs, giving him more to see.


    “Fuck me” I demanded. 


    “No” he said, “Until you complete your baptism into the order, no member of the order may fuck you with out permission from a Priest”


    Disappointed, I slowly fingered my wet, sloppy hole. I wanted more dick. I was lost in the memory of what happened as the darkness outside the rear window was interrupted by the street lights. Buildings appeared and quickly disappeared from view. More and more, the glimpses of buildings become more recognizable as we moved through the city, until we were outside mine. 

    As we stopped in front, I pulled my shorts up and turned to face the driver. 


    “My card, you still have it?” the driver asked, to which I nodded yes.


    “Embrace the viruses you have been given, allow them to take over. At the moment you convert, call the number on the card, no matter the time and I will come. Time is critical in order to insure that your body is making the virus it’s own” 


    I nodded again while exiting the cab. 


    The following week went by and nothing. My mind wondered if the inoculation even took. It wasn't until the following Wednesday I started to feel like I had been run over by a dump truck. At midday my boss send me home, commenting I looked like shit.

    Once home I stripped naked and crawled between the sheets, waiting for sleep to find me. I was so hot, that sweat ran from me like a leaking hose and my body ached so bad that I laid frozen to the bed, not wanting to move due to the hurt. 

    Sleep found me soon enough as well as the nightmare.


    I slowly opened my eyes to a semi-lite room, instead of my bed, I was laying face down on something smooth and cold. My fingers slid along the top, finding the corner and slowly going over the side, which was rough like stone. It then occurred to me I was on a stone alter. Everything below my waist hung over the edge, without touching the floor below. I was naked, my hard, aching, throbbing cock was wedged under me. It looked as if I was alone, yet I sensed that I was not. 

    Stepping out of the dark was two fingers in black robes, covering their heads were hoods. Each one held a scythe, yet their hands were covered with fabric from the sleeves of the robes. Panic set in as my mind determined that these two were Grim Reapers. Fuck - was I dead. Was this the place that I was delivered to, was this my Hell?

    Quickly the two separated, one walked around me to my ass end and one stepped in front of my face. I watched as the one in front of me dropped his scythe, but no sound was made, if it hit a floor and I could only imagine the one behind me had done the same. The Reaper’s hands appear from inside the sleeve, which was nothing but bone. Gripping the middle of the black robe, the bony hands open it, revealing the skeleton body of the Reaper. Right in front of my face was a long bone and two round ball like bones to each side of this long bone. They were attached to nothing, yet hung like a cock and balls. 

    I watched as the long bone slowly started to rise, thicken and twitch, until it was pointing straight at me. The Reaper slowly moved closer to my head as I felt bony fingers grip my ass checks and pull them apart. Coldness invaded my crack. My breath was visible more and more as the Reaper advanced toward me. Without warning, my hole was stabbed over and over by the Reaper’s bony cock. Pain shot through me as the bony cock ripped open my hole, driving deep. There was no warmth, just coldness. The warm inside me was turning to a painful coldness, as the Reaper began to move the bone in and out of my hole.

    The Reaper in front of me inserted his cold fingers into my mouth, forcing it open, then drove his bony cock deep with in, freezing my tongue as well as the back of my throat. I felt my lips go numb from the cold, as it face fucked me. The hard bony balls froze my chin as they collided with it as the drove deep into my mouth. 

    The stone alter that I was on fell away, leaving me hanging in the air between the two Reapers, who were thrusting in and out of my holes. I could feel air rushing past my chest and stomach, as if we were falling. My body shivered from all the cold, causing my nipples to harden. I wanted to brace myself, but the coldness had me pull away, leaving my arms to hand just like my legs. 

    I couldn’t see anything under me, no ground, nothing, just blackness. The Reapers continue to freeze fuck my holes, spreading the numbness through out my body. Over and over they drove their bony cocks into my holes. I imagined my hole and lips turning blue, as they death fucked me.

    I could hear my heart beating slowly in my chest and it was getting slower and slower. Panic set in, accompanied by fear. Darkness was closing in around me and the Reapers, until I could no longer see them, only feeling their bony cocks pump in and out. I tried screaming with the cock in my throat……


    I sat up in bed screaming, breathing hard, and covered in sweat. My heart was pounding in my chest as I tried to calm myself.  The clock across the room read 12:35. A chill traveled through my body, hot from fever and cold from the wet sheets. 

    Grabbing my phone and business card, I called the driver. After three rings, he picked up.


    “Is it time?” he asked


    “Yes” I replied


    “Prepare! I will be in front of your building at 3:30 - be waiting” then the line went dead.


    Knowing what I had to do, I set about my task. At 3:20 I stood out front of my building propped up against the railing, watching. Exactly 3:30 he arrived. I was so tired and weak, I couldn’t move. Without words, the driver was out, helping me into the car, then was back in the driver seat. We speed off as I fell over in the seat, not caring where we were headed.

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Chapter Six


    The cab stopped suddenly. I tried to pull myself up, but the weakness was even greater. The driver got out, opened the back door and dragged me to a sitting position with my feet on the ground outside the cab. He grabbed the back of my shorts, quickly pulling me to a standing position then throwing me over one of his shoulders. 

    We moved to the front door, knocking to gain access to the small area just inside. Greeting us was the muscled man that was there during my first visit. 


    “In the middle of mutation” was all I could make out with what was being said.


    The driver moved me to one of the shoulders of the muscled man, still in his brown robes as before. My arms hung low against his ass. I mustered some strength to squeeze his ass checks, causing him to grunt. The driver exited, the door was closed and locked. I was carried into the building, then up some stairs. I tried to remember if I  had been this way before but my mind was in a fog. We went though another door at the top of the stairs. Once there I was put down, to try to stand on my own, still to weak my legs buckled and was quickly caught by my muscled escort. 

    The room was actually a bar on one side and the other had small cubicles with curtains. 

Behind the bar was another roided muscle man, but not dressed in a robe, he was in a leather harness. On each shoulder was a metal ring with three straps of leather, one connected to a ring on his mid-chest, one to a ring in the middle of his back, and another that went to a ring that was in an arm band circling his massive biceps. The ring in the middle of his chest and back then had a strap that went to a ring on a waist band. There was two other rings that were connected to straps off the middle ring. These other rings connect to rings on thigh bands. Off the middle waist band ring was a strap that connect to his cock ring. The cock ring was so tight that it pumped up his uncut cock, filling it with blood giving it a purplish hue. 

    The bar keep helped me over to a stool in front of the bar, picked me up and dropped my ass on the cushioned top. He held me there until I recovered slightly and was able to hold myself up with the help of the bar. 


    “Wait here for your Priest” the robed man from the front door told me. 


    “You look like you need a bit of the hair of the dog!” the bar keep said, turning grabbing a shot glass. I stared at his ass as he worked behind the bar. Completing his task he turned back around with the shot glass, sitting it on the bar. 

    The shot glass was filled with a milky like liquid. Without thinking I swallowed the entire shot glass. It was cum - damn. I forcefully dropped the shot glass back on the bar, as if I was signaling to the bartender I wanted another. This time the bartender grabbed a beer mug and held it under his cock. Taking aim, he started to piss into the mug. I watch attentively as the hot piss filled the mug, creating a small amount of foam on top. Once filled he said it in front of me on the bar. 


    “Drink up while it’s hot” he said.


    Instinctively I grabbed the handle, brining the mug to my mouth and chugged. I didn’t stop until the mug was empty. Slamming it back on the bar top. I felt the warmth move from my stomach to my chest then arms. I felt somewhat better, as if his piss was some sort of magic elixir.

    The Priest entered the bar shortly after. By the way the robe was filled out he was not the one that guided me during my last visit.


    “You are over dressed. Please remove your clothes and entrust them to the bar keep.” he said and I obeyed. 


    Once naked, the Priest led me to one of the curtain off areas on the other side of the bar. We stepped in once the curtain was pulled aside for me. Inside was another stool, yet in the middle was a hole with the head of a dildo slightly sticking out. Very realistic dildo, since it had a piss slit in it. I could not see how big it was since the rest was hidden inside the stool. On the wall in front was a small screen, which right now was dark. On each side of the screen was two openings, almost like glory holes, but more the size of a fist.


    “Please take a seat, then insert your hands into the holes. Inside you will find a rod - grasp it” instructed the Priest and I did as I was told.


    Now seated and holding on tight, the Priest pulled open my ass checks, exposing my hole to the head of the dildo. Inside the hole something slid down, locking my hands inside. 


    “Your body is reconciling the virus at a cellular level and in order to maximize the effects of the virus - we must feed the virus.” 


    I heard some clicks and whirls, then pressure on my hole as the dildo rose out of the stool. The pressure continued to build until the dildo painfully slid into my dry hole. My hole felt as if it was being pulled outside in. The Priest put his hands on my shoulders and pushed down causing my ass to slide down the dildo more and keeping my ass on the stool. With a click the dildo changed direction and began to slowly pull out of my hole. This movement was repeated over and over.

    The dryness soon began to ease off as my hole became slick, ass juice was beginning  to flow and make the fake dick in my ass wet. Pain soon became pleasure as the slick rubber dick slid in and out of my ass. My cock grew hard between my legs, slowly leaking a stream of pre-cum. As the thrusting quickened, I throw my head back in pleasure, until the dildo pushed deep in my hole. A warmth filled my inside as the dildo slowly pulled out of my hole. I lowered my head just to see the screen light up with the following words


    Load #1: HIV Positive, Viral Load 10,549


    With a click, the dildo rose and started to slid into my hole. The muscles of my hole gave way allowing it to fully enter, the cum load in me help it penetrate completely. Pumping in and out the dildo slid with ease. Faster and faster, causing more pre-cum to leak from my cock’s piss slit. The veiny ridges on the dildo rubbed against my prostate adding to the pleasure. The pace of the fucking was like a jack rabbit, sometimes barely moving, just pulsing, until a warmth flooded my inside again.


    Load #2: HIV Positive, Viral Load 145,900


    The Priest was still standing behind me, hand holding my shoulders holding me down, as the machine clicked again and the dildo slid back up inside my hole, which was growing more and more sensitive. The constant moving in and out of my hole was electrifying to every nerve. This time the speed was slower allowing me to feel every inch, every detail in this fake cock. My own cock throbbed for attention, for release. Pre-cum pumped out with every thrust in of the dildo, creating a thread of pre-cum that was almost to the floor. Minutes pasts, until the dildo push all the way in. The warmth increase inside. 


    Load #3: HIV Positive, Viral Load 559,000


    “We are feeding the virus, my neophyte. We must secure the success of conversion” 


    For the fourth time, clicks signaled the rise of the dildo out of the stool, sliding with ease into my hole. Each time it enters, I feel less and less resistance from the muscles. The pace of this fuck was steady, but with more force. The dildo would slide out at a easy pace, but would slam back in deep with each thrust in. The first time, I raised slightly off the stool, only to be pushed down by the hands of the Priest and then held in place with more force. I bit my bottom lip to take my mind off the roughness of the fucking. Time in my mind, during the first three fucks went quickly, but this fuck seemed to last longer. I could feel a wetness between me and the stool, imagining it was just some of the loads leaking out, but feared it was mixed with blood. The dildo thrusted in deep, releasing it’s warmth.


    Load #4: HIV Positive, Viral Load 1,450,690


    My back ached from being upright, my abs burned from keeping me upright, and my cock throbbed wanting to be stroked. I waited for more clicking to signal more fucking, but only heard a soft humming sound.


    “Relax, my neophyte. In order to increase the strain, we must change the delivery vehicle. Focus, breath and relax for there is pleasure in pain.” 


    The humming returned, accompanied by a vibration, then silence. Within seconds the dreaded clicks. I closed my eyes as I felt my hole being stretched open further then it has ever been. Nerves sent shock waves of pain through my body causing me to try and pull off, only to have the Priest push me  back down onto the new dildo. My hole felt as if it was ripping apart, as the new dildo slide further and fast inside. Once the dildo met resistance, it pulsed a few times then started to thrust in and out. The pain was intense, yet my cock throbbed and bounced with each thrust. The pre-cum flowed more like piss out of my piss slit, reaching the floor and pooling. The pain increased as the massive girth of the dildo kept my hole open, allowing it to move quickly in and out. It pushed in deep, held that depth as I felt it flood my inside, but not with warmth but with a hotness. 


    Load #5: AIDS 


    The dildo quickly started moving again, pumping in and out this time at even a quicker pace. My hole ached as the slick fake thick dick moved in and out. Pain continued. I tried to pull my hands free, but my grip would not release, the Priest increased his pressure on my shoulders as he felt me trying to free myself. I screamed as the dildo, pulled out completely, then slammed all the way into my hole over and over. I could hear someone outside the curtain laugh, imagining that it was the bar keep. My legs kicked the wall in front of me, from the assault on my hole, my cock jumped and shot a load that splattered against the wall in front of me. I shivered from my climax, which squeezed the muscles around my hole, sending more pain through my body, and yet the dildo’s invasion continued. My breathing increased, as I pushed with my feet against the wall in front only to meet the body of the Priest behind me pushing back, keeping me right were I was. The massive dildo pushed completely in, adding more heat to my insides.


    Load #6: AIDS


    “It is done my neophyte. The virus has been fed.”


    I felt the dildo slowly retreat from my hole, leaving me feeling empty. The restraint on my hands released allowing me to pull free. I stood, turning to see what was on the stool, only to find a reddish liquid surrounding the opening for the dildo. The curtain was opened, exposing me to the rest of the bar, only to be met with a small applause from the bar keep. The Priest grabbed my arm and escorted me out of the bar area and into a hall. At the end of the hall was a black door with a biohazard symbol in red, under it was a name plate:


    “Dr. Serpent - Undesirable of Society” 


    The Priest knocked and waited. From inside a deep voice responded.



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Chapter Seven



    Almost all of my strength had come back by the time we entered the doctor’s office. The Priest went first, me following. Inside was a semi-lite room set up just like an exam room at any doctors office. Framed posters covered the walls - some looks like viruses taken from medical journals, while others were more obscene. Mixed in were posters of cocks, some hard, some soft, cut and uncut, some shooting cum, while others oozed what looked to be the clap - red with irritation as well as other sexual transmitted diseases. There was also posters of holes - some just normal, some puckered and red, while others were open, oozing cum. My cock was slowly rising after my look around the room. 

    Standing in the middle of the room was the doctor. His hair was salt and pepper as well as his goatee. He was wearing a lab coat  and combat boots. The coat was open, exposing his body to me - tanned, toned, and defined. His chest was covered in a mat of black and white chest hair leading to a “treasure trail” down to his trimmed dark crotch hair. His cock hung heavy over his balls, it was cut with a huge mushroom head that was about the size of a baby’s fist. The shaft of his cock was thick and veiny. His balls were smooth, hanging low in his sac, one higher than the other. 


    “Conversion?” the sexy doctor asked?


    “Yes, phase one resulted with infection, bolstered the virus through feeding - six loads - from mid viral count HIV positive to two full blown.” replied the Priest.


    “Excellent” said the doctor.


    “Please take a seat on the exam table so the evil doctor can probe you” 


    I moved slowly to the exam table, still studying the doctor’s body. My cock was hard as a rock, pointing my way to the table. As I climbed on, the Priest turned and exited the room. As the doctor approached, I spread my legs wide giving his access to my cock, balls and my aching hole.


    “Are you experiencing aches? Fever? Sweats?” the doctor asked.


    “Earlier Sir, but now it’s just aches.” I replied


    “Bar keep’s piss?”


    “Yes, Sir”


    “Hmmm, excellent elixir. Symptoms should return in time. ”


    His hands were cold to the touch, as he felt around my neck, just under my jaw. They warmed as he ran his hand over my shoulders and into my arm pits. I jumped a little from this touch, slightly ticklish in my pits. Pressing hard into my pits, he made small circles. As he was examining me, I was watching his cock, hanging between his legs. I fought back the urge to touch it, stimulating it until it was hard as a rock.


    “You like looking it my cock?” the doctor asked.


    I nodded yes, not taking my eyes off the head of his cock.


    “It’s okay it likes the attention” the doctor replied.


    “It’s pure poison boy. It has bitten many boys with out them knowing it.”


    “It starts by kissing the hole, ever so lightly, secreting a sample unto the skin, making the

    boy beg for my snake to slither in”


    “No protective skin can hold it, it sheds it quickly and silently. Writhing until it spits it’s venom deep inside a warm dark hole”


    As the doctor talked, his cock started to slowly thicken in girth and length. The head was resting on my knee when it finished hardening. It was so long, at least eleven inches if not a foot. His nuts pulled up as he made his cock jump off my knee and then drop down on it.


    “it likes you, boy”


    “feel it, hold it, let it slither in your hand”


    I wrapped my fingers around it, yet it my fingers did not touch. I slid my hand from just behind the head to the base of the shaft. It felt hot. I watched as the doctor licked his lips, knowing that he wanted to inject me with his venom. 


    “you want it in you, don’t you?” the doctor asked with a grin.


    I just nodded as I continued to stroke it, feeling him trying to make his cock jump again in my hand. As much as my hole ached, I wanted to feel this massive cock deep inside me. I wanted a real cock fucking my ass.


    “there will be no skin to shed this time”


    I let go of his cock, slowly laid back on the exam table and raised my legs high into the air, presenting my hole for his use, his pleasure. I reach around my hips and spread my checks, exposing my hole more. He watched as he stroked his cock.


    “puffy and red, oozing death - just the way I like it”


    Stepping closer to the exam table, he removed his lab coat. I could feel his cock head just touching my hole, teasing me. The massive head circled my puffy hole, rubbing the cum that had leaked out all around. I pictured his cock spitting pre-cum as he played in the toxic cum that had escape from my fuck hole. 


    “push out that fuck hole” 


    I pushed out, opening my hole and at the same time squirting out some of the cum I was holding in, It squired out covering the doctor’s cock even hitting his crotch hair. 


    “AGAIN” he shouted


    Concentrating harder, I pushed out my hole as he drove his cock in deep and hitting bottom, causing me to jump. He pulled out until just his head was inside my hole, pulling my hole outwards, then pushed all the way back in, this time penetrating my second ring. I had never felt such pleasure. His massive cock was hitting new pleasure points deep inside me. He pulled out again - this time all the way and drove all they way back in.

    He continued to punch fuck my hole over and over. His cock pumped air in me as he drove in, causing me to swell in my abdomen, until I couldn’t hold it and then it would blow out, expelling more cum all over the doctor’s cock and body. It was a sloppy noisy fuck. 

    The doctor grabbed my ankles, yanking my legs open as far as they could go and then a bit more. The muscles in my legs screamed in pain as they were stretched. His cock continued to pump in and out of my wide hole, every time going balls deep into me, pushing the toxic loads from before deeper and deeper into me. 

    I moaned more and more as he continued to fuck me, only to be drowned out by a deep growl coming from his chest, as well as the wet sloppy cum hole. I looked to my right to see a picture of a hole, opened, puffy oozing cum out of the red interior.


    “just like your hole” the doctor said noticing my gaze.


    The assault on my hole continued. I still wanted more and more. I could feel his nuts hitting my ass, I could feel the cum running down my ass to the table. I could feel his crotch hair rubbing my balls as he slammed his dick deep into me. I could feel his cock head as it penetrated my hole and escaped. My cock was hard resting on my abs, leaking a large pool of pre-cum in my belly button. 

    The doctor scooped up some of my pre-cum onto his fingers and slid them into his mouth, savoring the sweet juice from my balls. 


    “newly mutated seed. fresh poison - a new strain of AIDS……mmmmmmm”


    He continued to eat my pre-cum as he drove his cock in and out of my wrecked hole. His cock was hardening and thickening as he pumped my hole. I could only imagine his balls tightening up, drawling close to his body as hie prepared to shoot his toxic load into my guts.


    “snake is getting ready to strike - ready for my venom?”


    “Give it to me”


    “another AIDS load”


    He rammed his cock deep inside me, pushing his hips into me, as I felt his cock jump and pulse inside, shooting his AIDS deep within. As his cock slowed in pulsing he started to pump in and out of my hole, mixing his AIDS load with the HIV and AIDS loads already inside.

The doctor slowly pulled his cock out of me, releasing me and allowing me to lower my legs.

    I watched his cum covered, dripping cock slowly deflate, returning to a hanging position on his body. I wanted to  ump off the exam table, dropping to my knees in front of him.


    “hold your legs wide”


    I quickly grabbed my legs behind my knees, as the doctor went for a stool and tray of examination tools. He sat in front of my used, leaking hole, which was  now wide open. No matter how hard I tried to squeeze it shut, it remained gapping. After the huge dildo and the doctor’s massive cock, I knew it would be a while before my hole would return to normal. 

    I felt a coldness near my hole, something metallic. It circled my hole, as if collecting the leaking cum, until it slowly invaded. I felt it pressing against the puffy lips of my hole, slowly stretching them wider and wider. It was then, I knew the doctor had inserted a speculum into my hole. The stretching continued well past the point of comfort, past the point that the dildo and dick had stretched me open. 


    “very nice” the doctor said.


    I watched as he stood up and walked over to a cabinet on the wall. Opening it revealed a phone. After removing the receiver and placing it to his ear, he only said: “it is time.” He hung up and returned to his stool and grabbed what looked like a pen off the tray, he bend over as to look into my used hole. The pen turned out to be a small flash light.


    The Priest entered the room and joined the doctor at my hole, silently standing behind the doctor.  


    “cum has coated the walls which are irritated, mixed with the blood from my busting of your inner ring. Rate of infection should increase.”


    “Chanced of conversion?” the Priest asked.


    “98% or higher” the doctor replied. 


    “2% chance of failure is still not acceptable, this one must jump the precursor.”


    “Escalation is still an option. We could add another method of exposure”


    My mind started to concoct how they would escalate higher than what I had bed exposed to. I had taken two homeless men’s cum loads, a mixture of cum from Priests - some dead, some living that was recycled, and the cum and possibly blood from a man who had put his cock in any hole he could find as well as taken any and all cock into his holes. I also took four loads of HIV positive cum and two loads of full blown AIDS cum tonight as well as the doctor’s AIDS load. What the fuck was next?


    “Plug him!” the Priest ordered, “I will determine if escalation is needed.”


    I heard the doctor open a drawer and then quickly shut it. The speculum was slowly closed and pulled from my hole. Without warning, a plug was shoved into my hole. I felt my hole give as the ball head pushed in, then it collapsed around the narrow base. I jumped and bite my lip.


    “Come with me” the Priest said. 


    I obeyed without question, jumping off the exam table. I followed the Priest across the room and out the door, only to hear the doctor quietly say:


    “you will be back”


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