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Orange Shitler's FCC set to repeal net neutrality, will threaten sites like BZ..

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Guest PozGoat



Think Nazis don't exist in this modern world? Think again.

In the US, we call them Republicans.

Trump appointed regulators that run the Federal Communications Commission have announced plans to end net neutrality. This will allow internet providers to shut down or restrict bandwidth to any site they find objectionable or controversial.

This ruling will have an effect on every porn site on the net. Especially gay porn which conservatives hate with a passion.

Trump was recently caught saying that his vice president, Mike Pence, would have every gay person hung if he were dictator.

I fear for our future.


The United States is being run by modern day Fascists. No other way to put it.


Republicans are the new Nazis.


Orange Shitler is their new Adolph.


The previous administration tried doing the same thing in 2014 but backed down after public pushback. The only thing different about this FCC and the Republicans is that when it comes to making their corporate donors money, they're a little more determined and a lot more shameless than the Democrats.

When Tom Wheeler tried taking a bite out of net neutrality protections in 2014, he used the same sort of Orwellian language Ajit Pai is using now, talking about "innovation" and "increased competition", and saying it wouldn't be harmful to consumers.

As long as the corporations own both parties, our choices are between "bad" and "horrible". The Republicrats do not work for us.

(I made a similar post back in June but it didn't get much traction, and yours is the only other post talking about it. I guess people aren't too bothered about net neutrality, probably because the corporate media BARELY cover it, and when they do, they make it sound so dry and confusing people just stop paying attention and go back to their tweeting and their Facebook. Sigh.)




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  • 2 weeks later...

With comments like:

"Republicans are the new Nazis" & "Orange Shitler is their new Adolph" really shows immaturity and a lack of real information.  Kinda makes it difficult to take anything else you say seriously.   It might stem from people getting all their news from facebook and MSNBC.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 12/7/2017 at 7:39 AM, BttmReady said:

With comments like:

"Republicans are the new Nazis" & "Orange Shitler is their new Adolph" really shows immaturity and a lack of real information.  Kinda makes it difficult to take anything else you say seriously.   It might stem from people getting all their news from facebook and MSNBC.


As opposed to getting information from the unbiased source called Fox?  I agree memes on FB aren't appropriate; however, the truth is that the FCC did kill net neutrality.  This huge decision was done by 5 people with a 3-2 vote.  In other words, the whole country endures the decision of just 3 people.  Those are the facts.  The rest is just interpretation or speculation.    But I have to ask, much like this tax law, why was this decision done?  What is the real goal?  Because statistics suggest "competition" or "trickle down" economics isn't the answer (as neither will occur).


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Posted (edited)

Well sooner or later the big downer POLITICS had to show its ugly face!

Here is my take: much or MOST of 'the porn' the 'fake moralists' might have discovered on-line and specifically THIS SITE and the kinds of posts here would drive them over the edge with zealotry... not sure if the censors won't pull a fast one out of the blue one day.... BUT

When it comes to sex I prefer to AVOID POLITICS!  As freaky Gollum from 'Lord of the Rings' would say: "IT RUINS IT!!! Smeagol likes it RRRAWW and WRRRIGGLING!"

There is enough on here that 'doesn't rock my world' like the obsession with incest for example. No 'daddy' talk for me and no high heels on dudes and no scat either! And purposely getting sick and making others sick I don't understand. I'm sure I'm not alone but I hush my mouth and roll with it. I leave chat when the topics make me cringe!

Bottom-line: some things give you a boner and others will make your BUZZ disappear! Some things don't seem to go together:  I have gay friends and HARDCORE BB contacts whose extreme political views turn me off. I couldn't imagine having sex with them... unless I was high!? One who is a heavily-tattooed and pierced porn performer who stars in everything from FF, SM, BB, orgies, WS whatever. On his other side he is all about 'pet rescues' dogs etc but then he also CONSISTENTLY posts pro-rightwing stuff on his FB from pro-Palin, pro-Duck Dynasty-Taliban to anti-ACA and hating Obama stuff... (logic?) does he think a fist-fucking, bb-promiscuous, hustler would be allowed at the table with any of these folks? And HE was the one defriending me first!!! Not me! He couldn't tolerate my 'moderate' leanings! My best friend here in town is GAY and cheats on all his BFs and bareback them and his tricks. Yet he is a square-acting 'government-employee' who calls his very nelly BFs his 'room-mates'. To compensate he posts virulent BREITBART and FOX propaganda-posts all day long. I figure it's his BUTCH DECOY so he doesn't appear like one of 'them libtard liberals' whom he derides for 'having a mental condition'... I AVOID politics with him when we hang out AT THE GAY BAR or at home! We wrestle, we have kissed on each other but he doesn't know my 'dark side' as I only HINT but the poz issue is avoided (by me). He is pretty hot but I could not imagine having sex with him. Maybe because it would be 'INCESTUOUS' like a brother. He will quickly try to 'cock-block' sexy, promiscuous guys I flirt with by saying 'he is dirty' (poz)!!!

I recall (just a few years back) being basically 'vanilla-safe'  but I have changed. I've stretched my mind and try not to freak out any more. You know: TRYING TO GET MORE FREAKY!!!

For example: arrogant, big-mouthed JERKS making moves on my BF would irritate the fuck out of me in the past. It didn't dawn on me that both HIM and ME could have our cock and eat it too! Now I CRAVE the same jerks I use to loathe and would lick their balls while they breed my man against the wall upside down and do 'the poz-talk'. Which reminds me... I have done a few of those 'set-ups' in the flesh. Good thing I never brought up politics. Not with rural southern minds! Especially since I like rugged rednecks! "Don't talk!" I'm sure it would have RUINED it for me with at least a quarter of them fornicators! Turn the club-music up in the sex-club and don't kill my buzz!

"I like my fantasy RRRAW and WRRRIGGLING!"

Edited by rawsatyr
minor spelling errors
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  • Moderators
  On 12/22/2017 at 7:09 PM, rawsatyr said:

Well sooner or later the big downer POLITICS had to show its ugly face!

Here is my take: much or MOST of 'the porn' the 'fake moralists' might have discovered on-line and specifically THIS SITE and the kinds of posts here would drive them over the edge with zealotry... not sure if the censors won't pull a fast one out of the blue one day.... BUT

When it comes to sex I prefer to AVOID POLITICS!  As freaky Gollum from 'Lord of the Rings' would say: "IT RUINS IT!!! Smeagol likes it RRRAWW and WRRRIGGLING!"



Moderator's Note: We have the political discussions segregated because MOST people feel this way. You have to actually choose to enter the area marked for political discussions to even see them. Please don't come into the area for political discussions and complain about it existing. 

Posted (edited)
  On 12/23/2017 at 3:32 PM, drscorpio said:

Moderator's Note: We have the political discussions segregated because MOST people feel this way. You have to actually choose to enter the area marked for political discussions to even see them. Please don't come into the area for political discussions and complain about it existing. 


Not complaining AT ALL! I appreciate your feedback. I totally share the gloomy view on the GOP and net neutrality! You may (after rereading what I wrote) see an attempt to make sense of what we are seeing (politically) in a somewhat 'balanced and light-hearted' commentary! Sadly, over the years I found 'political apathy' the norm in the 'gay party crowd'.

That said: I'm wondering if 'gay Republicans' are a 'vanilla-extension' of what I have seen (on tumblr) in the gay 'sub-culture'. A sub-culture fascinated by slavery, swastikas, Nazis and worse. Self-loathing ? Extreme S&M? As I explained: it doesn't work for me - but there has to be an appeal to it! And I noticed that in the deep South there are gay guys who emulate the most extreme of the rightwing, who dog and cock-block promiscuous (popular) guys very judgmentally as 'whores and sluts', They tend to be especially HATEFUL towards poz-guys (even if they themselves never get tested) talking like mean church women, often without any prompting. One of my friends, an openly-gay, well-known poz-advocate got a vile-threatening message like that THIS MORNING on grindr! As he went from Nashville across state-line into his home-town in Arkansas he was called a 'filthy AIDS-whore' and told 'we will take care of you'. These are anon guys who are looking to 'hook up with CLEAN' but hate honesty and might be poz without knowing. Then I know some really twisted gay guys... one who is on craigslist with his ass up but in real-life a fire-and-brim-stone Arkansas preacher, another very sexy fucker a hardcore Pentecostal, one of my ex-tricks a Jehova witness posting religious stuff on Facebook but they all have a secret life much darker than anything I have tried so far. Like those anti-gay marriage preachers who get outed by their call-boys for hiring them for crystal meth orgies. 

My question is: should one just NOT TRY TO GET TO KNOW GUYS or talk AT ALL, lie and deceive, keep secrets because the stranger's extreme views  and hypocrisy could quickly become a buzz-kill!? Guys in New York, Miami or Los Angeles might not understand this world!

I hope this makes my feedback more clear!


Edited by rawsatyr
some spelling errors
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/7/2017 at 7:39 AM, BttmReady said:

With comments like:

"Republicans are the new Nazis" & "Orange Shitler is their new Adolph" really shows immaturity and a lack of real information.  Kinda makes it difficult to take anything else you say seriously.   It might stem from people getting all their news from facebook and MSNBC.


A canadian point of view , if I may 

one of the problem with information in general is that to survived they take part in the debate as a participant , Media are and should be a link for public to get the story . Since those all-news station the problem is to get fact and to get second sources to validates the info then and only then you can relay the news as verified. When reporter got pressure from editorial to get the news faster then competition we all loose , mostly because the work of accuracy lack of professionalism.

But reporter are far from alone in this , when corporation get in trouble they hired "media specialist " those spin doctor have no professional obligation toward public , their only loyalty is to the one who pay his invoice .

Canada is lets say 10 years behind the usa in social current but it start to grow here too , the medias crisis hit us hard too but since cultural difference between us are true it saved some medias from bankrupt. But their finance is weaker so it is tempting to relay on new financing and if a new friend offer to help ... it become tricky to do a story on this new friend unethical practice .

I dont what to convince anyone but just think of it in a world where the sources of info is getting polarise by 2 mainstream party ! 




  • 2 weeks later...

As someone who did not vote for either major party candidates, I'm still waiting for the rounding up and killing of gays that we've been warned about since Trump/Pence were sworn in. Still waiting for the sky to fall over Net Neutrality roll back (the rolling back to pre-2015 regulations...BZ was here before 2015 and still here). Am I happy about everything happening, of course not. But I'm also not in a panic about every little thing that this administration does either. This highlights the problem with how many things get done. It's done with the stroke of the pen by a President or an appointed individual. Want to make things more permanent? Get congress to change the laws. Which is the issue with the current marijuana issue. Federal law still says it's illegal. Just because one President decided not to pursue those who break the law doesn't mean the law has been changed. Now the next President, and his people, are following the law again. With the stroke of the pen, much of what was changed by the previous President can now be undone. All because it was done with the stroke of a pen and not changed by Congress. 

Guess what, in another year there's an opportunity to give the Democrats control of the House and Senate and that would stop Trump/Pence/Republicans in their tracks if people are so unhappy with what they've done. Every two years there's a chance to change things...and every four years a new President.  Kinda nice how that got set up, isn't it. Just be sure to vote and, if you're so inclined, go run for office and promote the changes you want. 

Thus endeth the political lecture. Please resume your preferred sexual perversity.

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