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If it was up to you to set a new age of consent, what would the age be and why?


What age of consent would you choose?  

1,747 members have voted

  1. 1. What age of consent would you choose?

    • No age of consent - just stiffen penalties for rape if victim is under 18
    • 12
    • 13
    • 14
    • 15
    • 16
    • 17
    • Keep it at 18

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Unless it has changed, age of consent in PA (my home state) and MD is age 16. That being said, I lost my virginity to a married woman in her 30s when I was just a young buck of 15. Hmmm . . . maybe that's what made me love dick; the trauma of being deflowered by Mrs. Robinson. LOL

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It's 16 for both gay and hetrosexual sex here in the Uk and it seems to work ok for the majority I think

That may be the age of consent but a lot of people have sex before then. However, apparently a 14 year old boy can legally sleep with a girl aged 16-17.

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Spain has a pretty good Age of Consent Law. 13 years, but if deceit is used to gain consent of someone under 16, charges can be laid.

I think the big thing is education. If the Western world (America in particular) actually gave any real measure of sexual education to their children, I think that many of these points would be rendered moot.

Whatever, that is just my view.

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I'm not sure where you life, Poz.Guy, but laws governing age of consent in the United States are set at the state level, not federal. Most states in the USA have age of consent at 16 (the case in Connecticut where I live). A few miles from me, in New York State, age of consent is 17. In Massachusetts, even closer to me, age of consent is either 16 or 18, depending on which statute is followed. (The situation in MA is unusual in that there are two different laws for age of consent. The 18 age is part of older law that wasn't formally repealed when the newer, lower age of 16 was legislated. The 18 age remains on the books and could be used to prosecute someone, when it would probably be thrown out because of the newer law.) A handful of states have age of consent at 18, and one state (Arkansas, I believe) has age of consent at 14. I believe there are also states that have different age of consent laws for heterosexual and homosexual sex (the age for homo sex is invariably older).

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I think that the law in the USA for consensual sex between adults is a minimum age of 18 .

Actually, in the United States, each state sets its own age of consent for sexual activity, and some states already have a tiered system. For instance, in Louisiana, it's non-consensual if one partner is under 15 and is at least 3 years younger than the other partner. Further, the penalty is enhanced if the younger partner is under 13 and the older partner is 17 or older. In some states, as long as one partner is under 16 it's non-consensual. In others, it can be much more complicated.

Most criminal law in the United States is set on the state level, not the national level. As a result, the legal age to do anything in particular usually varies considerably from state to state. The main exceptions are voting (the U.S. Constitution guarantees all 18-year olds the right to vote) and drinking (the states set the age, but the federal government reduces highway funding to states that don't set the drinking age at 21).

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I think 16 is a good compromise for age of sexual consent with adults. People mature at different rates/ages. At 18 people are adults, and are treated as responsible. However, many people aren't ready to make adult decisions even at age 18. But today with the information available online, many teenagers are exposed to more and know more than I did when I was their age. So they can make informed decisions. However to prevent high school kids from being trapped in the statutory rape dilemma, I think that teens should be allowed to have consensual sex with each other within a 2 year window.

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