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Guest takingdeepanal
  On 6/28/2019 at 2:43 AM, DaddysHand said:

I am currently addressing an array of chronic debilitating symptoms, thus, this story is on hold for a while. Still have LOTS of ideas for several more chapters. It seems m☢️re is wanted from some of my filthy fellow BZ pigs. Will Charlie be saved, or will he lose his soul? 😈👺


piG hopes that @DaddysHand will be around for a long time yeT.


Prequel to Part 27;

The D-E-V-I-L grabbed me by my wrists, and brought my face right upto his molten lava eyes, and started to HATE fuck me. It made my Master's wild feral fucking seem tame;

- I shall TELL you ONLY one more time .... SAY IT. SAY IT!
- I irrevocably give my soul to you for eternity, my D ... Sorry, I can't. I don't want to.
- You STUPID boy!

Like with my boyfriend he now also gave me a hard back hand slap to my face. I became dizzy and confused. And just to make sure I did not forget him he swiped across my navel, right across the reversed pentagram, causing deep scratch marks that would constantly look like they had tiny worms wriggling inside of.

He gave his body a quick jolt, which sent me flying into the air, and crashing down onto the wooden floor into a crumpled heap. He gave a snarl and a hiss to make sure I understood that he was very displeased with me indeed, and then, he was gone.

I knew in my soul, that was still mine, for the time being at least, that this would not be my last encounter with the Dark-Lord! 👺👦

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Part 27;

I lay on the floor of the plinth room, curled up, crumpled, and shaking with shock. 

- 'L'
- Hail Master.
- Take MY Charlie to his room. He needs more rest. Give him a large dose of K so his body can relax. And stay with him through the night as he rests.
- Yes Master.

Sir scraped me from the floor, and carried me to my room, placing me in my new bed, and propping me up against the headboard. He left for a short while. Whilst he was gone I just kept staring at the HUGE painting of 'ME' above the fireplace. I seemed to not be able to think clearly anymore, and was staring at the painting with no real thought. My gut knew it meant something to me. Once Sir came back he helped me drink the K laced cola via a straw. I was so weak and feeble now I couldn't even hold the glass myself. 

He lay me down, and it wasn't long before I once again fell into a deep sleep of jumbled vivid dreams and explicit nightmares. The D-E-V-I-L 👺 appeared on a number of occasions, where he at least on two of them tried to claim my soul. I think on one occasion he was successful in his persistent EVIL mission. And then that evil Doctor I was dreaming of only this morning in a scene with the 'Medical Chamber', he kept appearing over and over again outside the mansion with two other guys who were in hospital gowns and in wheelchairs. Each time they appeared I was unable to make out their faces. I had the sense that they were very sick and frail. Of course my Master fucking me in the forest was a prominent regular flashback. But, through all these images, there was this underlying tone that Sir was FFisting me the entire time.

My subconscious must have been connecting with my consciousness as when I did finally wake up Sir told me that as I slept he actually spent a considerable time intermittently FFisting my gaping cunt. 👊💦💦 My brain was getting a rest, but my swollen bruised cunt wasn't getting much respite at all!

As I slept, and Sir FFisted me, Usher and my Master discussed about the possibility of him coming here to live, and work. Usher made it very clear that he was used to being paid handsomely, and my Goat-Beast-Headed Friend more than matched what he was used to. He said he would stay initially for no more than a week, as then he would need to go back and sort out stuff to do with his property, belongings, and also bring equipment and materials needed for the double restoration of the property, and land.

My Master also agreed to purchase a BIG truck which would be required for the transformation ahead.

After a good 12 hours sleep or so I woke up, and I felt unusually overwhelmingly exhausted. I could not move from my bed. In fact, my second full day here was mainly spent drifting in and out of sleep, with Sir bringing me food, as he also tended to my boyfriend who STILL remained restrained! A few of the times I woke during the day I did only to find that Sir was doing to me what he was doing as I slept during the night. Yes, MORE FFist fucking my cunt. I believe it was his very own mission was to make sure that I from here on, would always remain; Inside out, and Gaping! 🌹

The night hours fell again, and more of the same as lastnight and today;

Sir continuing to intermittently FFist Fuck me. More vivid dreams and nightmares. And more much needed further rest for my brain. This time, I apparently got an insane 14 hours sleep. BUT, today on my third full day here I awoke feeling well rested and rejuvenated. Although, the end of my Dick felt painful. Oh well, I could take a look at it when I went for a wee, and sure enough, when I pulled down the metallic red jockstrap, there was the same revolting smelly discharge oozing out of my Dick that my Master has. His Gono infection had needed all the incubation time it had needed to see my urethra inflamed, and now constantly, and slowly, ooze out a thick rotten smelling pus.

As he knew I was feeling much better, Sir had ordered that I come down for a late breakfast in about 30 minutes. OK, fine. That gives me enough time to do what I cannot wait to do. Having just discovered my Gono infection, I got back on my bed, lay on my back with my legs spread, milked my perineum so I could get as much pus as possible to flow out whilst scooping it up in my hand, then masturbating it inside my flopped out gape! I kept repeating this, and the longer I carried on the more turned on I became, and the more turned on I became, the more I lost track of time. 

- CHARLIE, what are YOU doing? You were meant to have been in the dining room with us 10 minutes ago.

I looked up to see Sir with a smug smirk on his face having just caught me exploring my new found inner pig.

- Sorry Sir. I got carried away. I'll come right away.
- NO! You lay exactly right where you are. You nasTy pig! 👊💦💉

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Part 28;

Sir walked over and climbed on my bed, looking me up and down, and over, assessing what this nasTy little piggy was up to.

- Aaaaahh, I see. Our Master's Gono infection has taken a hold of you, and you were fucking your beautiful Gaping-cunt with the pus, weren't you, pig!?

I suddenly felt shame, having been caught defiling my own body. I bowed my head, and in a meek and subdued manner replied;

- I'm sorry Sir.

This seem to only go and fuel Sir's current perverse state of mind, and he opened up one of my bedside cabinets, pulling out a tourniquet, a syringe full of tina, and a tub of nice creamy crisco. This place was more old fashioned than I had originally thought 😛 

And all this time I have been lying/sleeping next to a drawer full of these goodies, and completely unaware. I didn't need tina now, as I was already feeling super horny, but, on went the tourniquet and in went the needle nonetheless, and plunge, in with the juice. FUCK, I found myself once again in a 'manic meth fuck me into next century' haze. I wonder if I was ever going to get a 24 hour break to enjoy my new home.

- PLEASE Sir, FFist my cunt. You are very good at it.

One crisco covered beak shaped hand started to play around with it's dark red wet velvet toy; 'my increasingly flopped inside out insides' no less, with the other hand scooping up the disgusting, vile smelling brown discharge of pus from my inflamed urethra and kept spreading it all over my face. It was only a few minutes into play when Sir had pushed my prolapse back in and his entire forearm to elbow was buried deep in my cunt. After my encounter with the D-E-V-I-L 👺 lastnight I don't think we even really were needing the crisco, as I was now super stretched, not to mention flying high as kite, AGAIN! Then, in walked Usher ...

- Charlie, where are you, we have been waiting for you to join us for breakf .... Aaaaaahh, I see. Well, I suppose we can all go for breakfast in a little while. Nothing that cannot wait.

He jumped onto my bed, slathered his forearm up with crisco, and said to Sir;

- Hey mate, let's double FFist the cunt. 👊💦🌹💦👊

Yet again that smug smirk was all over Sir's face. He withdrew his forearm, and, in they went together, effortlessly, both up just past their wrist, in an instant! I felt like I did when I couldn't get Sir's spiked PA to dig into the back of my cunt deep enough. That's right, even though they were both up just past their wrists, it now just was not enough to satisfy me. I screamed like I was deranged, gagging and begging all the while for them to go deeper, and stretch me wider!! And, it didn't take long. After about 15 minutes they had one arm each inside of me at the same time, about 1" past their elbows. 

I kept grunting as I repetitively pushed my pelvis as hard as I could in their direction, and looking at them both intently like my head was about to explode. We played like this for a few hours when Sir called a halt to play, firmly saying that it really was time we should go and eat.

NOO☣️☢️OOOO ~ I wanted to carry on!

I put my only set of clothes on of my own on, and we all went for breakfast. Well, I was high on tina, so, had zero appetite, but, I sipped slowly on some Tea, just so I could be around these h🔥T studs. As they were almost finished eating, Sir said he would be doing his usual duties around the home, including for the time being tending to my boyfriend, whose time here at the mansion was very soon coming to an end. But how? Usher said he would continue to teach me about nature, and his trades of landscaping, and buildings.

There was a large run down barn with a decent stock of hay, which was used for my Master's lair, for which he would sleep on. Sir would make sure he had a few fresh bales on a daily basis, and spread it out of a night time, in time for the morning. Indeed, Usher was going to teach me more today, but, it wasn't anything to do with his trades, or nature, or anything like that. NO. He had in mind to teach me more how to be an efficient, obedient greedy fuck toy. He motioned me into the barn, and threw me down in a mound of hay.

- I know how you like to be vocal, so, this is going in your loud mouth, right now. We don't want you drawing any attention, thus causing any unnecessary interruptions.

On that note he stuffed a red paisley handkerchief into my mouth, and spent the next several hours Fucking me, and FFisting my cunt NON-stop. He did not pause even for 5 minutes, as he concentrated on tearing me apart, cumming INSIDE me several times throughout the afternoon.

My battered cunt really now did need a decent REST!

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Guest takingdeepanal

About time that he had his piss bottled. Diuretics are good for encouraging the flow. 


Definitely getting more interesting and Charlie is definitely finding his inner pig! 🐷Can’t wait to see how his dreams play out! Love the gaping hole with 🌹and the double 🤜🤜! Huge turn on DaddysHand! Looking forward to the next adventures of Charlie and what happens to his boyfriend?!?!

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