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Touching strangers


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i was at the airport waiting in line yesterday for security and there was this guy in front of me with a beautiful neck and i want to run my lips along it so badly.  This happens to me all the time, standing in line behind another guy and having to contain myself, wanting so badly to kiss His neck.  Same with ass or cock,  seeing an awesome Mans ass or cock (albeit clothed) and dying to grope Him and just having to occupy myself otherwise.  There have been times in close quarters where i've allowed myself to 'accidentally' brush up against a guy, but nothing overt.  

Anyone else deal with this?  Sometimes i feel like a teen i'm so guy crazy (but it feels good to feel that way lol).

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Standing in line waiting behind a guy, on the bus, on the train. I recognise the feeling of looking at a guy's well groomed neck but my focus is usually on nice bulging crotches (guys unaware they are showing or ARE aware....or hot butts in tight jeans. Can look at them for hours and drool. But never touch 😞 

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I’m always interested to hear such accounts because it simply never occurs to me to ogle other people. I don’t often look at other people in general, let alone their bulges. On the rare occasion that I might observe some winsome attribute of another person, my auto-responder instantly kicks in with: “Don’t be absurd. He would never even glance at you. Quit wasting time.”

And the notion of touching someone...? Inconceivable.

Which is really ironic, considering that I don’t give a second thought to touching a stranger’s body - or wrapping my lips around his cock - once he enters my room and takes off his clothes. I guess for me there’s just no point in entertaining wishful thinking in place of the reality that’s actually accessible to me.

 I know that there are guys out there who look each other over, lock eyeballs, some inexplicable wordless communication takes place, and within three minutes they’re fucking in an elevator. I don’t have that ability or anything remotely like it. So I guess my stranger-touching is going to have to stay in the baths or a hotel room... where they touch me first, and usually starting with the most intimate spot in reach.

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Guest SecretCumWhore

Me too man! I am a very sexual person ever since I was little and with beautiful features from men I see, I just wanted to admire it.  (Touch him, kiss that feature, lick it, taste it) etc...  

Some guys its their shoulders and back, others its their entire body, others have gorgeous leg muscles, huge cock, beautiful hole..    but the airport example you gave sums up why I always feel socially awkward knowing that 6-7/10 of the guys I see I find something attractive in them one way or another. 

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56 minutes ago, ErosWired said:

I know that there are guys out there who look each other over, lock eyeballs, some inexplicable wordless communication takes place, and within three minutes they’re fucking in an elevator. I don’t have that ability or anything remotely like it. So I guess my stranger-touching is going to have to stay in the baths or a hotel room... where they touch me first, and usually starting with the most intimate spot in reach.

One of the most remarkable experiences i've had of the type you describe is driving down a busy street one day and a guy pulls up next to me. I glanced over and our eyes met and we both knew. It's almost magical. He pulled ahead and i followed him into a Burger King parking lot. And parked just as he was getting out and heading into the restaurant. I followed and went into the restroom where he was already waiting.  He locked the door behind me, turned around and without a word unbuttoned my jeans, pulled them down, turned me around and bent me over. He pulled his own pants down enough to expose His cock and He slid in and bred me in short order... i can't remember if he even used spit it all happened so fast.  He came pretty quickly with a deep thrust and a groan, three or four spasms and He withdrew His cock, pulled up His pants and exited with me still bent over and panting.  i recovered enough to lock the door behind Him and left a few minutes later.  

I've had a few other experiences where i was driving and made similar kind of knowing eye contact, but never actually ended up proceeding to fuck from that lol, this was pretty unique. 

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55 minutes ago, SecretCumWhore said:

Me too man! I am a very sexual person ever since I was little and with beautiful features from men I see, I just wanted to admire it.  (Touch him, kiss that feature, lick it, taste it) etc...  

Some guys its their shoulders and back, others its their entire body, others have gorgeous leg muscles, huge cock, beautiful hole..    but the airport example you gave sums up why I always feel socially awkward knowing that 6-7/10 of the guys I see I find something attractive in them one way or another. 

i know, right?  It seems like i am regressing into adolescence sometimes i am so guy crazy.  Not just looks, attitude, demeanor.  

As an aside, i often do anonymous walk in breed where im lying naked face down and ass up.  Not infrequently, the guy Topping me will kiss my shoulders and/or neck and that absolutely drives me wild. It's like i have a button hidden there and it makes my back arch and my ass push into Him. 


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Always do , i agree. I love men, I like  beside the obvious, necks and Adams apples. I am always horny ehen a Man is talking and his Adams apple is moving up and down.

I do a lot of touching, especially if I am being given change or something, i always catch their fingers, hands, i need to have a touch, I have even staged walking into guys, just to have contact.

On the tube, if its busy, I have a ball sqeezing up to guys, love love if they have their arms up holding the bar above and I can get very near and smell their pits. I then stage a touch.

I also love a flash of arse crack anf I can see underpants then I am creaming.

Am I a pervert lol.

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I had an incident where touching was involved just the other evening in a bar. I had been in the darkroom taking dick after dick and load after load. (By the way, I have very distinct physical features that allow people to easily identify me wherever I am). At one point, I went upstairs to take a break and down a couple of beers. This man ever so casually walked up to me, stroked my face and winked at me. My first reaction was to swat his hand away. Then I realized he probably had bred me and this is how he had chosen to show his appreciation. I thought, "I really shouldn't be overreacting to something as gentle as a touch", when I literally had been face down, ass up, having men deposit their bodily fluids into me. I suddenly loosened up and started stroking other tops that had bred me who seemed open to being touched. I even got the contact info for a couple of them. Sex can be so mechanical at times. It's nice to humanize it sometimes. 

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1 hour ago, bbzh said:

I had an incident where touching was involved just the other evening in a bar. I had been in the darkroom taking dick after dick and load after load. (By the way, I have very distinct physical features that allow people to easily identify me wherever I am). At one point, I went upstairs to take a break and down a couple of beers. This man ever so casually walked up to me, stroked my face and winked at me. My first reaction was to swat his hand away. Then I realized he probably had bred me and this is how he had chosen to show his appreciation. I thought, "I really shouldn't be overreacting to something as gentle as a touch", when I literally had been face down, ass up, having men deposit their bodily fluids into me. I suddenly loosened up and started stroking other tops that had bred me who seemed open to being touched. I even got the contact info for a couple of them. Sex can be so mechanical at times. It's nice to humanize it sometimes. 

i love how you became aware and changed.  To me, this is a great example of the connecting that can happen between guys.  Your observation that "sex cam be so mechanical at times" is something i purposely try to thwart.  i don't always, i take my share of mechanical cock. i  have found that i can practice presence in the moment on my side and that sometimes it can be contagious.  

One of the things that drives me wild is when a Top kisses my neck or shoulders. i've had mostly anonymous walk in sex, where i am lying face down and naked, so i don't typically see my Top and am in a pretty vulnerable position.  When a complete stranger is getting into the fuck and just naturally starts kissing my neck or shoulders, my back arches almost reflexively and my ass pushes Him deeper into me, and i literally tremble.  These are some of the guys i have to bite my tongue from saying "i love you" too. 

i think we may be often missing something, that "to humanize" can make sex just that much more sexy and intense.  It works that way for me. i think we often leave that out because it takes more time, thought, effort, but i think it's a mistake to make dehumanized sex a habit?

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22 hours ago, tallslenderguy said:

i was at the airport waiting in line yesterday for security and there was this guy in front of me with a beautiful neck and i want to run my lips along it so badly.  This happens to me all the time, standing in line behind another guy and having to contain myself, wanting so badly to kiss His neck.  Same with ass or cock,  seeing an awesome Mans ass or cock (albeit clothed) and dying to grope Him and just having to occupy myself otherwise.

This reminds of of a time a few years ago when I had a flight from the US to London. As I was waiting for the flight, I noticed a pair of brothers who looked like a couple of guys I'd seen in amateur porn. Every time I glanced in his direction, he seemed to be looking at me. On the flight, they were seated in front of me. I had my eyes closed for a while. When I looked up, I noticed him looking back over the seat at me.  It created a few nice fantasies for me. ...If only he hadn't been with family.....

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Guest Grinder

Just get on a crowded NYC subway in the summer, where guys don't wear such bulky clothes. You are packed in there like sardines sometimes and it's impossible not to be pressed up against someone. I had this one hot subway ride once and in the middle of a crowd the two of us were softly and inconspicuously humping each other while hanging on to the straps. I was in shorts and he had nylon running pants and wife beater with big hairy pecs and our bulges were quite obvious. He had to get off two stops later and gave mine a nice squeeze before he got off and went home to his wife and kids. 

I love subway grinding!

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Of course we all think about doing that.  I don't touch, it's too risky.  More about obvious flirting for me.  I will say that strangers touch me a lot, so clearly some guys act on it.  Sometimes it's really uncomfortable how invasive their touches are.  You wouldn't believe some of the things Alpha Top strangers have done to me right out in the open.

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16 minutes ago, ErosWired said:

We certainly won’t, if you omit the details. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

One guy touched my lips.  Another put his hands down the back of my pants (he said he thought I was someone else).  Another guy that was facing me, reached around to put his hand on the back of my head an neck and started to rub my head.  Just a few details, if you really needed to hear them.  Most of these things happened at the gym, but some were out in public.

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