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Guest deepthroatkiss

Yes, im getting it in accouple of days from work, I'm excited to get back out there and get my hole bred.

Guest ff-whole

Moderator's Note: Since people went to the trouble of refuting all the total conspiracy theory nonsense in the post, I am not going to remove it. The matter has been dealt with. 

I just can't believe how you can trust this... 

I hear everybody saying; conspiracy theorist but are we really?
Would you risk your body to become a possible guinea pig for this stuff...

Watch this video and take a hard look and do your own research.

First of all the virus is more than 99% survivable. Most people that died had serious other health problems and if you do a real deep research in the death rates per year per amount of people, it has been proven that the death rate is not higher at all than any other year.

Masks have been proven over and over again to be absolutely ineffective and even dangerous when worn over longer periods of time.

The PCR test has been proven to be totally useless to prove if you are sick of Covid, but governments are still [miss]using it to get their numbers up to scare the general public in more liberty restrictive measures.

Many well respected scientists and medical professionals are speaking out against the governments and pseudo scientists that back these governments up to take these unprecedented lockdown measures. It is already shown that most of the time these pseudo scientist are well paid by the pharmaceutical industries. If you really want to invest some time online you will find respected reports and you only have to follow the money.

Then there are medicines that are already proven to be very effective to cure this virus like Ivermectin. This is no theory but proven. Please watch this video.

We live in a free society where free speech should be still be a right.
Why is it then that large social and mainstream media is trying to silence us and put us away as conspiracy thinkers?
Why are they so afraid of our voices...?
Do they have something to hide from the common public?

All I ask of you all to use your common sense to also do your own research and if you only are willing to take everything with the benefit of doubt. There is a lot of respected information out there. 

Please I ask the webmasters not to censor this post away as a conspiracy theory.

  On 12/27/2020 at 1:39 AM, ff-whole said:

First of all the virus is more than 99% survivable. Most people that died had serious other health problems and if you do a real deep research in the death rates per year per amount of people, it has been proven that the death rate is not higher at all than any other year.


First, even if the virus is 99% survivable, if it spreads to everyone in the country, that's over 3 million dead people. It's true that underlying conditions make it worse, but that doesn't equate to "would be dead anyway even without the virus". Even if we assume that most deceased Covid patients would only have lived another, say, 5 years, that's still 15 million man-years of living wiped out from this disease.

Second, even if *you or I* might survive infection, we're likely to infect someone else who will NOT. Or someone we infect will in turn infect that other person. The idea that "I have a great chance of surviving so I don't care if I get this easily transmissible disease that I'm also clearly unwilling to do anything to prevent spreading" translates to "I am a selfish asshole."

Lastly, you're simply, factually, WRONG about the death rate not being higher. 

  On 12/27/2020 at 1:39 AM, ff-whole said:

Masks have been proven over and over again to be absolutely ineffective and even dangerous when worn over longer periods of time.


This is false. Masks, WHEN WORN CONSISTENTLY AND PROPERLY, combined with appropriate social distancing, are indeed effective. As long as you're flapping your ignorant gums - something I suspect you do all day - you're spreading micro droplets of saliva everywhere you go. Masks prevent you from spreading those to other people - or at least cut down that spread dramatically. 

Yes, I know a lot of you conspiracy nutcases have seen videos from "medical professionals" claiming it isn't so. Any jacklegs can make a video and claim anything he wants. I'm personally going to put my trust in actual medical organizations and not some crap from some unknown dick online.

  On 12/27/2020 at 1:39 AM, ff-whole said:

Many well respected scientists and medical professionals are speaking out against the governments and pseudo scientists that back these governments up to take these unprecedented lockdown measures. It is already shown that most of the time these pseudo scientist are well paid by the pharmaceutical industries. If you really want to invest some time online you will find respected reports and you only have to follow the money.


No respected epidemiologist or virologist is speaking out. It's whole-earth fruitcakes and nutcases pushing "alternative health" shit. Like the asshole doctor Trump planted on his "Covid Task Force" - who it turns out knows NOTHING about virology or epidemiology but was willing to kiss Trump's ass and support his complete lack of leadership, so he got a very public role. 


  On 12/27/2020 at 1:39 AM, ff-whole said:

Then there are medicines that are already proven to be very effective to cure this virus like Ivermectin. This is no theory but proven. Please watch this video.


There is no "cure" for this disease. There are only treatments that help support the patient and give him the strength to develop the resistance needed to fight it off.  Ivermectin is NOT approved for treating Covid, mainly because the concentration levels needed to actually have any effect on the virus are more than 100 times the approved level for human dosing, and while it has been tried in a few cases, there are no conclusive results showing it has any effect.

  On 12/27/2020 at 1:39 AM, ff-whole said:

We live in a free society where free speech should be still be a right.
Why is it then that large social and mainstream media is trying to silence us and put us away as conspiracy thinkers?
Why are they so afraid of our voices...?
Do they have something to hide from the common public?

All I ask of you all to use your common sense to also do your own research and if you only are willing to take everything with the benefit of doubt. There is a lot of respected information out there. 

Please I ask the webmasters not to censor this post away as a conspiracy theory.


Free speech is a right - that is, the GOVERNMENT is not allowed to censor your speech except in certain limited circumstances. There is NO "free speech right" with respect to private companies - NOBODY is required to give your looney tunes ideas a forum in which to speak. If you want to spread your theories, you're free to find a hosting company, pay them to host a website for you, and post to your heart's content. That doesn't mean RawTop has to give you space here to blather with your nonsense, just like you can't demand that Random House publish your crapola in a book, and you can't demand Time Magazine give you editorial space to push your "ideas".

Incidentally, if you knew anything about this site, you'd know that you can't paste links into posts here, the way you clearly tried to. Maybe you should learn something about the environment in which you want to exercise your speech.

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I wasn’t going to reply, but can’t help myself...the great thing about science is it doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, it’s true. 
And so is the fact that it’s the cytokine storm your body produces or doesn’t produce when infected with covid. This is my line of work. I’m a scientist and conduct and run clinical trials. Yes, comparatively it may seem like a small percentage of folks die, but to me, a few hundred thousand is very high. 
mans it doesn’t matter whether you’re in super shape or not, if your body reacts to the virus by producing a cytokine storm then that’s what endangers you. It’s a cascade of reactions happening in your body where your lungs start to fill with fluid and things start to shut down. They’re realizing this is happening to people with certain blood types more than others and other genetic similarities m. It also depends on how much of the virus you received in your infecting dose and how it went in your body. If you can ramp up your immune system in a way that the NK (natural killer) cells are robust and do their thing and prevent the cytokine storm you can survive and get better eventually. This is what the treatments we use are doing like the antibodies, remdesivir + dexamthesome. 
I’m not here to argue or prove anyone right or wrong. We all must be careful. It’s a horrible death and almost for certain you will die alone separated from everyone and anyone. Be smart. 
taking appropriate medical precautions.m Kline social distancing and wearing a mask have zero to do with personal freedom or any freedom. It boils down to this: do you want to kill someone and do you want them to kill you. The answer is no and so you put on a goddamn mask and quit being selfish. If this country had been managed immensely better from the onset of the crisis we would not have the economic turmoil and deaths that this president has caused. He has given up on covid bc he’s a loser and doesn’t have the best of the nation in his intentions. He could give a shit

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  On 12/27/2020 at 12:49 PM, pozmepointmeinRDU said:

I wasn’t going to reply, but can’t help myself...the great thing about science is it doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, it’s true. 
And so is the fact that it’s the cytokine storm your body produces or doesn’t produce when infected with covid. This is my line of work. I’m a scientist and conduct and run clinical trials. Yes, comparatively it may seem like a small percentage of folks die, but to me, a few hundred thousand is very high. 
mans it doesn’t matter whether you’re in super shape or not, if your body reacts to the virus by producing a cytokine storm then that’s what endangers you. It’s a cascade of reactions happening in your body where your lungs start to fill with fluid and things start to shut down. They’re realizing this is happening to people with certain blood types more than others and other genetic similarities m. It also depends on how much of the virus you received in your infecting dose and how it went in your body. If you can ramp up your immune system in a way that the NK (natural killer) cells are robust and do their thing and prevent the cytokine storm you can survive and get better eventually. This is what the treatments we use are doing like the antibodies, remdesivir + dexamthesome. 
I’m not here to argue or prove anyone right or wrong. We all must be careful. It’s a horrible death and almost for certain you will die alone separated from everyone and anyone. Be smart. 
taking appropriate medical precautions.m Kline social distancing and wearing a mask have zero to do with personal freedom or any freedom. It boils down to this: do you want to kill someone and do you want them to kill you. The answer is no and so you put on a goddamn mask and quit being selfish. If this country had been managed immensely better from the onset of the crisis we would not have the economic turmoil and deaths that this president has caused. He has given up on covid bc he’s a loser and doesn’t have the best of the nation in his intentions. He could give a shit


Ditto this.  It is spot on.

i'm a critical care nurse and >1000 hours of direct care experience with Covid poz patients in a critical care setting. Cytokine response syndrome (aka "cytokine storm" or simply "CRS") is the big killer here. We are just starting to figure out the reasons behind who gets this triggered response and who does not. i had two patients a few weeks ago, one relatively young (50) and in good health otherwise, the other was 87 and had several co-morbidities (diabetes, vascular disease, heart disease).  The 87 year old started out on high flow O2 equipment where we were forcing ventalation, the other was getting a lessor O2 device.  The 87 year old improved at twice the rate of the younger guy. Not only was CRS an emergent factor, it also seems to have longer term ramifications because of lung injury that can take several months to resolve even after the infection has cleared.  

We are still learning this disease, it is deadly, and even when it is not, if you happen to be the type that gets the CRS response, you are in for an ugly ride.  

The vaccine is demonstrating 95% efficacy at this point, i'm getting vaccinated next week (i have to wait when i am off work because there can be side effects),  We do not know the long term effects of the vaccine, it's new, but we do know the effects of Covid, so putting it on the scales, i'm going with the vaccine.  Covid related deaths are a reality, so far, no one has died from the vaccine. It may happen, and yes, some are going to have worse side effects than others, but comparatively, it's the better bet by far.

Science is not perfection, it produces the best evidence we have so far and is an ever ongoing pursuit for more and better evidence. 

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  On 12/27/2020 at 1:39 AM, ff-whole said:

Please I ask the webmasters not to censor this post away as a conspiracy theory.


Forgot to mention: Maybe if you didn't post shit that looks, smells, sounds, feels, and tastes like a conspiracy theory, people wouldn't accuse you of posting conspiracy shit. 

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If people don’t wish to have the vaccine, fine. I have my own thoughts on whether it should be mandatory but accept that it probably won’t be in most countries. But anyone refusing to take it should be shunted to the back of the healthcare queue and prevented from travelling or returning to work until they do in my book. And I can’t help thinking that we’d still be knee-deep in smallpox if Facebook had been around for the foil hatters to spout their nonsense on before that was eradicated. 
I had swine flu back when that was prevalent. It was very, very nasty. I was so ill that I completely lost 5 days in virtual unconsciousness. I never want to feel that ill again. So for that reason, as well as being a decent human being who wants to help everyone else reclaim their lives along with my own, bring it on. 

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  On 12/27/2020 at 12:49 PM, pozmepointmeinRDU said:

I wasn’t going to reply, but can’t help myself...the great thing about science is it doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, it’s true. 
And so is the fact that it’s the cytokine storm your body produces or doesn’t produce when infected with covid. This is my line of work. I’m a scientist and conduct and run clinical trials. Yes, comparatively it may seem like a small percentage of folks die, but to me, a few hundred thousand is very high. 
mans it doesn’t matter whether you’re in super shape or not, if your body reacts to the virus by producing a cytokine storm then that’s what endangers you. It’s a cascade of reactions happening in your body where your lungs start to fill with fluid and things start to shut down. They’re realizing this is happening to people with certain blood types more than others and other genetic similarities m. It also depends on how much of the virus you received in your infecting dose and how it went in your body. If you can ramp up your immune system in a way that the NK (natural killer) cells are robust and do their thing and prevent the cytokine storm you can survive and get better eventually. This is what the treatments we use are doing like the antibodies, remdesivir + dexamthesome. 
I’m not here to argue or prove anyone right or wrong. We all must be careful. It’s a horrible death and almost for certain you will die alone separated from everyone and anyone. Be smart. 
taking appropriate medical precautions.m Kline social distancing and wearing a mask have zero to do with personal freedom or any freedom. It boils down to this: do you want to kill someone and do you want them to kill you. The answer is no and so you put on a goddamn mask and quit being selfish. If this country had been managed immensely better from the onset of the crisis we would not have the economic turmoil and deaths that this president has caused. He has given up on covid bc he’s a loser and doesn’t have the best of the nation in his intentions. He could give a shit


I’m intrigued by your post. I’ve read that O Blood types are statistically less likely to contract Covid, or be severely ill from it. But is that anecdotal or is it something you’ve seen? 

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