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All rights reserved. Screenplay in development. Soon to be a major motion picture! LOL! 🤪😜


This Can't Be Good

“This CAN’T be good,” Michael thought to himself after he listened to the voicemail from his dad.  The foreboding tone in his voice was something Michael knew all too well.  His dad called to tell him he was flying down to LA at the end of the week.  He had something very important he wanted to talk to him about.

The last time his dad had something “very important to talk to him about” was during high school. He caught him stealing his car to drive across town and get fucked by guys at the local for-profit career college. Dad threatened to disown him if he ever pulled a stunt like that again.  After graduating from USC,  Dad had been paying the rent on his WeHo apartment.  If he cut him off, he was toast.

“This can't… be good,” Michael repeated to himself.

It had been about a month since he’d visited his dad at his cabin in Northern California. The cell signal there sucked, making his smartphone practically useless.  To get online, he used his dad's desktop computer while he was out fishing to watch porn and upload a pozzing video to his OnlyFans page. He knew what happened. He’d forgotten to delete his browser history before he headed back home to LA.  His dad must have noticed and gone through it.  The jig was up.

Michael was a dedicated, but so-far unsuccessful, bug chaser.  Now well into the second year of his quest, he’d become increasingly frustrated.  Recently, he’d started posting videos to his OnlyFans account showing him taking toxic loads from his high-viral fuck buddies. The videos had become quite popular, earning him much-needed extra income from subscription fees.  Now that coin was in peril.  Over and over he thought, “this just can't be good.”

For the next three days Michael agonized over how he was going to explain his OnlyFans content to his dad.  No doubt by now he’d seen all his online sexual exploits, fueled by an ever-growing obsession to convert.  All the bug chasing videos, all the photos of POZ men, and all the images of biohazard tattoos.

“What the hell am I going to tell him?” he kept asking himself.  This was something he couldn't just brush off as a fluke.

The following Friday afternoon Michael picked his dad up at LAX.   The drive to his hotel was awkwardly silent.  After check-in, they both went up to the room.  Sitting side by side on the bed, the time had come for THE conversation.   “So, what’s up?” Michael asked, his voice trembling slightly.  He was trying his best to remain nonchalant.

“Son,” his dad said. “I wanted to come down here because there's something I needed to talk to you about in person. And I didn't want to just do it over the phone.  I found…..”

Shit. His dad was speaking in that same tone as when he busted him for stealing his car.  Any chance of appearing nonchalant was now gone.

“Dad!” Michael blurted out, interrupting him, “I was just doing it to earn some extra cash! You see… you can really make great money on OnlyFans if you post funny videos.    And… and those videos were just a joke. You know my dark humor!”

As he rambled, trying to piece together a plausible explanation, Michael felt a wave of cold sweat washing over his body and seeping through his t-shirt.   His dad just sat there, staring at him. Then a puzzled look came over his face.

“What's OnlyFans?” his dad asked.

“Oh wait!” Michael quickly responded trying to play it off.   “Never mind… I was just confused.  Never mind!”

A wave of sweet relief quickly replaced the layer of cold sweat that had accumulated all over his body since they left the airport.

“I'm sorry… so what were you trying to tell me?” he said, regaining his composure.

His dad let out a long sigh. “Son, I need to tell you that I tested HIV positive,” his voice filled with guilt and regret.

Upon hearing his dad’s confession, the relief Michael was enjoying was quickly replaced by utter shock.  Totally blindsided.  It was like a bucket of ice had been dumped on his head.

“You WHAT?” he blurted out.  “You??? Tested. POZ???”

Michael could feel his blood pressure rising.  The ice water dump had now grown into a tsunami of utter confusion and pure envy, crashing down around him.

“Your test was POZ… for, for HIV??   Are you sure it’s not COVID?  What the fuck?” Michael’s voice was now trembling.

“The test was confirmed, son.  I tried my best to be careful.  I’m still processing this myself.  But I promise you nothing is going to change.”

How could this happen?  Michael asked himself.   All he could think about was the last two years he spent, desperately trying to get pozzed up.   The dozens of disappointing hook ups with men claiming to be off meds.  All the out-of-town flights to meet up with notorious gifters. All that effort, only to be met with more negative blood test results.  No one NEEDED to become POZ more than him.  His life would never be complete until he was part of that illusive POZ brotherhood.

And now THIS?   His own Dad, a reluctant and closeted bisexual, just waltzes in and gets knocked up before him!  The rush of envy quickly erupted into a burning dumpster of jealousy.

How could life be so cruel and…. unfair??

“Don’t worry, Son,” his dad replied, sliding over closer, trying to console him.  “HIV isn’t a death sentence anymore.  You’d be surprised how many HIV positive guys are living normal lives.  Everything will be fine.”  

Michael stood up, still gob smacked by this news. He turned to his dad and continued his tirade.  “Oh, believe me, I KNOW how many guys are POZ these days.  Obviously, EVERYONE is but me!”

“I’ve got a great doctor.  He’s a specialist!” his dad continued, in a feeble effort to console his son.  “He’s going to prescribe the latest breakthrough HIV med….”

“Meds?” Michael responded.  Before he could even finish saying it, that word changed everything.  “No, Dad!  Don’t start meds!”

Now Michael’s dad was more confused than ever.  “Why not?” he replied.

Michael’s jealousy was now replaced by overwhelming horniness.  He knew this was finally his chance.

“Dad…Now I’ve got something important I need to tell you.” he announced.

His dad couldn’t help but notice the raging boner now bulging through his son’s shorts. 

Yes, son?” he asked, cracking a nervous grin.

Pulling off his shirt, Michael replied, “We need to fuck.   Right now.   We need to fuck!”

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