joeri Posted October 14, 2021 Report Posted October 14, 2021 To start with, I am a Dutchman. This text is therefore written in Dutch and has been translated via google translate ... Part 1 Jason was 19 years old and a good guy, he got good grades in college, had a girlfriend and lots of friends. He had a normal life, until his girlfriend left him because she thought he was too normal and too good. There he was, alone in a big city with no girlfriend and friends who sat at home because they were already at work. After a few weeks he had worked through the grief and decided to do some work on himself. He got himself a subscription in the gym and started working out. After a few months in the gym this began to bear some fruit and you could already see a nice six pack. Of course, he had also met some of the regulars and some friendships began to form. One of them was Mike, a muscular man of 38 years, nicely tanned and very handsome. Mike had a crush on Jason from day one. When Jason first came into the gym Mike thought, I want that young guy in my stable to use. He had a plan to bring him in. After seeing him a few times, he went next to him at the weights and said he was training wrong. Mike wanted to help Jason with his exercises so he wouldn't overwork his muscles. Jason thought this was nice of Mike and they got to talking. Now several months later, Jason and Mike began to develop a friendship. That's what Jason thought anyway, but Mike had a plan and a mission. Mike asked Jason what he had to do that weekend. Jason said not much just hang out with my friends and have a drink. Mike said don't you come to the gym party here. I should come alone and I know people here but it would be more fun if you came too. Jason as good as he was could not say no and said ok why not. The weekend is always the same so a change can't hurt. They agreed that Jason would come to Mike's house and they would come here together. Mike thought to himself, this is the moment. From now on, you're mine. Saturday at 7pm Jason arrived at Mike's house, he lived in a detached house in a cul-de-sac where there were only 2 other houses and they were not occupied. He rang the bell and Mike opened the door. Come in he said and have a drink first the party only starts at 8 pm and we don't want to be the first ones there and the rest of the guys will only be there at 10 pm. Yes is good said Jason, to be the first one there would be a bit weird. Mike took Jason to the living room and sat down on the couch. Do you want something to drink said Mike, yes said Jason but preferably something fresh first. No problem said Mike and went to the kitchen. When he came back with the drinks and gave a cola to Jason. He said it is not an ordinary cola but one that a friend of mine makes, he is trying to start a line of sodas. I hope you like it, if you don't like it just tell me what you don't like about it and I'll let him know so he can update his product. What Jason didn't know was that there was just GHB in his drink and that Mike was trying to cover it up. Mike put on his mega flat screen and they watched a random program on TV. Jason sipped his drink and thought it tasted a little strange but said he liked it, but thought to himself I would never buy it. After about 20 minutes Jason started to get a little warm and he felt a little lighter in his head. Mike saw this and thought the time was right to take his plan a step further. Shall I give you a tour of my house said Mike. Ok is good said Jason. Mike showed Jason the ground floor and then went upstairs. Upstairs they came to a room with a massage table. Hey said Jason, do you give massages. Yes said Mike. Would you like to get one from me, I am very good them. Gladly said Jason. He thought lying down will do me some good. Take off your clothes and lay down on the table. Jason did as he was told and took off his clothes and lay naked on the table with his face through the hole in the table. Mike took some oil and put it on Jason's back and started massaging him. Jason was totally relaxed by the firm hands that were massaging his back. This made the GHB start to do its job even better and Mike noticed this. What do you think about it Mike asked, Jason could hardly utter any more words and moaned something that looked like yes. Perfect Mike thought and he moved his hands towards Jason's beautiful bulging ass. Jason was a little startled but was so relaxed and high on the GHB that he couldn't do anything. Mike kneaded his ass and took some more oil and a shard of Tina. He carefully opened Jason's ass and stuck the shard of Tina in his hole. Jason who was high was shocked by the finger in his ass and said half understanding what are you doing, this is not part of a massage. Mike said sorry but my hands were slipping from the oil. Jason could still place it in his condition and laid back down. He got hot and felt something burning and said this to Mike. Mike said this was probably from the oil and it would pass. Jason started to get even hotter than he already was and also felt a weird feeling in his ass. The feeling that something must be put in there. He was starting to get horny and Mike noticed. As Mike continued to massage Jason began to moan. This was the moment Mike had been waiting for all along. A handsome straight guy who was moaning under his hands. After he finished massaging Jason's legs he said he was done and Jason wanted to get up but from the table but needed help from Mike. Mike said, you can't go to the party like this. You know what, let's go to the next room and lay down on the bed. The room was dark and Mike put Jason on the bed. Jason, who at that moment wanted nothing more than to get something in his ass, was writhing on the bed and was stroking his hole with his fingers. As weird as he thought it was but Jason wanted to get to his hole and stick his fingers in it. Mike was pleased with what he saw and went into the next room to take off his clothes and put on his harness. When Mike came back into the room he saw that Jason was fingering himself and saw that his eyes were in his head like flying saucers. Jason said he didn't know what was going on with him. Mike did know and thought this is just the beginning for you. The room Jason was in was actually Mike's playroom and he opened up one of his closets and took out some wristbands and anklets. Jason who was busy with himself didn't even notice this. Mike sat down next to Jason and said how is it going friend. I don't know said Jason but I feel so horny and dirty. I will help you said Mike and put on the ankle straps and clicked them to the bed. What are you doing asked Jason. Nothing he said, I'm just helping you. As he put on the wrist straps Jason looked at Mike and said why are you doing this. Well said Mike because you shouldn't play with your pussy but I will for you. Jason who was so flighing high was slow to process this in his head and before he knew it he was strapped to the bed. Although Jason realized that he was tied to the bed and couldn't get out, he really just wanted to feel something in his ass. Mike said how do you feel slut. Jason looked at Mike and said he didn't want this and that he is not a slut. To which Mike said, from the first moment I saw you I knew you were a cum slut, only you didn't know it yet. From now on you will learn that you are a cum slut and will want nothing more than to get cum in you. Jason who could think a little more clearly said no, but still he felt in his ass that weep for something that would be put in his hole. Mike said, I will prepare you slut, are you ready. Jason struggled a little but couldn't get a move on. Mike put a gas maker on Jason's face and took his pipe filled with Tina, lit it and blew big white clouds into the mask of his future slut. Jason who didn't know what was happening and was saying no, couldn't help but breathe in the clouds. The more he breathed in of it the hornier, calmer and warmer he became. When Mike felt it was right he took off the mask. How do you feel slut he asked. Jason's eyes turned away and could only half utter something resembling a moan. Now the real work begins Mike thought. He took another shard of Tina and put it in his slut's ass who was no longer resisting. Jason recognized this burning sensation and let himself go completely. He was also happy with the finger in his ass but it didn't stay there long. Mike turned on the lights in the room and then you could see that room was fully furnished with fuck bench, sling, a cross. On the walls hung gags, harnesses, dildos, buttplugs , whips , ... Mike untied Jason from the bed, he couldn't walk away now anyway because he was completely high and had to be helped to stand up. Mike brought him to the fuck bench and laid him over it and secured him. Jason's feet were in a large bucket. Now we are going to make a real slut out of you said Mike, he took depilatory cream and smeared Jason with it. His cock, balls, chest and ass. After 10 min he rinsed him off and all the hair was gone. Mike took a syringe of lukewarm water and sprayed it into Jason's ass. He did not know what he felt or what happened and let the water out and all the dirt came with it. Now you are ready Mike said. Jason who got a gag in his mouth and the drool ran out. Mike took one of his whips and slapped Jason's ass. Jason gave out a cry with each stroke. After 10 strokes Mike asked are you a slut to which Jason tried to say no but couldn't because of the gag and because he was high. Mike hit harder and after 10 strokes he asked again. Jason wanted it to stop and gave in and said yes I am a slut. Good said Mike. He took the ball out of his mouth and asked, are you my slut ? Jason who didn't want any more strokes immediately said yes. I am your slut. Good said Mike, from now on you can call me master. Ok master said Jason. Can I go now he asked. No said master from now on your training starts. Jason shed some tears because he didn't want to, but he still felt horny and still wanted something in his ass. Master stroked his slut and went to the wall and took his smallest dildo. He took lube and stood next to it and showed it to Jason. This one goes in your ass slut he said. Jason tried to shake his head of no but somewhere he was also happy that he was finally going to get something in his empty felt ass. Mike sat down behind him on his stool and lubed up the ass hole. was not allowed to start too hard or that this could immediately reduce the fun and prevent the seed he wanted to plant in his new slut head from growing. He wanted to make Jason a real cumdump and that did require some expertise. Jason felt something pressing against his ass and from the bump he had already gotten his hole had already loosened up a bit and he felt that little dildo slide into him. Even though it hurt he felt a sense of relief in his ass because it was now getting filled. Even though he didn't want it his ass started to ride against that dildo to feel it deeper inside him. Mike saw that it was coming good and took it a step further by starting to fuck his new slut ass with the dildo. Jason didn't know what was happening to him but he began to moan, not in pain but in pleasure. He wanted it to stop but then again, he didn't. His mind was giving him conflicting feelings. After a few minutes master thought it was good and stood up took a slightly larger butt plug and stuck it in Jason's ass. Ready for the next step slut he said. Jason didn't know what to do or think anymore so cautiously nodded yes. Mike took and mouth spreader and placed it in Jason's mouth. Now that his mouth was spread wide open, Master could put a man's cock in Jason's mouth for the first time. He removed his cock from his jockstrap, a firm thick cock of 6 cm thick and 22 cm long came out. Jason saw this and knew what was about to happen and wanted to say no but couldn't because of the spreader. Now you are going to learn to suck your masters cock he said. He took his dick and put it in his sluts mouth, Jason started to gag but Mike didn't listen to that. After a few minutes of face fucking his slut like that the master thought it was time for him to really learn how to suck a cock. He took off the mouth spreader and took his electro clamps and placed them on his slut's tina cock. Ok said master now you are just going to suck my cock like a true slut. And don't think you will bite me. I don't want to feel any teeth either and if I don't satisfied then you will feel this. Whereupon he sent a surge of electricity through his slut's cock. Jason gave a cry and knew he didn't want to feel this again. He opened his mouth and master came closer with his stiff pole. Master stuck it in Jason's mouth. Jason started to suck but didn't open his mouth enough so master felt teeth and gave him a power surge. Jason who was shocked and wanted to do better because he didn't want another burst of electricity. Master gave his new slut instructions so he did better and after a while Jason didn't mind sucking his masters pole either. Little by little he resigned himself to his new role, a slut. His mind still struggled a bit but he was so drugged that he didn't feel like resisting too much anymore. His ass felt good because there was a plug in it and he also liked the taste of his master's cock. Master wanted to reward his slut and felt he would squirt. He took hold of Jason's head and said here comes your first reward slut. Make sure you keep everything inside and later before you swallow you show the reward you got from master. Jason got scared of getting seed in his mouth but again he resigned himself to his new role. Master pushed his cock into his mouth one last time and squirted several thick jets into Jason's mouth. He removed his pole from the slut's mouth and said show Master your reward. Jason opened his mouth where master saw his seed. Now you may enjoy your reward, swallow slut. Jason tried to swallow but started gagging. Master laughed and said swallow I said. Whereupon Jason swallowed. Master asked and was it nice your first portion of seed. Jason who was already starting to think more clearly wanted to say something but master slapped his ass and said. You just have to say yes master. Jason couldn't help but say Yes Master. He knew that Jason hoped it would stop here but master thought otherwise. I need to pee said master and you need some moisture. You will now learn not to waste what master gives you. Open your mouth slut. Jason hesitated, but knew if he didn't he would get a power surge. Jason's mouth was open and master took his cock put it in Jason's mouth and said, drink everything slut or you know what's next. Jason started gagging as master started pissing into his slut mouth but did his best to keep it all in. The idea that he was drinking piss broke him and from now on he fully complied with his role. Master's chem piss gave Jason an extra boost. But master didn't think this was enough. He put a collar around Jason's neck attached a chain to it and untied Jason from the couch and led him to the sling. Jason, who was unsteady on his feet, followed. Lie down here said master and Jason lay down in the sling. Master attached the legs and arms to the sling and blindfolded Jason. You are not doing bad slut said master. You are not there yet but you will be. Mike was pleased with what he had already accomplished and now moved on to the next step in the slut's training. Jason felt his biceps being tightened and wondered what was happening. He felt something weth on his arm and a brief sting. Now we are going to fly said the master, from now on you will become a real cumdump and you will beg for it. Even though he was broken, Jason thought begging for cum I don't think so. But when the band of around his arm was done he felt something welling up in his throat, he had to cough and it got hot everywhere and .... His eyes turned away and all he could think about was what the master's last words were. CUM . He wanted cum and preferably as much as possible, he wanted his ass fucked. He said this out loud too, I want cum and fuck me , fuck me, use me pleas. That's the way I like it said master. But you have to earn master's cock in your ass first. Please fuck me master I will do anything for it said Jason. Although he was shocked to hear himself say this he really wanted nothing more. Master took the plug out of Jason his ass and because of that Jason felt empty and cried out that he wanted something in hole. Master said patience slut I will fill it for you right away, but you don't talk like that to your master, you need to know your place and gave a power surge to his slut. Jason knew he had been wrong and said sorry master I won't do it again. Master had brought a larger dildo and smeared some lube on his slut's hole which was already open a bit. He stuck the dildo in his ass and Jason was ecstatic. More master, please give me more. If you want more said master, then you will have to earn it anyway said he. At that moment the door of the room opened and 3 more men came in, very muscular. They were naked and had big fat cocks. Mike hadn't lied about the others coming to the party later. Only he had not said that they would come to his house to celebrate the birth of a new slut. Come on in men said Mike, it's party time. We have a new cumdump and he is ready for it. Jason who was so horny looked at the men's cocks and opened his mouth and said use me rape me I am yours as long as I get your seed and you fill my hole. So willing said master. You do know what you are asking he said. You do know that from now on you are mine and you will do what I tell you. Yes said Jason, I am yours and want to serve you master. Well said master, if you want my dick in your hole you will have to get them stiff first. Just show what you have already learned. The first Brad, stood next to him and offered the slut his pole, Jason took it in his mouth and began to suck. Good said Mike, I will give you what you deserve. He removed the dildo from Jason's ass and pushed his stiff pole inside. Jason felt complete and for the first time he embraced what was happening. He enjoyed Master's cock in his ass, Brad's cock in his mouth and the 2 other men who were watching him being used. He forgot that he actually liked women and believed that he was actually made to be used Brad who thought it was horny what he saw couldn't hold back any longer and squirted his first seed into Jason's slut mouth. Jason was willing and swallowed it all nicely and licked Brad's pole clean. While Master gently fucked Jason's new slut pussy. When Jason was done licking Brad's pole clean, master began to fuck harder. Master said, are you ready slut. Are you ready for your new life as a cumdump to serve as a fuck slave for real men. Yes master said Jason, I want you to give me your seed and further train me to be a real slut who knows what its place is and can make real men enjoy themselves. Good said master then you will now get your first reward in your pussy and he squirted his second load of the night into his slut's pussy. Jason felt empty when master's cock was out of his hole, and said he wanted more. No problem said master we will fill you plenty more this evening. But first we need to get you ready so you know you are a real slut. Alex is a tattoo and piercing artist. Tomorrow he will provide you with your first ink but now he will already provide you with 2 gems. Ok master said Jason, I am yours and you can do whatever you want with me. Alex came and stood next to Jason and got his things out. He took a needle and disinfected Jason's nipples, pressed them together, put a needle through them and placed a nipple ring, he did the same with the other nipple. Master said so we can play with that later. Nick stood up and said I have to pee. Master said, our slave knows what to do. Jason heard what master said and opened his mouth. But Nick said shut your mouth, I will give you a booty bump with my chem piss and stuck his half hard cock in the ass of Jason who enjoyed the pole in his loose and wet pussy. Nick emptied his bladder into Jason's ass and Master was already standing by with a butt plug to keep everything nice and inside. It was a plug with a tail on it. When the plug was in place Jason was removed from the sling and told to crawl on all fours like a puppy. Jason obeyed and crawled on all fours. Master told him to crawl over to Nick and Alex and thank them for their gifts. Jason obeyed and crawled over to Alex and Nick who were sitting next to each other in the seat. Alex offered his pole to Jason willingly took it in his mouth. Meanwhile Nick was standing right next to Jason and Jason took Nick's pole in his hand and began to stroke him. After a while he switched and gave Nick a blowjob and jerked Alex. Master, meanwhile, was preparing the room for the second phase of the evening. 20 1 19 1
negbtm Posted October 17, 2021 Report Posted October 17, 2021 Definitely want more of this! Excellent writing and hot content. 1
shinelover Posted October 17, 2021 Report Posted October 17, 2021 Fuck, this is very hot! Can't wait for the next part 😍
joeri Posted October 17, 2021 Author Report Posted October 17, 2021 Part 2 After Jason, Alex and Nick swallowed their seed he was taken to the andreas crotch with the chain around his neck and attached to it. Master, Nick, Brad and Alex went out of the room leaving Jason alone for a while. The chems were wearing off and Jason began to think more clearly again. He began to dwell on all that he had done this evening, he had sucked cock, swallowed semen, been fucked, pissed in and drank piss on the bargain he had also become the owner of 2 nipple piercings. His head was spinning at the thought of what had already happened. Did he really want this, he was into women after all. Doubt struck, he wanted to leave. He wanted time to think. But on the other hand he still felt horny. At that moment Mike and the others came back into the room. How is our slut doing, is he ready for the next phase in his training. Mike knew that Jason was getting back to sober and that there would be doubt. He knew that the seed he had planted would not take over everything immediately. But he had time, and he enjoyed getting someone quietly and patiently but fully into his power. Jason said he wanted to go home. Home said Brad, you are not going home. At that moment he connected his nipple piercings with a chain and hung a weight on it. Jason gave a slight cry because his nipples were now being pulled. Don't whine slut said Brad you asked for it. I don't know if I want this said Jason, I want to go home. Please let me go. We won't let you go yet said Nick, we have only just started and he put some clamps on Jason ball sack. Alex only put one on his chest. The clamps hurt and Jason was whining in pain. Brad took a whip and tapped against 1 of the clamps. Stop said Jason, I don't want this, this hurts. Jason could think of nothing else but the pain. The doubt in his mind was gone, all he could think about was that those clamps and the weight on his nipples had to go. Brad slogged the clamps off Jason's scrotum, Jason gave cries his toes curled in pain.Nick took a piece of rope and tied Jason's cock and balls off. He hung a 1 kg weight from his balls, which caused Jason's scrotum to be pulled and began to stretch. Brad, meanwhile, tapped some of the clamps again. The clamps that fell off were placed back in a different spot. Mike, sat behind the crotch and watched everything nicely. This was the plan, the others would play with him for a while and hurt him. Then he would come and help him by taking the pain away but of course there was a price to pay for that. ... Mike stood up and went to stand next to Jason. He gave a nod to the other, that was the sign that they were going to leave for the living room to go get the pipe a glass of special cola ready and some syringes ready. Are you okay he asked Jason, no Mike said Jason, I want to go home and for this to stop. You know I am your master and I will take care of you he said. But you want me to help you must call me Master and not Mike on which he hit the weight of Jason's balls and this started to rock even more and Jason gave a cry and said sorry. Sorry master, forgive me. Please help me. I will be good. Ok said master with a grin , I will first take that plug out of your ass. Give it a good push with your pussy so it comes out easily said master. While the plug came out of Jason's cunt master pushed his finger in it with a shard of Tina. The burning feeling came back to Jason, Mike said it will burn for a while but that is because of the plug. Jason was glad the plug was out of his ass. But that would only be for a little while, but he didn't know that yet. Mike also took the clamps off Jason's chest and stomach. Each time he took a clamp off he also pushed on the spot to ease the pain a little. Jason's toes curled. Ok said master, what do I get from you now. Jason, who by now was starting to get horny again because of Tina, didn't say anything but moaned a little. Master said, you can kiss me as a thank you. Jason moaned and opened his mouth. Mike's plan was to gain Jason's trust that he would take care of him. A kiss is an intimate and loving thing. If Jason is allowed to kiss Mike, he can thus make a more intimate connection with his master. After the kiss master asked Jason do you want me to untie you now and let you go home. Jason who was completely confused by the kiss as the chems were taking over again. Said untie me master but I don't want to go home I want you to hold me for a while. Good said master and untied Jason. Jason who was already struggling to stand on his legs again fell into Mike's arms and looked for love, a hug, ... Mike knew the moment had come to take the poor boy completely and kissed his new addition with a deep tongue kiss. Jason answered his master's kiss and told him he had feelings for him. Jason's mind had been giving him signals that Mike was going to take care of him that he liked him and that he liked Mike too. He began to fall in love with him. Well Mike said to Jason, who am I to you. Jason hesitated for a moment but then said full throttle MY PEOPLE. Good then sit on your hands and feet. Jason obeyed and Master said kiss my feet. Jason obeyed but still said to Mike, Master my ass itches so hard. We will take care of that later said Master first you must obey. Now lick your way up, Jason who had become horny again did what was asked of him. Mike put his hand on the head of his new recruit and said as he reached his balls. Now take your masters balls in your mouth and spoil them. Jason began to lick his masters balls and then took them into his mouth and gently sucked on them. Master was pleased gave an encouraging pat on Jason's head and said now you may make master's pole stiff with your mouth. Jason was pleased with the pat on his head and without hesitation took master's cock in his mouth and began to lick and suck until master's pole stood proudly erect again. Good said master. He took hold of the chain still attached to Jason's neck collar and Jason had to follow on all fours to the living room. The others were waiting for Mike and when he came in with Jason on all fours they patted his shoulder. Now I am going to suck on the pipe and blow the smoke into your mouth and you will breathe it in and hold it in until I tell you to unload. Jason who was not smoking wanted to say something but master said you must listen and do as I ask you. Master lit the pipe and sucked on it. He took Jason by his mouth and kissed him and blew the white cloud into Jason's mouth. Jason inhaled and held his breath. Good said Mike. Now you may blow out. She repeated this a few more times and with each kiss Jason became hornier, warmer and calmer again. Jason started moaning again and wanted to play with his pussy again. Brad patted him on the head and said arms on your back and fastened them together by attaching the wristbands to each other. Jason had to stand up from his master and he said you need to drink something boy you must be thirsty. Jason got a coke with g in it. Jason asked if he could go pee. Nick brought a bottle and said we will not let anything go to waste. Jason obeyed because he was scared of the other 3. After his pee he had to sit on his hands and feet again. Because you listen so well master said I will fill your empty pussy. Jason let out a sigh of relief, finally the empty feeling would be filled. Master took the plug with tail and pushed it into Jason's already loose pussy. His pussy sucked the plug in and Jason twisted his ass in pleasure. Follow me he said to his pup, Jason followed his master and his tail behind his ass seemed to just wag. When they were back in the playroom he had to lie down on the fuck bench. Jason was tied back up and he had to drink from the bottle with his own piss. Drink it all up buddy, we're not going to let this go to waste. He did what was asked of him. Then master asked him, who are you. To which Jason said I am a slut. Good so said master and who's slut are you. Your slut master said Jason I am completely yours. What may we do with you said to his slut. You may do with me whatever you want master because I love you. Good girl. Then we will now make your pussy a little bigger so we can start your fist training tomorrow and so you can fondle 2 poles at the same time. Jason's right arm was untied and his biceps were tied off. Nick came with point and looked for a nice vein and stuck it in, he saw a register and pushed the plunger. The point Nick had prepared was a 0.5. The first one Jason had gotten was a 0.3 so this one was a little more solid than the last. Jason felt it tickle back in his throat and had to cough. As soon as he coughed he got hot and cried fuck fuck fuck. Fuck me pleas fuck me. Brad stood in front of him and said shut up you and put his pole in Jason's mouth. Alex was already ready me some dildos of different thicknesses and lengths and put the plug out of Jason's ass. Master took the poppers and pushed them under Jason's nose, sniff slut he said. Jason who was so horny did what was asked of him and as he snorted Alex pushed the first dildo into his pussy. Nick stood by with the camera and filmed everything so he could use it later. Master put his hand on Jason's head and meanwhile whispered in Jason's ear. You are my slut, you are doing well, make your master proud. Mike wanted Jason's full trust and so wanted to give it a hand. You could see that Jason was enjoying getting approval from his master and therefore tried even harder. He pushed his ass back to allow the dildo to slide even deeper. But that thrust on the second ring. Brad took his cock out of Jason's mouth for a moment and told him to lick his ass. Jason groaned as Alex pushed the dildo deeper and pushed the two ring open. Master took back a narrow dildo and pushed it at the dildo that was already in his pussy. That didn't work right away. Brad took the poppers, turned and said snort until I say enough. Jason snorted and the his pussy relaxed and the dildo slid in. Jason gave a moan and was in slut heaven. Good girl said master. It's time you got a real pole back in your ass. He was detached from the bench and had to sit on Alex's pole from master. Jason obeyed and the pole slid smoothly into his now sloppy cunt. Nick who also felt like sucking his ass came and stood in front of him and said, suck me stiff slut. Jason took Nick's pole in his mouth and Nick began to face fuck him. He was now being fucked on both sides. Nick's pole was long and thick, it was so long that Jason started gagging. Master heard This and said to his slut, we will work on that slut, we will practice until your reflex is gone and you can really deepthroat. Nick who was stiff by now came and stood behind Jason and pushed him forward so he was lying on Alex's chest. Alex stuck his tongue in Jason's mouth and they started kissing. Nick put his pole to Alex's and Jason moaned. Nick took hold of Jason's hair pulled it and said I will stretch your pussy open slut, I will stretch it open so you can train with your master tomorrow. So he can get a fist in there. Jason moaned and after a few thrusts Alex cummed. He squirted several thick jets into Jason's pussy. He withdrew his cock and Nick used the seed as lubricant and thrust hard on. Jason moaned and meanwhile got Brad's penis in his mouth who had been watching and jerking off the whole time. Brad was about to squirt his seed. He squirted it into Jason's mouth. Swallowing he slut said Brad who thrust his pole into Jason one last time. Jason opened his mouth, showed Brad the seed he had received and then swallowed it. Nick was also about to squirt, he pulled Jason's hair and said here comes the slut, here comes my present for you. With one last thrust he squirted his seed into Jason's pussy. Master who had taken over the camera from Nick stood ready with a large plug and pushed it into Jason's sloppy cunt. Good slut, you did a good job. Later you can sleep with me master as a reward. Tomorrow we will then go for first ink and continue your training. Brad, Nick and Alex went home and told Mike that he had a good asset and once he was completely done with his training that they would like to use him again. You got it Mike said, by the end of next week it will be full slut. Ready to be used by whoever. When the others were gone Mike took Jason to his room and attached his wristbands to a chain. He laid him next to him in his bed telling his new addition that he was a good slut and that he would take good care of him. Jason was pleased with what he heard and the doubts he had earlier were completely gone. He embraced his new life as a slut, cumdump. He wanted to please his master, and serve him. Mike thought just before he fell asleep. Enjoy boy, this is the first and also last night you will sleep in my bed. From tomorrow you may go to the basement, to your cage like the other slut in my basement. I hope you like it. Pleas leave youre comments and if you have ideas that i can use let me know. 8 11
SoCalHole Posted October 18, 2021 Report Posted October 18, 2021 Fuck Yeah!! Can’t wait for Day #2 of the slut’s training program 🐷👅😈
billy88666 Posted October 18, 2021 Report Posted October 18, 2021 Can't wait for Jason to get his 1st ink and hopefully some other piercings.
AlwaysOpen Posted October 18, 2021 Report Posted October 18, 2021 Loving it- firing up my libido with each chapter- and driving my Dick Rambone dildo deeper each time 1
joeri Posted October 19, 2021 Author Report Posted October 19, 2021 Part 3 The next morning Jason was awakened by Mike who was removing his butt plug from his ass. Ah our little slut is awake he said. Jason looked at his master and wanted to say good morning but Mike said before Jason could say anything, if you are already awake you can open your mouth because I have to piss. Jason who wanted to serve his master sat down on his hands feet and willingly opened his mouth. Mike stuck his limp cock in Jason's mouth and let his morning piss run into his slut's mouth. Jason began to enjoy drinking piss, swallowing it all down neatly. So said Mike, you did good slut, now you can suck me stiff. Jason who still had his master's cock in his mouth knew what to do. He started sucking on Mike's limp cock and felt it getting stiffer in his mouth. When it was completely hard he said stop and turn around. Jason turned around and with 1 thrust Mike thrust into Jason's open hole. Jason gave a heavy moan because his ass felt a bit stiff from the night before and yesterday was also the first time he had been fucked. After a few heavy thrusts from his master who didn't take into account whether Jason liked it or not, he took hold of Jason's hair pulled and gave a few solid slaps on his ass and yelled, here it comes friend. Jason felt his ass being filled with his master's seed. He was glad he had cum because his ass felt rough, but he didn't want to complain and wanted to please his master. Mike pulled his cock out of Jason's now starting to look like a cunt anyway. Jason couldn't control his sphincter for a moment and seed ran out of his hole past his scrotum and fell onto the sheets of the bed. Master saw this and gave a few firm pats on Jason's ass and said, here we won't let it go to waste. Just lick it up and make sure my sheets are clean. Jason was startled but obeyed and excused himself, he said sorry master but ... Mike intervened saying no buts, you need to learn to hold your seed boy. Unless you have been asked otherwise. Yes master said Jason. Mike stood up, untied Jason and took him by the chain to the kitchen. Before we go to Brad we are going to eat something. You need to get your vitamins in boy, I want to keep you healthy. See that master takes good care of you. Thank you master said Jason and took the piece of fruit Mike gave him, drank some fruit juice and ate a piece of bread. Jason looked at his master and felt tingles in his stomach, he had completely fallen for the muscular man sitting in front of him. He knew for sure, a woman would no longer be able to charm him. From now on, he was only there to serve Mike and do what he asked. Jason began to get horny from the thoughts and his cock began to stiffen. Mike saw this happening through the glass table and stood up took a few ice cubes from the freezer and joined Jason. Sluts are only allowed to get a hard-on when the master says so and pushed the ice cubes onto Jason's stiff cock. Jason was startled and wanted to give a cry but Mike pushed his hand to his mouth. Silence he said. I don't want to hear it, you still have to learn the rules but we have time for that. But I will help you so you can't get a boner anymore. He went to his playroom and got a chastity cage. When he was back in the kitchen he said stand up slut. Jason stood up and saw what Mike had in his hand and knew what he was going to do. Mike put the chastity cage around Jason's cock and when it was on Mike said we won't have that problem anymore. Jason said thank you master. After breakfast they put their clothes on and Mike said to Jason, we are going to sit down at the table first friend because we have all kinds of things to discuss. Jason sat down at the table and Mike said, if you want to become a real slave/slut of mine then I want you to stay here and come live here, cancel your school and let your family know that you won't be seeing them for the next while, you have met a man and you want to stay with him. Jason listened to Mike and didn't know what to do. Give up everything, would he do this. Mike saw that there was some doubt in Jason's mind and came and stood next to him, kissed him and said I will take good care of you friend. I will train you and make you discover your true self. Jason wanted nothing more than to be trained further by Mike, he wanted to feel his pole in his ass and feel the seed run into his guts, swallow it and so much more. Good said Jason, what should I do then. Mike took some sheets of paper and said then we are going to draw up a slut contract here and write a letter to your parents. We will then have your studio emptied and bring your stuff here. The contract stated that from now on Jason would submit completely to Mike, that he would call him master and do everything he wanted and asked. That from now on his body was an object of use and that Mike could use it as he pleased and could add piercings and tattoos. Jason would only be addressed by slut, slave, boy, cunt, or other derogatory names. He would also perform tasks that master asked of him and he would not argue. If he does not follow what his master tells him to do or if he does not do the task well enough, he will be punished. Master for his part provides lodging and food for his sub, makes sure he stays healthy and provides him with a good and proper slut training, it is also written in front that the pussy of the Jason stays well fed with seed. The next letter was to his parents. Jason wrote that he thanked his parents for all they had done for him but that he was now ready to go his own way. He had met a man who had taken him under his wing and that he would live with him to serve him as a slut. He had found his true calling and wanted nothing more than to be fucked every day and receive seed in his pussy. He would quit school and his studio was allowed to be cancelled. He would also not come home for a while at least until his slut training was complete. Jason signed the contract and the letter. Mike took the contract and put it in his safe and put the letter in an envelope. They were going to mail those later when they went to see Brad. Master made Jason take off his clothes, now that he was his property he also had to dress like a real slut. He was given a suit of armor and above that he had to put on a see-through sweatshirt and pants. A neck collar was put around his neck and a chain attached. Follow me he said. They went to his car and got in and left for Brad. In the car Mike said, today you will get your first ink slave, and if you behave you will get an extra piercing too. I will behave said Jason. Arriving at Brad's they got out and Jason had to walk down the street in his see-through clothes and on the chain. People stared at him and Jason felt watched and a bit ashamed of how he looked. Mike who knew this would happen said show you are proud to be a slut friend. That way you will make your master happy and I will reward you. Jason put himself over it and straightened his back and a smile came to Mike's mouth. Brad opened and greeted them by giving a hand to Mike and a pat on the slut's ass. Jason was ordered to go on all fours. He was to kiss Brad's shoes and work his way up. While Mike and Brad discussed what they would do. Brad had already worked out a proposal for the first tattoo. Something small for on his ass. A penis that squirted seed. That looks good said Mike but on the other part of his ass it may say NEUK SLET. Since he signed his contract today he deserves a piercing too. I thought to put PA. Then I'll have some more opportunities to play with his cock. Excellent choice said Brad. Jason was laid on the table and first he got his PA after placing the ring he had to lie on his stomach and his first tattoo was done. After Brad had done his work he said to Mike and what do you think. Perfect he said. Come slut thank Brad. Jason got down on his knees and started sucking Brad. Brad took Jason's head and started deepthroating him but Jason had to gag. We still need to train on that said Mike and gave a smack to Jason's head. Offer him your pussy said Mike and Jason turned around offered Brad his pussy. Brad took his now stiff pole and thrust into Jason's hole in one go. Jason groaned as his ho was still raw from the night before and his ass had just been tattooed. Brad calmly took his time but still thrust hard. This is horny to see said Mike, he took his cock out of his pants and started pissing all over Jason's head. Later you can clean this up said he but first you can make me stiff said he. He stood in front of Jason and stuck his cock in Jason's mouth. Jason was now taken hard from both sides. After a few thrusts he heard Brad start to breathe heavily and felt a final firm thrust and Brad shot his seed into Jason's ass. Don't you dare let it spill out he said Mike. Jason squeezed his sphincter shut as Brad pulled his cock out of his ass. Mike said good on him and pulled his cock out of Jason's mouth. Later you can continue sucking me he said. Now you can clean up the place first and then we go home. When they were back home Mike said to Jason, I will show you where you will live from now on when I am not working on you. Your new place is with my other slut in the basement. Jason looked up oddly when he heard other slut. Yes said Mike you are my 2nd slut in the house. Mike opened the door to the basement and Jason saw that there was a bar behind that door. Mike opened the bars and they went downstairs. Downstairs there were 2 cages made that could be locked if needed. In 1 of the cages was the other slut. His name doesn't really play any role said Mike but since you are going to be living together, this is Jack. Jack was a young guy of 22 yrs. Muscular, slim, brown hair blue eyes. You might think he had been a model. He had on a harness and also he had on a chastity cage. You can play with each other's asses Mike said with a grin, but it will have to be just with your hands or with those dildos hanging there. Further down in the basement there was a small kitchen, a shower, toilet there was a TV a seat and also fitness equipment. I want you to take care of yourself and train every day said Mike, also make sure you are always clean and ready to be used. Your jersey you keep on at all times. You sleep in your cage and if you don't listen then your cage will be locked. Mike said to Jack, here's your new brother. His name is Jason. You can say hi to him said Mike. Jack came out of his cage and stepped up to Jason and said hello and started kissing him. Jason thought Jack was handsome and kissed him back. Good said Mike then we can get started now. Master took another chain and hung it on Jack's neck and he had to sit on all fours just like Jason and they had to follow their master upstairs. In the playroom they had to open their mouths and they were each given a pill 3mmc in their mouths and had to swallow it. Jack was tied to the crotch and Jason had to spread his legs, a stick was placed between his two feet so he wouldn't close his legs ass and his wristbands were attached to the ceiling via chains. Both sluts were now standing directly opposite each other with some space between. Jack also had 2 nipple piercing and a PA, Master took 3 more smaller chains and connected his sluts' nipples. He took off the chastity's and the PA were also connected by the chain. The 3mmc began to work silently and you could see both slaves turn with their eyes and begin to moan lightly due to the attention fusing. With each touch you heard them moan lightly. On the chains of the nipples he hung a weight in the middle so that they began to pull on the sluts' nipples. You could hear them both moaning in pleasure. Also on the chain of the PA he hung and weight and so also their pole was pulled. Now Master took some clamps placed them on the scrotum of each of the boys. You could see their toes curling as the clamps faked into their skin. They moaned in pleasure but also in pain. He placed a few more clamps around their nipples and then he took a whip. First he slapped Jason's ass. Each time he struck Jason curled his toes and swung the weights going between them causing more pulling on the cock and nipples. So what do you say master asked his slut. Both said as they were moaning THANK YOU master. Jack who was already trained a little further said Thank you master for letting me enjoy this but would you also give me a few strokes please. Hear that Jason said Mike, that is how you talk to your master he said. Jason nodded and understood what he had to do. After a few more strokes to his ass Mike thought it was good and went over to Jack and said now it's your little slut. Mike took his whip and struck the clamps. He struck to knock them off. Each time one fell off Jack curled his toes and said thank you master. Each time the weights moved and pulled on the nipples and cocks of the sluts. After all the clamps were knocked off both boys he untied them. He took 2 glasses filled them with coke and put G in them. Drink up he said to his sluts. Jack and Jason drank their glasses empty. Jack had to piss, master told jason to help his new brother so the room stayed clean and Jason sat down in front of Jack opened his mouth and emptied his bladder into Jason's mouth. Good for him Mike said. Jason had to sit on all fours and with his butt in the air. He was strapped to the floor and a fucking machine was set up behind him. Master took one of them bigger dildos and attached it to the machine, he placed it in front of Jason's hole. Jason was horny, mega horny. The 3mmc and G were clearly doing their job because he felt the tip of the dildo against his hole and mused that he wanted it in his ass. Don't be in such a hurry slut said master and patted him on the head. I want you to pay attention while your pussy is being stretched open a bit. I want you to watch your brother closely while I give him a fist turn. Soon it will be your turn so pay close attention. Master turned on the machine and the dildo drilled a way into Jason's hole. The machine was set to a medium setting and Jason moaned in pleasure. He was enjoying the thrusts he was getting in his ass. Jack was placed in the sling and secured. Master sat down on a stool and took enough lube and lubed up Jack's pussy. Jack's eyes turned away because he had gotten so high. Master immediately inserted 3 fingers into Jack's pussy and opened his slut's hole. He inserted a fourth finger and a fifth. Jack moaned and cried out thank you master. Fist me master, Fist me. Mike who already had five fingers in Jack's hole pushed further and he felt the last bit of resistance from Jack's pussy muscle but pushed on. Jack moaned loudly and Mike's fist disappeared into Jack's pussy. Jason watched closely and got hornier from what he saw and moaned along with his new brother. Mike looked at Jason and said do you want this later slut. Yes master, I would love to receive your fist in my hole. Well then we'll get to work on that later. Master took hold of the remote control of the fuck machine and stepped up the pace a bit. Jason moaned loudly, his prostate was massaged nicely and seed was running out of his cock. Master meanwhile continued fisting Jack and pushed his fist deeper into Jack's hole. He got to the second ring and felt the resistance. He opened his fist slightly and massaged the muscle with his fingers and felt it relax. Jack had poppers next to him and was ordered to sniff them. Jack sniffed the poppers and master felt the muscle relax more and more. Here we go slut said Mike and he pushed his fist through the second ring. Jack cried out from the pain shot he got, Mike said don't whine slut, open that ass up a little more then it won't hurt. Mike withdrew his hand and when it was out of Jack's hole he pushed it back in at once. It went on like that until he said, so now your pussy can rest slut. You can spoil your brother. Your hands are smaller and will be able to break his hole more easily. The fuck machine was turned off and Jason was now placed in the sling. Jack came and sat on the chair and Master gave Jack lube. Master sat down next to Jason and gave him poppers. Sniff boy he said and relax your pussy. Jack stuck 2 fingers in Jason's hole which was already fairly loose from the fucking machine. He pushed in a 3rd and 4th finger. Jason liked it and pushed his ass towards Jack's hand and tried to fuck his hand. Jack went in and out of Jason's pussy with his hand and tried to make the hole bigger by going into Jason's hole with both hands and then stretching it open. Jason moaned in pain and pleasure. He closed his eyes and said yes master, thank you master thank you for letting my brother fist me. Fists said master, the fist is not in your pussy yet you know slut. But we will get there, you are a good student. Master took a shard of Tina and gave it to Jack and told him to put it in Jason's pussy. Jack obeyed and pushed the shard into Jason's pussy. Jack felt it melt away and massaged the tina into Jason's ass. Jason felt his pussy loosen up because of the Tina and felt his ass become empty after Jack took his fingers out. Jason couldn't hold back anymore and cried fill my hole brother, fill it with your fist. I want to feel your fist in my cunt. Mike saw that it was good but still took Jason's head hard and told him to know his place and that he had nothing to demand. Master would tell him what to do. Jason groaned and Jack stuck 5 fingers in Jason's hole and rotated his hand around in his hole. Now it's going to happen Mike thought. Push that fist in said Mike, push slut. Jack felt some resistance and pulled his hand back once more and then when his hand was almost out he made a fist and pushed it in. Jason gave a cry and master put his hand on his mouth and said, I know slut but the pain will go away. Jack's fist was now in Jason's pussy. Jason took a breath and started moaning back. Jack turned his fist a little in Jason's hole and then pulled his fist back a little and then pushed it back deeper. It went on like that for a while until Mike said. Good sluts you did well. Jack and Jason had to sit down next to each other and master came behind them and fucked them both alternating constantly. He felt he was going to squirt and squirted his seed at Jack. Jason was disappointed that he didn't get his master's seed but also granted Jack's seed. To give Jason's pussy a rest he didn't get a plug in for once. Jack did get a plug in, their chastity's were put back on and the boys were taken to the basement. Master said, rest for now, we'll continue tomorrow. There will be visitors. 7 3
boy4you Posted October 19, 2021 Report Posted October 19, 2021 I remember when I got my P. A for 6 weeks I could not do anything. 1
joeri Posted October 19, 2021 Author Report Posted October 19, 2021 26 minutes ago, boy4you said: I remember when I got my P. A for 6 weeks I could not do anything. I know. It's fiction isn't it, it's hard to say and after placing the PA nothing happened for 3 months because he had to recover 🙂 would just make it boring. You are writing a story and it needs to move forward. But in reality this wouldn't work. 1
boy4you Posted October 19, 2021 Report Posted October 19, 2021 15 minutes ago, joeri said: I know. It's fiction isn't it, it's hard to say and after placing the PA nothing happened for 3 months because he had to recover 🙂 would just make it boring. You are writing a story and it needs to move forward. But in reality this wouldn't work. I’m not criticizing the story as I totally understand that the story has to move forward just expressing how it was for me
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