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I guess everyone has a friend like Tyler. The guy that you put up with because he's got good connections or can get you stuff himself and Tyler was mine. I liked having fun on the weekend (a little TOO much fun according to my boring ex-girlfriend) and Tyler was good at getting me good drugs if I wanted some. I didn't really care where he got them from, I just knew they were cheap & plentiful. The only price I had to pay was listening to him go on & on about the sex he was having with a bunch of different guys.


Given I was straight, I'm not sure why he thought I'd be interested in all of the intimate details of his sex life but that sure didn't stop him from going on about it. I'm not sure whether he saw me mentally checking out when he'd start off with this stuff but it sure as hell didn't interest me. I was just waiting for the right time to say "Ah yeah, thanks!" and leave.


Being single again and not having much on for the weekend, I thought I'd get some stuff from him & head out to the clubs to see what girls I could get, so I met him in the uni quad on Thursday afternoon. He gave me a big smile and a hug (which I thought was a little much) before I handed him the cash.


"Oh my god, before I forget. I've gotta tell you what I'm getting up to on MY weekend" he said breathlessly as I thought "Here we go again" to myself.


"There's this married daddy I've been hooking up with at beats & stuff and he's been coming around to my place when my friends are out. He's soooooo sexy and sick, I love it. Anyway, his wife's going away for a few days to visit her family and he's got the place to himself so he's invited me over for the long weekend and we're gonna fuck all weekend long. I can't wait!"


Jesus, can't he just give me my stuff and I can go? "He's pissed on me before and I've swallowed it too! He loves cumming inside me and I've done Facetime shows for him using my dildos before. He's gonna piss on me & in me....fuck me bare.....fist me.....so much amyl...it's gonna be soooo good. Actually I think I've got a video of me sucking his dick, let me see...."


There's oversharing and then there's oversharing. Even though I'd seen a little gay porn before (who hasn't really?) it had never turned me on, and the last thing I wanted to see was my "friend" blowing some old guy. "This is when he came...god it was so much!" he giggled, just as the guy he was sucking must've cum in his mouth.


"Make sure you get every last bit of cum boy" I heard a familiar voice say on the video. "And I'll have something else for you from this cock in a couple of minutes"

"You want me to swallow that too?" Tyler asked after quite obviously swallowing the cum.


"As if I have to ask, I know you love my piss" the older guy said. "I'll just go & grab some water to get things started."    


"Mmmmm thankyou Daddy" Tyler said. "Now wave bye bye to the camera!" And as the camera pulled back, I was shocked to see.....my dad!


I did my best to hide my surprise and shock but must've done a crap job because Tyler said, "Shocking huh?"


"Yeah...it sure is!"


"I bet you didn't even know that I was so good at sucking cock and was so filthy"


"Oh!!! Um...no....definitely not" Thank fuck, he had no idea that this guy was my father. I had to confront him, I didn't even know that he was gay, let alone went this far, and behind Mum's back as well. "You're meeting him tomorrow?" I thought I could catch him & try to persuade him to stop before Tyler showed up.


"Yeah, I'm going to his place after lectures so should be there around 4. Why, you getting ideas finally?" he asked with a smirk.


"Nah, just in case I need anything extra for the weekend."


"Ah ok, coz yeah, after 4 I won't be in any shape to do much I'm afraid! Thank goodness there's no lectures Monday, time to recover!"


I walked back to my apartment in a state of shock but still knowing that tomorrow I had to confront Dad about what he was gonna do that weekend. 



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Hi guys, this part’s a bit of an epic but I hope you’ll like it!



I'd walked up the drive to my folks' place so many times before but I'd never felt like this walking towards. What was I gonna say to my Dad? Had he been fucking any other guys than Tyler? How long had it been going on? Was he taking precautions? I'd been turning all of these things over & over in my mind since Tyler's revelation. I had my heart in my mouth as I knocked on the door.


"You're keen boy! It's open, just getting the final touches together." I heard the familiar voice from inside but what I saw inside the living room was nothing like what I usually saw when I entered my family home.


A massive gay orgy was playing on our big screen TV where the must've been at least 10 guys going at it. There were a bunch of pouches, harnesses and other gstrings on the couch, 4 small brown bottles on the coffee table, a massive bottle of lube and at least half a dozen dildos & plugs of various sizes laid out on the couch as well.


"So glad you finished early Tyler" I heard Dad's voice as he walked through the house, "I've been waiting to get into that arse all week and now it's mine for the whole weekend. I've bought something special for the weekend too <sniff> <sniff> Tell mewhat you think about this." My jaw dropped open as Dad entered the living room, wearing a full leather harness, holding one of the small bottles, quite obviously super high and also with his cock, fully erect right out in front of him.


"Oh fuck......hey Tom....what are you doing here?"


"WHAT AM I DOING HERE?!?! Dad...what the fuck..."


"Hehehe...well surprise!!!! I'd...uh...invited...one of your friends round for some fun this weekend..."


"Yeah Dad, he told me. That's why I'm here, what the fuck are you doing?"


"Well, it's been a long time since your mother & I..."

"That's no excuse!"

"I know, but you know full well that a man has needs and I met Tyler online and one thing led to another..."


"Can't you just jerk off or something?"


"But you also know full well, that it's not the same..."


"Fuck Dad, I had no idea you were like this..."


"Oh Tom...if you knew the half of it...anyway..sit down & let's talk"


"How can I sit down & talk properly while that's on?" I said, gesturing to the TV.


"Now hold on, you keep telling me how progressive you are now that you're at uni. Surely we can have a conversation while men are expressing their love for each other." I mean, he caught me out there.


We talked about how Dad met Tyler on a website and had paid him for sex the first few times but then it started getting a bit more than business. As we talked, my eyes kept flicking to the screen whenever there was some louder than usual moaning. Pretty much every time, it was when a guy started getting fucked by someone. Whenever I did, I heard sniffing coming from Dad's side of the couch.


"It doesn't hurt as much as you'd think" Dad said, admiring the screen.


"YOU'VE BEEN FUCKED?!?!" Dad coming out of a sort to me was weird enough, I couldn't imagine him being fucked by a guy.


"Of course I have! Tyler tops me sometimes but I enjoy it so much more when I'm topping...and so does he"


"God, Addie used to tell me to fuck off if I went anywhere near her arse"


"That's coz you didn't know how to do it right, tell you what. I'll show you, bend over the couch."

"WHAT? NO!!!! I've got no interest in doing it, especially with my Dad!!!"

"I won't do it...that's what all these are for...c'mon I've shown you how to do stuff before...."


"But this isn't like riding a bike!!"


"It's like riding something...haha....just try this one" He said pointing at a small buttplug. "I promise whatever happens, I won't say a word. Pull your shorts down and get on all fours for me."


I'm not sure what possessed me but I thought I'd try it just this once. The guys on screen seemed to be loving it so much and my attitude had always been not to knock it until I'd tried it and I'd rationalised it by thinking it was at least being done by someone I trusted.


"Can't believe I'm doing this...." I muttered to myself as I pointed my ass at my Dad. I heard him take two sniffs and mumble "beautiful" as he ran his hands down my cheeks. I could feel the goosebumps on my skin as he did it, he was obviously very skilled at this type of stuff. I heard the squelch of the lube bottle as he covered one of the plugs.


"Now just relax for me boy..." he whispered quietly as I felt the cold metal against my hole. I was doing my best, but the situation was so insane he wasn't getting anywhere. I felt something pressed into my hand, it was the bottle he'd been sniffing from. "Take two deep sniffs of this in each nostril and hold your breath until I say stop" I did as he said, "Now stop....and let it all flow through you. Let go all of all your inhibitions"


I'd never felt so good before in my life, made all of the weekend stuff I'd done with Tyler's stuff seem small in comparison. I was in so much of a world of pleasure that it was only until I heard Dad's voice that I was brought back to Earth. "There you go my boy....you took that like a champ" I felt Dad wiggle the head of the plug that was now deep in my arse. I didn’t feel any pain at all, in fact it felt so good.


“Oh god Dad, that feels amazing!” I moaned.


“See my boy, I told you!” He replied, laughing. “You ended up taking it so well, are you sure you haven’t done it before?”


“No Dad, but fuck it feels so good”


“There’s bigger ones here if you want to try…” I knew how weird the situation was, especially going through it all with my Dad but I wanted, needed more.


“Please…one of the smaller dildos” I moaned. Dad pulled the plug out of me with a pop (“There goes your cherry” he laughed) and I let out a fart. He reassured me it happened all the time as he licked the plug clean. 


“Nothing like the taste of arse” he smiled at me before putting it down & grabbing the dildo. “Now you brace yourself & have a couple more sniffs as I push this in.”


I took my sniffs & put my head on the couch as I felt him put one hand above my arse as he guided the dildo in. I could feel my mouth opening wider & wider as he pushed deeper. I was in absolute heaven moaning “yes” over & over again as Dad twisted the dildo round.


“You’ve totally bottomed out on this dildo my lad!” Had I? I could barely believe it, but turned around and there it was…well it wasn’t. “You’ve got what we call in the trade a hungry arse & would make a lot of men very happy indeed” I could hardly believe it, but I knew I’d worked up an appetite because my next words to my Dad were “More….please more”


“I’ve got some bigger stuff here mate, but I need to get you ready first OK?”


“God…..please…I want it so much” and with that, the dildo was quickly pulled out of my arse and replaced my the breath of my Dad as he started to eat my arse out. It felt incredible and I could feel my arse opening, the more he ate me. 


He tapped on my hand, wanting more & I quickly handed the bottle to him. He took two massive hits & handed the bottle back saying “Now take as much as you can boy because I’ll give you the biggest here”


I did as he said while he put his hand above my arse and began to guide the next one in. I was in so much pain but it felt absolutely incredible too. This one felt nowhere near as cold as the last two either.


“God Dad I dunno…I don’t think I can…I want to but I don’t think…”


“No…no…you’re doing great….just a little more…” Dad sounded way more flustered than he was with the other two.


“I thought I could Dad but please… how far in is i…” I started to ask, turning around to see my Dad, one hand above my arse, the other hand on his cock as he was trying to push deeper inside me! 


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"What the fuck?!?!" I moaned in my popper-induced haze.


"Boy, once I saw that arse opening up with the dildos & after tasting it, I knew I just had to have it...did you want me to fuck you?"


"Look where it is...you already are..." I couldn't help but laugh.


"I can stop if you want me to?"


What did it matter?!? He was already inside me anyway. What would it be after? Had I ever been fucked before? Well I had a cock in my arse once... come on! Might as well keep going. "Noooo...it feels good, I just dunno whether I can..."


I heard a squelch & the cold lube was squirted on top of my ass and down to Dad's cock. "Now you just lean hard against the couch, take two more massive sniffs & relax like you're needing a huge shit" I did as he said and through the intense pain I could feel his cock going deeper & deeper inside me. I was in such a haze but couldn't help but know how good it felt and could feel my eyes rolling back & my moaning getting louder as he went deeper.


Through the haze, I felt both of Dad's hands on my hips saying quietly to me "Good boy...good boy...there's a good boy" I knew I should've been disgusted, being fucked by my Dad but the pleasure was more intense than I'd ever felt before. I started feeling my arsecheeks getting tickled, "You know what this is boy? They're my pubes, I'm all the way in"


Something about that made me so happy (I don't know why) and I wiggled my butt on his cock. "Mmmmm, that's it boy, make that booty clap for me". I laughed as I felt his cock moving around inside me. "I know you're high now, but I wanna start fucking you properly so it might be best to take a couple more hits before I start" I quickly put the bottle to my nose, I wanted that cock fucking me so hard. I'd barely put the bottle down before he started to pound me. 


I knew how it felt now whenever I just wanted to fuck a girl hard, I was just a hole for my Dad to fuck and the funny thing was, I didn't mind one bit. I felt something cock-shaped pushed into my hand, "Wanna know how good your arse tastes son?" I brought it to eye level and saw the dildo that'd been inside me before Dad, still glistening with lube & whatever else was in my arse. I started sucking hard on the head, wanting to know if it tasted as good as Dad said and I have to say, it tasted pretty good. It felt amazing to have a (fake) dick in my mouth, as well as one in my arse when I was snapped out of this beautiful mindset.


"I knew you loved that video....and I knew you'd make a natural bottom" I looked up & saw Tyler standing over me, phone in his hand. "Now why are you wasting that good mouth on a dildo, when you could be working this?" He roughly pulled the dildo out of my mouth & thrust his hard cock in there instead - I had no idea how big his cock was, but it made me gag not being ready for it. "Have you fucked my friend Tom before Daddy?"

"Mmmmm no Tyler, in fact he'd never been fucked by anyone....and he'd never sucked a cock before either. Yours is his first!"


"He could do with some practice, but that'll come...you like you're close Daddy"


"I sure am boy, you wanna go next?" 


"Don't mind if I do. Now get that cock good & wet for me Tommy" and he started fucking my face. I was doing my best to breathe through my nose when I felt the bottle pressed against it and all I could do was take more in. The combination must've been too much for my Dad as I heard him let out a massive moan and I felt a warm rush inside my arse as he held my hips so hard. "I love watching you cum Daddy, and I love having your sloppy seconds even more." 


He pulled his cock out of my mouth and went around to make out with Dad while I was still on all fours and too fucked up to know what he meant. Did he want Dad to fuck him now too? His cock started sliding inside me, and I knew what he meant. "How...how long have you been here?" I asked, wanting to know how much he'd seen. "Long enough to watch my Daddy take your virginity" even though I was out of it, I was thankful that he still had no idea I been fucked by my ACTUAL Daddy.


Dad flopped down in front of me on the couch, totally spent his cock slowly going limp. "Go on, clean him up for me Tom....I want him spotless for when he's in my arse!" he laughed. 


"It's OK, you ohhhhhhhhh..." Dad said as I took him into my mouth. Tyler had no idea of our relationship so I could do whatever I wanted and I was still so high that I wanted to please. I could taste the same stuff I could from the dildo but slurping on the tip, the other stuff must've been cum.  I got an idea then what girls you knew how to give blowjobs went through - Dad's cock was so sensitive he was almost pushing me away but I just wanted more of him.


"Fuck, you're turning into quite the cum hungry little slut aren't you? Tyler laughed. "Give Daddy a rest, I'll want some too! Now...you gonna take my load?" I was too caught up in sucking Dad's cock to realise what he'd asked before he came deep in my arse as well. "Well, you're not the best bottom I've had, but the potential is definitely there!" Tyler pulled out of my arse & walked to one of the other chairs as I played with Dad's cock, still in a wonderful haze while cum dribbled out of my arse.


"Ohhhhh....is this your family Daddy?" Tyler said as he grabbed one of the photo frames. "I bet they have no idea how sic.......wait a sec..." My stomach dropped through the floor and I snapped out of the daze I was in. "You two are father & son?!?!?!"


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