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How can We Blame Trump for Putin Invading Ukraine?


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12 minutes ago, beanna said:

Because there has  NEVER been a incident in all history whereby any species that undergoes a sudden population

Collaspe that Did NOT lead to  extinction and very soon thereafter the event that suddenly caused the collapse

Allow me to acquaint you with “The Great Dying” - the Permian-Triassic extinction event that occurred approximately 251.9 million years ago, which caused the disappearance of 57% of the planet’s biological families, including 81% of all marine species and almost all trees. It is the largest mass extinction event known to science.

Practically no class of life was untouched by the global catastrophe, and many species barely clung to existence. Some, indeed, did not last long. Others that just barely survived, however, endured, flourished, and produced evolutionary lineages that carry on very well today - such as the terrestrial vertebrates from which humanity eventually sprang. In short, we are the result of exactly such a survival event.

Incidentally, I don’t dispute the danger posed by the nuclear threat. It’s utter madness that humanity still has the damn things at all. But the irony about The Great Dying is that some of the leading theories about its causes center around climactic changes brought on by cataclysmic volcanic eruptions that released large volumes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, from an area known as the Siberian Traps. Yes, it appears that the greatest extinction event in the history of the Earth began - in Russia.

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7 hours ago, 120DaysofSodom said:

Trump literally idolized Putin and at every opportunity he could, he complimented Putin. Before he ran for the presidency, Trump was making comments about how great Putin was so much that when he did run for presidency, Putin already wanted him to become President over Hillary because he knew he could manipulate and control Trump. Putin is ex-KGB and not stupid. Trump, on the other hand, is a literal moron. He withheld military funding that was to be sent to Ukraine for his own political gain all because they wouldnt investigate Joe Biden. He did all he could to dismantle NATO and weaken it, alienating the United States from Europe, and trying to isolate us. This would have given Putin a lot more leverage to go further in his campaign to reunite ex-Soviet satellite states like Moldova and Ukraine. Trump was a treasonous bitch ass and the fact he still has people supporting him after everything he did is mind boggling. Why American politics are so volatile is precisely because no matter what a democrat does or says, republicans will criticize it. There is almost no middle ground and no compromise. Its just toxic. When Biden didnt ban Russian oil after the invasion of Ukraine, republicans bitched and moaned about it. When he did ban imports on Russian oil, republicans bitched and moaned about it.

“As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and a complete narcissistic moron.” ~ H. L. Mencken

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On 3/21/2022 at 5:41 AM, Coldfusion said:

Even though Putin didnt invade even so much as an ice-cream stand when Trump was in the Oval Office


But he invaded other places during both Biden and Obama's presidencies

Can we pitch in with idea about how Trump secretly helped Putin even though he hasnt been in the White House for well over a year now. LOL

(Or, alternatively, he invaded Russia if you believe Joe Biden)




Perhaps the timing of Putin's aggression has nothing to do with whomever lives in the White House and holds the office of President. It's even possible that just like when the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland stopped being an empire, the era where the United States of America is or were the leader of the Western part of the world / the 'First World' has come to the end of it's natural time-span. 

What the war between Ukraine and Russia underlines, is that the threat of a nuclear holocaust has changed the game compared to before WWII when military it was just about man- and gun-power. Bluffing and seeing who blinks first - like during the Cuban missile crisis - seem te determine how far a dictatorial regime can go now.. 


At the moment, economically both how Chine operates and the 'soft power' of the European Union seem more relevant to who / what region of the world will call the shots in the future..

From that point of view, what I see as VERY concerning is how the countries in Africa, Middle- and South America, and Asia voted in the UN about Russia's action.
That shows the grown influence of both Russia and China in these regions of the world.


I agree with @BootmanLA esp. in his initial response about what Putin's Russia's goal is (the re-establishment of 'empire') and I'd like to add that we should also focus our response on how China is using our own free-market capitalism against us (and winning) and what both countries are doing in the rest of the world, outside of the US and outside of Europe. The latter luckily still includes the UK although sometimes I fear you Brits would like to leave our continent altogether.


I hope I am not hurting anybody's ego pointing out the possibility that it's not about us anymore or that the end may be nay for our time in the sun.

Just my two cents from a country that hasn't been a world-power since the 17th century, if we even where back then being bunch of grocer's we where then and still are. 🙂 .



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I was wondering, after reading some of your posts and what subjects you seem to be focused on I was just wondering if perhaps you are a Russian spy - sorry: defence attache - or working for one of that country's troll-companies that are known for disrupting social media, and trying to interfere in foreign (like the US presidential) elections.

Your profile says you live in England but some of your words strike me as you not being English or British; Where are you from?
No offence intended. 

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What chargedoger said.  All aid short of nukes.  Given Putin's position currently, he might be crazy as a loon, but others around him know that if he tries anything on the wmd scale, Russia would be reduced to a smoldering, irradiating cinder for a thousand years, and would take the appropriate action to prevent that.

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40 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

What chargedoger said.  All aid short of nukes.  Given Putin's position currently, he might be crazy as a loon, but others around him know that if he tries anything on the wmd scale, Russia would be reduced to a smoldering, irradiating cinder for a thousand years, and would take the appropriate action to prevent that.

this is where sanctions might give them reason to pause,and the world needs to start adding up the financial cost of this war,asses damage to ukraine and start proceedings for reparations from russia to ukraine.

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Since I'm out of doo-dads again, this is my "upvote" to your reply, chargedodger.

I completely agree.  Russia should pay the price of rebuilding the Ukraine, since Russia destroyed every building they could throughout the country.  Earlier today, the talking heads on tv were going on about Pukin might agree to pull back to the seaports, if Ukraine negotiates them away in some contrivance to gain a ceasefire.  I would much rather that somebody sneak a submarine into Black Sea and sink the Russian ships, the Ukrainian land-forces regroup to form a pincer movement to trap the Russians, and practice the ancient art of extortion against Putin.  One destroyed city rebuilt at Russian expense for each brigade of their soldiers returned to Russia (dead or alive).  One of these days, the Russian people will become aware of the truth, and then the reign of terror will be over - permanently.  I'm trying here to draw a distinction between the misled, lied-to Russian citizenry and their "elected" leader. 

Remember:  it was Stalin, when asked by someone about elections in Russia, who laughed and said "it doesn't matter who votes, it only matters who counts the votes." 

Sounds like current events in this neck of the world, huh?

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On 3/26/2022 at 2:49 AM, Goldneye007 said:

What stupid, useless topic to put on this site.

Let's see: you dug deep within the "General" topics forum (which churns more posts than almost any other here), then into the clearly labeled "Politics" sub-forum, and you dig through more than two pages of posts, all to add this silly, useless comment.

Some people clearly have too much time on their hands if they can waste so much of it to complain about something they could easily avoid with far less work. 

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No, dug for nothing this stupid on a fun site about sex and drugs and wonderful stories and helpful hints about it all.

It was just in my notifications and just amazed that that kind of silly topic was here on a site titled BREEDING ZONE (unless someone has a horrid story about sex and getting spun with President Trump and can share some useful information about it).

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On 3/27/2022 at 3:43 PM, hntnhole said:

Since I'm out of doo-dads again, this is my "upvote" to your reply, chargedodger.

I completely agree.  Russia should pay the price of rebuilding the Ukraine, since Russia destroyed every building they could throughout the country.  Earlier today, the talking heads on tv were going on about Pukin might agree to pull back to the seaports, if Ukraine negotiates them away in some contrivance to gain a ceasefire.  I would much rather that somebody sneak a submarine into Black Sea and sink the Russian ships, the Ukrainian land-forces regroup to form a pincer movement to trap the Russians, and practice the ancient art of extortion against Putin.  One destroyed city rebuilt at Russian expense for each brigade of their soldiers returned to Russia (dead or alive).  One of these days, the Russian people will become aware of the truth, and then the reign of terror will be over - permanently.  I'm trying here to draw a distinction between the misled, lied-to Russian citizenry and their "elected" leader. 

Remember:  it was Stalin, when asked by someone about elections in Russia, who laughed and said "it doesn't matter who votes, it only matters who counts the votes." 

Sounds like current events in this neck of the world, huh?

I like your thinking.Especially about trapping russians and extorting some soret of ransom for their return.But really the world has to step in and enforce any reparations assesment so a ransom agreement would severly cut that support.Would love to see Ukrainian forces leave  kiev and let the russians  have it as I believe they will destroy what they cannot possess.Once the majority of tanks btr spg's and support equipment and personnel are within the city blow the bridges to cuttof escape.Encircle the town and tell the russians they may leave anytime but all equipment stays behind.Kind of a reverse siege.May be the best way to save the city.And there are subs in the black sea.But destruction of russian naval assets by means not available to the ukrainians would tip many hands.

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19 hours ago, Goldneye007 said:

No, dug for nothing this stupid on a fun site about sex and drugs and wonderful stories and helpful hints about it all.

It was just in my notifications and just amazed that that kind of silly topic was here on a site titled BREEDING ZONE (unless someone has a horrid story about sex and getting spun with President Trump and can share some useful information about it).

It wouldn't be in your notifications unless (a) you chose to follow this topic, (b) you'd posted and someone replied to it, or (c) you are choosing to follow someone who posted here. Otherwise, topics don't just randomly "appear" in your notifications, and in any event, it was a choice you made that brought you here as well as a choice to post a silly comment.

It's not your place to determine which topics are silly for the site - that's the prerogative of the site owner. Nobody's forcing you to come into this sub-forum within another forum within the site to see things you don't want to see. 

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On 3/29/2022 at 6:02 AM, Goldneye007 said:

It was just in my notifications and just amazed that that kind of silly topic was here on a site titled BREEDING ZONE (unless someone has a horrid story about sex and getting spun with President Trump and can share some useful information about it).

Living in Europe, where - unlike on the USA' soil - both of the World Wars (I and II) were fought, millions were killed and during '40-'45 exterminated for being jewish, communist, gay, being in the resistance against fascisme;
A Europe that is - again - on the brink of becoming such battleground again, this time with the added risk of Nuclear warfare; And perhaps in hindsight we'll know if WW-III has already started.

I am happy with silly topics, such as bareback sex (spun or otherwise). And I still don't get why the OP made this about who's in the White House;


But... this is not a "silly topic". 

If it were 'silly' that one single attack against New York's World Trade Center was a mere (silly) prank that got slightly out of hand, and the USA's reaction to this was a childlike tantrum. 

* (This is not how I personally think about either, and I apologise if I hurt somebody with this analogy esp. as this website is based in NYC. I'm just trying in my feeble way to somehow get across the seriousness of war and destruction in a way  Goldneye007 can imagine). 🕊️ 

We are all living on a very small planet in a very large universe and are all interconnected even if it's only because of this one reality. 
If this is WW-III, two of the first casualties from outside of Ukraine were someone who fought HIV for a living, including working to getting us PrEP, and his wife: [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joep_Lange.


On 3/29/2022 at 7:07 AM, chargedodger said:

I like your thinking.Especially about trapping russians and extorting some soret of ransom for their return.But really the world has to step in and enforce any reparations assesment so a ransom agreement would severly cut that support.Would love to see Ukrainian forces leave  kiev and let the russians  have it as I believe they will destroy what they cannot possess.Once the majority of tanks btr spg's and support equipment and personnel are within the city blow the bridges to cuttof escape.Encircle the town and tell the russians they may leave anytime but all equipment stays behind.Kind of a reverse siege.May be the best way to save the city.And there are subs in the black sea.But destruction of russian naval assets by means not available to the ukrainians would tip many hands.

Yeah, great plan. (s)

Let's forget about risking loss of civilian lives and the start of a Nuclear war (that will inevitably also reach the America's as well but who cares).
And let's forget about risking the destruction of a City (Kiev) founded over 1.500 years ago That's about three times as old as St. Augustine (Fl.) for instance.

The difference between Putin/Russia and Xi/China on the one hand and the US, Europe and NATO on the other used to be a little fondness for human rights and dignity like the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness but that's sooo last year isn't it. 

My apologies - again - this time for using sarcasm. 🙄



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