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PART ONE: Saturday

When my girlfriend said her brother had got us 4 tickets to see the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras, I wasn't particularly thrilled by the prospect. I'd always been keen to see the Mardi Gras at some stage but the size of the crowd with COVID still around, I was a bit unsure. James' boyfriend David had got us tickets, David was a good 15-20 years older than James and always seemed to be able to get stuff, I didn't really care to know how but Kate was pretty suspicious of him and his motives. All I knew was that we'd all be staying at his luxury apartment afterwards on Sydney Harbour and then we'd make our way home to our little flat the next day.


I could tell the atmosphere was tense between them as we met, David kept saying about how he wanted them to go a special party afterwards and that it'd bring them closer together but James said it was too big a step and would rather spend time with his sister. I just did my best to keep out of it.


Once the parade finished, we went to a bar nearby & had a few drinks. I ended up spending most of my time talking to David because Kate & James kept looking daggers at him. He seemed a good enough guy and I didn't really see what their problem was.  After a few drinks though, I'd decided I'd had enough and wanted to head back to the apartment. David asked if I wanted to join him instead but I said that it wouldn't be my place & I didn't want to offend anyone. "You're a good boy, I'll catch you later on" he said as he rustled my hair and gave me the passcode so I could get in. I looked around for Kate & James to say goodbye but they were nowhere to be found.


I'd been crashed out in the spare bedroom for a few hours when my briefs were slowly pulled down & removed. Kate always got horny when she was drunk & it was one of her favourite ways to wake me up, and of course, it was one of mine too! I just lay back with my hands behind my head, loving the sensation when a finger was slipped inside my arse. I opened my eyes with a shock and could see in the darkness an unmistakeably male figure at the end of the bed. I think the movement shocked us both as he roughly & quickly pulled his finger out.


"David....is that you?!"


"Yeah mate...I'm sorry.....I just came home so horny and seeing you laid out on the bed like that, it was too good an opportunity to pass up."


"Yeah...but I'm straight...I've never wanted to do anything with a guy before."


 "You don't have to....just let me suck your dick...no obligations.....and I won't tell anyone if you won't" With an offer like that, I was hardly gonna refuse was I?


"OK sure." and I let him go back to sucking me. He slipped his finger inside my arse again & once again, it hurt so much that I was squirming on his finger, trying to get it out. 


"I can get some of my lube if you want? It'll make it a lot easier and it's such a great sensation." I quickly agreed and he came back a couple of minutes later, with a small plastic syringe that he put just inside my arsehole and then I felt a cool sensation from the lube. "There's a good boy..." I could hear him mumble under his breath and soon after, my dick was back in his mouth and his finger pushed into my arse a lot easier.


He was jerking my cock with one hand as he sucked and he slowly started to work a second finger inside my hole. He'd been fingerfucking me for a couple of minutes and it felt amazing but it wasn't intense enough for me and I could feel my arse crying out for more. "David....can I ask you for something, but you mustn't tell anyone."


He took his mouth off my dick, "Sure my boy, what is it?"


"I want you to fuck me...I need it so bad. It's like my arse is on fire."


"Well, I'd better give it what it needs then. Only thing is though, because I've been seeing James I don't have any condoms...is that OK?"


"Yeah...I don't care, I just want you inside me." Through the dim light, I could see him smile down at me as he removed his shirt, exposing his manly hairy chest. I could also make out some tattoos on his arms which made him look even sexier. On removing his jeans, I could see that he'd gone commando for the night and a hard cock of what must've been about 8 or 9 inches stood out from his hard body. He pulled something out of his jeans pocket and put it next to my legs as he moved between them, opening them even more. I did the best I could to try to shuffle down to his dick and he pushed his two fingers deep inside me, fucking me again as he gave me instructions.


"You're a very impatient one! You've definitely never been with a guy before?" I shook my head. "So what I want you to do, is take 2 deep sniffs in each nostril from this bottle I'm gonna give you after I have a go OK. It's your first time so it's going to hurt, but between this & the lube it'll make it a lot easier." It was an empty feeling as he pulled his fingers out of my arse and it hurt again but I could hear him take 4 sniffs from the bottle and he pressed it to my hand.


I could feel his cockhead against my arsehole as I took my hits from the bottle, trying to do it roughly the same length of time as David. It was a mixture of nervousness & excitement as I took the hits, I couldn't wait to have his cock in me, but how much was it going to hurt? I'd only just screwed the lid back on the bottle when I found out as he pushed his cock deep in my arse. I felt like screaming, whether it was for joy or pain I couldn't tell you, but it was such an incredible feeling to have that need in my arse being sated. 


Even if I wanted to scream I couldn't though, as David & myself were making out like we'd been lovers all our lives. Apart from silly pecks on the lips with friends, I'd never kissed a guy before and the feeling of his beard against my mouth was incredible. That. combined with his cock driving hard up my arse had me feeling better than I ever had before. It was like something had been unlocked, I had no inhibitions and I was made to have cocks up me. 


I had my legs wrapped round David and was pulling him as close to me as I could. I think any closer he'd be the other side of me but I just wanted his dick as deep in me as possible. "I knew you'd be perfect for me the moment I laid my eyes on you. Did you want me to make you my boy forever?" he grunted in my ear. I groaned that I did. "I don't want you to do that, I want you to tell me, tell me that you want your daddy's load and that you wanna be converted."


Was he crazy? There was nothing that I wanted more than to have a cock inside my arse at all times. I knew now what my arse was made for. "Please convert me Daddy, I want your load so much!!!" I screamed out.  


He grabbed both my cheeks with one hand and said "Welcome to the club" and he kissed me hard & deep as I could feel his cock flood my arse with cum. "God there's nothing like converting a straight guy," he said smiling at me as we kissed. I'd never felt so good before, I wasn't sure whether I was in love with David, but I was definitely in love with having dick up my arse so I guess I was truly converted! It was such an empty feeling when his cock softened and fell out of me. He moved to the side and gently pinning me as we kissed deeply, slowly worked three fingers inside me. It made me feel right again. "I just wanna make sure it takes," he whispered to me. I wanted it to take too so I could have this sexy man's cum inside me forever. 


I was squirming hard on his fingers, too hard as it turned out as I felt a sharp pain inside and I let out a short gasp. "Shhh...that's OK" he whispered. "It always hurts after the first time, but don't worry....there'll be plenty more times tonight for practice. There's my good boy..." I pulled him down into a kiss, letting him know that I was so glad there'd be more. My arse needed it & I needed it. 


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Kate & James never ended up getting back to David's place after the Mardi Gras. That was probably for the best though as David & myself were up until the early hours fucking, or to be more precise, he was fucking me until the early hours. His stamina was incredible as within minutes of cumming inside my arse, he was ready to go again and we were in a different position each time. I did feel a bit of shame in that my favourite position was face down into the pillow, arse high up in the air so he could really pound me. 


Waking up, I did feel a bit embarrassed and guilty that I'd been so slutty and taken such advantage of David. The bedroom and sheets reeked of sex and cum and I also noticed some specks of blood too on my arse as I started to get dressed & head out to face the music with him. He was in the kitchen eating as I came out of the bedroom. "Hey, there he is!" he said with a smile. "How've you pulled up after last night?"


I blushed, "Pretty sore head to be honest with you."


"And the rest of you?"


"Yeah the rest of me's pretty sore too. I'm really sorry about last night, I got you to do some things that you probably didn't want to do. If you could keep it between us though, it'd be greatly appreciated."


"Don't be mate, I had a great time, and you seemed to too. I just hope you gained some appreciation on how the other half live!"


"I did yeah, did you need a hand with the sheets or anything before I leave?"


"Well that's the thing...I woke up today feeling a little off and took a Rapid Antigen Test and it looks like I've tested positive for COVID. You'll be staying here for the next week I'm afraid." My heart sank, what I did with David was embarrassing enough but having to stay with him for an extra week? After last night there was a good chance I'd end up with it too. Then there was all of the clothes stuff, we were only going to stay the night so I had nothing with me & he was much taller than I was.


"Did you want a shower? I can put your clothes in the washing & they can get dry today so you'll be OK there. It's such a beautiful day I was just gonna take it easy and do some sunbaking today, you can join me if you want. As you know I don't have much in the way in underwear but I can sort something out for you. I'll grab you something to drink that'll help clear the cobwebs too."


"I'd really appreciate that David, I guess just leave it in the spare room where I'll leave my clothes?"


"Done!" he said smiling, and grabbed me a towel. As I showered, I gingerly felt my arsehole and inspecting my fingers, could see there was some more blood there which I guess was a result of David taking my virginity. After I did so, I let out a fart and could feel something running down the back of my leg, scooping some up it was quite obviously cum.


I finished showering and dried myself off and went back to the spare bedroom to put some clothes on. All I could see was a yellow thong and a glass next to a jug full of something that smelled terrible. I thought it best to call Kate & let her know that I'd be in quarantine with David for the week but all I got was her Messagebank. I left a message and coming out of the bathroom I heard a voice say "All done? I'm out here!" and followed the voice to the balcony. 


Walking out there, I saw two banana lounges and on one of them, David completely naked aside from a pair of sunglasses and a massive piercing on the end of his dick, his body glistening with oil. "Nothing like a bit of sunshine to improve your mood!" he said smiling. I think he could tell how shocked I was he was naked, "It's OK mate no-one can see. That thong looks great on you too!"


"Oh...um...thanks." I blushed as I stepped over his banana lounge to lie down on the one laid out for me.


"Now that stuff might taste terrible but trust me, a couple of glasses of that & you'll be flying in no time!" as he half-filled the glass "But what you need to do is drink it in one big gulp, alright?" It smelled horrible as I raised it to my lips and I knew it wouldn't taste much better. I downed it as quickly as I could, and he laughed when he saw my reaction. "Don't worry mate, you'll get the hang of it. There's a glass of water there to use a chaser too, but another full glass worth should do the trick." He said as he filled the glass. 


"Did you need some?" I asked him as I quickly downed the glass of water to get the taste out of my mouth.


"No need mate, give it a few minutes to settle and then drink that next glass as quick as you can." We were making idle chat about how beautiful the weather was when he nodded over to the glass. "Medicine time boy!" I wasn't looking forward to it but could see the smile on his face as I drank it all. "Good boy!" he said as I quickly downed more of the water to take out the taste. 


There was no question I was feeling much better, but all that drinking meant I had to use the toilet, and fast. I must've got up too quick as my head was spinning as I went to & from the bathroom, it was such a weird feeling, I couldn't help but giggle as I went to return to my lounge. My balance failed me though as I went to step over David and tripped and landed right on his lap.


"Well, this is unfortunate." he said smiling up at me, I could feel his cock hardening under me, I could feel the metal against his bare skin. 


"I never knew you had a piercing there!" I replied, I was feeling so good, my whole body was warm and not from the sunshine.


"You never asked and by the way, you've got a girlfriend remember?"


I started rubbing my arse up and down on his dick, only the thong's thin layer of fabric between his dick and my hole. "And you've got a boyfriend remember?" 


"And you're straight remember?" he replied, and with that, pulled my face down to meet his and we started kissing hot & hard like we had last night. It was just as good as I could (sorta) remember. Kissing this guy just felt right to me and he knew how to push all of my buttons and we laid side by side, rubbing each other and kissing for what must've been a couple of hours. 



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Rubbing his dick, I loved the feel of the piercing in my hand & couldn't wait to know what it felt inside me. As though he could read my mind, David said "Suck these two fingers for me boy" and pushed them into my mouth. I got them nice & wet and I lifted my top leg up as he pushed them into my arse. I mustn't have been ready as it really hurt inside me and as he got me to suck them again, there was some blood on his fingers that must've been left over from last night.


Second time was definitely the charm and I groaned as his fingers went deep in me, it felt so good. Not as good as his cock but still amazing. I could feel the pre-cum developing on the head of his dick when my phone started beeping. I quickly moved off the lounge we were sharing to check the message and heard David mumble under his breath "Talk about a fucking buzzkill" as he stormed off inside. I quickly saw that it was a message from Kate saying she couldn't really talk today coz she was too hungover but she'd call tomorrow. It didn't worry me too much, I wanted to catch up to David and make it right.


I drank the rest of the mixture down and went inside to find him. I could hear him in the bathroom pissing so followed the sound. "I'm really sorry David, I wasn't sure how important the message would be....I'm sorry, I know you're horny and I'm so fucking horny for you too."


"You're really horny for me are you?" he asked, looking over his shoulder. "Then prove it, you never sucked my cock last night. I want you to do it now." He turned towards me, his cock now about 3/4 erect, the cockhead & piercing still glistening with some of his piss. Without a second's hesitation, I took his dick in my mouth and started sucking him. The taste of the piss didn't worry me too much as I tried to negotiate his piercing, I was so horny now I wanted as much of his cock in my mouth as possible before I got him inside my arse. I'd not noticed the tattoo above his cock last night, afterwards I must ask him about it.


I got more on all fours and he was able to get two fingers back inside me again. "God you're such a good little slut for your Daddy aren't you?" he said. I smiled up at him and went back to sucking him off. "You wanna show me how much of a slut you are?" I nodded. "Let's go back out to the balcony then." He grabbed the jug which seemed to have about a glassful left, "Open wide" I did as he asked and he poured some of it down my throat but must've been getting too excited as he was pouring it over my head & hair as well. I was laughing as he did it coz it felt soo good.


"You wanna show everyone how much you need your Daddy's cock? Lean over the railing for me" I was a little worried, not that people would be able to see from that vantage point, but that I was feeling pretty unsteady on my feet, anything for David though! I grabbed the railing and leant over while David took 4 big sniffs from the bottle. "Young arse in the sunshine, is there anything better?" he said as he passed me the bottle and I took my hits.


"There sure is...being fucked in the sun by a hot cock!" I giggled as he pulled my cheeks apart and drove his tongue into my arsehole. It was then I realised how great it must feel for Kate to have her pussy eaten coz I was in absolute heaven having mine! I could feel my hole opening up for him & I knew it wouldn't be long before his beautiful dick inside me. I could feel the metal against my hole as he stood up behind me, one hand on my hip and he slowly started to guide his dick into my empty, horny hole.


The piercing felt different inside me, I could feel it scraping the inside of my pussy wall as he slowly went deeper and it felt so good. "If it didn't happen last night, it definitely will now!" he said. I knew what he meant, if I didn't know I was 100% his bottom after last night, I'd know for sure now. He started really pounding me from behind, it felt so good to be in the sun with his heavy balls slapping against my arse. There were probably people that could see what we were doing and I stank to high hell but I didn't care, I wanted to prove to David what a great slut I was. 


"Here you go slut, you're gonna get another one of my loads deep in your arse. You ready?" It was funny that he'd never wanted to cum anywhere else that we'd fucked (that I could remember) but up my arse. It didn't worry me though, it meant he was a part of me and I loved that so much. He held my hips hard as he came inside me and I could feel the piercing scraping against my pussy walls as he pulled out. He asked me to turn round & clean his dick and I knelt down in front of him smiling as I licked his cock clean, no shit thankfully but I couldn't remember having anything to eat for a while though so I guess that was why! I noticed a little bit of blood again but that was just due to us fucking so hard and me still being inexperienced. I'm sure there'll be less of it once I'm fully converted like he says I'm going to be!



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