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A couple of years ago someone messaged me on this website and it started off a lengthy correspondence between the two of us. In these “letters” you’ll see a gradual corruption as temptation proves to be too inviting to one of the writers. I have gotten off to these messages several times and I compiled them for you so they read somewhat like a story. Hopefully they’ll get you off too. Most everything has been left intact (including grammatical errors) but of course, names and places have been changed. I’ve broken it up into several parts and plan to “publish” each part at least once a week. Here goes…

                         part 1- First Steps

ParTyBreeder  Started conversation: May 2, 2020

You're damn hot man for sure!  I KNOW we could have some HOT fucking fun together!!


JeremyP Replied: May 5, 2020

Thanks man!  Would love to have a long session with you to get my kink side out.


ParTyBreeder Replied: May 15, 2020

Hell yeah! Love long hot sweaty sessions.  And definitely love sexy fucks like you letting their kink side out!  Tell me about your kink side dude! OINK!


JeremyP Replied: May 16, 2020

I tend to be on the conservative side and my fantasy is to be with someone who pushes me to do and admit things that I normally wouldn't. A guy got me to smoke with him once and holy shit it was like truth serum. I definitely can be towards the [banned word]. I fantasize about smoking or more and getting fucked and taking loads. haha  did I tell you enough?


ParTyBreeder Replied: July 5, 2020

Hot damn dude! Yeah you told me plenty enuf! Enuf to get my fat hard cock oozing precum that I wanna drip down your throat and inside your ass!!


JeremyP Replied: July 5, 2020

Your fat hard cock can ooze precum into any of my holes. Maybe we can have a session together one day.


ParTyBreeder Replied: July 5, 2020

I'm definitely down for making that happen! Get you smoked up and spun and ready to give in to all of your wildest sleaziest horniest desires and cravings!  

My fat hard cock will do more than just ooze precum in your holes dude.  It'll fucking fill you up at both ends with my thick chem-filled delicious fucking cum!!


JeremyP Replied: July 5, 2020

omg you just made my dick so hard. please fucking fill me up with your chem cum. spin me up and watch me give in to my perviest cravings. I haven't smoked or anything for 2-3 years. I'm overdue, right?


ParTyBreeder Replied: July 5, 2020

Hell fucking yeah dude!  I want your dick hard and dripping chem precum while i keep making you take deep big hits off the glass cock letting the power and seduction of the smoke unleash more and more of your darkest perviest twisted cravings and needs. Breaking down your resistance so that you BEG me to fucking pound your hungry tight ass, to fill you up with my chem cum making you even piggier and sleazier!

You are definitely overdue dude! You'll probably turn into a cock craving pig with just one or two hits since you haven't smoked in so long. I wanna watch you turn into that pervy greedy insatiable cum swallower! mmmmmmmmmmmm


JeremyP Replied: July 6, 2020

Fuck yeah, let's do this!  

I want my dick hard and dripping chem precum too. Keep feeding me chems and see me get so twisted and so depraved that I say and do things that I wouldn't sober.  I want you to fucking pound me and fill me up with your chem fluids over and over again. Each time it gets piggier and darker.


ParTyBreeder Replied: July 6, 2020

Fucking hot dude!! Yeah we definitely need to do this!  MI here. Where are you?

I will feed you chems for hours, my dick throbbing and dripping the whole time as I watch your transformation from a man on the conservative side to a fucking hot sexy insatiable cock and cum whore, begging me to keep fucking you to keep breeding you to keep feeding you more and more chems destroying all of your inhibitions and restrictions.

Yeah I get so fucking turned on bringing out a dude's piggy dark twisted nature!  You like it dark and piggy and "forbidden" don't you sTud?!!


JeremyP Replied: July 6, 2020

Western PA here.

If you only knew how turned on I am right now... leTs just say that I'll go down any "forbidden" path you want to take me.


ParTyBreeder Replied: July 6, 2020

Oh hot fucking DAMN man!  If you only knew how fucking wickedly turned on and boned your last senTence jusT made me!! OINK!! ANY "forbidden" path? I would love to take you all spun up and on fire from the chems flooding your blood and your brain..take you down some hoT dirTy paths full of seductive, TwisTed, even [banned word] darkness and depraved pleasure. Watching you and encouraging you and helping you give in to the lust filled urges and cravings surrounding us on those paths and whispering SINsually into your ear and inside your head.  Fuck I want to take you to the "forbidden" paths and make you admit how badly you want to do everything you've denied yourself for too long!


JeremyP Replied: July 7, 2020

I'm ready.


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I'm not sure how, but somehow I made starting a new topic a difficult process. For whatever reason I was able to upload my working copy (feel free to download and read, different color fonts for the different voices!) but unable to type any text. Or paste. And same thing when I tried to edit. I can't even reply on my web browset. Got on my mobile and doing everything from here. Sorry for any inconvenience and awkward reading at the start....

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part 2 -- Crossing The Line

ParTyBreeder Replied: December 16, 2020

Hey sTud man!  How you been? Have you been giving in to all the wild hoT dirty seducTive urges and cravings thaT break down every hesitant conservative part of your mind and lets loose the dirTy chemwhore sTud pig you want to be?!  Fuck man I wanna get fucked up with you then FUCK YOU UP!!


JeremyP Replied: December 18, 2020

Hey back at ya sTud... i still am craving a long hoT and p-e-r-v- y session.  around my birthday a guy pissed his chem piss in me and then smoked me up a bit.  He fucked a couple loads into me then which was hoT.  He wanted to get more guys over but I had to be "somewhat" good because I couldn't get out of work.  I def need to take some vacaTion days and go wild. 

Right now I'm trying to get a 23 y/o over here to give me a good pounding. hehe

Thanks for the reconnecting!!!  Would luv to hear what you've been up to!

And what do you know about booty bumps?


JeremyP Replied: December 25, 2020

Well, I just did a booTy bump and now I'm going over to get an anon load.  I know I shouldn't, but I'm so horny for iT!  Who know's what will happen, but my guess is it will probably stay vanilla.  Not the fuck-me-up time that I'm yearning to spend with you


ParTyBreeder Replied: December 26, 2020

Hey there how you doing sexy hot pig?! OINK 

From your last 2 messages I'd say that your conservative side isn't as dominant as it used to be 😈  And that is so damn hoT dude!!  Sounds like you had one helluva great birthday!!  Chem piss AND chem cum fucked into your eager ass and got smoked up too!  Was that the first time in 2 or 3 years like you said before or have you had some chems to smoke since our last chat in July?  How many hits did it take to get your piggy dirty dark side to come out?!  hehe

And what happened with the 23 year old? Did he make it over? Did he fuck your hungry horny manhole and breed you? Did you and him get chemmed up and spun?

How did you like the booty bump? How did it affect you? Did you get the anon load you were horny for and craving?  How'd it get set up to be an anon load?  Those can be damn hot sometimes!  😉   Hope it was hot and not vanilla. Eager to read all about it dude.

I've had some things going on with family...nothing serious but taking up a lot of time. That's why I haven't been in touch for a while. But that's better and I am making up for missing out on a loT of fun that I've been needing! hehe  Had a damn hoT 3-way with 2 brothers Thanksgiving weekend - one was married!  Dude we all 3 got so fucking wasTed and nasty and enjoyed some "dark" dick-hardening fun!!  woof!!  Dumped 2 loads of chem cum in the married guy's ass!!

And yeah sTud, I'm yearning for that fuck-me-up time with you too! We both need to take some vacaTion days and let loose and get wild and piggy TogeTher! I am mobile and have no problem driving up your way.  Damn man I am so hard right now wanting you!!


JeremyP Replied: December 26, 2020

Hey man,  Merry XXX-mas!  It's great to hear from you!

There is definitely a line that I'm beginning to cross, but I promise I'm still wrestling with my inhibitions.  My birThday was the first time in a couple of years that I did anything with chems (420 doesn't count right?)  It didn't take many to make me start feeling good, but my buddy stuck a shard in my hole and after that was when I started to feel really piggy.  I def wasn't making good choices 😈 Somehow he convinced me to go to a truck stop and he was gonna offer my hole out. It didn't work out, mostly cause the weather was cold and crappy that night, but I still can't believe we went as far with it as we did. And boy did my hole get hungry!

The 23 y/o did come over a couple of times and hopefully it will be a couple more in the future! He's pretty new and to my disappointment he wanted to wear a condom. I wanted him to fuck me so he wore one. The funny part is that he thinks he's above average and brought his own Magnum condom lol.  He's not small, but it was def too big for him. After he fucked me solid he came inside me (inside the condom). The hot part is, after he left I dumped his hot young seed out of the condom and onto my cock and started jerking off. Then I spread some on a dildo and pushed it in my hole. A pig is gonna pig.

The booTy bump is great. It's not a big rush, but more of a constant state of euphoria. And my hole gets hungry so quickly. I was setting this anon meet up before I even was thinking about what I was doing! When some sense started to come thru, I ignored it and pushed it back down. And you called it about being vanilla.  Boo, I was still horny and very unsatisfied after.

And hey...life happens. You don't owe me messages. BuT I do enjoy them! I'm glad things are well for you and your family. Truly. Good for you on getting your own hoT Time!  Two brothers?  That sounds soo kinky. I would love to have been a fly in the corner watching the whole ordeal unfold. Although I don't know if I could've stopped myself from joining in 😉

I can Travel too. Maybe an option is that we could meet in the middle?  I'm afraid that if we stay where I live there's going to be too many anchors holding me down if that makes sense. I have a ton of vacation time saved up and I am desperate to use it. What better way then a little Pig ParTy with you? I get really horny thinking about spending a weekend or whatever with you.


PartyandBree Replied: December 26, 2020

Hey man good to hear back from you. Not to mention that your message has me hard and dripping like crazy dude! 

I'm sure you know better than I do but I get the idea that you are enjoying the hell out of crossing those lines, and maybe you're not struggling as hard as you think with your inhibitions.  I'm just saying bro!  hehe

That is hot as fucking hell man about your buddy shoving the shard of T up your ass on your birthday!!  In addition to giving you his chem piss and tina cum too.  Then he got you to go to a fucking Truck sTop to get multiple anon dicks and cum loads!!  Good Thing you're sTruggling with your inhibiTions, righT?!  OINK!  Damn man I wish that had worked out because I would fucking blow a load reading all the dirTy dark deTails of THAT experience!

Glad you hooked up with the 23 year old guy.  Hopefullly next time he visits you can convince him to fuck you raw, or maybe "somehow" the condom will break if he uses one 😉  And if not you got it covered geTTing his hot load out of the condom and fucking some of it inside you on the dildo!  Gawd I love how piggy you are!!  Did the 23 year old parTy with you?

It would have been hot as fucking hell if you'd been there with me and the brothers. I would love to have waTched you ride both their bare cocks and take their tina cum and chem piss in your holes along with my cum and piss too!!

I ToTally undersTand about not wanting to be somewhere with anchors to hold you down. Man I definitely do NOT want anything holding you down or holding you back from giving in cumpleTely to those dark piggy "forbidden" urges and needs and enjoying going down some hot "forbidden" paths with me and Miss T! grrrrrrrrrrr  I am so ready to have a fucking wild Pig ParTy with you for at least a weekend or longer. Dripping here thinking about it. Wish I was dripping my chem precum right on your hungry fucking Tongue!! 


JeremyP Replied: December 26, 2020

Our convo is making me so hard and horny. I can just imagine what TwisTed things we'll talk about when we're actually together. 

A little about me, I was going to college to be a Youth Pastor. I was married to a woman and everything. Eventually she figured out that I lusted after men & boys and we got divorced. It wasn't until I was in my mid twenties that I really started exploring sex with guys. Kind of a late bloomer. But it's that thinking that I cannot shake off. Now there is definitely a side of me that's trying to break free of those chains, but it isn't strong enough yet. But that side has me on this website and chatting my darkest desires with you. It also lets other guys talk me into smoking with them. My pig just needs fed and strengthened and hopefully one day I'll be free. And hopefully it's not too far away! hehe Maybe I am farther along then I realize and someone just needs to hold a mirror up so I can see myself for the TwisTed whore/slut/pig/etc. that I really am.

My 23 y/o boy doesn't parTy that I know of. Too afraid to ask haha. I was thinking I would start with 420 and see how he reacts to that. Wouldn't it be fun to corrupt him tho? Introduce him to raw sex and chems? There is definitely an appeal to that for me. I would love it if he's never barebacked before and then I was his first. I might just have a glimpse of how you feel towards me now 😈 I suppose it isn't really corruption but rather helping us find the path we're supposed to be on.

There's something so hoT about brothers and married and straight and bi....  I love to hear stories about when they smoke and then have sex with other guys.

2020 has been a rotten year and I would love to go down the rabbit hole with you in a Pig ParTy. To hear you talk about your kinkiest stories and fantasies. And then making myself admit that those are my fantasies too. I'm jacking off thinking about it...wishing your chem precum was dripping on my Tongue and your chempiss was filling my other hole.


PartyandBree Replied: December 26, 2020

Our convo is having the same effect on me man. Hell just seeing I got a message from you gets me hard even before I read your nasty sex-filled hoT messages! I can't wait to see how TwisTed our convos are when we're togeTher - naked in bed, spun out of our heads like pigs on loTs and loTs of whiTe clouds, our inhibiTions and walls down and our hunger and forbidden and [banned word] cravings growing sTronger and darker.

She figured out that you lusTed after men AND boys??!!  Mmmmmm    you need to tell me more about thaT!! 😜  I will be glad as hell to keep feeding and sTrengthening your pig and help thaT hot sensuous side of you keeping you here on this website, sharing all your darkest naughtiest and nasTiest desires and wanTs and fanTasies with me. I want to help you give yourself over to those TwisTed ThoughTs and hopefully help bring some to realiTy for and with you!!  And hell fucking YES iT would fun as hell and hot as fuck to corrupT your horny "safe" sexy 23 year old guy.  InTroduce him to the seducTive power and pleasure of Tina and let her help you convince him thaT fucking skin on skin is so damn fanTastic!!  I have introduced a few studs to chems and raw sex and dude it is some of the hoTTest piggiesT darkesT fucking sex ever!!

The married brother that was part of the 3-way was new to T and dude it got him so fucking high and piggy I couldn't wait to fuck and breed him!!

Let's forgeT this fucking messed up year, go down into that hole with each other with plenty of weed and t and booze and then fucking p-e-r-v with each oTher and sharing our kinkiest hoTTest most decadent real sTories and wanTs.  HiTTing the glass cock right now wishing I was shoTgunning these huge clouds with you and sending it's power and dirtiness sTraight to your brain and dick!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

part 3-- Locations Revealed, Oink!

ParTyBreeder Replied: January 4, 2021

Hey sTud!! How you doing?  How was your New Years?  Did you get freaky and piggy and dark and twisTed?!!  So damn eager to parTy and get deliciously wicked with you!!  OINK!


JeremyP Replied: January 5, 2021

Hey, back at ya sTud! My New Years was fairly tame, sadly. I hope you had opportunities to get spun and pervy with someone. I think we need to meeT up and have a bit of a bender and get TwisTed together.  OINK indeed 😈


JeremyP Replied: January 6, 2021

greeTings again, hope you're having a fantastic night 🙂

Was reading some of your posts and checking out your profile (again). I've always meant to ask...well your profile says you have some porn experience and to ask you about it...This is me asking!  hehe

And another quesTion, what city in MI are you near?  I'm close to Somerset, PA here...

Back to reading more TwisTed stories


ParTyBreeder  Replied: January 7, 2021

Hey There sTud!  Sorry - and surprised! - that your New Years was tame. As damn hoT and horny and piggy as you are I would have expected you to have a ToTally wild hellish sensual 3-day-fuckfest! 😉  And I'm sorry too that since it was tame you don't have any dirTy piggy chemmed up exploiTs to tell me abouT and get me boned up!  hehe   I would have loved the two of us being TogeTher New Year's Eve, sTarTing our chem fun and naked wild sex way before midnighT! Then at midnighT not only would I have kissed you shoving my Tongue inside your wet warm mouth but at the sTroke of midnighT I would have put some Tina dusT on my cockhead and shoved iT deep inside your fucking hoT manhole to make you even piggier and hornier and ready to have dark fun!

I did have a very pleasanT surprise Friday nighT, the 1st.  A guy I used to play with a few years ago who had moved away 3 or so years ago hit me up Friday afternoon.  He was back in town with his wife visiting her family and he was going to be free that night and wondered if I'd want to get together. Man I didn't hesitate to say "Yes!".  This guy is about 27, light blond hair, hairy chest, real sensitive nips, a hole thaT I had eaTen for an hour or more a number of times and a 8.5" fat cut cock!  Not to menTion he was the best damn kisser I've ever been with!  So he came over Friday nighT, we made out, watched some raunchy verbal gay bb porn, smoked some T, and I ate ouT his tighT married hole unTil he was begging me to fuck him!  Ended up giving him 2 loads and swallowing a huge fucking load of his cum down my ThroaT!!  Talk about a Happy New Year!!  OINK!!

I have not had any official porn experience but a friend of mine used to have a profile on xtube and he had posted a couple vids of us togeTher.  It was pretty wild seeing myself online like that sucking and fucking!  😝

I am close to Detroit MI.  Have been thinking thaT if we decide to meet somewhere beTween your place and my place, maybe we could hit the baThhouse in Cleveland for a weekend. Be hot to be in thaT atmosphere together, naked and high and horny, maybe even find a guy to parTy and play with us if you'd like. Could be damn wild to waTch you playing with anoTher hoT dude then join in after a while!!  We definiTely need to have a bender and get TwisTed togeTher!!  Let your wild piggy slutty side come ouT sTud!!


JeremyP Replied: January 7, 2021

Hey man, afTer I read your message, I swear to god thaT iT made me cum. I'm def horny and ready to have some piggy fun. JusT waiting for the right scenario. And New Year's Eve with you would have been a greaT time! I'm glad you like to kiss, because I do to....and I've goTTen many compliments for it.  (I hesitate to say that, cause I don't want to set up high expectations and then not meet them....particularly since I'm gonna be compared to a 27 y/o married kissing sTud  😉 )  I know smoking with you is gonna be a Ton of fun, and I don't know what it is, but booTy bumps flip a switch inside me that melTs away my inhibitions.

Smoking, fucking and breeding a hoT married dude?  sTud, I'm fucking jealous!  That sounds like it was an unbelievable New Year's. I would have so loved to see a sTr8 guy get spun and open to gay sex. I'll throw that fanTasy in the same bucket with the guy that's trying Tina for the first time and geTs his mind blown. Personally I haven't had much luck with the guy that was coming over. Our schedules aren't really matching up and he seems like a bit of a flake.  There have been a couple of others that I've been chatting with though. The first is a guy that was a regular FWB. He was going to school in the area and then moved back down to Arizona. Some of the hottest sex I've ever had has been with him. He edged me so well one night that when I came, I actually passed out for a split second. Fucking amazing. We've been reconnecting recently and as soon as the pandemic is over, he wants to come visit and pick up where we left off. (I've gotten the vaccine btw) The other is a guy on Grindr who is into father/son roleplay. He's a kinky young 21 y/o...and can really get me going. Hopefully I'll have a good story for you Sunday!

HonesTly, I think Cleveland sounds like a great idea! Get a hoTel and have some piggy one on one time and see what happens from there? I'm willing to try the baThhouse and any oTher great ideas you might have. I have no doubT that a threesome (or more OINK) with you would make the TwisTed bender an incredibly hoT time.


ParTyBreeder Replied: January 7, 2021


Hey there hoT man! Every damn time I read a message from you my bad-boy cock geTs ToTally hard and leaking in a maTTer of seconds!  I think it's accurate to say ThaT we seem to feed off each other - our kinky, deep dark hungers and cravings, our piggy exciTemenT and eagerness to give to and receive from each oTher as many of the salacious, forbidden, eroTic, lustful physical carnal pleasures ThaT we can Think of.  And I'm damn sure that when we're both flying way up high in the fucking clouds we'll be able to think of and imagine so many hoT dick hardening things to do with and to each other!!  It is so hot man that my message made you cum!!  Wish I'd been there to take every fresh thick TasTy drop down my Throat!! (Or anywhere else you might wanT to put iT!)

I'm as glad as you are thaT we both are so inTo kissing. And you don'T have to worry at all abouT being compared to my 27 year old married kissing sTud fb!  I already know you are gonna make my eyes roll and my toes curl when we make out!!  Don't want to say anyThing to offend you or turn you off man, but if you'd be into it I think it would be so fucking HOT for you and me and my married parTy - and - fuck bud to all 3 play TogeTher, geTTing high as fuck, piggy as hell and using each oTher's cocks and holes over and over for hours unTil we're all 3 a sweaTy cum filled and cum coaTed pile of naked manflesh on the hoTel bed!!  Love to make so many of both of our dark TwisTed fanTasies cum to life!  Including the hoT father/son roleplay you menTioned thaT you and your "kinky" 21 year old bud will get inTo soon! Can'T waiT to read your hoT sexy sTory on Sunday about thaT!  😈

A hoTel in Cleveland for some hoT unresTrained and uninhibiTed one on one fun for you and me sounds fucking sweeT!  I'm down however you want it to play man - one on one the whole time or checking out the baThhouse and geTTing dirTy and nasTy and p-er-v-y togeTher there with anyone else we'd see and wanT to have fuck and play with us!  Either way sTud - just 2 of us - or 4 or 5 or more cloudy pigs joining in - I'm damn sure our TwisTed nighT/weekend bender of hellish fun will definiTely be hoT as fucking hell!!  I wanT to eat your ass SO fucking bad man!!  grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


JeremyP Replied: January 7, 2021


Back at ya sTud!  I think you're right....we do feed off each other really well. I love that our kinks and fanTasies seem to be in alignment. Having these "chats" with you is definiTely helping me see how similar we are, which will help me be comforTable with you, which will help me relax those walls. And I won't care where I shooT it in you/ on you, but if it's in your mouth I'm gonna wanT a snowball.  😉

When I was reading your New Year's Eve tale, I was already imagining myself in the room with you two.  You guys had a loT of fun, and I would love to help add to thaT. Whether I'll be an extra hole to fill, provide extra loads of cum to play with, or another mouth to suck and clean up. MeeTing with you and getting high, spun and piggy is my main fanTasy. Everythng else will just be gravy. I won't complain about anything extra that happens, but I'll just consider it as bonus hoT fun time. Bring on the TwisTed ideas!

I'm down with however you want to play iT too . (we're both just too easy going) I'd love to get very acquainted with you and your cock. But my hope is that\T iT will be a long fun weekend so there will be time to expand our group. Whether that's with Mr. Married, aT the baThhouse or however many other cloudy pigs want to join us. You're gonna have to be the one kind of in charge? I think you have a little more experience and know if something will work better or not. And likely, this won't be the only time this happens and we don't need to do everyThing the first time.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna Touch myself while I think about your Tongue licking my hole.  🐷


ParTyBreeder Replied: January 7, 2021

Yeah sTud man I ToTally agree. Our kinks and fanTasies - not to menTion our decadenT desires! - are in perfect alignment. And I'm glad that our "chats" are helping you feel more comforTable and eager to go down those dark "forbidden" paThs with me where we'll find so much piggy, naughTy, SINsual fun to keep us ruTTing like Tweaked up fucking beasTs!  I want to help feed your pig like you menTioned recenTly leTTing it come out in full fucking force to Take you into more and more depraved, horny dark pleasures for men to share togeTher!  

Don't worry I will share with you in a deep snowball/makeout session the hoT thick delicious cock nut that you shooT into my open greedy mouth!  I'll let just a liTTle bit of it drip onto my fingers and slide those fingers covered in your own cum into your TwiTching chemmed up manhole as we moan into each other's mouths!

And having you and me and my married bud in the same bed together you won't have to be one or the other - you can be an extra hole for both of us to fill, an extra dick to fill his holes and my holes, a third set of lips to use on our cocks and balls and fuckholes!  I'd get so HARD sucking on the glass cock waTching you two horny masculine sTuds raw-flip-fucking and breeding each other! Then when you're both seeded with cum I'll eat the loads out of both your holes and we'll share it all in a 3-way snowball!!

I want you acquainTed with my cock and I want to get to know your cock and manhole Too!! More and more as the weekend conTinues hoT, sweaTy, piggy and sooooooooooo good!!  I can'T waiT to waTch you Touch yourself and blow big clouds I have my tongue drilling into your TighT fuckable sweeT fuckhole!!  OINK!!

  On 4/28/2022 at 5:17 PM, Japbtm said:

I hope he eventually became a cumdump whore taking anon loads assup facedown blindball folded that would hot 


Who knows? We could try asking him I suppose. Hopefully he isn't blindfolded and ball-gagged. 

  • 3 months later...

*Apologies to everyone for taking forever to post the next chapter. It's very crazy what I just went thru ;/ After a slow weekend of story posting,, something new to read. *

part 4--The Son Corrupts The Father

JeremyP  Replied: January 27, 2021

greeTings pig-menTor,

How has your January been? Hopefully cloudy with many chances of geTTing twisTed with others. Mine has been fine. I've been smoking a bit more, mostly on my own andI haven't taken that last sTep to being a compleTe meTh whore. I've been waiting to be with you to do that, honestly. I would much rather be having a loooong Tina session with you than try it on my own at firsT.  Having you poinT me in the direction I need to go, getting sluTTier and sluTTier and having each oTher to get ourselves off. As well as any friends we meet along the way. 

I'm telling you I think that I'm ready. I have a co-worker who is taking some time off a couple weeks in the beginning of February, but I would like to take a week off the end of Feb, or beginning of March.  And leT's have a pig/[banned word] filled time together. Getting high, corrupting me, and playing with as many other pigs as you'd like. Doing whaTever sick and TwisTed thing that pops into our clouded heads. 

I've really enjoyed these liTTle chats/emails with you, and hope you're still interested and can't wait to take the next steps to make this a reality.   OINK


ParTyBreeder Replied: February 7, 2021

Hey there my hoT sTud piggy parTner!  Dude I am SO fucking horned and horny for you and for you and me to geT TogeTher and revel in all the nasTy TwisTed dark forbidden desires we wanT.   NoThing off the table as long as it's all things ThaT we BOTH want to share and experience with each other and it gets us both hard as fuck and ready to fuck and suck and breed and fly!  I am so hard and dripping reading that you wanT me to be the one to help you take the lasT Steps to becoming a compleTe unresTrained meTh whore, craving the demonic  lusT and needs Tina will unlock and Teach you to embrace and give in to every sick seducTive pleasure.  Love to corrupT you fully knowing it's what you want and need.  And iT sounds like my sexy dark piggy meTh bud wanTs to be slammed too - and I mean other Than feeling me slam my hard raw cock into your guTs!!  Is that right pig?  Is that the poinT you are making? If so I can'T waiT to see the sinisTer darkness and depraviTy fill you up!  I'll be a selfish fucker at first and will want you all to myself so we both learn every sluTTy thing about each other, making your and my fanTasies cum to life.  But the thoughT of geTTing you higher and higher and waTching you being sluTTier and sluTTier with other guys gets me boned as hell too!!

The new year has been pretty good so far, with quite a few cloudy days and nights along with a good biT of ICE.  Have played and parTyed with some hot guys but none have made me want whaT we want with each other. Early part of March could work. Are you sTill thinking of geTTing a room in Cleveland or somewhere between your place and mine?  I'm guessing you know by reading this so far that I am definitely sTill interesTed and am so ready to make this happen.

What ever happened with your 21 year old guy into kink and father/son roleplay? Did you meet up? Was it nasty and [banned word]?  Does that kind of sex make your dick hard and your ass crave to be filled - father/son, brother/brother, uncle/nephew?  Just curious you sexy piggy sTud!  OINK!!😈


ParTyBreeder  Replied: February 24, 2021

Hey you hoT sexy fucking pig sTud!  How have things been going for and with you?  Have you been having hoT passionaTe chem-fuelled dirTy sex and fun?  STill blowing those clouds more ofTen?  Fuck man I can't fucking waiT to get naked and high as fuck with you behind our hotel room's closed door, making out and feeding each other our Tongues and spiT as I play with your hard nips and use fingers on my other hand to Tease your hole. But not going to JUST tease it.  I want to watch thaT swiTch inside you flip and enjoy your dark hunger as all your walls and inhibiTions fall away when i give you a huge booty bump, eager to get kinky and decadent with my sensual unresTrained T-conTrolled fuck pig buddy! Both of us moaning and groaning and reveling in the eroTic feel of our naked sweaTy flesh grinding againsT each other!  And that's jusT the first 20 minuTes after we walk into our room!  😛

So, I goTTa ask ya sTud - HOW hoT does kinky faTher/son verbal nasTy roleplay get you?  How piggy does it make you?!!😈


JeremyP  Replied: March 15, 2021

Hey misTer, Things have been going well. My apologies for the less than prompt reply.  It feels like my inner saboteur is trying to derail our meeting and was keeping me from answering. However, I've made the choice that I want to do this. Somehow, thankfully! the faTes have brought us together. I'm afraid that if my inhibitor is gonna go down, he's gonna do it kicking and screaming. I wanT you....no, I NEED you To help me flip that switch and be the pig sTud sluT I want to be.

Pick the week that works best for you, and I'll make arrangements to get off work and be there.

I don'T think I inTentionally was telling you to slam me? I am open to the idea and Think I would really enjoy The rush. Perhaps the inhibitor fades away to noThing if that were to happen. You will be my guide down this dark, piggy paTh so if you believe iT would be besT I think I would wanT to do iT.

Your messages always Turn me on so badly....I cannoT waiT for that firsT nighT wiTh you, going down the rabbiT hole, kissing you, sucking you off, worshipiping my meTh guide, calling you son? feeding each other cloud afTer cloud, geTTing to know your p e r v Ted  mind and learing how to be that myself.  All leading up to me geTTing fucked by your magnificenT cock..  And afTer thaT firsT day (or 20 minutes) who knows whaT will happen. I hope for, and am also simultaneously scared of, that anyThing and everyThing happens.

and btw nasTy/verbal talk turns me on like noThing else. As far as father/son roleplay, I would do iT. Are you thinking a son needs to show his dad whaT he's been missing out on his whole life? I love the thoughT of a younger guy corrupTing his dad. If that's what you're thinking, fuck yeah, I'll be very piggy for thaT. I can even wear my wedding band from when I was a Marine and married to a woman.

Would you like a currenT pic of me? My profile pic is me, but I haven't been hitting the gym (stupid pandemic) and don't have the muscles now that I did then. OThewise, i'm 5'8", 157 lbs, blonde hiar, green eyes.

LeT me know what you're thinking!  🐷😈


ParTyBreeder  Replied: March 17, 2021

Hey There you hoT sexy horny cock-cum-and-chem whore pig!  GreaT to get your message and no need to apologize.  Doesn't maTTer if iT's 2 days or 2 months in beTween messaging each oTher, you always geT me fucking HARD and horny and eager to meeT up and for both of us to give in to the dark forbidden eroTic needs and cravings inside us.  To rub and grind our naked hoT flesh against each oTher while our Tongues drill deep down in each other's ThroaTs.  Blowing clouds, sharing shoTguns, giving your hungry manhole numerous booTy bumps, flipping ThaT swiTch inside you thaT leTs your inner pig sluT sTud come out cumpleTely, surrendering ToTally to the dark, dirTy, powerful conTrol of Tina, leTTing her and me help you Take the final sTeps in becoming the corrupT decadenT meTh whore sluT pig we both wanT and need you to be! Fuck man I wanna feel the animal lusT coming off your body as the chems run thru your blood and brain and you lay back on the hoTel bed spreading your legs wide and BEGGING your hoT high hung sexy SON to raw fuck and breed his Daddy's TighT greedy incesTuous manhole! "Yeah Dad, you wanT your own SON to give you his raw faT dick? You need the sTud you made with your cum and dick to give you the cock you creaTed and use it to pound and breed your piggy sluTTy parTyed up hole?! Hell yeah Dad gonna fucking breed you and fill you up with your own SON's chem cum and Tina piss!!"

Reading thaT you want to worship me as your meTh guide, and servicing me again and again with both of your cock-craving holes! Turning you compleTely to the dark hellish pleasures of gay carnal man-on-man chem-fuelled sex, tearing down your lasT wall of resisTance and desTroying once and for all your inhibiTor!  And HELL YES I wanT you wearing your wedding band as we both enjoy the uninhibiTed TwisTed mansex we crave togeTher!  You asked me to leT you know what I am Thinking!  What do YOU Think abouT my mind's paTh?! OINK!!😈

Have had some changes at work and will noT be able to take off unTil the end of April at the earliesT.  Is ThaT good for you sTud? Is iT too long for you to waiT?

And yes, please I would very much like to see a currenT pic(s) of you you sexy horny fucker!!  My email address is:  darknessworks69@gmail.com    I can send you mine in response.

So hard and horny righT now man Thinking abouT geTTing spun and depraved with you! LeT's make iT happen dude!!


ParTyBreeder Replied: April 11, 2021

Hey you hoT sleazy cock and cum loving meTh smoking sTud Daddy!!  How have things been going with you?  STill sTaying focused and deTermined to silence your vanilla inhibiTor once and for all and leT me and Tina lead you through the final sTeps to you becoming the uninhibiTed insaTiable corrupTed meTh and cock whore we both NEED you to be?!! Fuck "Daddy" I want to waTch your TransformaTion and your accepTance of all the dark forbidden T a b oo pleasures your mind and body have been craving.  And I wanT to be a part of your change and accepTance, giving you the dirTy hellish encouragement and seducTive push to cross ThaT line inTo the SINsual darkness of raw fleshly and Tina-filled delighTs!!

I hope you are sTill as hungry to make this happen for and with you as I am!  I am typing with one hand and using the other one to switch back and forth from hiTTing the glass cock and then sTroking the flesh cock thaT aches to be buried inside your parTyed up hole "Daddy"!!  LeT me know what you think of what I'M thinking abouT!! 🐷😈

STill anxious to see your hoT pics man and send you mine so FaTher and Son can get even hungrier for each oTher!!


JeremyP Replied: April 14, 2021

Hey you hoT sleazy cock and cum loving meTh smoking sTud Daddy!! Hey son, takes one to know one. 😜

How have things been going with you?  STill sTaying focused and deTermined ... uninhibiTed insaTiable corrupTed meTh and cock whore we both NEED you to be?!!  Things have been well, mosTly. I do need my vanilla inhibiTor silenced, recenTly it has been louder than I want, and I love thaT you have been incredibly paTient with me. One of the bigger obstacles I have been dealing with has been removed, and now I am preTTy much open to meet up whenever. Only have to plan around work, otherwise I'm ready to grab your hand and leT you lead me down this paTh of meTh and sin.

Fuck "Daddy" I want to waTch your TransformaTion and your accepTance of all the dark forbidden T a b oo pleasures your mind and body have been craving.  And I wanT to be a part of your change and accepTance, giving you the dirTy hellish encouragement and seducTive push to cross ThaT line inTo the SINsual darkness of raw fleshly and Tina-filled delighTs!! I wanT this too, boy. I want to change, and I want you to wiTness it.

I hope you are sTill as hungry to make this happen for and with you as I am!  I am typing with one hand and using the other one to switch back and forth from hiTTing the glass cock and then sTroking the flesh cock thaT aches to be buried inside your parTyed up hole "Daddy"!!  LeT me know what you think of what I'M thinking abouT!! 🐷😈

I am geTTing hungrier by the day. And every. one. of your messages are read with one hand on my cock, sTroking it with the pleasure that is sure to come.

STill anxious to see your hoT pics man and send you mine so FaTher and Son can get even hungrier for each oTher!! Sending pics today 😈


  JeremyP Replied: April 14, 2021

It's your "Dad," with some pics for you to lusT after. lol

Truly I'm not all that, but I hope I'm hoT enough for you. 

Stats are: 5'8", 155 - 160lbs, blonde, grn eyes, 6.5" dick (when hard) average size with above average girth. But honesTly cannot wait to feel yours in my hole 😉

If you need more, of course I'd be happy to oblige.  Just let me know what you would like to see. Be as specific as you like.


ParTyBreeder Replied: Apr 15, 2021 

HoT fucking DAMN, Dad!!  Believe me, your horny naughTy [banned word]-luving kinky Son is for fucking sure lusTing afTer my dirty Daddy's hoT-as-hell pics!!  I jacked off earlier when I first opened them and blew a huge fucking load of chem-filled family dna all over my hand abs and chesT!  And it didn'T go to wasTe!  Your wild piggy Son NEVER wastes cum!  OINK!!  And I sure as hell won'T be leTTing any of yours be lefT outside of my body!!  I can'T wait Dad to geT partyed up with you and take all the cum you have to give to your cock-and-cum hungry sTud Son!  You are so damn much more than hoT "enough" for me sTud pig Dad!!  I can'T wait to Trade loads of our dirty incestuous dad/son dna with each other, filling you up with the dick nuT from yor OWN SON's fucking balls!!  EaT your Tweaked up sexy Dad ass, suck and lick and suck on your hard Dad nips, make out with you Dad as I slide my T-covered fingers inside your hoT eager accepTing fuckhole and drink from the hard faT Dad cock thaT made the pig you call Son!!

I hope you are pleased with whaT you see of the Son you wanT breeding you and guiding you down the dark TwisTed SINful forbidden paThs of [banned word] dick hardening pleasures!! 


JeremyP Replied: Apr 18, 2021

My DearesT Boy, Kevin,

I'm so glad thaT when I signed your birTh certTficate I wrote down Kevin insTead of thaT pansy-ass name your mother wanTed to call you, Francis.  Fuck could you imagine? If our names shape who we are as we grow up, you would've grown up to be some poofTer, frilly-lace wearing pansy afraid to break a nail while all the while whining and biTching and just being a weaker version of thaT she-whore who came up with Frances in the firsT place. InsTead, I wenT behind the biTch's back, pissed her off and gave my boy the masculine name you deserved as the firsT sTud made from my sperm. Did you know thaT you are named afTer my broTher, your uncle Devin? I haTe to admiT iT, buT he's boTh younger and beTTer looking than I am. BuT the momenT I learned thaT the wad of jizz thaT I pumped deep in your moTher's cunT was forming inTo a boy, I knew whaT I was going to do,

And look aT you, all grown up inTo a man's body and I couldn'T be more fucking proud of you boy. I'd say you've even surpassed your old man in a some areas. STud, I don'T even know where to sTarT. Those taTToos, showing off to the world how a real man can take pain to decoraTe his body. So fucking bad ass. Somehow your dad was in the Marines for 5 years and didn'T get a single one. IT's noT thaT I'm afraid of a liTTle pain, or needles or whaTever.  You know thaT about me. IT jusT was thaT I wasn'T ready to put someThing permanenT on my body. I've always said when the perfecT design for me comes along, I'll know iT righT away.

And then, look aT thaT bulging bicep. You're barely even flexing and iT's bulging. I ain't no fag but my dick did give a little twiTch when I firsT noTiced thaT abouT you. Damn boy, all my good DNA musT've beat up the loser coding DNA and all we are lefT wiTh is you, a perfecT fucking man. ShiT, my dick jusT throbbed again. You're gonna give me a chubby if I'm noT careful. haha. Imagine a grown man getTTng hard jusT by looking at his sTud of a son. [banned word]. There's no fucking pussy around, whaT the hell would I breed? And I beT all the chicks you go down on love thaT beard tickling the inside of their thighs as their weT canyons get fucked by your dad/god given tongue. I do see thaT your eyes look a liTTle red and glossed over. You all righT? You mighT wanT to go to a docTor abouT thaT if iT's sTill looking like thaT when you read this.

And I'm noT sure why you'd send your dad a picture of your cock, rock hard even, buT you did and now I can'T sTop looking aT iT in awe and admiraTion. God Dammned did I give you amazing genes. The hardness could pound nails inTo a 2x4, the thickness will make any pig thaT you sTick wiTh iT grunT and squeal, and holy fuck the head. I'm thinking thaT if a dumb broad tries to go down on you her lips won'T even geT to the edge of the glans before she sTarTs gagging like a dumb biTch. Since no dame's mouTh is blocking the view at the moment leT's enjoy thaT piss hole. Haha, nexT time you go piss, I'm gonna sTand in the sTall nexT to you and I beT it's like an elephant releasing his waTer. IT sounds and looks like a golden waTerfall. And then when you cum I beT you fire ropes of cum out like they were bulleTs. "pew" "pew" ripping the uterus up of the biTch your plowing. Fuck iT exciTes me to imagine how you are probably making more poTenT cum than I ever did, even when younger. Can you imagine the sTable of sTud boys you could make? Careful, make too many and we just mighT be able to rule the world. GeT rid of all those weak-ass posers and jusT be men and their sons.

Well, enough massaging your ego. I can'T imagine your head geTTing any bigger than what I'm looking aT (ha! get it?) The main reason I wanTed to talk was to give you an apology. I haven'T seen you in a long time and you basically had to do a lot of growing up on your own. I blame thaT biTch thaT tricked me inTo saying "I do" buT your dad can be sTubborn some times and geT too sTupid to see the obvious righT under his nose. I shouldn'T have chased afTer her. I thoughT I loved her and if I tried harder she would turn back into that beauTiful person I truly did love and would have done anyThing for. I don'T know boy, when you came clawing ouT of her incubaTor tunnel you musT have done someThing thaT changed her. I never could saTisfy her and she kepT disappearing to look for big dicked sTallions to make her feel full. I feel just awful thaT you had to live with Grandpa and Grandma as you maTured into the handsome fucker you are now. Your old man is gonna come down to see you real soon. As soon as I can geT someone to cover my shifTs aT work. I wanT to look you in the eye, man to man, and sTarT giving you the faTherly love I always should have.. And I wouldn'T be surprised if you've learned a thing or two to teach me! A smarT, aThleTic, sTud like you has the world as his oysTer. And having a Dad like me really helps too. hehe NoT to brag.

One final thing and I'll leT you geT on with your day. I wanTed to thank you for the email you senT me. Imagine my joy when I goT to read my own son's words thaT he typed ouT jusT for me BuT I have to confess the sTrangesT thing is happening. I'll sTarT reading your leTTer and the nexT thing I know my cock is fucking rock hard wiTh my hand wrapped around iT, leaking precum like a whore's twaT after a gang bang. I'm horny as all geT ouT buT I can'T remember a single thing I jusT read. All I'm lefT wiTh is this weird craving. A desire for more....for someThing thaT I'm missing. And iT didn'T happen jusT once! I wenT back and tried to read iT again and the same freaky thing happened! I'm noT gonna worry abouT iT too much tho. I'm sure iT's jusT one of the many things we can talk abouT if we run out of things to do.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and to soon be reuniTed as a FaTher and Son should be. If there's only a way for a Dad and Son to join together as one to show their love.  ha....I say the weirdesT crap someTimes.

Your Loving FaTher,



P.S. I'm noT sure why, buT while I was typing, random T's would capiTalize themselves. And when I would go back to correcT them, they wouldn't swiTch back! I probably goT some devil of a virus in my compuTer and thaT's whaT's doing iT. Hope iT isn'T too disTracting. 


 JeremyP Replied: Apr 18, 2021 

Oh hey my good looking boy...sorry to boTher you so shorTly, buT whaT did the capTion under the asshole (liTerally) say "mine and yours"? I geT sTrangley turned on when I look inTo thaT spread hole and have an unconTrollable urge to sTick my tongue in their and look for a buTTon.  Yup, there I go wiTh the weird sounding crap again.

And I know you're curious, BuT I'll show you this and then you have to promise me you won'T ever think of her again. She doesn'T remember you aT all and doesn'T even deserve a fond remembrance from you. the only thing she does, thaT is if some beasT of a cock isn'T ripping her cunT aparT, is fuck herself hard on any dildo she can wrap her smelly cunT lips around. (and believe me hers was smelly and hairy. Wooly mammoTh hairy. Selfish biTch couldn'T even trim. Fucking nasTy. Gah I'm geTTing worked up for noThing.


ParTyBreeder Replied: April 19, 2021

Hello Daddy!  Have you been fingering your hoT fuck-hungry manhole and imagining insTead of your thick fingers iT's your own sTud son's faT raw incesTuous cock pumping in and out of your parTyed up fuckhole, giving you the fo r  b id d en delicious decadenT pleasures you've been needing for so long? Damn Daddy I love seeing what a fucking p er v y anything-goes pig you turn into with the meth booty bumps and the hiTs and shoTguns off the glass cock. Hearing you BEGGING your son to fill you up with his demon dick and chem cum and piss makes your wickedly sensual SON pound your hole harder knowing it's whaT a meth-and-cock-pig like you needs and wants Daddy!!


JeremyP: April 19, 2021

Hey ParTy Boy,

I sent you an email, the other morning.  It all came out of nowhere and I swear I've never written anything like it before. Haha

Not sure how it came across because it was long (I couldn't stop) and there wasn't anything too expliciT, but there was a ton of implication and what I hope will be foreshadowing. 😈🐷

Hope your night is well, and looking forward to your conTinued correspondence,



ParTyBreeder  Replied: April 19, 2021

Hey Cock-Luving Sexy Daddy!

While you were sending me this message your incorrigible pig son was sending a message to you sTud on our other message Thread. GreaT - and Tw is T *d! - minds Think alike huh fucker?!  hehe

Yes Sir, Daddy, I goT your fucking hoT email the other morning and have jacked off 3 Times so far reading and re-reading it!  Your parTy Boy don'T care where iT came from but I sure the hell am glad thaT you wroTe iT and sent it to me!  It "came" across sleazy hoT and naughTy as hell Daddy and the implicaTions and dark sinsuous foreshadowings had your fucking son blowing a Thick load of our family dna!! WheTher explicit or implied the things my dirTy depraved cum drinking meth whore Daddy says and writes to his equally uninhibiTed son has me hungry and so damn ready to be with you soon, in the flesh, in our hotel room, naked, blowing clouds and doing all the Things this dad and son NEED to do to and with each other!

I have sTarted a couple times to respond directly to your email Daddy but haven't been able to keep focused long enough to do it but I will!  I hope you are good with ThaT!

Has Daddy been playing and parTying any laTely?  Been geTTing kinky and wild and keeping the hunger for our dad/son fuckfesT alive and sTrong?!!

Dripping and Hard Son


JeremyP Replied: April 19, 2021

Hey Boy,

GreaT minds do think alike, I guess that's why you're my son. 

I should've been more patient (which is one of my better qualities) buT couldn't wait to hear your initial thoughts.

Please, take your time with your responses. Lord knows that I've noT always been the most prompt.  Good things cum to those who waiT.

If I'm lucky, I'll find a top. And I consider it to be even luckier if that Top feeds me clouds. Nothing like what will happen once we have a family reunion.  Clouds, bumps your dad will be ready to be corrupTed by his son in whaTeve manner he seems fit.

Hungry and ready,



JeremyP Replied: April 19, 2021

I'm so horny just thinking about having my own DNA son stick his rock hard dick in my hungry/empty hole. Breeding it again and again.

Just sayin


ParTyBreeder Replied: April 19, 2021

MMMMMMMMMM...yeah Daddy you horny cock and cum receptacle!  I'm thinking the pig sluT in my cock worshipping dirTy Daddy has been leT loose and your dark hunger for cock, cum and clouds will conTinue to grow and lead you to lusTfilled pleasures unlike anything you've had before!  Is my Tw *sT *d Daddy hoping to find a Top TonighT?  WhaT are you hoping your Top will be like Daddy - besides a cloud feeder! hehe   How old, whaT sexual orientaTion, whaT race or does Daddy care as long as your Top feeds you clouds, raw cock and tina cum?!!

Your own son, made from your sexy poTenT DNA, is so ready to corrupT you Daddy, and fill your hungry hole with incesTuous hard T* b *o raw son dick and cum over and over. We won't leT your Daddy fuckhole be empTy!

DevianT ParTy Son

  • Like 3

What an amazingly hot fucking story. I love incest, all forms of incest. I've been trying to write a true story about a lot of the this you've written here. My problem is that mine has a lot to do with age-play role-play. And I'm sure I'd used the "banned word" whatever it is? My dad was also a marine but that didn't stop him from breeding his young boy. 

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Posted (edited)

my only fam experience was with an uncle, my father was not into it and rebuked my advances. Fortunately my uncle didnt. He taught me a lot

Edited by pervpackage
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  • Piggy 1
  • 4 weeks later...

part 5-- The Good Son's Offer

ParTyBreeder Replied: May 6, 2021 at 11:16 AM

My hoT sexy-as-fuck piggy TwisTed FaTher and MeTh-and-Cum Loving Sire,

Your horny hung sTud son Kevin is more sorry Than I can Tell you for Taking so long to respond to your loving, open, eroTic, ego-massaging message.  (Family dysfunction involving my sister and nephew blew up in our faces.  Things have calmed down and I am back where I wanT to be - with you Dad online and hopefully in person soon.)  Speaking of ego-massaging, I like the ThoughT of my meTh-smoking sTud dad massaging the son you love any way and any where you want to Dad.  The idea of feeling your masculine sTrong hands running and rubbing all over this hard body thaT your genes have made possible Dad makes my body shake, my mouth waTer and my hard jock meaT Throb and ooze the dna you made me with.  The same dna thaT this fucker hopes to geT more of from my FaTher, and ThaT I hope to give you in reTurn Dad.  Even Though I have spenT a number of my growing years withouT your physical presence, Dad, I have direcTed my choices in the way thaT I hope you would someday approve of and help round out so thaT we boTh will be pleased with the masculine alpha son your nuTs gave life to.  Dad, I hope I won'T freak you ouT or push you away but I can'T keep silenT any longer.  Just wriTing and Thinking abouT your nuTs makes me wanT to see and TasTe them and swallow the thick FaTherly ropes of incesTuous cum boiling inside your balls.  I know you're not a fag Dad and your TesTosTerone filled jock son is not a fag either, buT I have a consTant need and desire to be uniTed with you Dad, close and inTimaTe, fleshly and carnal.  The world may say such cravings are corrupT and perverse and come from the loins of s* t* n himself, buT I hope you will hear whaT I am saying and noT turn away.  I want to show you all the awesome hoT unimaginable dark, naughTy and sensual pleasures your sTud son can help you experience with your body and the body of your muscled boy.  Dad I know you have denied yourself so much because of whaT you wondered others would say or Think.  You don't have to deny yourself anymore, Dad.  LeT me inTroduce you to the freedom-giving euphoria of sex drugs and the saTisfying and conTinuing [banned word] delighTs of our bodies - FaTher and Son - coming togeTher in sweaTy naked incesTuous exploiTs.  Don'T resisT any longer Dad, give in to your cravings and leT your devianT decadenT son give you pleasure only a FaTher and Son can share!

And yes, Dad, the capTion under the pic of your sTud son's asshole did say "mine and yours", meaning it's a picTure of my asshole but iT's also an asshole thaT is YOURS to eat to enjoy to get losT in!!  Dive in Dad!!

Your Loving Son Hard and Ready to LiberaTe You into the Devilish Darkness of [banned word] and The Forbidden


ParTyBreeder Replied: May 6, 2021

Hello my hoT Cock-Worshipping Hungry Piggy Dad!

I hope you are doing well and even more thaT you have been having some depraved demonic piggy unresTrained fucking fun!!

I finally got to reply to your sexy, hoT e-mail you senT me lasT monTh.  I hope you will be pleased with my message to you, Dad, and we can sTill work out plans to be TogeTher for all the devilish delighTful pig fun we need from and with each oTher!

Ready and Eager to ParTy with My MeTh Whore STud Dad

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