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2 hours ago, Cumslammer said:

Love being throated

So do I.

Me on my knees with my hands caressing his ass.

He holds my head in his hands as he slowly pushes his cock to my lips.

I don't resist and let his cock enter my mouth.He knows I can't deepthroat till my throat gets a workout.

He slowly pushes his cock in and out of my mouth adding a little each time he goes in.

Once he's all the way in he'll slowly fuck my mouth.
In and out.

In and out.

Then he starts picking up speed.

I'm breathing through my nose and feel lightheaded.

Slurping noises come from my mouth as he thrusts in and out.

My moans vibrate through his cock making him harder.

His grip on my head tightens as he's getting close.

His thrusting becomes sporadic.

His moans loud.

"I'm cumming!"he screams as I feel my mouth fill with his warm salty cum.

I'm able to swallow his first load just as his second load is released.

I'm not finished with his second load when he shoots his third.

And fourth.

And fifth.


He's still cumming and I can swallow fast enough.

Finally he stops cumming and continues to hold my head so I can finish swallowing his cum.

He slowly pulls out and releases my head.

"Good job."he says."I'll be back later".

Then he leaves.

I'm still on my knees and see myself in the wall mirror.

My eyes are red,swollen and watery and there is cum all over my chin.

I use a finger to wipe the cum off my chin and lick it off.

I know he'll come back in a few hours to do it again.

He's done it three time a day,everyday for the past 30 years.

And I don't resist.

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