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How many of you go to the gym?


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On 3/13/2023 at 7:27 AM, BeefyRawLoadBottom said:

Do crossfit 3x week..Getting older so its vitally important to keep moving and building/maintaining muscle. You can wear out or rust out...I will wear out! 

PLUS my ass looks AMAZING for guy my age!!!

I’ll bet it does!  And I’d love to give it a good go!!!  Having said that … dude “guy my age” just hurts on so many levels; my 54th is in two days, so we’re only about four years apart.  🥸

In answer to the question: yes for my husband and I the gym is our religion.  We are avid CrossFitters, cyclists, and runners.  Our CrossFit may be adverse selection as it is a beach town and many straight surfers are fellow devotees; many more straight men than gay and many women.  When we went to the regular gym* the male clientele we observed was probably half gay at minimum; and men:women ratio was about 3:1 or occasionally 3:2.

* I was involved in a serious auto accident four years ago; I was in the hospital for just short of three months during which I underwent three heart surgeries.  I had been an avid gym goer for the entirety of my adult life and was at a dead stop (pun unintended) for three months.  My rehabilitation was the better part of a year; including recovering the fifty pounds of muscle I lost.  Two years in we returned to CrossFit with the doctors’ blessing.  

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only started when i retired ,wont say how long ago that was, two or three times s week(   havent been since April when i  crushed  a vertebra, will resume soon)

found it so benefitial as i got older. felt there were mainly straight but will explore a bit more

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