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MANY Red States Now BLOCKED!

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The list of states is growing. It's now (alphabetical order)…

  1. Arkansas
  2. Idaho
  3. Kansas
  4. Kentucky (goes into effect July 14, but blocked now)
  5. Louisiana (started the trend)
  6. Mississippi
  7. Nebraska (goes into effect July 18, but blocked now)
  8. North Carolina
  9. Montana
  10. Texas
  11. Utah
  12. Virginia (a problem because a lot of DC Metro IPs are registered in Northern Virginia)

And at least 6 more red states will be blocked in the next year…

  1. Alabama, October 1, 2024
  2. Oklahoma, November 1, 2024
  3. Florida, January 1, 2025
  4. South Carolina, January 1, 2025
  5. Tennessee, January 1, 2025
  6. Georgia, July 1, 2025

And yes, other than purple Virginia, ALL red states…

If you live near the border of one of these states it can affect you too depending on how your ISP allocates and registers their IP addresses.

Two important take-aways…

  1. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!! Your rights are under attack, and voting is the way to fix it. And vote Democratic! I don't care if Biden is showing signs of decomposition - these blocks are the work of Republicans, it's important we get out the vote for the Democrats. I know Biden is FAR FAR from perfect, but you're voting for more than him - you're voting for the judges that will hear the appeals for these laws.
  2. If you're financially able, please give money to the Free Speech Coalition - they're the organization who's primarily fighting these laws - both in court and in legislatures. Most recently they got Indiana's law put on hold just a couple of days before it was supposed to go into effect.

And now for the original post…


Thanks to the American Taliban passing anti-porn laws, 7 states are now blocked from accessing this site.

While the Democrats sadly are voting for these laws, they are the brainchild of the GOP. If you voted Republican - this is on you...


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  • rawTOP featured and pinned this topic

The host is now blocking bz in my state. (Tx). What is that. Why is that happening.  Is this going to be fixed? 
I love this place but if I can’t use the site I might have an issue  

I am using a VPN to access the site. 

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I guess I found my answer as to why. But have to pose a different question 

with Texas passing hb 1181 which blocks porn sites why is the host restricted breeding zone before the sept 1st effect/enforcement date. 

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  • viking8x6 changed the title to States and Countries blocked because of authoritarian governments
12 hours ago, Orlbttmntraining said:

Florida is huge into the porn industry, no way they would sign on.

The current Governor doesn't care what industry is huge - can't get much larger than Disney and he has no problems trying to control them.  He thinks he's king and he's been doing and will continue to do whatever he wants to make FL in his image.  

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