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First time with chems, I decided to go for broke


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Ive changed the names of some of the people involved, but this is my story of the first time using T


Iā€™m going back quite a few years to tell the story of my first-time using T. My name is Ed and at the time of these events I was 35 years old, 6 years out of the military, and about 5 years out of the closet. I had a tough time coming out to myself. I was brought up thinking ā€˜fags are weakā€™ and not something to be admired. I got by telling myself its OK if Iā€™m gay if Iā€™m a top. So, for many years I was 100% top, hunting for bottoms with my bud John, often at the gay campground I belonged to. Weā€™d make a game of how many bottom boys we could get in our sling in a night, making fun of how fast theyā€™d put up their legs after a few drinks. On the leather and motorcycle weekends we had the added fun of fucking the boys in the public play space the camp set up. I was a muscled motorcycle riding tattooed furry leather bear with a thick 8ā€ cock and 2GA PA so getting attention was never a problem. Taking a break I would watch the bottom pigs, ass up in the sling blissfully taking load after load. On the screens all around there was hardcore BB porn playing showing pigs indulging in every fetish imaginable; piss play, fisting, flogging, bondage, blindfolded cumdumps being used from both ends. My friends would say how hot it was, but then smirk and say but of course no self-respecting guy would really do all that. Iā€™d nod in agreement, but in the back of my mind I was thinking ā€œwhy the hell not?ā€ Ā Iā€™d fucking love to be in that kind of no limits fuck it all kind of pig pile; not worried about who might see or what they might think. Iā€™d experimented with bottoming when I was out of town for work. Iā€™d have some luck, but a lot of times a guy said he wanted to top but then he'd show up and want me to fuck him. Iā€™m not exactly submissive, but I am always eager to please so sure Iā€™d lube up and give a good pounding. In truth I was getting tired of being the on-call top. In the meantime, I practiced with toys in private at home.

About this time, I found the Breeding Zone site and started reading all the hot chem sex stories. I was always very strait laced and had only rarely tried pot. At first the stories of guys getting stealth chemmed and used as a cumdump really turned me on. I donā€™t know how many loads I jacked off reading those stories. Later though I realized I was really turned on by the stories of guys who embraced what they were, and open eyed begged to get turned into a chemmed up fuck hole, knowing exactly what they were getting themselves into and wanting every last greased up cock they could get.

Meanwhile a good friend of mine Rick was an expert fister and while he was showing me how to fist properly, heā€™d insist I needed to experience at least some of what I was doing to the bottom. I agreed and soon it was obvious to him that his 100% top friend liked his hole worked on. I admitted to him that not only did I like being fucked but increasingly Iā€™d been having fantasies about being the kind of totally used fuck hole Iā€™d read about on Breeding Zone. He said that he knew a Master in a town about an hour away who was looking for a once-a-month pig he could turn into his slave and willing fuck-toy. He was rough but sane and if I wanted, heā€™d pass on my contact information. I was shaken and excited and told Rick yes, if he thought I could live up to Master Tomā€™s demands Iā€™d very much want to try it.


About a week later I get a text saying: You Slave! I hear you need a Master to train you to serve.

Ā I replied ā€œYes Please Sir! I really need to know what it is to be a hole used without limits.ā€

Ā Good Answer! You must always call me Sir, or Master Tom, and when were together you will always be naked. The only time I ever want to hear the word no from you slave is if I ask ā€do you want me to stop?ā€ Understood?


Yes Sir!Ā  This pig is eager to become a naked slave for your use Master Tom


Good!Ā  Iā€™m free for a long weekend in two weeks. Can you come by my place one evening before then? There will be no sex, I need to inspect you and make sure Iā€™m not wasting my time. In the meantime, send me some full body pics of yourself plus dick and ass shots.


Yes, Master Tom, just tell this pig when and where to be and I will comply.


A date that suited Master Tom was set and on a Tuesday evening I found myself nervously knocking at his door exactly when he ordered. A tall man in dress slacks and a white shirt answered the door. He was very clean cut and looked more like a Mormon missionary than a slave master. ā€œSo, youā€™re the fuck hole applicant Rick sent me. He says you donā€™t have any experience as a slave, but you know how to follow orders and donā€™t whineā€.

Yes Sir! I want to be a good slave butā€¦

Sir Tom stopped me with a quick slap across the mouth.

ā€œPig you will NEVER address me unless you are fucking bare assedā€ ā€œDo you understand?ā€


I was confused for a moment then quickly stripped off my Camo shorts, tank top, jock, and jump boots. Naked in his open door I dropped to my knees for good measure and said Yes Sir! Thank you for the training, Sir. He seemed pleased and pointed to the living room, get up and walk was all he said. I walked naked into his living room and falling back on my military training stood at attention. I was rock hard! He walked around me looking me over. He kicked my legs open into a wider stance so he could thoroughly check me out. Master Tom said ā€œletā€™s make this clear. I want an obedient fuck hole that knows this is all about making my cock happy.ā€ If I accept you as a slave, you will always arrive, strip completely and present yourself for inspection. Understand you leave your clothes and rights at the door. Iā€™m a POZ Top and I only BB. I like to parTy and I want my slave to be fucked up too. You can speak normally, what do you think of being my slave.

I answered Sir, Iā€™m NEG but understand itā€™s a slaveā€™s place to take any load without question, please use and breed this pig as you want. Iā€™ve never partied Sir and Iā€™d do anything you ordered totally sober, but yes please put whatever the fuck you want into your pig. Turn me into your shameless tweaked up slave.


Good pig. For now, you will call yourself pig. Weā€™ll see if you earn the right to be called a slave. Your first order is for Friday evening. You have way too much hair for a slave. Iā€™ve made arrangements with a shaving Master to make some changes for me. Iā€™ll text you his number and you will arrange for him to shave you. Iā€™ve already told him what I want. Then you can report to me first thing Saturday morning. Is that understood Pig?

Oh fuck I thought, Iā€™ve always been a bear. Shaving seemed a big first step, but I took a deep breath and said Yes Master, the Pig will get shaved as ordered Sir.

Master Tom seemed pleased; said I was to be naked but could wear my weighted ball stretcher next time we met. I was also to remember that if we chatted online, even if only text I was to be naked when we spoke. With that he told me to get dressed and go, heā€™d see his new property Saturday AM. After I had dressed and was about to leave Master Tom handed me a black gift-wrapped box. He said it was for his shaving buddy and I could give it to him on Friday.


The next day I got a text from Master Tom with a phone number. It said ā€œset up your shaving session and then call me pigā€.

Ā OH FUCK I recognized that number. It was my buddy John who I hunted bottoms with at camp. I knew he was into shaving his boys but never thought he or anyone I knew would be involved with this exploration of mine.Ā  This was a serious shock, I tried to think of some plausible way to get shaved without going to him, but there really wasnā€™t anyway around it. If I wanted to be the chemmed up fuck hole Iā€™d been fantasizing about Iā€™d have to man up and push through it. I called John and after some beating around the bush said ā€œI think Master Tom set up an appointment for me to get shaved this Friday.ā€ I asked John if heā€™d be OK doing that with me. John was hesitant, do you really want to be this guyā€™s slave? Yes John, I fucking need to feel what its like to let go and be someoneā€™s shameless hole. Iā€™m kind of embarrassed that youā€™ve been pulled into this and since weā€™re such good friends if you donā€™t want to get involved, Iā€™ll ask Sir Tom for another barber. John thought a moment and said no he always wanted to get some clippers into my fur. He asked how he could be sure I wasnā€™t going to back out. I thought a moment and said John, if you do this for me, I will be glad to drive to your house fucking naked and walk in your door bare assed to prove my commitment to this. John said fucking hell yea! Good for you pig, get your bare ass up here by 7pm on Friday. Do you know what your Master asked me to shave? No John, I assumed my ass and maybe cock, but Iā€™m ready to do what Iā€™m told so please donā€™t tell me. I donā€™t want to chicken out.

I stripped and texted Master Tom telling him Iā€™d made the appointment. He immediately called in video mode. Sir Tom looked me up and down, said good your naked pig. Iā€™m glad you can follow orders.

Yes Sir! Ā I explained that I knew Barber master John from camp and it was difficult to open up about what I was doing, but I really want to do this. I explained that to prove to Master John that I meant business Iā€™d begged to drive to his house naked and ready to be shaved. Master Tom said Very Good Pig, you might just earn that slave collar sooner than I thought. Since youā€™ll be naked anyway, I want you to pull over about 15 minutes away from Johnā€™s place on Friday and give me a call. Understood Pig? Yes Sir! Thank you, Sir! Oh and Pig make sure youā€™re completely cleaned out. My pigs always suck my cock clean after I fuck them, and you will be doing that clean or not. I consider it an incentive for my Pigs to be extra clean. Itā€™s how a hole shows its respect. As a Master I may not be so careful, youā€™re just a hole so what do I care? Fuuuck Yes Sir!


On Friday I gassed up my truck, stripped and threw all my gear into a bag. I try not to fondle myself for the 45-minute drive to Johnā€™s place in the mountains. Iā€™m very nervous. Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™m going to be able to expose the sub-pig side of me to my bud. Iā€™ve worked really hard over the years on my hardcore top persona. About 15 minutes from Johnā€™s place, I pulled over and called Master Tom.


Master Tom says let me see pig, and I show him Iā€™m naked in the truck at an unused gas station. Good Pig, naked, the way youā€™re going to be the rest of this weekend. Tom says ā€œyou look a little nervous pig are you ready to go through with this? ā€œ

Sir, yes, pig is nervous, but it wants to obey so badly.

Thatā€™s a good pig, now I need you to follow a few more orders. First get that gift I sent for John and open it. Iā€™m puzzled but I comply. Inside I find a small box with four crystals of what I assume is T although Iā€™ve never actually seen it for real.

You know what that is pig?

Sir I think itā€™s shards of T Sir. I didnā€™t know John used drugs.

Sir, I have no idea if he does or not, but a compliant pig is my gift to him. Now pig lube up and shove one of those shards up your fuck hole as far as you can.

Iā€™m surprised this is how my first use of T is happening, but I push the fingernail sized shard up as deep as I can.Ā  I can feel a slight burn. The pig has been dosed Sir, thank you Master.

Thatā€™s a good pig. Hmmm does pig think thatā€™s enough?

Master please, order your pig to do more please Sir!

Fucking right pig, shove the rest of those shards in your hole. You need to get so fucking hungry for whatā€™s coming.

I push the other three slightly larger shards in and report, your pig has been dosed Sir! Thank you. My heart is racing but I donā€™t know if thatā€™s the T or just the excitement. Sir orders me to lick my fingers clean. I comply.

Master Tom says now get a move on pig you only have about 15 minutes before that starts to kick in.

Yes Sir and thank you Master.


As I drive to Johnā€™s my thoughts, which had been nervous and revolving around how embarrassing this was going to be started to change. I started to think about John pounding some willing boy while torturing his nipples. I thought how hot that would be if he put me in his sling. I began to wonder if John would get turned on by shaving me the way he did the boys at camp. Heā€™d often try to BB them while they were distracted. I was getting so horned up by the thought of asking him to BB me, the way a slave is supposed to be used. I got to Johnā€™s house starting to really turn into a fucking pig. I walked in, saw John sitting on his barber chair like a throne, geared in leather chaps, vest, and cap. Without a second thought I stood before him, dropped to my knees, and said Please Master John, do whatever the fuck Master Tom wants done to me. Really? John said. Are you really ready for this? Fuck John, Iā€™ve wanted this for so long. Make me into the fuck hole Master Tom wants, please I will do ANYTHING you want to show my gratitude. John laughs and said Iā€™m really going to enjoy this, now start sucking my cock. I crawl forward and start chewing on his jock pouch. I can feel his huge dick start to get hard. I know from watching him using other boys that he loves his nipples worked on, so as I worship his cock through the jock I look up into his eyes and raise my hands to his nipples. He sees the question in my eyes and says yes pig, play with my nips. I begin to twist and work them as I fish his growing cock out of the side of his jock with just my mouth. I know it can grow to over 9 inches and I need that to happen. For 10 minutes or more I just deep throat his dick and play with his nips. I thought the shards had made me high, but they were just beginning to dissolve. A huge wave of lust hits me as I sigh and relax into my position, legs spreading a bit wider, feeling my hole start to take over. John slides his hand down my sweaty back toward my hole. I canā€™t help but moan as he explores my newly available hole. John stands, holds my face and says, youā€™re going to get what you want pig, shaved, marked, fucked, and sent away wet. He then grabbed a bottle of poppers held them to one nostril. Breathe deep pig, show me you want this. I filled my lungs deep. After a slow count of ten he pinched the other nostril and said Again! I filled my lungs deep with the fumes knowing the rush that was coming. After a count of ten he let me exhale, then almost as an afterthought put the bottle back up to the first nostril. Thatā€™s it pig, letā€™s get you intoxed real good. I huffed deep wanting to please this man that wasnā€™t a friend anymore. He was a fat cocked master that I needed to please and had to have him use me. After a few more hits John turned around and rested his arms on the barber chair. I needed no instructions; I buried my face in his ass and started rimming his hole like a starving dog. All I could think about as my head spun from the poppers and the T was how much I needed to please this man. I WANTED my bud to see I was a totally willing cock worshiping cum hungry hole. Johnā€™s hole was clean and tasted mildly of soap, but it suddenly hit me that I wouldnā€™t have stopped even if it wasnā€™t. I was really becoming the kind of pig I envied from the videos. I continued to eat Johnā€™s hole and suckle his balls while pulling on my own sensitive nipples. My cock had gone soft despite how horny I felt; the T dick I read about. That didnā€™t seem to matter because all that I could think about was getting my hungry hole used. Johnā€™s phone chimed and I heard him chuckling to someone. Yes, heā€™s here and just about totally in the zone. How much do you want me to take off? Really? Here you can tell the pig. John held his phone up, Master Tom was on the line. I looked at him with lust and tina crazed eyes and said simply Master!

Master Tom said, ā€œYouā€™re flying high by now pigā€. Tell John what youā€™ve done.

I looked up at John and said ā€œbefore I arrived, I begged Master Tom to let me shove four fat shards of T up my hole. Iā€™ve never done tina before so now Iā€™m high AF. I was nervous, but now Iā€™m proud for you to see me spinning up into totally submissive pig begging to become a slave.ā€

Nice Pig, so youā€™ve made sure you canā€™t resist anything I feel like doing to you. No Sir John, I gladly turned myself into a tweaked up obedient cock whore for you to see and use. Help me please Master Tom and show him Iā€™m ready to be his completely obedient slave.


Master Tom said perfect! Shave the pig head to toe. He can keep the goatee but trim it down.

John said ā€œHear that pig? Youā€™re getting it all shaved, chest, pits, ass, cock, legsā€¦all of it!ā€

OH FUCK! ā€¦.. Yes, please shave me down to a total slave state. Pig needs to be stripped down for Sir. Turn the pig into a hairless object, please.

Master Tom says, ā€œI wish I could watch but Iā€™ve got things to do. Pig you wonā€™t mind if John takes pictures for me while he works? ā€œ

No, Master Tom, John can take as many pictures as he wants while the pig gets modified for your use.

Over the next hour or more John clippers and then razor shaves me from head to toe. Iā€™ve had thick dark body hair since I was 17. I always loved being a bear, but now with the tina running through me I was totally desperate to get shaved down. While John shaved my head I sucked his cock. When he started on my pits I thought I was going to cum. He asked ā€œhow you feeling pig?ā€ and I couldnā€™t stop thanking him for doing this. I so wanted to show him how grateful I was and at first timidly asked him if heā€™d like to fuck me when he was done. He heard the hesitation in my voice and said not backing out now are you. Fuck no John, I just didnā€™t want to demand anything from you, but Iā€™d love to be strapped into your sling and have my hole opened wide by your cock. I know you try to stealth the boys at camp. You donā€™t need to try to trick me, Iā€™d be proud to take your cock bare John. John reminded me he was POZ to which I said Iā€™d be so honored to get bred by you John. Iā€™m going to be a fucking bb slave for Master Tom. He said from now on I only get fucked bare and I donā€™t get a choice who fucks me. I want to look up at you while you dump a load in me. He asked me are you sure itā€™s not the tina talking, you might regret this in the morning?

Ā John, I reply, Iā€™ve been taking cock in secret on work trips for years. Iā€™ve been ashamed of it but it gets me rock hard asking to be bred. The only thing the tina is doing is helping me tell you without shame that Iā€™m here to get dumped in by anyone and I honestly want you to bone and breed me too.

ā€œHell then letā€™s get this shaving done pig!ā€ John did a meticulous job removing all my hair then rinsed the lather off by pissing on me. I sucked his cock as he pissed, swallowing some and spitting the rest over my denuded body. Then still dripping with his piss John said get your ass in that sling, Hole. NOW!

I ran across the playroom and hopped into the sling; my hungry ass just hanging over the edge of the leather right in place for easy access. I hooked my feet in the stirrups and tightened them, then cuffed my one hand. Johnā€™s like ā€œfuck you are eager for thisā€. He cuffed my other hand then attached them to a bar that would hold them right at his nipples. I knew my job was to get him hard and keep him hard. He took an old dirty jock and soaked it in poppers holding it over my nose and mouth. I sucked the fumes in deep, wanting to be as fucked up for John as I could get. I heard John say something about taking pictures with my camera, and knew Iā€™d be filmed taking his cock raw. I reveled in the complete depravity of it all. John removed the jock and stood in front of me jacking lube on his 9 incher. Talk to me pig. Tell me and the camera what you need. I looked directly into Johnā€™s eyes and said ā€œplease Sir, help turn me into a bareback cumdump, ride me raw and let me beg for your load in me.ā€

Ā My load? he asked. What kind of load?Ā 

ā€œSir John, please fuck your POZ load into this pig. Convert me from a worthless neg hole into a POZed up cumdumpster proud of every load it gets!ā€ As I begged to be violated John grew harder and harder. ā€œOh Fuck John, please next leather weekend at camp I need you to raw bone me in the public sling. Let the pigs see what kind of filthy hole youā€™ve turned me into.ā€ That pushed John over the edge and he rammed his cock into me balls deep in one thrust. Even high on tina it fucking hurt but I didnā€™t stop urging him on. I lay there, ass completely owned by my bud while I worked on his nipples to get him even harder. I worked my hole squeezing and relaxing to make his fuck even better; all the while mumbling a stream of pig filth about turning into a complete and total cock slave. At that point he slowed a bit, grabbed his phone attached to the sling and turned on the camera. Youā€™re going to want a record of this pig. Yea John, film me taking your raw cock in my hungry hole. Help break me down till I donā€™t care if Iā€™m being broadcast live to complete strangers. Please, please breed this willing pig hole. Fuck feel free to offer me up online if you like. With that John grunted and began unloading deep in me. It felt awesome, being used, making a man feel good using my holes. John slowed but didnā€™t stop, he continued to churn to load heā€™d just deposited. He said, Iā€™d love to use you all night, but I have somewhere to be. It is going on 10pm. I suddenly realized just how fucking high I still was from the tina four hours earlier. There was no way I could drive, but I didnā€™t want to ruin my budā€™s night. John saw the worried look in my eyes and said donā€™t worry, Master Tom has you covered. John helped me from the sling and gave my legs a second to firm up. A moment later though I remembered my instructions and dropped to my knees to suck his cock clean. It tasted of cum, my ass juices, and a bitter taste I would learn was tina. As I cleaned him his phone chimed, and he said, ā€œright on time; just stay there pig.ā€ John walked out of the room and I knelt there looking at myself in the mirrors all around. I saw myself shaved down for the first time. I couldnā€™t help but run my hands over my smooth body, eventually reaching my wet dripping hole. My fingers went in and I moaned loudly, fuck I felt great, I was a hungry pig with a load in its hole and happy to be one. I thought about grabbing my phone but stayed put playing with my hole and licking the cum off my fingers.


Suddenly I heard a new voice, deep and loud. Hell, thatā€™s a site, a newly minted chem pig working its hole. I looked up to see a huge bear of a man in dirty jeans, work boots and a wife beater, being led into the room by John. I staired at this new arrival, mouth gaping, and whined a little in the back of my throat. John said this is Trucker Mark, heā€™s a friend of Master Tom. Your Master realized youā€™d be in no shape to drive; so, since his buddy here had to deliver a cab to the local Truckstop, he asked him to drive your car and you down to Allentown and deliver you both to Sir Tom when his shift ends. I finally swallowed and found my voice, ā€œThank you very much Trucker Mark! ā€¦ ā€œMay I please suck your cock, Sirā€

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Mark said oink this pig is learning fast. No pig your barber here has somewhere to go so we need to thank him and get out of his ā€¦hair. Still on my knees I said thank you Master John for shaving me down like the slave I need to be. Then I stood up and walked over closer to Trucker Mark; he smelt of cigar smoke and sweat. It was perfume to my pig senses. Mark asked where are the pigā€™s clothes? John said in his truck I guess. The eager fucker waked in here buckass naked. Mark replied sweet, then he can leave that way too. John stopped me though and said before you go youā€™ll want this. He took a medium butt plug down and slid it into my still dripping hole. You wouldnā€™t want to lose that load you begged so hard for pig. The plug felt awesome as he shoved it home. I thanked John for it, promising to return it soon. John handed my keys over to Mark and said have fun. We walked outside in the cool autumn air. It felt fantastic being outside naked, sweaty, hairless, greasy, and still very high. We got in my truck and started out. I knew it would be about an hour to Allentown, I looked over at trucker Mark and asked if I could blow him as he drove. Mark said hold off pig till I get on the highway. In the meantime, show me that pig hole and work your own nips. I lay back in my seat spreading my legs wide and working the plug in my hole. I alternated between my hole and playing with my nipples. I asked Mark if I could grab some clamps from my play bag. He said go for it pig, do whatever you want. I grabbed some tit clamps and fastened them on tight, hooking the chain to my PA. My dick was still unresponsive, soft, thick, and sensitive, not as small as it had been. I played with myself and with a little encouragement from Mark told him my story. I explained that I had never parTied before but was really hoping Sir Tom would teach me to be a chemmed up fuck hole. I confessed I always wanted to be a raw hole just taking any man that felt like using me. I dreamed of sucking my ownerā€™s cock, face buried in his pubes while men I never even look at come up and mount my hole. Mark growled in appreciation of my pig talk, his had dropping to his ample crotch. Fuck pig lean over here and chew on my Leviā€™s. I was on him in a flash, thankful I had bought this vintage truck with the full bench seat. I chewed on that well worn denim savoring the smell of sweat, and dick funk. As I sucked and slobbered over Markā€™s growing cock; instinct took over and I climbed onto my hands and knees, plugged ass pointing at the window. Mark told me to use my hands, or Iā€™d never get those buttons open. I freed his thick uncut cock and savored the smell for just a moment before I began tongue bathing it tip to root. Normally Iā€™d have been put off by the heavy dick cheese filling his uncut hood. Now reveling in my newfound piggishness, I savored it before working the whole thing down my throat. Time seemed to stand still as I worshiped this manā€™s cock. After a while he told me to take a break and drink some water, so I didnā€™t dehydrate. Sitting next to this fully clothed trucker, naked, legs spread wide, felt so right to me. I was a hole without rights and according to Master Tom available for any man to use. Mark said I should get my phone and check in with Master Tom. I texted my owner thanking him for arranging my safe delivery. In a few seconds he connected video. I showed him my hole and my shaved down cock and balls. It was almost midnight, and we were about 20 minutes away from Allentown. Sir Tom worked the evening desk at a local hotel. He said the night manager called out and likely master Tom wouldnā€™t be free until 7am. He said I should let him talk to Mark, and in the meantime get that plug out of my hole because he liked tight pig holes to fuck. I put the phone in the window cradle and put it on speaker for Mark. Then leaning back, I pulled the plug from my hole and feeling totally filthy stuck it in my mouth. I caught part of what Sir Tom was saying to Mark, something about keeping me busy till morning. Mark said no problem and signed off. He said Well pig we have a few hours to kill and Tom said I could help break in his new fuck toy. My ass tingled and I said yes please I need to show my appreciation for you driving me Sir. Good he said, now first things first. He reached into his boot and removed a small box. He flipped it open revealing a bag full of tina shards

I think this pig needs a recharge.

Yes Sir! What do you want the pig to do Sir?

Take two large shards pig and work them into your cunt like a good fag!

Yes Sir, thank you Sir Mark.

Good pig now let them get to work.

I leaned back playing with my nips and waiting for the shards to take hold. In a few minutes I moaned as the tina started to work its magic.

Youā€™re starting to feel it pig?

Oh Yes Sir!

Think youā€™re tweaked enough to please me pig?

Sir, please let the pig take more Sir. Please get it as tweaked up as you want it to be Sir.

Yea Pig, do twoā€¦no make it three moreĀ  NOW!

With shaking eager hands I pushed three more shards up my already burning hole. Thank you Sir, I said licking my fingers. May the pig take another Sir?

Good Pig, I like your attitude, but thatā€™s enough for now. Sir Tom says youā€™re new at this so those 5 shards are going to blast you into orbit pig.

I leaned back feeling the rush grow over me. I looked at Mark and thought Iā€™ll let this man do whatever the fuck he wants with me. My thoughts grew even more filthy and twisted as I felt the tina take control. Sir Mark chuckled and said now youā€™re starting to spin the way a pig hole should. Now while youā€™re still coherent I want you to log onto any hookup apps you have. I quickly launched Grinder BBRTS, ASSPig, and RECON. Good pig now change your profiles to 100% bottom, safe sex never. I complied and saved the changes. Mark asked what you donā€™t have an NKP profile?. I hadnā€™t heard of that site I said so he told me to make a profile, total bottom, bug chaser, yes to drugs, and upload some of tonightā€™s pics to the profile. Normally Iā€™d be cautious about these things but tonight I wanted to expose my pig side so bad I made the changes he required. By this point the tina had me so fucking horned up. Mark said look at your fag clit pig. I looked down and my shaved dick had shrunk to a nub. I was starting to worry about what people would think when Mark said Perfect! Now everyone who sees that will know youā€™re just a tweaked up parTy fag available for use. Everything Mark said just turned me on even more. Fuck I was spinning out of control and ready to offer myself to fucking anyone. I just wanted Mark to see me being a total pig and feel his approval. As I sat in the car spinning out of control, I asked Mark if I could put on some cuffs and a collar, please?Ā  He said yes to the wrist and ankle cuffs, but Iā€™d have to wait for Master Tom to collar me. I attached the leather restraints and then with an OK nod from Mark put on my 10# steel ball shackle with the hook points to attach the cuffs as needed. Mark then said sorry to cover up this work of art pig but put on your boots, jock, shorts with leather suspenders, and tank top. I got dressed in the car as ordered picking out my Tom of Finland Fuck Pig tank top. Mark whistled and said sweet! Were making a stop at the local bookstore. Leave your wallet keys and phone in the car. We pulled into the parking lot of a sleezy looking two story building. I got out of the car shaking with excitement and the tina. Mark walked to my side of the truck and it only took his hand on my shoulder to put me on my knees. There in the parking lot for all to see I looked up at this man and begged him to use me, share me, do anything he felt like with me. Mark pried my mouth open and spat in it. I swallowed eagerly, he muttered ā€œalmost thereā€.


We walked into the front of the store. I looked like a thousand others, porn, toys, poppers up front and a door to the darkened back area. Mark seemed to know the clerk who looked to be in his 50ā€™s and a bit overweight, they chatted a bit, the clerk said it looks like he had a live one tonight. Mark took the back of my neck in his huge paw and turned me toward to clerk. He said thank the nice clerk for the complement pig. I said thank you Sir. If youā€™d like to use me tonight, Iā€™d be proud to be of service to you. The clerk grinned and said before you men head in back Iā€™ll take your pig to the break room for a minute. I followed the clerk to a dingy break room where he pointed to a row of old lockers. You should just put your clothes and stuff in there. Iā€™d keep the boots. I stripped off my gear, all but my jock, and said I was good. The clerk said suit yourself then fished out his dick which I started sucking in a flash. While I sucked his cock I felt him slide his hand down my back to check out my hole.Ā  I shivered as he fingered me. He said stay right there while he rummaged in a locker beside me. He soaked a rag in alcohol and wiped down my sweaty back. Then I felt a familiar burning as he fingered my hole. Finally, with his dick firmly back in my mouth he applied some tape to my back just above my ass. He rubbed it back and forth a bit then pulled it free. Meanwhile as I sucked the clerkā€™s dick I started to buzz even more. By the time I stood up I felt Oh hell fuck it and stripped off the jock. The clerk said thatā€™s much better, then turned me to look in a mirror. Across my lower back just above my ass in bold black lettering was a temporary tattoo bearing the word CUMDUMP. With a smirk he sent me into the darkened back room. It was the standard arrangement of booths and gloryholes, dark and mazelike. I started looking for Mark when I saw a hot younger guy go into a booth. My hole took over and I went into the adjacent one and immediately bent over offering to suck the guyā€™s cock. He pushed it through the hole to me and I started sucking like a champ, slow then fast teasing the head then taking the whole shaft. I never though to lock the booth door, or even close it the whole way for that matter, so as I was sucking the college kid off someone came into the booth. I didnā€™t look up from the blowjob I was giving I just spread my legs for better access to the full service hole. I felt the stranger finger me a bit then the jingle of his belt as he pulled out his dick. I wondered if I should suck it to help him get hard when I felt his already hard cock press into my ass. I relaxed, spread myself wider and felt this anonymous cock slide into me. This was what I needed, no conversation about limits, or safe sex, just the obviously hungry hole up for grabs. My stranger rode me for a few minutes then without warning jackrabbited his load into my fuckhole. Before I could turn to give him a thank you cock wash he was gone. I smiled to myself and continued to suck the college kid. He eventually pulled back and whispered through the gloryhole ā€˜Did that guy just fuck you?ā€™ yea I answered, would you like to fuck me too. He seemed torn and said maybe later. I stood up to see my booth door was wide open, Mark was standing there huge arms crossed over his now bare chest grinning like a cat. Hey Pig there you are, I see Gary (the clerk) has you stripped and ready for action. Letā€™s look around and see whoā€™s here. I followed him like a hungry puppy looking at his massive legs and hard ass moving inside his jeans. He stopped at the intersection of two halls and pointed at his feet. I got the command and in a flash I was on my knees in front of him reaching for his open button fly. He gave a nod and said go for it pig. I pulled his uncut meat free and started working it for all I was worth. After a bit he pushed a bottle up to my nose and I huffed the fumes in deep, a second hit and I was back slobbering on his meat like a champ. I heard voices around me. Mark put his hand on the back of my head pushing his cock in deep. He then took a step back while holding my head so I had no choice but to come up off my knees bent at the waist to continue sucking. I heard the comments around me get louder, but still indistinct. Mark fed me more poppers and then forced his cock all the way down my throat. I couldnā€™t breathe, but I didnā€™t want to push off so I tried to relax and just go with it. The poppers and the lack of air had me a little dizzy so I spread my legs way wider to have a steadier stance. That got a chorus of approving ā€œhungry pigā€ and ā€œfucking fagā€ from the unseen onlookers. In a moment a hand was checking out my hole quickly followed by a hard cock shoved in fast and deep. I held onto Markā€™s legs for support and grunted with each thrust. Whoever the guy was he liked pulling his dick the whole way out then slamming it back it. Mark alternated encouraging me with ā€˜take it pigā€ and ā€œfucking hungry fag holeā€ while continuing to feed me poppers. Eventually the man fucking me said he needed a break and wasnā€™t ready to cum yet. He pulled out and before Mark could say anything I spun around and started sucking the guyā€™s cock clean, all the while looking up at him trying to signal ā€˜thank youā€™ with my eyes.

Mark had me stand and said before we co upstairs I need a smoke break. He led me out a side door onto a fenced off patio. He handed me a bottle of water saying sit on that table and drink this down. I complied, all the while looking at the other men on the patio. One was stripped down to a jock giving blowjobs to two guys who traded him back and forth. The other man 40ā€™s and bearish kept looking at me. I wanted him to use me but didnā€™t know if I was supposed to stay with Mark. Mark saw my confusion and came to me rescue. He said I need to piss fag. On your back with your head over the edge of the table. I got into position then Mark hooked my ankle cuffs to my wrist cuffs and spread my hole for anyone to see. He then pushed his cock in my mouth saying donā€™t suck, just try to swallow. He relaxed and sighed and after a bit I felt him start to piss in my mouth. Iā€™m actually a big piss pig anyway but his piss was so bitter and pungent I would gag every time I tried to swallow. I got a little down which pleased him, though I felt bad for failing. The other bear was watching this and came over. He asked Mark, Ok if I piss in your pigā€™s hole? Mark says go for it. The guy says something I canā€™t quite hear about his piss being potent but Mark just laughs. The bear works his semihard cock into me while Mark encourages me to stay still and relax my hole. In a bit the bear sighs and I feel warmth filling up my hole. Mark says yea fag, just a hole for real menā€™s fluids. Markā€™s dick still in my mouth all I can do is nod in agreement. The bear finishes and Mark offers my mouth for use while he pisses in my hole too. They swap places and Mark pushes in forcing the piss and cum already in me deeper. As I feel Mark start to piss the guy using my mouth says in a few minutes this fagā€™s going to be in orbit. Through the fog I remember reading stories about chem piss and its effects. I just grunt my thanks around the cock in my mouth. Mark and the bear leave me laying there on the picnic table while they finish their smokes. My wrists and ankles are still linked together so all I can do is lay there ass clenched to hold in the piss while I fly even higher. Eventually Mark unhooks my restraints and tells me were going in to get rid of all that piss. He takes me to a grimy bathroom off the employee breakroom and tells me to force it all out. With him watching I shit out all the piss and a few clots of cum; other than that I was still clean. Mark grabs a toy from a locker and greases it up. He says we just need to be sure youā€™re rid of all the piss, fag. He takes the dildo that has been used who knows how many times by who knows who and power fucks me with it. Its not large but it helps void the last of the piss in me. When he pulls it out he says still clean pig, then remembering how I cleaned the butt plug back in the truck he puts it in my mouth. I suck it clean without hesitation to his comment of filthy fag.

By now its after 4am and the crowd has left the bookstore. Mark says itā€™s time to get you cleaned up and over to Master Tomā€™s place. I ask, arenā€™t you going to fuck me Sir Mark? He says no pig, not this time. Sir Tom and I are good friends, and it just donā€™t feel right using his new toy before he does. Not to worry pig, Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be getting a shot at your ass real soon.


I dress and we head over to Master Tomā€™s house. Sir isnā€™t yet home, but Mark has a key. Becoming very business like he has me strip off all my gear. Then we share a long warm shower. I carefully scrub him and he uses some alcohol to remove my CUMDUMP tattoo. After heā€™s done, he leaves me alone to thoroughly clean out with the shower shot. I make very sure Iā€™m completely clean for my new Sir, then venture out to find Mark relaxing on the couch. Mark says Master Tom will be home in about an hour. Itā€™s not that they donā€™t trust me, but Iā€™m a new guy and heā€™s not leaving me alone in Sir Tomā€™s house. I completely understand. With a gesture from Mark I join him on the couch, snuggled in close to his furry body and idly stroking my own newly hairless one. I stifle a yawn and Mark says we canā€™t have that. He loads a large waterpipe and offers it to me. Iā€™m forced to admit Iā€™ve never smoked before and donā€™t know how. Mark says Tom really did get a newbie the lucky dog. Since Tom only smokes, Iā€™d better show you what to do. Mark takes a torch and carefully melts the fresh T rolling the bulb till it coats the inside surface. Explaining how important it is to keep the flame moving and never burn the T he takes a long deep hit. Holding it a second or two he blows a thick white cloud into my face. ā€œYour Turn, Iā€™ll work the torchā€ He fires it up and soon the white vapor starts to form. Start sucking pig, ā€¦ no slower you need to pull in a good lungful. I keep inhaling as he coaches ā€˜more, more. Yea real deep pigā€™ I finally canā€™t suck in anymore when he says stop, now hold it till I say let it out. He keeps me holding it in for a long ten seconds while he takes a short hit from the pipe. Eventually he says OK blow it out nice and slow. I exhale a thick white cloud that covers us both. Before I can take a clean breath of air Mark has the pipe back to my lips coaching me through a second massive hit. Again, I hold it as I feel my heart start to speed up. This time he lets me breathe normally for a bit before handing me the pipe and torch telling me show him what Iā€™ve learned. I carefully go through the steps taking a hit on my own. I relax feeling this new rush start to take effect when my phone chimes. Itā€™s Master Tom telling me heā€™ll be home in 20 minutes or so. He tells Mark that if he thinks Iā€™m trustworthy he can head out and thanks for the delivery service. Master Tom then tells me to start smoking the pipe he left for me and donā€™t stop until its empty or he gets home. I thank Trucker Mark for everything he did and that I hope he enjoyed using me as much as I enjoyed being used. He smiled then barked out ā€œGet smoking that pipe fagā€ ā€œBelieve me, youā€™re going to need it when Master Tom gets homeā€


Shaved pig eager to please

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On 8/2/2023 at 6:34 AM, NJCPig said:

Thanks. I have the rest completed. How often should I drop a new chapter

Why be coy ? You said you have completed it, so post it. What are you waiting for, pleading ?

Edited by Pig4Fucking
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