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I first met Peter in the summer of 1989. I'd just finished my first year at Cambridge and he had finished his third year studying classical literature. I'd walked into a small cafe very close to the University. The cafe was crowded with summer visitors and he was sat alone on a table for four. All the other tables were taken and I asked if one of the chairs at his table was free. He'd been head down reading some heavy thesis on Chaucer and looked quite relieved by my interruption. As he raised his head I was immediately attracted to his smile and open features. He had the most blue, blue eyes and light blonde hair parted at the side with a floppy fringe. He was wearing an old fashion tweed jacket mismatched with a pair of faded levis and a pale blue polo shirt. I had never felt such an immediate chemistry with another human being. I sat and we began talking about University, our subjects and what our plans were for the summer. The conversation was easy, unhurried and warm. After half an hour or so Peter said he'd have to go as he still had a pack and get to the train station for his journey home for the summer holidays. I watched as he paid his bill at the counter then made his way to the door, briefly looking round to give me a wave goodbye.

I have to say I was more than a little disappointed that he'd had to leave and I wouldn't see him until after the holidays. Sods law, I thought. I just meet someone like him and I won't see him for months.

In fact it was almost a year until I saw Peter again. I'd returned to University in September to continue my studies and kept an eye out for him but, he didn't appear to be back. I didn't want to appear too keen or that I was stalking him so, kept kept my enquiries fairly discreet. I found a few students who were were in the same year and even returned to the cafe several times, but there was no news as to where he was. Eventually I gave up and and concentrated on my studies in medieval history. 

Easter was particularly late the following year which reduced the time for revision before work needed to be submitted before the summer holidays. That Spring was warm and I spent many hours studying in the grounds of my college. One sunny afternoon in late May I was perched on a wooden bench. I was feeling confident that I'd done more than enough work to complete the year and had started to relax a little.  I closed my eyes and lifted my head so I could feel the warm sun on my face when a voice said "Oh hello, you look very chilled" I opened my eyes and saw Peters smiling face. "Oh hello stranger, what happened to you? Just for a moment a dark look appeared on his face "Oh, I took a break as a relative was unwell but, he's okay now so I'm back. I had to defer this year but I've kept my studies up so, I should be fine for next year" He sat on the bench and we talked for a long time about anything and everything.  As before,  the conversation was easy and warm. As we talked it was obvious to me that we were attracted to each other. We arranged to meet a pub in town that evening for a pint or two. 

We met in the White Swan at eight, if I remember correctly. We had a beer and  after an hour or so I asked if he'd like to come back to my rooms. I was impatient to get him alone and see where it lead. I hoped to my bed.

My abode was two rooms plus a kitchen and bathroom in a large Georgian house. Thankfully very private, although I'd only taken a couple guys back for one night stands in whole time I'd been there.

I opened the front door and lead Peter into the lounge. "Would you like coffee or something else? He smiled then laughed and removing his jacket he said "Definitely something else" We moved toward each other at the same moment. Our mouths met and our arms were around each other in one fluid motion. His body felt hard and warm. As we pressed together I could feel our erections being pressed together through our clothing. I felt dizzy and so, so horny. I reached down and felt his hard cock. He was slightly larger than average and I began to gently massage it through the denim cloth of his jeans. His hands were on my buttocks pulling me close to him. His tongue in my mouth exploring. I pulled the shirt out of his jeans, undid the top button of his waistband and slipped my hand inside. God his cock felt good. He undid my belt, button and zipper and pulled my trousers and underwear down in one movement,  briefly grabbing my cock and now naked arse. I pulled my shirt over my head then undid the buttons of his jeans as he slipped off his shirt. We were naked now except for our socks. I pulled Peter toward the bedroom. "One second" He said and reached into his pocket for his wallet.  We reached the bed and fell onto it, Peter on top of me. He moved down the bed and began to suck me. His warm, wet mouth felt so good on my hard cock. At the same time I felt a finger slide between my arse cheeks and touch my hole. I wanted him inside me so badly. I opened my legs and said "Please fuck me, I need you now" Peter reached for wallet that he placed on the bed. He removed a small sachet of lube and a condom. He rolled the condom skillfully down the length of his shaft then tore the sachet open.  I really wasn't bothered about him wearing a condom but was glad of the lube. He sqeezed the packet onto his fingers which he then gently, while kissing me passionately, sipped them inside me lubricating the internal walls of my arse. He then sqeezed the remaining fluid into his cock. Then he lay ontop of me and very slowly slid his cock past my sphincter and deep inside me. It felt wonderful. He began fucking me gently as we continued to kiss passionately. I'd never felt like this before. It didn't just feel like sex, a quick fuck. This felt much more intense. As deep as his cock penetrated me, I wanted more. I wanted our bodies to melt into each other, to become one being. He began to fuck faster now. Every now and then he would withdraw fully and inspect the condom before plunging back, deep inside me. After ten minutes or so he pulled away from my mouth, pushed his cock inside as deep as he could, looked me in the eyes and cried out as his orgasm took hold. I could feel his jerking inside me as he emptied his ball inside me, or rather into the condom. He was still for a while then slowly withdrew from and inspected the condom again before taking my cock in his mouth. It only took half a dozen strokes of his mouth on my engorged cock before I myself cried out and filled his mouth with seed feeling like my entire being was entering his mouth.

We lay for a while just holding each other. Caressing each other. We had literally only known each other for less than a few hours in total but, I knew beyond all doubt that I loved this man. We hadn't just had sex, we had made love.

From then on we met everyday.  Always at my rooms and every time we had sex Peter used a condom. We became as close as two human beings can be. We even told each other we were in love with the other.

One night, about six weeks after our first night of passion, we had had sex and I was still ravenous for him. I wanted him to fuck me again. He told me that he really wanted to but he didn't have anymore condoms. I told him I didn't care. I wanted his to cum inside me. I wanted his seed in me. "Look, I'm not going to fuck you without a rubber,  no way" He was very serious and I was a little hurt, thinking he may catch something from me. I said "Look, I haven't had sex with anyone but you this year and I was tasted for STDs after my last partner. I wouldn't risk giving you anything, I just wouldn't. I love you and would never risk our relationship. Peter looked at me. Hi facial expression had turned serious. There was moister in his eyes. I thought he was going to cry. I put my hand on the side of his face and kissed him gently. "What on earth is the matter Peter, please tell me" He looked distraught, like he was about to break down. Then he told me everything. He said he had been in a short relationship with another student two years ago. It wasn't anything serious, just sex. He had let the other guy fuck him occasionally, although Peter was really a top he knew the other guy was  really versatile. Anyway,  last year they broke up. Just after Peter had met me and gone home for the summer he felt ill. He thought it was just a summer cold at first but, then he got really ill. He'd been taken into hospital with pneumonia and while he was there they did tests and, there was a long pause at this point but eventually he told me he'd been diagnosed with HIV. I was more than a little shocked. I couldn't believe it. Peter looked so healthy. He said that that's why he's obsessed with condoms. He loved me more than anything and didn't want to give it to me. He said he was so sorry for not telling me and would completely understand if I never wanted to see him again. At this I leaned forward and took him in my arms and held him more tightly than I ever had before. I told him I loved him more than life itself. That whatever happened I would always love him. We both cried and held each other before we went to sleep.

I didn't want there to be any barriers between us e physical or otherwise. If he was poz, I would be poz.


****To be continued ****





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*****Part 2******

Two months later we moved in together or rather he moved in with me. I helped him move all his gear including a large bag of drugs he'd been given to try and control his HIV. 

We loved each other unconditionally, had regular sex and continued the safe sex regime. We lived in my rooms for the next three years. Peter finished a PHD and then a teaching degree. He was so well thought of he was offered a post at Cambridge. I finished my degree and decided that I needed to do completely different. With money inherited from my Grandparents I took over a bookshop in Cambridge dealing in anything from second hand student literature, popular fiction and even comic books (which actually made more money than anything else) Eventually we bought a small terraced house in the centre of city within easy walk to the University and my shop. 

Despite my pleading Peter would not entertain any thoughts of unprotected sex. By now due to various side effects Peter had come off all medication but, despite this seemed healthier than ever.

2014 and finally we could be married in the UK. A date was arranged and a small celebration with just a few friends and family. 

On our wedding night we went home to our small house and our big bed. We stripped our clothes and held each other admiring our shiny wedding bands. I took Peters cock in my hand, determined that tonight we would consummate our marriage fully. I dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth. He was already wet with precum. I tasted his nectar and slowly moved my mouth along his shaft, cradling his balls in my hand. I stood and kissed him deeply. His hands found my ball and cock, tenderly caressing them before reaching around my back and feeling my hole, as he'd done a thousand times before. I moved to the bed and lay down pulling him ontop of me. I opened my legs and put them around him, pulling his body close to mine. I reached down and took hold of his cock and placed it at the entrance to my hole. I said "I want you to breed me, consummate our marriage and make me pregnant" I think the years of nagging, the heat of the moment and my determination finally got through to him. Slowly, very slowly, he eased into me. To me it almost felt for the first time we were actually having sex. No lubricant and no condom, just my husband inside me. He looked at me and hesitated for a second. "Do it, give it to me. I want you so badly. Poz me, make me truly yours" Then we began to fuck. Hard and fast. He flipped me onto my front and fucked me for ten minutes like that before turning me back over and fucking me face to face. We fucked like that for a further ten minutes. Sweat was pouring from our bodies. His cock felt better than it ever had before, bigger, deeper and more sensitive inside me. I hadn't even touched my own cock but was close to my own orgasm. Then he got that look in his eye. The look I'd seen a thousand times before. I thought he might try and pull out before he came inside so I made sure to tightly wrap my legs around him and my hands on his buttocks pulling him inside me. He reached the point of no return and thrust himself deep inside me shooting his sperm inside me and coating my insides with his seed. At the same time, overcome, I climaxed, coating the flesh of our stomachs with my own semen. 

For the first time I felt complete. Our bodies completely as one. 



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12 hours ago, marriedsub said:

Beautiful, romantic story, and quite inspiring. Would love to be married to a man and get pregnant with his poz babies!

That's the ultimate submission, honey! 

For the neg, because they give their complete dedication to their partner. The end of old life and beginning of the new one. 

And for the poz, it's such a pride. Loving their partner as much as feeling the desire to share the most intimate part of you. 

A ring? You can lose it, it can get ruined or even stolen. 

The virus, at the most it can be STEALTHED! 

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15 hours ago, BBArchangel said:

I love a romantic pozzing story, and this one is well-written.


Same tastes! 

Not to criticize, but I often find stories that are all similar. I love the ones from heir2012 for example, which imply many kinds of feelings, beyond sex; then tankbottom. And of course this one! 

I also have read one about a couple where one pozzed .the other and they then opened a bathhouse, the guy was navi32 but he deleted his account. 

Anyway I also understand why it's difficult... Oh, there was Losolent too, but his stories were a bit too complex I think. 

Well, creating a good story to "fidelize" readers, to get them affectionate to author and character, is too complex as it must be balanced. It's easier to create one about random hookups cumdumps and pozzings but feelings involve us to grow up with the character itself. 

I'm an author myself, I've had one finished story "we have to talk" and I wanted to make people get feelings for the talking virus. But I did not succeed completely! So, I simply took it easy and am currently working on different projects outside. Does 2024 bring something new? Who knows? 

My virus has no intention to get up and inspire me at moment. We lost Whamageddon game... And that's it! 

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