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14 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

He allowed his surrogate, Michael Cohen, to pay off a porn actress to keep her quiet about a sexual encounter that would, if revealed at the time of the payoff, would probably have killed his chances of winning the election -

What you just posted is pure fantasy and you're missing another point about something, - you were so shocked by reality and... y'know, actual democracy being allowed to happen (when Trump originally won),- that your brain has not processed being beaten by Trump still, and why you were beaten - (because of the left's attachment to ISISlam), and because of that you've forgotten basic things from the (real) timeline... when making your stupid "probablies"...

I doubt you want me to tell you what it is - you want to go on your 775th long lecture against me where I'm supposed to turn into a pumpkin and be no longer able to speak, because you said "screed" or "diatribe"  L O L

Also, you're suggesting he's a "sleazeball" for having sex with a pornstar even though we're here on a website where people (are supposed to) talk about sex all day, and we have *this thread*... 


everyone wants to have sex with a pornstar, but doing it made Trump bad??!??! LOL!

Edited by harrysmith26
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1 hour ago, harrysmith26 said:

Also, you're suggesting he's a "sleazeball" for having sex with a pornstar even though we're here on a website where people (are supposed to) talk about sex all day, and we have *this thread*... 

Trump is a sleazeball, nothing that we do or say here will change that fact. Also keep in mind that none of us here are running for presidente on a militant christian pro "family values" platform. So your boy is not only a sleazeball but also a fucking hypocrite.

Anyway, he is not on trial for being a sleazeball but for being a criminal. Under his plans however, sleazeballs will be regarded as criminals, so be careful what you wish for . . .

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2 hours ago, harrysmith26 said:


Also, you're suggesting he's a "sleazeball" for having sex with a pornstar even though we're here on a website where people (are supposed to) talk about sex all day, and we have *this thread*... 


everyone wants to have sex with a pornstar, but doing it made Trump bad??!??! LOL!

to be fair: i read posts here all the time that sound an awful lot like rape but then end with "it was so hot im hard just retelling it" so.... sexual assault is in the eye of the recipient 

also, no one but himself is shaming him for fucking stormy. his denial of the obvious is shame based. same w e. jean. he's not even bothering saying he thought it was consensual. he's literally saying he never met the woman and trust me, 0 people believe him. 

the only reason we had to hear details in court is his stupid denial no jury believes. instead we all got to hear a porn star describe how she white knuckled her way thru really bad sex she didn't enjoy. yet more evidence of his decision making skills. 

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6 hours ago, 50latinos said:

And none of us here are running for presidente on a militant christian pro "family values" platform

And neither was he. That was just yet another thing from the fantasy file of "things you think everyone knows as facts", but they aren't.....

You make things like that up to avoid answering "so why have you "liberals" spent the last 20 years sucking up to the least liberal religion ever (ISISlam)? What's with that?"

Now this is the point where you pretend "liberals" didn't and don't do that - or ignore the question completely.

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4 hours ago, 50latinos said:


assholes praying.png

That's a picture of him in the White House, you said "running".

Show me where it said "We all have to go to church" on his campaign website, or shut up and fuck off.

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3 hours ago, harrysmith26 said:

That's a picture of him in the White House, you said "running".

Show me where it said "We all have to go to church" on his campaign website, or shut up and fuck off.

That piece of shit was campaigning for reelection the minute he set foot in the White House on 1/20/2017. 

Trump is stupid enough to have though about mandating church attendance but his handlers wouldn't let him. Instead he is promising the return of praying in public schools, like Iran or Saudi Arabia.


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Per that silly photo: 

I'm just surprised the camera didn't catch the moment when he burst into flame .... It can only be interpreted as proof-positive that all that religious claptrap from the Magaroid crowd is indeed nothing but a cultural contrivance, which is about to run it's course and fade away .... 

If - We - VOTE it out.  

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12 hours ago, 50latinos said:

That piece of shit was campaigning for reelection the minute he set foot in the White House on 1/20/2017. 

Trump is stupid enough to have though about mandating church attendance but his handlers wouldn't let him. Instead he is promising the return of praying in public schools, like Iran or Saudi Arabia.

You can't spell the word thought.

And also your comment is more hilarious cause earlier one of you little snails mocked me for claiming I'm telepathic or psychic or whatever

P.S. You can't spell the word thought.

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2 hours ago, harrysmith26 said:

You can't spell the word thought.

OMG!!! I can't spell the word thought!!

I also don't know what the rest of your posts means. But Trump is still an asshole followed by a larger number of idiots that I thought (oh shit, there is that word again) we have in the US. Gladly, not enough . . . 

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2 hours ago, harrysmith26 said:

You can't spell the word thought.

And also your comment is more hilarious cause earlier one of you little snails mocked me for claiming I'm telepathic or psychic or whatever

P.S. You can't spell the word thought.

ah yes. it's an undisputed sign of a solid argument based in reason when one resorts to cheap insults about typos. very impressive. 

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On 5/28/2024 at 5:31 PM, harrysmith26 said:

or ignore the question completely

It's probably not "the question" being ignored .... most likely something else entirely.

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12 hours ago, norefusal said:

ah yes. it's an undisputed sign of a solid argument based in reason when one resorts to cheap insults about typos. very impressive. 

[think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covfefe

Since there's an entire Wikipedia article dedicated to a "typo"/misfired tweet.

You must entirely discount anything that website says... , because they're a "cheap insult site". And that includes anything about whether the 2020 election had real non-rigged results or not.

And you also discount any of the "journalists" who reported endlessly on "Covfefe", whether they are ones cited at the bottom of that article, or not!

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On 5/28/2024 at 8:03 AM, harrysmith26 said:

What you just posted is pure fantasy and you're missing another point about something, - you were so shocked by reality and... y'know, actual democracy being allowed to happen (when Trump originally won),- that your brain has not processed being beaten by Trump still, and why you were beaten - (because of the left's attachment to ISISlam), and because of that you've forgotten basic things from the (real) timeline... when making your stupid "probablies"...

I doubt you want me to tell you what it is - you want to go on your 775th long lecture against me where I'm supposed to turn into a pumpkin and be no longer able to speak, because you said "screed" or "diatribe"  L O L

Also, you're suggesting he's a "sleazeball" for having sex with a pornstar even though we're here on a website where people (are supposed to) talk about sex all day, and we have *this thread*... 


everyone wants to have sex with a pornstar, but doing it made Trump bad??!??! LOL!

I'm well aware that the world is not a neat and tidy place, and that yes, nefarious foreign entities (like Russia) are gleefully interfering in our elections - not by hacking voting machines or anything like that, but by spreading disinformation and misinformation designed to discourage voting for Trump's opponent (who, I have conceded MANY times, had her own flaws and contributed to her loss). The Mueller investigation that Hair Furor loves to tout as "exonerating" him (which did no such thing) actually DID find that Russian interference, and actually indicted multiple Russian agents for their crimes. I guess it's Schrodinger's Mueller Report, where it's both completely exonerating and a complete fraud at the same time.

Having sex with a porn star is not what made Trump a sleazeball. He was a sleazeball back when he and his father were illegally discriminating against minority tenants in the family apartment building empire; he was a sleazeball when he cheated on wife #1 with the woman he knocked up and had a baby with out of wedlock before he married the second time; he was a sleazeball when he routinely stiffed contractors and subcontractors on his vanity building projects, putting more than one out of business by refusing to pay for work done; he was a sleazeball when he bragged about grabbing women by the pussy and when he questioned whether America would accept if "a n----r" won the first season of The Apprentice; he was a sleazeball when he and his brother and sisters formed a fake company that did nothing but drain cash from his father's company so they could avoid inheritance taxes on the millions they kited. And on any number of other occasions.

I don't give a crap whether he has sex with a porn star or not. But his primary defense of trying to cover up the Stormy Daniels story was that his wife would be hurt if she learned what he'd done - which (if true) pretty much says "I admit I was a sleazeball". Only that's not the reason he tried to cover it up - he kept trying to get the payment delayed until after the election so that he could stiff her on the payment, as he'd done thousands of times to other contractors; and he knew that all he had to do was make it through the election unscathed - which meant making the payoff was clearly intended to boost his electoral chances.

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