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There are 2 types of mice that get bit by a mouse trap, the mouse that wants the prize so bad they’re willing the risk their lives to get it and those that enjoy the game, the thrill, the risk of the trap itself.



Throughout high school I mowed lawns to make money, hard work, but decent money.  I started it all on my own, and grew up to just under 20 lawns, which kept me very busy.  I got most of my yards going door-to-door and asking and from referrals, I always did a great job and it may have helped that I always mowed with my shirt off to get a tan. 


One day I was going down a new street doing my door-to-door to get some new lawns, when I came to one door and an older gentlemen answered the door.  He was very polite and invited me inside and offered me something cool to drink.  We sat at the kitchen table as he brought me a glass of iced tea. 


I thought it was kind of strange when he said he saw me the other day and was hoping I could service his lawn as well, but I was excited to get a new customer.  He was very chatty and handsy, and it was hard to get out of the house, but nevertheless, we scheduled to mow the lawn in a couple of days. 


A couple of days later, I showed up, and as usual, I was shirtless and sweaty.  The entire time I was mowing, he was outside watching and as soon as I finished, he invited me in for some iced tea.  This happened every time I mowed and every time it would be very difficult to get out of there because he was so chatty and every time I came, he got more handsy with me.   Again, I am young and naïve here.


The summer came to an end and the last mowing, it was cooler, and I had a shirt on and as usual he invited me and asked why I had my shirt on, and told me that he was sure a lot of people were upset about that in a joking manner.   You could easily tell he was not happy that this was the last time I would be there for the year, and he made it extremely difficult to leave, he held my hand as I got up, stood in front of the exit, everything short of holding me down.


I wasn’t too surprised when he started texting me in the fall to come rake leaves and clean up around the yard, with lawns being done, this was a great source of income.   He had me over there about every other week in the fall, when winter came, he asked about helping him move furniture around.  I started enjoying talking to him and hanging out and since I didn’t have much to do that time of year, I didn’t mind. 


New Years Eve he told me he was having friends over and wanted me to come by and help him set up, and when I got there you could tell he was very excited.  As soon as I opened the door he answered with an excited voice and grabbed me by the hand and pulled me down a dark hallway into a room, and as I entered, I realized was his bedroom.  He told me to sit on the edge of the bed, he had something to show me.  He told me how excited he was about his party and had to show someone his outfit for the night. 


He started undressing right in front of me, I immediately stood up and said “sorry, I can hang out in the hall”.  He grabbed me by the hand and said it was ok, he turned to the bedroom door and shut it and turned back to me saying it was ok, he just wanted to change quick.  He started undressing “this doesn’t make you uncomfortable, does it?” I really didn’t know what to say, but I was very nervous, he started to approach me as I stood there at the edge of his bed.


Him: You’re shaking.  Are you okay?

Me: yeah, just….

Him: Relax, its ok


Him: (laughs) let me help you (as he reaches down and starts to unbutton my pants”

Me: (I stop him) I cant do that

Him: It’s ok, relax (he unzips my pants and pull out my cock which was getting hard as he rubbed it)

Him: it’s ok, it’s ok

Me: I just stood there shaking in my boots

Him: (drops to his knees and takes my cock in his mouth)


I just stood there in shock as my cock got harder and harder, I stood there in shock looking down as this old man was touching me like this. I was so confused, but it felt so good.  Of course, it didn’t take long before I shot my load down his throat, and he swallowed it all.   


He stood up and smiled at me and told me not to worry, its our secret.  I almost ran out of the house so confused as to what had just happened.  I went home and didn’t leave my room the rest of the day.


I didn’t hear from him again until next spring when he text me:


Him: You going to service me again this year?

Me: Your lawn?

Him: Sure

Me: yes, I started up last week, when will your lawn be ready?

Him: how soon can you get here?

Me: tomorrow?

Him: perfect


The next day I showed up and mowed his lawn and as usual, he was outside waiting on me and asked me to come inside.  I told him I was in a hurry, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer.


I came inside and sat at the kitchen table, he sat right next to me and had his hand on my thigh.   He noticed how nervous I was as he moved his hand higher and higher on my leg.


Him: I had a lof of fun on new years (his hand goes higher)

Me: (sitting there shaking)

Him: (moving his hand to my mid-thigh) do you like this?

Me: (shaking not able to speak)

Him: (Laughs) to excited to talk?  Let me check (as he moves his hand to my upper thigh)

Him: (rubbing my cock) oh, I think someone likes me


He stood up and grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the chair, he smiled at me and pulled me into him and whispered to me” you’re so fucking hard for me, aren’t you?”


He pulled me down the hallway and into the bedroom and shut the door behind us.  He went and laid down on the bed and:


Him: come here

Me: (stuttering) I should really go

Him: it’s ok.  Im not going to tell anyone

Me: I don’t know… I don’t know what to do

Him: come here for 1 minute and then you can leave


I sat down on the edge of the bed and he approached me and started rubbing my leg and kept reaffirming that it was ok.  He pulled me down so that I was laying on my back and he crawled on top of me between my legs and worked his way down to unbutton my pants and pulled my cock out and started sucking my cock and working my pants off, and once he had my pants off he stood up at the end of the bed and quickly took off his clothes and laid back down on top of me and lifted my legs up  worked his way to my ass hole and started eating me out and to my surprise was amazing. 


When he finished with my ass he rose up between my legs standing on his knees as I laid there I see him grab some lube and start to lube up his cock, he then laid back down and got between my legs and started kissing me.  I felt his cock push against my hole and I freaked out.


Me: hold on, stop!  I cant do that

Him: it’s ok relax, what is wrong?

Me: I cant do that!

Him: you already have, I already had it in you

Me: no. you didn’t! 

Him: yes, the head was already inside you.  We have already had sex, why stop now that it is feeling the best.

Me:  we just can’t

Him: (pushing it back in) you know you want it

Me; you’re not even wearing a condom.

Him: (pushes a little deeper) its ok, you won’t get pregnant

Me: I don’t want to catch anything

Him: don’t worry you wont


Then he leaned in and kissed me and started pushing it in more and more with mini strokes and before long he was all the way inside of me.  It took a while before it felt good, but once I relaxed it felt good, really good actually.  Again, I came quick, before he did.  When he was about to cum, he told me:


Him: I’m about to cum. oh this is going to be a huge load

Him: do you want me to cum inside you?

Me: (not know what to do) yes



He got really tight and pushed in really deep and to my surprise this was the best part, feeling his cock explode inside of me.  And he was right, it was a huge load, it felt like a river pouring out of me.


That summer we had sex a lot, I got a lot better at it, and as I got better the feeling was better.  I absolutely loved the feeling of his huge load shooting inside me, I have never in my life shot out as much cum as he did. 


After that summer I started college, and decided to go to a small university 45 minutes from home so that I could keep the lawns, so me and him kept this relationship going until my sophomore year when I stopped mowing and wanted to stay at school more.  I ended up meeting a girl and kind of moved on from him.  I was over 30 years older than me, so I don’t think he was too surprised or had any intentions of us being more than what we were.  He never bothered me or anything like that, he was a really good guy.


Life went on, I graduated college, my girlfriend became my fiancé, I got a full-time job, we were house hunting, and life just happens.


She really wanted a fall wedding, so we decided to get married in early October, but she wanted a summer Bachelorrete party, so we decided to do our parties in June.  She went to Vegas for the weekend, I didn’t want anything that big, I just wanted a one-night event, so me and my friends went out Friday night and did normal bachelor party stuff.  They really pushed me to go out again Saturday night, but I insisted that I was too hung over and wanted to sleep, but truth is there was something else I wanted to do Saturday night.


Saturday I text him completely out of the blue, it had been years since we talked, so I didn’t even know if this was still his number.


Me: Hey

Him: Wow!

Me: lol, how are. You?

Him: Good, how are you doing?

Me: great!  Just thinking about you

Him: im ok with that

Me: guess what?

Him: what?

Me: im getting married

Him: Awesome, to the same girl?

Me: yeah. 

Me: tonight is my last night of freedom I guess, bachelor party anyways

Him: fun!

Me: what are you doing tonight?

Him: you inviting me to your bachelor party

Me: lol, it was last night, no plans tonight

Him: Im going to Spy (a gay bar/hotel) for pride event

Me: OH!  Was going to see what you were doing.

Him: come with me

Me: I don’t know, that’s pretty public

Him: we can stay in the room, I have a room there tonight

Me: you sure?

Him: yeah

Me: what time

Him: be there at 9:30


Of course, I showed up and as soon as I opened the door, we were on each other.  I had no idea how much I missed him, but he is like 60 now and im 23, what could we be.  The sex was amazing, and I enjoyed being around him, but come on!  What more could we be.  I don’t, know, but I know I missed him and he missed me because we didn’t fuck, we made love.  It was very passionate and slow and lots of kissing and I was craving him cumming inside of me. 


Afterwards he told me that he was going down to the party and wanted me to join him.  I of course told him that it was too public, to which he replied that he was going to go home with someone from the bar, it could be you or someone else, so I got dressed and decided to go down with him.


I immediately started drinking since I was a nervous wreck, after a few drinks I finally relaxed, but didn’t slow down from drinking. 


There was a guy at the party that was in leather pants, no shirt and all oiled up and tattooed up dancing on everyone.  It wasn’t long before he found me and was all over me, in a very aggressive manner.  He kept getting me more and more drinks and I was out on the dancefloor with him for a long time.  Finally my friend came and dragged me away, he seemed very jealous, which I liked, but he was actually just giving me a warning.


Him: be careful out there

Me: what do you mean
Him: the guy you’re dancing with is dangerous

Me: dangerous?  How so?

Him: like slip something in your drink and date rape you and you see that tattoo on his stomach, that means he is HIV positive

Me: I will be carefuil

Him: watch out, he is a predator and he is hunting you now

Me: I am a big boy (you could tell I was very drunk)

Him: ok, I was just trying to warn you


Then the predator came up behind me and grabbed my hand led me out to the dancefloor


Predator: why are you talking with that old dude

Me: im with him
Predator: (laughs) you have to upgrade

Me: Upgrade?

Predator: Yeah! Not some old dude who cant get it up, you need a man


I would lie if I said I wasn’t very turned on right then


Predator: instead of that limp old dick, you need an 9” rock hard cock with veins pulsating all around it

Me: I do?

Predator: I have a room here, want to get out of here

Me: I don’t know, I have been warned

Predator: by some old dude who is trying to trap you


He grabbed me by the hand and started leading me off, but then my friend intervened and said he needed to talk.


Him: you’re too drunk, you need to go to the room

Me: I’m not drunk (as I stumbled around)

Him: if you want me to let you go with him, I will, but know this, you will regret it


Just then predator approached us and grabbed us both.


Predator: let’s go to your room

Me: ok, let’s go

Him: I don’t know

Me: come on!  Please


I woke up on the floor the next morning completely dressed and couldn’t remember anything.  I stood up in a fog and see my friend and the “Predator” in the bed.



I felt like I was hit by a bus, I hadn’t been that hung over in a long time.  I looked all over the room for my phone and when I found it I noticed I had a ton of missed calls and texts from my fiancé.  I left the room in a hurry and headed home.


Months went by and I never heard from my friend and I decided it was time to leave that part of my life behind me, after all I was getting married and it wasn’t fair to keep on living two lives.


We were having the wedding at a nice hotel downtown; I had room to myself the night before the wedding and after the rehearsal dinner and drinks I went to the room to work on my vows.  It was my last night as a single man, suddenly the thought hit me “what about one more night, one more time with one more night of passion”. It was very risky, since the hotel was full of friends and family and having some random guy come to my room.  Pretty stupid idea I told myself.  My friends, fiancés’ family, my MOM could all come to my door to see me tonight, so this was a terrible idea, but…


Me: Hey there

Him: It’s the married guy!

Me: tomorrow

Him: oh! Congratulations

Me: Thank you


Me: what are you doing?

Him: nothing, you?

Me: sitting in my hotel room

Him: Not smart

Me: What?

Him: you know what!

Me: So!

Him: Not going to happen

Me: what’s not going to happen?

Him: You know!

Me: My last night as a single man

Him: NO!

Me: Ok, I just wanted to say a proper goodbye

Him: that’s all?

Me: Yeah

Him: not going to happen

Me: Please?  One final goodbye after all these years


Me: after 11pm – The Cambridge – room 713 – knock once



Him: ok


I was so excited; I was getting hard just thinking about it.  I knew this was the dumbest idea I’ve ever had, but I wanted it so bad, I wanted to feel him cum in me one more time.  I went and showered and had a hard time not jerking off I was so excited.  I went and laid in the bed with towel wrapped around me waiting.


11:10pm a knock at the door, I jumped up and opened the door and there he was I immediately pulled him in the room and dropped the towel and kissed him, we worked our way to the bed pulling his clothes off along the way.  I couldn’t wait!


I pushed him down on the bed and finished pulling his pants off and straddled him, feeling his bare cock rub between my cheeks, I grab some lube but he stopped me and reached over and grabbed a condom and started to put it on.


Me: what are you doing, you don’t need that

Him: yeah, you’re married now, you have to start playing safe

Me: but we never use condoms, I want you to cum in me

Him: I want to too, but if we are going to do this we have to use a condom


I quit arguing, I was just ready to have him inside me.  I wouldn’t say that I was a power-bottom, but I definitely bounced up and down on his cock until I was completely out of breath and then I slowed down and started grinding his cock, using a condom it seemed to take him longer to cum. 


Afterwards we both collapsed trying to get our breath. 


Me: Man, I missed that!

Him: me too!

Me: whats up with the condom

Him: you need to be smart now

Me: no, I want you to cum inside of

Him: I cant do that anymore

Me: we have been fucking raw the entire time and nothing has happened

Him: well it could now

Me: what do you mean:


Me: what is it?

Him: You remember the last time we hung out?

Me: yeah

Him: Remember how I told you that guy had HIV

Me: kind of, it’s really foggy

Him: well, he did and now I do

Me: Oh my gosh, I am so sorry.  That’s my fault.

Him: no, it’s not your fault, I did it.

Me: I don’t remember anything from the room

Him: you passed out immediately and then me and him had sex, I think he stealthed me.  He said the condom came off, but I’m pretty sure he took it off during sex.

Me: I am so sorry

Him: its ok, but I have a very high count now, since I was just infected so we can’t have unprotected sex, because I am very contagious and you’re getting married, TOMORROW

Me: I don’t know what to say

Him: well, there isn’t anything to say, but I should probably get going since you’re getting married tomorrow

Me: yeah, I guess so, unless you want to have a beer first


We sat down and had a few beers and he got up and said that he better get going.   He hugged me goodbye but I lingered and leaned back and kissed him. 


Me: Stay a bit longer?

Him: ok


I kissed him again and we started working towards the bed.  I fell on my back and fell on top of me, between my legs.  I wanted him so bad.  I reached down and pulled his cock out of his pants, and he took his pants off immediately and I slid my shorts off all the while looking each other in the eyes the entire time, he quickly put a condom on and lubed up and laid back on top of me.  I quickly pulled my legs up so he could slide in.  It was the best feeling in the world.


With him on top me, slowly taking deep strokes while we looked each other directly in the eyes, damn it I wanted this.  My left hand slipped down between us and I wrapped my thumb and index finger around the base of his cock and every time he pulled out it caused his condom to slip down a little, the further he pulled out the more the condom slipped off.   I tried to somehow cause him to pull all the way out so the condom would slip completely off, but he wouldn’t, well not for a while.


Me: fuck me, I really want you

Him: are you sure?

Me: (looking directly in his eyes, I bite my lower lip and shake my head yes)


He pulled his cock all the way out and my grip around his cock caused the condom to slide off, I then grabbed his cock and aimed it directly towards my hole.  I knew the danger, but I phened for it, for him, for him to cum inside of me.


He was hesitant, but you could tell this is what he really wanted to.  Why wouldn’t he, it was obvious he was in love with me, why wouldn’t he want to infect me like him. 


Holy shit it was the best feeling I’d ever felt.  His bare cock sliding inside of me, I never imagined the risk the danger adding so much to the feeling.


The unprotected sex obviously was a huge turn on for him too, because it didn’t take him long before he was about to cum:


Him: Oh fuck, I am about to go

Me: Oh fuck, oh fuck.  Don’t stop baby

Him: here it cums


Right as he started to cum, he pulled out and shot his load all over my stomach.  It was so intoxicating.  I had never had a rush like that before.  Like playing with a loaded gun.  That feeling was the greatest feeling ever!  


I just now get to experience the greatest sex of my life and I can’t ever do it again?  I was lost, I didn’t know what to do.  That’s all I could think as we laid there.


Him: I’m sorry I couldn’t do that to you.  Not tonight, not the night before you get married.

Me: I understand

Him: if you decide not to get married, we can take that step, but you need to make that decision


I knew right there and there that this wasn’t over.  If I got married or not, I would def play this game again.  I had to have another poz cock inside of me bare.  Him, the predator, someone else, anyone else, I was addicted.


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What a great twist. I immediately though it would be the younger guy at the club that would stealth him when he was drunk. Sounds like he going to continue playing with fire.

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