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and now he's a convict .... 34 times over.


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Don’t vote for that Scumbag. Don’t vote for the GOP. Vote Democratic. 

Enough of GOP trying to control our sexuality, our rights, our freedom. I don’t want to be told it not okay to have gay sex or can’t get married to same sex. If you’re okay with this, you need some serious mental evaluation why YOU need man sex. 

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7 hours ago, PozBearWI said:

Right wing authortarian social bent is clearly on the uspwing world wide.  

Long overdue pendulum swing in response to left-wing authoritarian social bent being the predominant political establishment worldwide for the past 30 years. 

Oh, and just to qualify? I mean left-wing auth in terms of culture and social politics. Nobody said that it's impossible to mesh that with right-wing neoliberal capitalist economics. 

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Bonus points if you shoot sperm into or invite sperm from someone from another political party. Maybe the next cumhole contest with political colors? Or extra points for DP’ing or TriP’ing with members of different parties? Fuck your partisanship into a cumslut of a different stripe? Collect 200 million donations from men of all stripes?

happy Monday lads

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1 hour ago, BirminghamBB said:

Long overdue pendulum swing in response to left-wing authoritarian social bent being the predominant political establishment worldwide for the past 30 years. 

Oh, and just to qualify? I mean left-wing auth in terms of culture and social politics. Nobody said that it's impossible to mesh that with right-wing neoliberal capitalist economics. 

"left-wing authoritarian social bent"? What a stupid fucking phrase.

You're on a website devoted to male-male sex - something that's only legal, in much of the world, because of that "left-wing authoritarian social bent" you decry. Homosexual acts weren't decriminalized in Britain (where I take it you're from) because conservatives did it; you owe your ability to participate on this very board to that "left-wing" blah blah you're moaning and bitching about.

So please clarify: what, exactly, are you opposed to that the "left-wing authoritarian social bent" has imposed on you? I have a pretty good idea, but I'll give you the opportunity to explain yourself in case I'm wrong.

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I believe the higher court will reverse the decision- the judge should have recused himself as his daughter was/is active in Democratic politics and the judge himself gave money to an anti-Trump group.  Only in New York would such a judge hear the case- he wanted to be in the limelight.

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1 hour ago, Fillitup57 said:

Only in New York would such a judge hear the case- he wanted to be in the limelight.

Wait ‘till you hear about Martha Alito and Ginni Thomas!

Edited by DallasPozzible
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9 hours ago, Fillitup57 said:

he wanted to be in the limelight.

After many years on the bench, he wanted to be 'in the limelight' ???

That's just plain silly .... he bent over backwards to give Trump a fair trial, which was his job.  He put up with The Mouth, The Scowl, the constant vamping for the media/onlookers the wanna-be Drama Queen could manage with all his huffing and puffing. 

If I were ever arrested, I'd want THAT judge to preside over my trial, because I know I'd get a fair one.

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On 6/9/2024 at 2:58 PM, BirminghamBB said:

p.s. Not an American, so miss me with all the name-calling about me being a MAGA-tard or something. Underestimate international support for Trump by the plebs at all your perils, and say what you want about him but he's the FIRST president ever since Reagan for whom the world actually held a degree of respect and FEAR for as POTUS. 

And that's a very good thing. Because it is better to be feared than be supposedly loved, but only in the way an old grandpa is in a hospice home. 

Interesting how “international communities” respect two of the most presidents who were most overt with their racism….a lot to unpack their if it’s true….

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On 6/9/2024 at 5:58 PM, BirminghamBB said:


I expect to see crickets and tumbleweed when Hunter Biden goes down for far worse stuff very soon. ...

...Because it is better to be feared than be supposedly loved.... 

1. let me be the first to say it: i'm neither surprised nor upset by the guilty verdict. i feel bad for HB but come'on. who claims to not be a addict post rehab? just one of the poor decisions he made in his trouble life and now he's paying the price for it. 

2. oh jeeze. are you single? that's a rough life attitude. jmho 

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Hunter is an adult and fucked up.  Publicly.  I am hopeful the judge will be reasonable in sentencing as the maximum would be unjust when that crime is compared to; for example; Jan 6 crimes.  

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i do wonder how effective self- reporting is in these gun laws. technically, he could have been totally spun and still walked out w a gun if he'd checked the box the same way. god only knows how many non-famous addicts there are running around pew pew shoot em up. 

so that aspect the two cases have in common. it's good they were tried just like everyone else but if they weren't both gossip rag regulars, no one would probably know about either crime. in both cases, the cover up is the crime. 

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13 hours ago, Fillitup57 said:

I believe the higher court will reverse the decision- the judge should have recused himself as his daughter was/is active in Democratic politics and the judge himself gave money to an anti-Trump group.  Only in New York would such a judge hear the case- he wanted to be in the limelight.

He gave three contributions totaling thirty-five dollars to ActBlue, which is not "anti-Trump" per se but more specifically pro-Democrat. If you think $35 is a significant sum that merits disqualification to hear cases, I would like to introduce you to Justice Clarence Thomas, whose take from right-wing individuals and groups in the form of gifts, donations, vacations, and the like currently sits somewhere north of $4 million dollars. If Thomas can hear ANY cases at all, given that background, Merchan's $35 donation is by comparison invisible.

As for his daughter: again, I would like to introduce you to Ginni Thomas, who conspired with the J6 folks to attempt to overturn the election while her husband was hearing election challenges (and he will vote on Trump's immunity claims as well). Let's deal with the structural rot before we deal with things like a daughter who has her own career in another state.

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34 minutes ago, norefusal said:

i do wonder how effective self- reporting is in these gun laws. technically, he could have been totally spun and still walked out w a gun if he'd checked the box the same way. god only knows how many non-famous addicts there are running around pew pew shoot em up. 

so that aspect the two cases have in common. it's good they were tried just like everyone else but if they weren't both gossip rag regulars, no one would probably know about either crime. in both cases, the cover up is the crime. 

Considering that Hair Furor, Jr. is a widely acknowledged gun nut who's so coked up during half his podcasts you wonder if he personally is causing shortages in the white powder supply in the eastern US, I'd say there are plenty of people like him. 

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to be fair, it's starts w "i believe.... ". personally, i believe telling you im a libra gives you information on my personality. neither of these are rational or based on science or law, but if we're gonna knock belief systems: may i introduce you to the concept of an all knowing God that micromanages events on planet earth? 😜

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2 minutes ago, norefusal said:

to be fair, it's starts w "i believe.... ". personally, i believe telling you im a libra gives you information on my personality. neither of these are rational or based on science or law, but if we're gonna knock belief systems: may i introduce you to the concept of an all knowing God that micromanages events on planet earth? 😜

One can, of course, believe in anything, including little green men from Mars, a flat earth, or a moon made of green cheese. That doesn't render the belief reasonable in terms of the available evidence.

A $35 contribution from four years ago to a group like ActBlue (or WinRed, on the other side) is not grounds for recusal, especially given the overall record. As multiple legal commentators have pointed out, any other defendant would have been jailed, at least temporarily, during the trial for contempt of court for the many, many violations of the gag order as well as his behavior in court in general. Trumpanzees may wail and moan about the indignity of trying him in the first place, but the evidence was pretty much overwhelming. I am pretty confident the verdict will be upheld.

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