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On 6/17/2024 at 4:21 PM, Scanbu said:

The one who would have to turn evil is Warren. He holds al the power in that relationship as most subs do if a Dom/sub relationship is done right . If Warren wants Ted to be more evil he will

So very true and yet few seem to realize this fact.  I’d even guess that it can be true even when Dom/sub relationships AREN’T done right.

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4 minutes ago, SlampaBay said:

So very true and yet few seem to realize this fact.  I’d even guess that it can be true even when Dom/sub relationships AREN’T done right.

All the sub has to do is say "No" and i's over 

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Apex, Warren and Ted once again dat in Dr. Cole’s office. This time it was for HIV results. Apex had been living with them for four months now and breeding Ted that entire time. It was time to see if it had taken this time 


Apex had asked the Dark voice in his head to turn off his various special senses when it came to Ted and Warren and it had done so for reasons of its own. It was up to something but it wouldn’t say what 


Dr. Cole came in and Apex’s senses instantly told him that he was poz so things were working with others 


The cute chubby Dr. sat down and opened the folder sitting t it on his desk 


“Ted, I don't think it will come as a surprise that your HIV test has come back positive. Your strain closely matches Apex’s, again no surprise” Dr. Cole said as he opened another folder folder laying it next to the first 


“Warren, yuu are also HIV positive and your strain comes directly from Ted” The Dr. continued. Warren looked at his husband with his heart in his eyes 


‘You are part of me forever” he said to Ted


“No recriminations about spreading disease Doc?” Apex asked with a smirk


“Hardly. At least Ted didn’t get it from his half brother like I did” Dr. Cole said and smiled as the three actually looked shocked and a little impressed 


“I will introduce you to my brother Red someday soon. Very soon maybe. You are all carriers of the Angel Strain of HIV now and in about a week we will be conducting an experiment that very well may save lives. I’d like to ask you all to participate. You would bring the number of carriers equal to the number of test subjects” Dr. Cole said 


“That sounds interesting” Apex said and the other two nodded. 


Dt. Cole explained the experiment and they all agreed. They could see how it very well could save lives. 


Even the Dark voice in A[ex’s head was for it. It liked to mess with people’s lives but they had to be alive for it to do that 


They were asked to abstain from sex in the two days propr to the experiment and they agreed to that as well 


That gave them a few days to play though 




Warren was invited to a party and didn’t want to go. 


Ken worked in the same hospice that he did and did maintenance and clean up there. He was friendly and cute and hopelessly straight. At 22 Ken was tall, in good shape, had brown hair and eyes and a face that lit up when he smiled 


It was always lit up when he talked about his girlfriend who he was marrying in a couple months. He talked about her constantly and how they were waiting till the were married to have sex 


Warren was tired of it. Ken did not mean to imply extramarital sex was wrong but in his innocence and inexperience he did. The ladies at work thought it was adorable and firmly told Warren and the other male nurses to leave him alone at least till after the wedding


The party sounded fun, watching the big game, pizza and alcohol but Ken was going to be there so he didn't want to go


Wait… boys like Ken were Apex’s prey of choice… He had promised to leave Ken alone but Apex hadn’t 


“Can I bring my husband and a buddy?” he asked his friend who was throwing the party


“Sure! There’s plenty of room” His friend said 


The party was held in a large house and spilled out onto the back deck. The yard surrounding the deck was fenced in with am 8 foot privacy wall and there were trees in the corners that had impenetrable shadows after dark 


Apex had honed in on Ken almost the moment they got there. The boy had been half drunk as it was and he made sure his cup was never empty. As halftime ended Warren and Ted noticed that both Ken and Apex seemed to be missing. The game was exciting and none of the other partiers really noticed though 


Apex led the very drunk Ken down the deck steps and to the shadowy wooded area in the corner of the yard. He had promised to show the straight boy something cool 


What he showed Ken was a pair of handcuffs and a ball gag which Ken though were very interesting in his drunken stupor. He was half passes out when Apex bound his wrists and hung them above his head  by a nail that had been driven into the tree at some time. Ken was even softly snoring as Apex put the gag in his mouth and fastened it in place 


He pulled the passed out boy’s shorts down and freed his dripping toxic 12 inches which he wasted no time in shaving up that straight virgin ass. Ken’s muffled scream was lost in the partier’s loud cheering for a great play 


“Shhhh pretty boy… just let it happen… you can’t stop it so learn to enjoy it, I will teach you to love my toxic poz cock in you by the time we are through. Your ass belongs to me till I knock you up with my virus babies and you will always crave cock in you after this” he whispered in the sobbing straight boys ear 


Apex battered the neg boy’s prostate making him moan and  his cock rise. He slid all 12 inches back in and his long fingers found the boy’s nipples through his thin t-shirt and pinched which made Ken moan louder and start to grind back into Apex 


“That’s it, listen to your body, It wants this. It wants to be used to pleasure another man. This is what boys like you were made for. To service men like me” Apex told him in a hot, nasty, mind twisting whisper as he slid in and out, getting close to breeding the undefended neg hole 


“You want it don’t you? You want my toxic HIV cum” Apex asked and Ken nodded though he was too drunk to know what he was agreeing to 


Apex shot his load deep inside that straight neg ass and Ken shot all over the tree. His body overwhelmed with the sensations that were coming at his drunk mind to fast. Finally making him pass out again 


Apex fucked him twice more adding even more virus to that knocked up hole. He had a feeling he had done the job and his HIV would live in this boy forever, 


He heard someone approaching and recognized Warren and Ted  approaching in the dark. They had slipped away to join him 


“He’s out cold if you want a shot at him” Apex said with a grin 


Both added a toxic load to Ken’s well fucked ass and then the three of them cleaned him up and straightened his clothes then snuck him back intothe house and left him passes out face down on an upstairs bed 


They caught the last 10 minutes of the game and no one realized they had not been there the entire time 


The next day the three were making out in bed and Warren said “Lay on your backs both of you” 


They did so, they both usually did what Warren told them sexually though Apex sometimes balked. Ted was Warren’s sub. Apex was just along for the ride 


Warren straddled Ted and sank down on his cock riding him and as he did so he reached over and stroked Apex’s monster, He had done this many times


Ted looked up at Warren and said “It’s ok baby, He’s part of us now” with a smile 


Warren pulled off Ted's 9 inches and moved over sliding his ass down on the surprised Apex’s 12 inches with a moan of pleasure. Apex had never made a move to fuck Warren out of respect for Ted’s possessive feelings towards his husband 


Ted rolled over and kissed Apex as Warren rode him then he asked “Should we try to DP him next? 


“God! I would never walk again!” Warren said though he didn’t sound totally against the idea 


Instead Ted stood over Apex and fed Warren his cock letting him taste his own ass on it as Warren rode and stroked, The three came together and then went back to making out 


When they finally dragged themselves out of bed Warren went and checked the mail 


He found a letter from their mortgage company that had a check in it. The letter said the check was the last four mortgage payments they had made as well as the refund from when someone had overpaid their mortgage and home equity loan as well as tax papers detailing how much they had to pay in taxes because the payoff was a gift. The refund check more than covered the amount 


“Do you know anything about this?” Warren asked Apex as he walked into the living room 


Apex tried to play innocent “Do I look like I have that kind of money?” he asked 


“Oh come on, Apex!” Ted said “I have never seen you work but you have money and share the bills here since you moved in. I had never heard of the car you drive so I looked it up online and it costs more than this house. So yes you do look like you have that kind of money”


“I was so grateful when you two took me in and took care of me I wanted to do something nice fr you” He said quietly, “I was going to leave before you found out but you would not let me and honestly I forgot about it” 


“He forgot about it” Warren said sarcastically as he dropped int Apex’s lap and kissed him 


“All I can do is say thank you” he said simply and they let the matter drop though Warren and Ted did refuse to let him pay for groceries or utilities ever again 




The study was held in the HIV wing of Warren’s hospice which had been sparsely populated but was now full as patients had been brought in from all over the country 


Doctors Cole and Lars introduced the three of them to his brother Red and Red's brother Zeke.  They were o-husband with an attractive man named Tommy 


Apex knew them by reputation. They ruled one of the local bathhouses and had pozzed more men than even he had 


The study was simple. They were going to infect the HIV hospice patients with the Angel Strain in an attempt to save their lives 


Each room had three full sized beds separated by curtains, all the medical equipment had been cleared out 


Apex went into a room with Tommy and Zeke, a thin man sat on the edge of each bed, the man on the middle bed had blond hair and sat with his back to the door


Tommy took the first man and Zeke stopped at the second saying “Hello” to him,


As Apex walked  past towards the third man he heard the man reply “hell….” the word trailing off into a gasp of surprise and then “Apollo?” 


His body moved before his mind fully registered that voice


Zeke looked surprised to find him gripping his arm with tears in his eyes “Please let me do this one” Apollo begged. Apex had been shunted off to the side by that voice. He had to be Apollo right now 


Zeke nodded “He’s all yours” he said and moved to the third man 


Apollo sat next to the thin man on the second bed and took him into his arms as tightly as he dared 


“Hello Peter” he said looking into eyes that were just as blue as he remembered 


“Apollo I…” Peter stammered 


“Shhh let me say something first, You never gave the the opportunity to reply when you sent that text” he said then he steeled himself and said “I forgive you for everything and no matter what, I could never stop loving you. Even if you don’t love me back now, I will never be able to stop loving you” 


It was what his entire life was built on. Love he couldn’t stop for a man who had betrayed him 


Peter blushed and said “I don’t deserve your love, Apollo” 


Apollo was honest and he laid his heart and soul bare for Peter to see “No. you don’t deserve it but you've got it and it’s not going anywhere so you can do with it what you will. For all I know you are still with that guy, maybe even married to him. Maybe if this works and I save your life you will go back to him but you will take my love with you if you do”  


“I’m not with Master anymore, he's the reason I am here. I’m not with anyone and I don’t deserve to be. I betrayed the only man I ever really loved for excitement and lust. Master was always right, I’m a stupid, worthless slut who deserves what he gets” Peter said in a broken voice 


Some things he had learned from Ted clicked into place “He’s not your Master any more I am” He said sternly and Peter looked at him in shock 


“I’m not that boy you used to know and I know how to give a boy like you what you need. You are NOT worthless because you are truly loved. I could not love something that is worthless. You are going to spend the rest of your life as MY property and you will never call yourself worthless again! Do you understand me?” he said intensely looking into Peter's eyes


“You promise that you still love me? You are not just saying that because I am so sick?  Peter asked still not really believing. Not daring to hope 


“If you were not so sick I would slap you for questioning my love” Apollo said angrily “You can build your life on the foundation of my love and never have to worry. I just hope you come to love me again someday” 


“I do love you, I never stopped loving you. You have no idea how many times I have regretted what I did and wished we were still together. I fucked up so bad Apollo. I was young and stupid and he promised the moon. I took everything you did to show your love for granted and never realized how special you were till it was to late: Peter said an he clung to Apollo tight. like he was a rock in a storm 


“Lets see about saving your life then” Apollo said “I think I was in worse shape than you are when I caught this strain” Apollo said kissing him 


The Dark voice in his head seemed upset about something 


“Can it wait? I’m kind of busy right now” he thought at it 


“Di you WANT me around later to talk about it?” The voice asked 


“Of course. You are part of my life and I think I just proved I don’t give up on those I care about. Why wouldn’t you be there later?”  he thought back 


“We can talk about it later as long as you still want me around” the Dark voice said sounding happy and relieved 


Apollo laid Peter gently on the bed and made love to his waisted body. He saw the boy he had loved so many years ago not what he had become. He didn’t care that others were watching having finished their own tasks. He just needed to save his Peter 


“Damn, he’s as big as Mike or John” he heard Tommy say and heard an answering grunt from Zeke 


Then a few minutes later he heard Warren gasp and say “Oh my God” but he ignored it all as he made love to this man who for good or ill was the center of his life. He didn’t stop at one load and ended up putting a total of three into Peter’s frail body before he finished


He lay holding Peter to him kissing the top of his head as the man curled into his chest 


Peter looked up to the audience surrounding the bed, they had been drawn by the intense emotions that radiated from the two of them. As he looked at the smiling faces he saw one that had tears running down it and his eyes locked on that face 


Apollo followed his gaze to the face 


“Why the tears Warren?” He asked the man who stood crying in his husband’s arms. Ted looked unhappy too


“Because as much as I love you both I don’t want to lose you to him” He said then he looked directly at Peter and said “Hello big brother, it's been a while” 


Next Chapter: Family Ties 


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“Warren?” Peter said 


“Yup, it’s me” Warren said then looked around at the people surrounding them. Then he picked up the chart on the end of Peter’s bed and ran through it quickly 


“You are here because you are not responding to meds anymore. Basically this place is just a roof over your head while we wait to see if this experiment works. Medically we can’t do anything for you” He said in a professional tone 


“We?” Peter asked pulling a blanket over his naked body and Apollo’s


“Ok folks!” The man named Tommy said “Lets give these people some privacy! This was not meant to be a spectator event!” 


Several people blushed and everyone dispersed, though some stayed just in ear shot 


“I work here Peter, I’m a Hospice nurse. You might know that if you had bothered to contact anyone in the family in the last decade” Warren said, his voice a mix of anger and caring concern 


“Baby this is not the place” Ted said gently 


“That’s exactly what I was getting at” Warren said “I want you to come home with us. I can take care of you for what you need and honestly Peter, you are my last living blood kin and if this experiment works or not I want to get to know my brother, whatever time we have left” Warren said “Oh by the way, this is my husband Ted” 


“Nice to meet you” Ted said, though it sounded a bit strained 


“What about Apollo?” Peter asked 


“Call me Apex Peter. And I live with them already. They are my lovers and very, very important to me. I love them both. In the long run they may have saved me from going insane” Apex said looking at Warren and Ted


It was the first time any of the three had said the word love in regards to their new partners but it was a declaration Apex felt he needed to make and they needed to hear


“Apex?” Peter asked sounding confused 


“Apex is who I am now. Apollo is my legal name but I’m not comfortable with it any more. Apollo was the boy you hurt. Apex is the man I am now; We can talk about it later” Apex said 


“Will you come home with us?” Warren asked his brother and Peter nodded


Dr. Cole signed the release papers and the four of them got into Warren’s car as he drove them home 


Apex used the drive tome to sort out his thoughts and feelings and made some decisions 


They moved Peter into the guest bedroom that used t be Apex’s and then sat around the kitchen table to discuss things 


Peter sat across from Apex with Ted and Warren to the sides 


Apex reached out and took Warren and Ted’s hands in his then looked directly at Peter 


“I love you Peter, I can’t help it, it’s built into my soul  and I want to make you part of my life. But you have to know Warren and Ted ARE my life now and as long as they will have me I want to be with them. I chose to love them and I just hope they chose to love me back” Apex said to him 


He was feeling a mix of love for Peter and protectiveness for his lovers and the protectiveness was stronger 


“We do” Ted said, “We have talked about it but didn’t want to say anything and rush you” and Warren nodded 


“They are to me what I was to you when we met. They love me and try to show that every day. I’m not going to make the same mistake you did and throw that away:" Apex said and he looked at each of his lovers with a question in his eyes, they both nodded, knowing what he wanted


“Peter, If you want to be part of my life you have to accept that you will never have all of me. Maybe you can become part of us or maybe you will only want to be with me. Whatever you do will have to fit into my life with these two.” He said firmly 


“It’s more than I deserve” Peter said looking down  “I don't know if I have much time left and if I don’t,  I want to spend what I have with you, Warren and his husband. I really don’t know any of you any more and I want to use what time I have left remedying that” 


“What did you mean when you said that man was the reason you were in the hospice?” Apex asked him


Peter blushed and looked away “I had a good, steady job with benefits and health insurance. Mast… He never kept a job long. When we both had to go on meds he would take mine when he didn’t have insurance. It happened several times and…” 


‘They lost effectiveness for you” Warren finished for him “Peter! How could you let him do that to you?” he demanded 


“Easy baby” Ted said 


“After what I did to Apollo I was so broken and he just built on that. He had me convinced I was worthless and deserved what he did to me, At first it was hot to be treated that way. I craved it, but eventually it just became torment. He always told me no one could ever love me abd I was lucky to have him and I was so twisted I believed him. Then I got laid off and I was getting sicker so he threw me out. I think he found a new boy and replaced me” Peter said not looking at any of them 


“I am setting up counseling sessions for you starting as soon as we can get you seen” Warren said, his nostrils flaring with anger “And if I ever get my hands on this Vince he will be sorry he was ever born” 


“I can’t afford that” Peter said sadly “I was in Hospice because it was a free program in the city I lived in” 


“Don’t worry about the cost” Apex said 


“But…” Peter said


“Shut up and let us help you” Warren snapped at him and then he thought of something. He wrestled with his conscience and finally brought up something that was inevitable anyway 


“Apex, you have the best health insurance I have ever seen, You paid $10 for that antibiotic and it’s non formulary on most plans. If you marry Peter you can put him on your plan. We all know it’s going to happen eventually. I trust you to keep your word and stay with us even if you do and it would save a lot of money. Besides, if he doesn’t have much time left you two should be together for that time” Warren said quietly but sincerely. That statement had cost him a lot  


“The money isn’t an issue for me” Apex said stiffly 


“But Peter’s possible life span is” Ted said just as quietly and sincerely as Warren 


“Are you two trying to get rid of me now? Besides, I don't even know if Peter wants to marry me!” Apollo said  


Peter’s face was a study in conflicting emotions, Love and hope warred with self loathing and despair


“Do you want to marry me Peter? Will you?” Apollo asked almost shyly “Ted and Warren are right. I knew I wanted to marry you as soon as I realized ot was you, I jost had to make sure you knew they would never be out of my life and you had to share me” 


Peter looked at him and said “Under three conditions. First. I want you to have a prenup drawn up completely protecting your assets from me. I  get nothing from you if we divorce,. Second. That  you SWEAR  to me and these two that you will never leave them for me. I  will divorce you if you do that. Third, That you DO NOT give me access to your finances. If Mast… Vince ever found out I was married to a rich man. He would try to take advantage of it and me. If you meet my conditions I won’t be able to hurt you and he will stay away” 


“Please, I hate him but I can’t resist him. His control is built into me. I never want to see him again. Don’t give him a reason to come back into my life” Peter pleaded 


Apex fought down his anger that the man he loved was so broken


“I will do as you ask, but everything but the part about Ted and Warren goes out the window if Vince is ever no longer a threat OR your therapist says you can be trusted” he said then he thought of one more thing Peter needed to know


He told him about his lifestyle, how he pozzed neg boys who were straight or cheating. It was something he had no intention of grieving up for anyone


“I regret leaving you not pozzing you. I pozzed several people and it always gives me a head rush. I only stopped when I learned I was resistant to meds, I didn't want to pass that on” Peter said 


“If I only have a little time left I want to spend that with Apollo but if I have longer I want to try to be part of what you three have if you will let me: Peter said to his brother and his husband 


“I think incest could be hot” Warren said with a smile 


“I'd like to watch that” Ted said smiling too 


“I think I need a nap” Peter said “So much has happened today and I didn't sleep well last night” 


As he went to his bedroom Apex went out on the back patio to make some phone calls


First he called his lawyers and requested several things be drawn up and overnighted to him.


Then he called the courthouse and found out what was involved in getting married. He was advised that if he was in a rush that a quick trip over the border into the neighboring state would vastly sped things up when he asked what the shortest time it could be done in was 


Then he called his mom


“Mama, I’m getting married, probably in three days and there are some people who are very important to me I want you to meet. Will you fly out? I want you here for it” he said. He had not visited in many years but he called his mom at least once a week 


“Well, that's a surprise! And who, pray tell, is my confirmed bachelor of a son marrying in such a rush?” She asked but she sounded pleased 


“The only man I would ever consider marrying. The only man I have ever loved until recently” Apollo told his mon, bracing for an explosion


Isn’t it off how we all turn into little boys when our mom is mad at us?


There was silence on the other end of the line for a moment then finally “I see, and how long has Peter been back in your life?” she said and she did not sound pleased anymore  


Apollo looked at his watch “About 6 hours” he responded holding the phone away from his ear quickly 


The next door neighbor looked up at what sounded like a woman in the distance yelling “WHAT???” 


“Calm down Mama! Please!” Apollo pleaded and the he told him a VERT edited and cleaned up version of today’s events, finishing with the fact that he couldn’t wait because Peter may not have much time left and that Apollo could not imagine what never being Peter’s husband, if only for a little while would do him now that they had found each other again  


“You are such a good, loving boy Apollo but are you sure?” She asked 


“Absolutely, Mama” He said 


“Then you have to do it” She said simply 


“You will come?” he asked 


“Yes I will come. I would not miss your wedding for anything” she said 


“Listen, I need you to call Uncle Chris for me. I need a favor. Someone needs to be dealt with” he said and told her about Vince and what he had done to Peter 


“That poor boy. He made a mistake but no one deserves that” she said “I will call your Uncle and he will get it dealt with” she promised 


The day after a package arrived from Apex’s lawyer. In it was the requested prenup as well as documents granting Warren and Ted every right a spouse would have and an agreement that if Apex was ever incapacitated that Warren would make medical decisions for him, Ted would make financial ones and Peter would not challenge either one 


Apollo’s Uncle ran the docks in a major northwestern sea port and lets just say he let some very interesting things slip through that maybe he shouldn’t 


The day before the wedding Vince got pulled over for a broken tail light. The officer said he thought he smelled something and searched the car.  In the trunk he found some of those things Apollo’s Uncle let slip through the port. Quite a lot actually 


The office was skeptical of Vince’s claim that he had never seen those things before. The D.A, believed him even less and the Feds didn’t believe him at all. The bust was big enough to make the national newspaper and Apollo put the story in a nice frame to give to Peter as a wedding gift 


I will pause here to acknowledge that considering hos lifestyle and preferences that Apex was being just the tiniest bit hypocritical here but he had never damaged anyone the way Peter had been damaged and what’s a little hypocrisy among friends? We all are hypocrites now and then 


Apollo’s mom arrived the day of the wedding. He had hired a Limo big enough to take the five of them across the border to a wedding chapel he had rented for the day and where a Justice of the Peace waited. He and Peter had gotten the marriage license the day before 


No one in the Limo noticed the four other Limos following them till they got to the chapel and most of the members of Apollo’s family got out of them to Apollo’s shock and happy surprise.


Even Apollo’s dad and his husband were there… 


The wedding was beautiful and Apollo's Uncle threw them an impromptu reception at a famous steak house a business associate of his owned 


His Uncle pulled him aside and said “I did you a favor now you will do me one. I know the situation and when it resolves one way or the other you WILL come home for a visit, either with your husband or to let your family help you through his loss. We are all praying for you both” 


Apollo nodded with tears in his eyes. Not for the thought that he might lose Peter, he was not very worried about that. He had been further along than Peter and they had had the same strain after all. He teared up for the love and acceptance his orthodox family was showing him and his new husband 


That night when he and Peter got into bed Peter felt something hard under his pillow and pulled out the framed story of Vince’s arrest and his eyes widened as it sank in. 


“You just happened to find this in the newspaper and I have never seen you with a newspaper in my life?” He said 


“Yup! Pure coincidence!” Apex said nodding innocently 


“And Vince was never into that stuff. He hated even the thought of it” Peter continued suspiciously 


“Maybe that was a pose so people wouldn’t figure it out” Apex said in that same innocent voice 


“And Vince was broke all the time. He never had money” Peter went on 


“Again a pose to fool people. You do realize you have called him Vince twice now don’t you?” Apex said 


“I don’t know how you did this and I really don't want to know but thank you Baby” Peter said gently, setting the frame on the nightstand, then they made love carefully, Peter was still frail and they had done a lot that day 


Apex remembered something as Peter lay sleeping  with his head on his new husband’s chest 


“You in there?” He thought at the Dark voice in his mind 


“I’m here most of the time” The voice said 


“Care to explain what you said back in the Hospice?” Apex asked 


“It’s relatively simple. Peter is your perfect match. The spirit your spirit was meant to be with and has been with in thousands of past lives. It makes things a bit sticky for me. Because you are with your perfect match you could drive me out if you wanted to. I have to have permission to stay” the Dark voice said 


Apex thought back and the voice had actually started talking to him when Peter started seeing Vince


“Did you arrange our breakup? Were you behind the whole thing?” he thought angrily 


“Not the breakup actually, I was just drawn to the situation though.- I did influence things to get you infected with that virus but Peter met Vince totally on his own” the voice replied “I just took advantage of the situation” 


“Why are you being so honest with me? You could have just said no and kedt it at that” He asked still somewhat angry 


The voice sighed “I wish you hadn’t asked that. Ok, When you are with your perfect match I can’t deceive you. I have to answer your questions truthfully because your permission to let me stay has to be made based om the truth. I REALLY hate that rule but it is a rule. If I lie to you I have to leave and can't come back. I have had more fun with you than anyone ever so I’m following the rules to th letter” it said 


“Ok, if you want to stay I am asking you to never hide anything from me if it could hurt me or someone I love or care about. Do we have a deal? Oh and none of this convincing yourself that harm is actually good in some way. Let me know and I will decide.” He though 


The Dark voice cursed in several languages. Only  a few of which Apex knew then finally said “We have a deal” 


“Ok, go away and let me sleep. Talk to you soon” Apex thought with a smirk 


The Dark voice growled but went away 


“Apollo, who are you talking to? I don’t recognize that other voice” Peter asked still half asleep 


 “No one Babe, go back to sleep” He said kissing the to[[ pf that blonde head 


He was tired too so it didn’t register that Peter had heard a conversation that had taken place inside his head


There was a small follow up story in the paper the next day about even more of that stuff had been found in Vince's house and in a storage unit he rented bit they didn’t see that one. None of them ever read the paper 


Apollo’s mom stayed for a few days and didn't batt an eye when he introduced Warren and Ted as his lovers the day after the wedding. They didn't mention that Peter and Warren were brothers though. That may have been a bit to much for her


“Yesterday morning I had one son, today I have four. I’m a lucky woman” She said 


“Mrs. Preda…” Warren started a bit awkwardly 


“Mama!” she said cutting you off “I am Mama to all of you from now on and that's the final word on it” and she stared at them all imperiously 


“Yes Mama” They all said finally. Not even Warren was a match for Mama Preda 


She took to Warren like she had known him all her life and she adored Ted by the time she left. She was still of two minds about Peter, It depended on how he treated her son


They had a scare when Peter got sick about a month after the wedding but after a 2 day low fever he recovered 


A month later he had put on a couple pounds and he was looking better. A month after that his test results showed The Angle Strain was now dominant and his numbers were coming up. He was going to make it 


He stood up for his brother at their vow renewal and Apex stood up for Ted as they pledged themselves to each other for a 2nd time in a beautiful ceremony


Apex’s wedding gift to them was a trip. They would accompany he and Peter to visit Apex’s family for two weeks, though Warren and Ted would stay in a beautiful bungalow on a cliff overlooking the ocean that had easy beach access, while Apex and Peter would stay with Mama Preda.


The bungalow was only a 30 minute drive from town so they would have plenty of time with the family and plenty of privacy


They threw a huge party the day after they arrived and Mama Preda got everyone's attention and then grabbed Ted and Warren who had been hanging back ri avoid notice 


“You all know Apollo married Peter recently but before that he was in a polyamorous relationship with his two life partners, Ted and Warren here. I believe Peter has joined that relationship and they are all life partners now. I accept this and I look on Ted and Warren as my sons just like I do Peter. Please welcome all three to the family. Oh and you can look up polyamorous yourself. I had to” She said 


And that was that. Mama Preda said it and it was done, Any doubts who ruled this family?


Peter looked a little apprehensive though “Am I part of your relationship?” 


“Do you want to be?” Ted asked and he took one of Peter’s hands


“Yes, do you?” Warren asked taking his brothers other hand 


Peter indeed with tears in his eyes 


Apollo came up behind Peter and wrapped his arms around all three crushing them together in a tight hug “Mine forever!” he said possessively “All three of you4 and I am yours” 


They all repeated his words “Mine forever! All three of you and I am yours”  and it was a vow and a bond 


There is just one thing” Warren said “I think we need a new house because we definitely need a bigger bed” 


“We will have a house designed and built, I already know what the bathroom will look like” He said remembering his recurring dream 


Two days later Apollo’s little cousin Ari turned 18 and there was another party. The four of them went to help set up 


“Little Ari” was not so little any more. He was tall as Apollo at six foot six but much more muscular. He looked like a  golden haired and furred Greek god straight down from Olympus. His eyes were a blue so pale the looked silver in some lights 


Before the party began Ari approached the four of them and gave them all a slightly more than warm hug 


“I know what I want from my birthday from you four” he said “though I’m not sure you can give it to me” 


“And what is that Ari?” Apollo said but he had a guess 


“I want all four of you to take my virginity but I want Cousin Peter’s loads bare. I know what makes you look like that and you are so hot and beautiful. I want to look like that someday. I had a neighbor with HIV when I was younger. He looked just like that and I lusted after him but he never knew. He went on meds and moved away last year” he said looking at Peter with longing and lust in his eyes 


“That’s why I don’t know if you can give it to me. I know your health is improving but that it was a close thing. Are you medicated or can you transmit it?” he asked. In his youth he didn't realize what he was asking could offend some people but not these people. Four cocks grew rock hard


“We are all poz and toxic Ari, but we can’t give it to you because the family would kill us” Apex says as his predatory side came out, wanting to infect this boy so bad “Why do you want it anyway?” 


“I’m going to college in a couple months and no one expects an 18 year old to be poz. I will be able to infect so many guys!” He said and a fifth cock got rock hard “And they won’t kill you if they don’t know!” 


 “You two are staying out at the beach” he said, indicating Ted and Warren “I am supposed to go on a camping trip alone in a couple days, I do it all the time since my dad stopped hoping last year. The campground is only a mile or so away from where you are staying and my site is isolated/ so if I hike down to the beach I can be there in just a few minutes. I will swear I got it at college because a lot of guys are going to get infected. I really want to see if I can get a few drunk straight guys at the fraternity parties”  


Apex remembered that his mom had told him that Ari had suggested the bungalow he rented for Warren and Ted. This was a devious young man. He might have to start calling him Ari Predator and that gave him an idea to think about later 


“You two come out to the beach for a three day visit with your life partners and we fuck for three days. I should be poz by the end of that.” Ari finished 


“You have this all thought out” Peter said “And I for one would be happy to infect you if you really want it” 


“I want you to be my first cousin Peter” Ari said 


“I would be honored” Peter said smiling warmly 


Ari walked away smiling to greet the guest coming in 


“The only problem is he will never get like Peter is now because the Angel Strain doesn’t do that” Warren said 


“I am going to try to recruit that young man and I can make him look like he wants if he accepts me, like I did it to you, Apex” The Dark voice said to Apex in his head 


“Who was that?” Peter, Warren and Ted all said together looking around 


“Oh good! You all heard me! I have been trying for weeks! I want you all!” The Dark voice said excitedly 


Apex motioned with his head and they all stepped back into a hallway. He explained about the Dark voice and what it had done to and for him with the voice adding comments here and there, making them believe everything Apex told them 


“Are Warren and Ted a perfect match like Peter and I are?: Apex asked and the voice swore in several languages again but finally said yes grudgingly 


“Tell them what that means and this goes for you too Peter” Apex said 


The voice went through it all again 


“I can do some nice things for you, You two saw the work I did on Apex after he found out he had the Angel Strain. I can change your bodies somewhat” The Darkness told them and it made some suggestions. “You could call it a sign on bonus” it finished 


“Cab  you make me healthy and sturdy enough to take a good fucking from Apex but keep me looking like this on top of that?” Peter asked 


“Nothing simpler” it said 


“Would you all mind?” Peter asked the other three and they all said he was beautiful like he was and so sexy 


“I don’t need what you offered, I’m happy like I am” Ted said “Nit I reserve the right to ask for something in the future” 


“That’s fair” The voice said 


Apex told them what questions to ask to make the voice always totally honest with them and the voice grumbled as they all made the same bargain Apex had 


All three felt The Darkness take up residency in their minds and both Peter and Warren felt their underwear get tighter. Peter felt his body grow sturdier and stronger 


They had to get some place privat and see The Darkness’s handiwork so they went and hugged Ari and wished him a happy birthday and then told Mama that they were going to go to the beach for a few days but they would have nearly a week left when they came back 


They swung by Mama’s house and grabbed their suitcases and headed for the Bungalow 


When they got there they put their bags in the 2nd bedroom and all headed into the main one 


They stripped and naturally Apex and Ted were unchanged but Warren was now totally smooth and had a muscle tone he had never achieved before. Pater was sturdier but if anything more thin and gaunt/ 


The real difference was what flopped out of their underwear. They had both had about 6 ½ inches that had been very chubby.


What was there now was almost frightening. Warren now had 9 inches plus a little and it was perfectly smooth like his body, His balls that were huge and hung down low. Peter  was just a hair short of 10 inches and it had ropey blue veins. His balls were just a bit larger that Warren’s but what was scary was the girth of their cocks 


From top to bottom they were every bit as thick as Apex. From side to side  they were a full inch and a half thicker. They could lay their hands on top of their had cocks and only have half the thumb stick off the side 


“Fuck, those things are never going in me” Apex said 


“Me either” Ted said looking frightened 


“I would not bet on that” Warren said grinning evilly 


“I don't bottom” Apex said 


“Funny, I seem to remember someone saying that his Peter could have his ass any time he wanted” Peter said grinning just as evilly 


“That was over a decade ago and you didn’t have that monster then!” Apex said sounding nervous 


“You didn’t put an expiration date on it my love, someone has been brutalizing everyone else's hole and maybe it’s time he got a taste of his own medicine” Peter said as he and Warren advanced on their husbands slowly 


Next Chapter: OUCH? and The Predator Family 


The Apex/Apollo thing is just what side of his personality is dominant at the moment. Either the Predator or the soft emotional side/ It’s not a split personality in the classic sense and can flip in an instant. Apollo is healing and coming out more but Apex will always be the dominant side 


Let me know what you think!




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Apex and Ted both took an involuntary step back as Warren and Peter advanced on them. 


The two brothers looked at each other and then started laughing at the looks of terror on their husbands faces 


“Oh my god! I wish I had a camera!” Warren said and Peter nodded with a smile 


Ted laughed though he still sounded a little nervous. He had only bottomed for Apex for a specific reason and hadn’t since the test results confirming he was poz. If Warren really wanted it he would bottom for him because he would do anything for Warren but…


They had an understanding. Ted was a Bad Boy who treated Warren roughly, fucked him hard and to the outside world seemed to be the dominant partner but it was Warren who controlled things in the bedroom. Ted did what Warren wanted and Warren never wanted his Bad Boy to bottom for him 


Apex tried to laugh but couldn’t. Peter bringing up his promise to bottom any time for him, a promise Peter had used to betray him, had brought up too many emotions. Things best left buried in Apex’s opinion 


Then Peter was there gilding him and in Apex’s eyes he was the beautiful Peter of their youth but now more handsome at just over 30. Even Peter’s cock was the way it used to be and he wondered which was the illusion and which was reality


“Peter has things to do that will require him to look more normal. Right now only you can see both but he will eventually learn to control the change himself” The Dark voice told him 


“Change?” Apex asked 


“Yes, right now it’s an illusion but as time goes by and I work with him more he will eventually be able to actually physically change back and forth. It might come in handy someday but you will always be able to see Normal Peter when you want. It’s my gift to you tp make up for the past a little” The Dark voice said 


Peter heard all this but Ted and Warren didn’t. They would learn in time 


“Guys, I need to talk to Apollo alone. We will see you in the morning, ok?”  Peter asked 


“Go ahead” Warren said as his crazy, romantic Ted swept him up into his arms to carry him into the bedroom 


“I didn’t think when I brought up your past promise Baby” Peter said when they were alone in the second bedroom, there were three in total  “I don’t think you were ready for that and maybe never will be because of what I did” 


“You are the only person I have ever bottomed for and…” Apollo said trying to sound like Apex 


“And I betrayed you” Peter said seeing through his ruse “I will never ask you to bottom for me again. I’m sorry if I hurt you” 


Apollo looked at this beautiful man who looked just a few years younger than the husband in his dream and let the hurt go. He made gentle love to this beautiful Peter that night and they truly started healing the old hurts, not just hiding and ignoring them 


The next morning they had breakfast and headed down to the beach. They all wore loose shorts and a t-shirts and Peter’s gauntness was not so obvious


They had two days to kill before Ari got there 


They sat together watching the other beachgoers, though they sat somewhat apart from them 


One young man in his early 20s caught their attention. He was tall, dark haired, hairy chested, nicely muscled and had a great ass in his tight trunks. He was  showing off for a woman a few years older than him who smiled indulgently as she lounged on a beach blanket. He joined her and they kissed then sunbathed together 


“I’d love to catch him drunk and breed him” Apex said and the others agreed 


“Is getting them drunk a kink for you? Dies it turn you on or something?” The dark voice asked and they all heard it


“It makes them easier to handle and makes them forget what happened. I am usually forcing myself on them and infecting them with a disease but none of the drunk boys have ever made any nasty accusations that I know of” Apex said.


In the past he had not cared what happened to him and he had the money to hire the best lawyers but now he had a family and probably needed to be more careful 


“They don’t forget because they are drunk. If I can’t recruit them I make them forget, p. Them being drunk actually makes it harder for me because to accept me they can’t be under the influence. It’s another one of those pesky riles I hate” The Dark voice said 


“You try to recruit all the men I have pozzed?” Apex asked surprised 


“Not on the same level as you but yes. All the sex is fun to watch but there is a reason for it. The people I direct you too need changing. They are headed down destructive paths that will harm a lot more people than the paths you put them on. It’s one of the few things I agree with Order and Chaos on. If they accept me I can change their path” it told them 


“Order and Chaos?” Warren asked 


“I will tell you about those two busybodies some other time, they do a lot of good but they have a more narrow definition of what’s good for people than I do” It replied 


“If we don’t get them drunk how do we get them into a position that we can poz them?” Apex asked 


“Well there are four of you and there will usually only be one of them so…” The Dark voice left it hanging 


They all got the idea immediately and all started to get hard 


“You know, I have restraints, gags and a few other things in my bags, just  in case” Apex threw out "You know, the basics every poz predictor needs"


“One more thing. The more overwhelming their physical sensations are the easier it is for me to get them to let me in. Just don't leave obvious marks on them” the Dark voice said and they all got a little harder 


Chuck lay on the blanket after his girlfriend left. She always teased him. He wanted to marry her and take care of her but she would never give him an answer. She was great in bed though so he kept after her, His parents told him he could do better but he was in love and he knew deep inside she loved him and would realize it someday 


“Howdy” A voice said and he looked up to see a guy laying out a blanket about 10 feet away 


Chuck nodded and smiled then went back to thinking about his girlfriend. All the showing off earlier had made him thirsty and he had drained his drink. He picked it up and shook it to see if he could get one more swallow 


“Empty?” the man nearby asked 


“Yeah” he said and sat it back down 


“I’m staying up in that bungalow, you are welcome to come get some water. I think we have soda too” he said 


“Water would do and thanks” Chuck said 


“No problem, the name’s Ted, come on up” Ted said 


“Chuck here” Chuck said, bending down to pick up the blanket and the pack that had his phone and wallet in it and they walked towards the stairs together. Another man at the top of the stairs saw them head up and went in the bungalow 


They shook out their blankets and left them outside then Ted opened the door 


As Chuck followed Ted in the door shut and he felt his arms grabbed from behind. He saw Ted grab something off a nearby table 


As he opened his mouth to yell “What the fuck?” Ted shoved something in his mouth and someone stepped up behind him and buckled the gag in place. He was wrestled into a bedroom where the a man stepped in front of him 


The man was blond and skinny to the point of being gaunt. He was also totally naked and his cock was rock hard and dripping. He took Chuck’s pack and sat it on a table then turned back 


“Very nice” The man said looking him up and down and then cupping the bulge in his trunks with a bony hand while pitching his nipple with the other, Chuck struggled to pull away but the man let go and walked behind him 


He really started struggling when he felt that bony hand slide down the back of his trunks and a finger slide into his ass 


“MMMM that's a virgin straight boy ass. This is going to be fun” the man said 


He was stripped and his wrists were wrapped in leather cuffs that were secured to the bedposts as he continued to struggle. His ankles were also cuffed and he was bent almost in half as they were secured to ropes coming from the same bedposts 


As the skinny, sick looking man crawled between his legs all he could think is “Why is my cock hard?” 


The man looked down at him and said “I look this way for exactly the reason you think I do. I have HIV and I’m very toxic. I’m going to fuck your ass bare and cum in you so maybe someday you can look like this too” 


Chuck looked at him and shivered struggling against his bonds, then a hand came in from the side and put sharp clips attached by a chain on his nipples and all he could do was writhe in pain but his cock got even harder 


He felt something blunt press against his asshole and finally pop in as more and more pressure was applied. He really screamed as the head of that evil looking man’s cock popped in to his virgin hole 


“Stop fighting it, enjoy it, I can help you with that if you let me in” a Dark voice said in seductive tones in his mind 


The man pulled the head out and shoved it back in sinking more in and making it hurt even worse 


“I can make this feel so good for you, just let me into your mind” the Dark voice purred 


“No!” he though back 


The skinny man was working his way deeper and deeper and in a few minutes was sliding in and out. His cock was so wide it could never stop hurting him 


“I can make you love the pain, welcome it, crave it, just let me in” the Dark voice whispered insidiously 


“No!” he thought back again, though he didn’t know why he was fighting so hard 


Someone pulled on the chain to the clips on his nipples and shook it making him writhe even more, whimpering in pain 


“Why fight me so hard? You know you are enjoying this on some level, All I want to do is set that side of you free. Just let me in and it will feel so much better” The Dark voice said sounding like a concerned friend 


Something in him broke “You will make it feel better?” he asked 


“I promise” the dark voice said 


“Do it, please” Chuck begged and he felt the Dark voice slide into his mind


Everything changed even though nothing really changed. The cock in his ass still hurt but the pain felt good somehow. The thought of being infected with HIV still terrified him but it also had am erotic allures and he found himself wanting to let the HIV ravage his body 


A hand reached behind his head and removed the gag 


“Thank you” Chuck said, not even thinking of calling for help 


The emaciated man between his legs was breathing harder and slamming into him with every thrust as he sped up


“I’m  going to breed you now, I’m going to shoot my HIV filled cum so deep in you it will knock you up and my virus will seep into your blood. You will be mine forever because my virus will live inside of you” he said  “Tell me you want my toxic poz seed to infect  you!” 


“Do it man! Give it to me!” He moaned and he found himself really wanting it 


The Dark voice chuckled in his mind, “See?” it said 


The sick man fucking him stiffened as his cock throbbed and Chuck felt a hot, wet feeling inside. He imagined he could feel the virus invading his bloodstream and came hard shooting cum that splattered his chest and hit him in the chin 


After the thin man caught his breath he got up and Ted crawled between his legs kissing him 


“There are three more of us who are going to breed you and we are all poz. Do you want us to untie you?” he asked 


“No man, just fuck me like this. I kind of like it. Pull on that chain now nd then too” he said and Ted grinned as he slid in fucking him hard and fast, tugging on the chain as he added a 2nd poz load to the first 


A smooth man with a cock as thick as the sick man’s slid in next and jackhammer fucked him rill a third poz load was deposited in his sore, raw ass 


He felt a new kind of delicious pain and the man called Apex rammed in and burst past his inner ring. 


“Take my toxic load you little slut” Apex grunted a few minutes letter as he deposited the fourth toxic load in him 


They finally untied him and the sick man who was named Peter made out with him as he fucked him a second time 


Later he was kneeling between Ted’s legs in the living room, getting his first lesson in cock sucking when his phone rang in the pack on the table beside them 


He fished it out and saw it was his girlfriend so he answered 


“I’ve been thinking, if you buy me a nice ring I might give you an answer this tine” she told him, teasubf gun again


“Ummm, yeah, about that. I’ve changed my mind. I’ve decided I like cock better, thanks for offering though” he replied 


“Haha, very funny, stop joking with me Chuck” she snapped 


He activated his phone’s camera and let her watch him sucking Ted’s cock for a few seconds then clicked off the camera again 


“Still think I’m joking? Have a nice life” he said and hung up on her 


“Good for you! She sounded like a bitch!” Ted said and then grabbed his hair to roughly pull his month back to his cock and started fucking his throat 


Apex knelt behind him and slid his thick 12 inches up that already battered ass then reached around to pinch his tender nipples, Several minutes he came for the third time that day as he took poz cum in his mouth and as at the same time


“I better go” Chuck said reluctantly as they stood 


“You don’t have to you can stay as long as we are here” Ted said and the others nodded agreement 


“I would at least need to go home and throw some clothes in a bag” he said excitedly and they all smiled at his eagerness. They let him shower and waved as he headed for his car. He would be back in a couple hours he said 


They each took quick showers and went to a local restaurant for dinner, getting take out for Chuck, in case he was hungry 


As they sat around the table waiting for their food Apex brought up something he had been thinking about


“We are a family now and I would like to do something to show it so everyone knows” he told his three life partners 


“My last name is Preda, Ted’s is Date, Warren and Peter’s is Orwell, If we take the beginning of each we get Pre Dat Or. I would like us to adopt the family name Predator. Maybe even legally change our names to that” 


“Only if you keep your first name Apollo. You can make your middle name Apex” Peter said very firmly “I like this Apex fellow but I married and love Apollo” 


Apollo took his hand and kissed it “I love you too Peter” 


Warren chuckled “I want to see how much is left of him after he tells Mama Preda he is changing his name. She won’t like that” 


Ted said “I don’t have a problem with it either. I don’t have any other family I care to claim”  and it was decided 


Chuck drove up just seconds behind them when they got back 


When they got inside he told them “The Bitch called my parents and told them I was gay” 


Warren winced “It’s called outing someone. Was it bad?” he asked 


“Nah, they are relieved. They always said I could do better than her and they don’t care if that someone better is a dude” Chuck laughed 


The next day they hung out at the beach all morning and fucked all afternoon. They mentioned that Ari would be there the next day and he was welcome to stay and meet him 


The next day when Ari arrived he gave all four of them big hugs and then they introduced him to Chuck who had been hovering in the background 


They just stared at each other like they had found something that had been missing from their lives and now that they had found it they would never let it go. They finally touched and then Chuck was in Ari's arms and they were kissing  


“I think Chuck just found his Someone Better” Peter said with a gentle smile


“Why me? Not ANOTHER perfect match couple to deal with!” the Dark voice groaned and confirmed it


Next Chapter: Ari gets what he wants 


Let me know what you think! 




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  • 1 month later...
On 6/27/2024 at 1:31 PM, Scanbu said:

.....Next Chapter: OUCH? and The Predator Family 


The Apex/Apollo thing is just what side of his personality is dominant at the moment. Either the Predator or the soft emotional side/ It’s not a split personality in the classic sense and can flip in an instant. Apollo is healing and coming out more but Apex will always be the dominant side 


Let me know what you think!



@Scanbu YOU ARE AN ARTIST IN STORY TELLING - soooooo HOT and it makes us all who foudn this story cummmmm with each chapter at least once ... 


so well written and sooooo deliciously wicket and long .... KEEP WRITING - we all shall appreciate your genius !!!!! 



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Loved the rendezvous with Mat (student & virgin). Especially when (in spite of Mat's resistance to the suggestion of 'kinky' play), he is swiftly tied up and gagged, in advance of his cherry (& neg status) being claimed by a horny; poz predator!


Wish there were more accounts / tales where the neg guy gets bound & gagged!

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