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7 hours ago, nanana said:

So Bootman, you didn’t really address my question about the faults of the Democrats but deflected it back to how bad the Republicans are.  Maybe you don’t have it in you to provide a non-partisan critique, which is really what my question was testing. Would any other Democrats like to try to explain why they tolerate corruption in their party and seem to only be capable of deflecting? 

Tolerate corruption? You mean the way the Democratic leadership pushed hard on Sen. Menendez until he resigned before going to trial? The way we pushed Anthony Weiner out of office? Where, exactly, is this toleration for Democratic-specific corruption manifesting itself? Let's compare Menendez with, say, oh, I don't know, George Santos, who had to be expelled by the House because he was so corrupt he refused to resign - only to then admit his guilt and plead guilty to felonies trying to avoid a very long prison sentence. See how it works when you do direct comparisons?

You made casual reference to Pelosi and insider trading, without a shred of evidence (or maybe you just don't understand what "insider trading" actually is). If it were up to me, members of Congress and their spouses would be forbidden from owning individual stocks at all, and presidents would be required to put all personal assets (except, perhaps, one home) into a blind trust. But that's never going to happen when you have someone like Trump as president, or when members of both parties own substantial stock holdings, even if those are tilted towards Republicans. 

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19 minutes ago, Rillion said:

Can you explain the virtues of the stale cheese sandwich, but don't deflect by pointing out that the only alternatives are to starve or eat a pile of shit. 

As someone (and I can't remember who, unfortunately) put it: it's like being on an airplane where meals are still served, and the flight attendant tells you that your choices are chicken, or a shit sandwich filled with shards of glass. Being undecided at this point in the election is like looking at those choices and asking "How is the chicken prepared?"

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31 minutes ago, Rillion said:

Can you explain the virtues of the stale cheese sandwich, but don't deflect by pointing out that the only alternatives are to starve or eat a pile of shit. 

You get to live without being made a felon by being gay.  

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5 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

As someone (and I can't remember who, unfortunately) put it: it's like being on an airplane where meals are still served, and the flight attendant tells you that your choices are chicken, or a shit sandwich filled with shards of glass. Being undecided at this point in the election is like looking at those choices and asking "How is the chicken prepared?"


Or choose not to eat airplane food.


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BOOTMANLA !!!    How on EARTH was that produced ???   It's 100% GENIOUS !!!  

If that guy is a real person, HE'LL sweep the Academy Awards next time around !!! 

I'm still laughing ..... 🤩

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5 hours ago, hntnhole said:

BOOTMANLA !!!    How on EARTH was that produced ???   It's 100% GENIOUS !!!  

If that guy is a real person, HE'LL sweep the Academy Awards next time around !!! 

I'm still laughing ..... 🤩

I have no idea, but it's pretty fucking hysterical. And spot on.

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18 hours ago, topblkmale said:

Or choose not to eat airplane food.

OK, how about this: You're being asked to choose the meal that's going to be served to everyone in your world for the next four years. Those are your only choices, and starving everyone by refusing to choose isn't an option.

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On 9/11/2024 at 1:29 PM, NEDenver said:

You get to live without being made a felon by being gay.  

This hits home as someone who has been arrested and charged with a felony for being gay. And it wasn't that long ago. 1998. It was in Virginia and the law used to charge me was almost 100 years old (a "sodomy" law). The cruising park was routinely patrolled by undercover cops pretending to be gay and entrapping gay guys into asking them if they wanted sex. Of course, the same police methods were not practiced in the hetero environ. You'd never find an undercover female cop in a straight bar or __________, pretending to be straight to try and entrap a guy if he came on to her. It was obviously a policy against homosexuality and homosexuals.  One doesn't have to search too hard to be aware that there is a strong anti gay element in the republican party... hello Pence, hello Johnson. Not to mention agenda 2025: 

"It calls for barring transgender people from the military and to stop what it considers the “toxic normalization of transgenderism” across the government and American society. It seeks to abolish the president’s Gender Policy Council, “which it views as promoting abortion and the ‘new woke gender ideology,’” Accountable.US notes.

The next Health and Human Services secretary, Project 2025 recommends, should reverse what it calls a focus on “‘LGBTQ+ equity,’ subsidizing single-motherhood, disincentivizing work, and penalizing marriage, replacing such policies with those encouraging marriage, work, motherhood, fatherhood, and nuclear families.”

[think before following links] https://www.advocate.com/politics/project-2025-anti-lgbtq

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On 9/11/2024 at 7:15 PM, topblkmale said:


Or choose not to eat airplane food.


When, in the history of humankind, has ignoring an egomaniacal wanna be potential world leader ever worked as the best policy?  History is replete with examples of too many of the general populace just looking the other way when yet another crazy comes on the scene and wants to be in control. We're not talking about something as benign as a meal on a plane, we're talking about putting someone in power who would effect the lives of millions of people for more than 4 years, and could potentially affect the course of humanity and life as we know it.  

Edited by tallslenderguy
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21 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

OK, how about this: You're being asked to choose the meal that's going to be served to everyone in your world for the next four years. Those are your only choices, and starving everyone by refusing to choose isn't an option.


Then the flights headed to Venezuela with chicken sourced from the Caracas zoo.


35 minutes ago, tallslenderguy said:

When, in the history of humankind, has ignoring an egomaniacal wanna be potential world leader ever worked as the best policy?  History is replete with examples of too many of the general populace just looking the other way when yet another crazy comes on the scene and wants to be in control. We're not talking about something as benign as a meal on a plane, we're talking about putting someone in power who would effect the lives of millions of people for more than 4 years, and could potentially affect the course of humanity and life as we know it.  


Enjoy your pollo. ¡Buen provecho!


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Now that the Debate Dust is settling, just a few observations;

One irritation for me, was the noticeable disinclination of the ABC moderators to shut The Mouth down.  They could have disabled his microphone any number of times, as he was ranting on and on and onandonandon in his cloud-cuckoo-land fashion, but it they seemed disinclined to do so.  

I've mentioned before that I don't see colors all that well - but was all that orange face-paint and hair-dye missing some of it's usual "brilliance"?  It didn't look like his regular dye-job, but maybe it's just me ..... 

And WTF is all this mess about immigrants eating people's pets?  

To the rest, the next President of the United States simply mopped the floor with his ratty ass.

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This cohort is pretty good at the comparison game, name calling (usually a sign of a failure of logic or empathy), critiquing hair color, expertise in domestic processes and quoting and embracing main stream media, tangential focus, and convincing me of the pointlessness of trying to transcend partisanship. Enjoy your self-convincing. Peace

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